Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1, pp. 1–21, February 2000 A Time-Dependent Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Model for California by Chris H. Cramer,* Mark D. Petersen,† Tianqing Cao, Tousson R. Toppozada, and Michael Reichle Abstract For the purpose of sensitivity testing and illuminating nonconsensus components of time-dependent models, the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) has assembled a time-dependent version of its statewide probabilistic seismic hazard (PSH) model for California. The model incorporates available consensus information from within the earth-science com- munity, except for a few faults or fault segments where consensus information is not available. For these latter faults, published information has been incorporated into the model. As in the 1996 CDMG/U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) model, the time- dependent models incorporate three multisegment ruptures: a 1906, an 1857, and a southern San Andreas earthquake. Sensitivity tests are presented to show the effect on hazard and expected damage estimates of (1) intrinsic (aleatory) sigma, (2) mul- tisegment (cascade) vs. independent segment (no cascade) ruptures, and (3) time- dependence vs. time-independence. Results indicate that (1) differences in hazard and expected damage estimates between time-dependent and independent models increase with decreasing intrinsic sigma, (2) differences in hazard and expected dam- age estimates between full cascading and not cascading are insensitive to intrinsic sigma, (3) differences in hazard increase with increasing return period (decreasing probability of occurrence), and (4) differences in moment-rate budgets increase with decreasing intrinsic sigma and with the degree of cascading, but are within the ex- pected uncertainty in PSH time-dependent modeling and do not always significantly affect hazard and expected damage estimates. Introduction A time-dependent probabilistic seismic-hazard (PSH) time-independent PSH models. In a Poisson model, the prob- ס model is felt by some to be important in loss assessments ability remains constant for any time period and has cov for insurance and risk management. In time-dependent mod- 1, by definition. els, the probability of earthquake occurrence increases with For most faults, we do not have adequate information the elapsed time since the last large or characteristic earth- to constrain time-dependent probabilities. However, for a quake on a fault or fault segment. A characteristic earth- few faults for which we think we have adequate information quake for a fault is an earthquake that essentially ruptures on time-dependent behavior, a time-dependent PSH model the entire area of the fault or fault segment. A time-depen- may be better at identifying the short-term risks for eco- dent model for a given fault is characterized by its recur- nomic loss assessment. In California, time-dependent source rence-interval probability-density function (distribution of models using a log-normal recurrence interval distribution times between large earthquakes), which often has a fixed have been developed and improved over the last decade, but coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by the studies have generally focused on only a portion of the state. mean). This coefficient of variation (cov) can be used to The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) first published indicate whether a time-dependent model is quasiperiodic time-dependent conditional probabilities, and their support- (cov Ͻ 1) or clustered (cov Ͼ 1) (Wu et al., 1995). For some ing data, for the San Andreas fault system in California faults, there is not enough information for time-dependent (WGCEP88, 1988). WGCEP88 used the concept of a para- modeling. We have modeled these faults using Poisson or metric sigma (rp) derived from the uncertainty in the esti- mate of the mean-recurrence interval for a specific fault, and an intrinsic sigma (ri) representing the standard deviation in *Present address: U.S. Geological Survey, 3876 Central Ave., Suite 2, the natural log-normal distribution of recurrence intervals. Memphis, Tennessee 38152-3050. †Present address: U.S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box 25046, MS-999, Intrinsic sigma represents the inherent randomness in recur- Denver, Colorado 80225-0046. rence intervals of characteristic earthquakes on a fault. 1 2 C. H. Cramer, M. D. Petersen, T. Cao, T. R. Toppozada, and M. Reichle ס WGCEP88 used ri 0.21 in computing their conditional probabilities. After the 1989 M 7.0 Loma Prieta earthquake, the USGS updated the time-dependent probabilities and in- formation for the San Francisco Bay area (WGCEP90, 1990). Litehiser et al. (1992) published a time-dependent PSH model for the San Francisco Bay area and compared time-dependent and time-independent results. Using an in- trinsic sigma of 0.21, Litehiser et al. found significant dif- ferences between time-dependent and Poisson maps at 10% exceedence in 50 years. More recently, the Southern Cali- fornia Earthquake Center (SCEC) published a time-depen- dent PSH model for southern California (WGCEP94, 1995) and found that 10% 0.20 ע using an intrinsic sigma of 0.50 exceedence in 50-year hazard estimates were not signifi- cantly different from their Poisson model. WGCEP94 (1995) also introduced the concept of cascading or combining con- tiguous fault segments of a major fault into combinations of multisegment rupture earthquakes, as well as single segment rupture earthquakes. CDMG’s responsibilities in reviewing loss assessments affecting public policy led CDMG to develop a statewide time-dependent PSH model based on available consensus in- formation for the purpose of sensitivity testing and consen- sus discussion. While this paper presents a time-dependent Figure 1. A map showing Type A faults from the model for California, the goal of this paper is to discuss the CDMG Poisson probabilistic seismic-hazard model. consensus and nonconsensus aspects of time-dependent Labeled features include CM, Cape Mendocino; modeling and show the sensitivity of the resulting hazard 1906, 1857, and SSA, modeled multisegment rup- maps to input parameters. In this article, sensitivity tests tures for the 1906, 1857, and postulated southern San Andreas earthquakes; R, Rodgers Creek fault; H, show the impact of intrinsic sigma, the degree of cascading, Hayward fault; SJ, San Jacinto fault; E, Elsinore fault; and time-dependence on hazard and expected damage esti- I, Imperial fault; LS, Laguna Salada fault; NC, Pn, mates in California, and on PSH model moment-rate budgets. SC, P, Ch, Cz, and M, the North Coast, Peninsula, Santa Cruz, Parkfield, Cholame, Carrizo, and Mojave segments of the San Andreas fault; and SH and B, the Superstition Hills and Borego Mountain segments of Model the San Jacinto fault. The box feature labeled CG rep- resents the dipping portion of the Gorda segment of The time-dependent PSH models used in this article the Cascadia subduction zone that is also in the build on the consensus time-dependent information from the CDMG Poisson model as a Type A fault. three Working Groups on California Earthquake Probabili- ties (WGCEP88, 1988; WGCEP90, 1990; WGCEP94, 1995) and on the consensus 1996 CDMG/USGS Poisson PSH the intrinsic (or aleatory) variability rlnT, which is the stan- model for California (Petersen et al., 1996). The time-de- dard deviation of the natural logarithm of the random recur- pendent elements replace the Type A fault elements of the rence interval T, that is intrinsic sigma. Intrinsic sigma rep- 1996 CDMG/USGS Poisson PSH model. These Type A faults resents the observed aleatory (random) variability in the are shown in Figure 1. Fault geometry and segmentation are log-normal variable T. In this article, conditional probabili- the same as in the 1996 CDMG/USGS model. Note that there ties have been derived only using intrinsic sigma (ri) for are some differences between the northern San Andreas fault rlnT. Previous working group reports used the square root of PSH model of WGNCEP96 (1996) and that of Petersen et the sum of the squares of both intrinsic and parametric al. (1996). This article uses the Petersen et al. (1996) model sigma. However, for this article, parameteric sigma repre- as a standard of comparison and hence uses the cascading sents an epistemic (knowledge or model) uncertainty and and fault parameters for the northern San Andreas of Peter- intrinsic sigma is an aleatory (random) variability. Paramet- sen et al. in its time-dependent models. ric sigma (rp) is the standard error in the estimate of the ס Conditional probabilities were derived in a manner mean of T and is related to intrinsic sigma by rp similar to that used by Southern California Earthquake Cen- ri/(Ί n), where n is the number of recurrence intervals avail- ter (SCEC) (WGCEP94, 1995), with an important distinc- able for estimating the mean-recurrence interval (Savage, tion. WGCEP94 (1995), in Appendix A, correctly identifies 1991, equation 6). that the log-normal probabilities should be computed using For those few fault segments with a sequence of dated A Time-Dependent Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Model for California 3 past characteristic earthquakes (Parkfield, Mojave, and the ri! Intrinsic sigma is the actual variance (standard deviation) Gorda segment of the Cascadia subduction zone in this ar- of recurrence intervals about the mean-recurrence interval ticle), the method of Savage (1991) provides estimates of determined from a dated sequence of earthquakes on a fault mean-recurrence interval and intrinsic sigma for calculating or as a mean value from a set of ri’s from other faults around conditional probabilities. A median-recurrence interval Tˆ for the world. The latest consensus intrinsic sigma mean value ן 1מ ס ˆ a sequence of nTi can be calculated from ln T n of 0.5 (WGCEP94, 1995) was applied to faults with only sum ln Ti, and its standard deviation can be calculated from one dated characteristic earthquake because (1) there is very מ2 ˆ ס ס22 rir lnTsum{[ln (T i/T)] }/(n 1) (Savage, 1991, little data available for California (see Discussion section) equations 5 and 9).
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