The Archi , rrable of Contents Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity 1914-1989 The Beginning. ............................. p. 2 "A Meeting" ............................... p. 4 The Chapters. .............................. p. 5 42nd Convention Set for Takeoff. .................... .p. 8 Comments on 75 Years of Alpha Rho Chi p. 9 The Grand Council Advisory Committee p. 10 1988 Alpha Rho Chi Medal Recipients. ................. p. 11 Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity Master Directory p. 16 Dedication As everyone knows, we are approaching Alpha Rho Chi's "Diamond Jubilee," the 75th anniversary of the Fraternity. At the same time, the Archi has reached it's 73rd anniversary of publication. With this in mind, we dedicate this issue of the Archi to all brothers, past and present, as a recollection of our founding and in anticipation of the celebration when we will all meet in Chicago. -The Editors About the Cover In tribute to the 73 years of the Archi, representative covers from years past have been reproduced to make up the cover of this issue. Number 1 is the original cover of the Archi from January 1916. Number 2 shows the typical Archi cover from 1922 to 1930. Number 3 is the cover of the 25th anniversary edition of April 1939. Numbers 4 through 6 are other interesting covers from the 1930's through the 1960's. The Archi January 1YS9 • 1 The Archi ALPHA RHO em FRATERNITY: 1914-19 expansion. Through the mediuI correspondence, Arcus had lear of our Sigma Upsilon Society an so developed that both were proce ing simultaneously in the san THE BEGINNING direction. Illinois communicated with t Gargoyle Society at Cornell, and V\:i from a speech by Leo M. Bauer, First WGA, November 14, 1964 budding societies at Harvard, Pen ­ sylvania, and Massachusetts Institu This story is a commemoration of conduct our affairs in a quiet, digni­ of Technology; none seemed int ­ more than fifty years of life. The fied manner because of some opposi­ ested, and negotiations ended. Fi­ story had its beginning in the years tion which had developed to all nally, these two ambitious societi 1910 and 1911, more than fifty-four fraternities in the University Senate. met head-on; matters took a turn i years ago, twice the numbers ago as It was most fortunate that Professor the positive direction; both elect many of you are of age. It envisions Provine followed the continuity of emissaries, Sigma Upsilon appointe two groups of young men, 16 in one, events after the graduation of the D.H. Williams, Jr., and later and 15 in another, both motivated by Class of 1910, for'it was he who gave Chandler C. Cohagen. Arcus ha the same inspiration and desire, yet active guidance to all. elected your humble chronicler. I completely unknown to each other. It Dr. Nathan Clifford Ricker is the was he who handled the voluminou was the thought of each group that it man to whom this chapter and the correspondence and tedious negotia­ expand in an endeavor to bring their Fraternity owes so much. His was a tion through four trying years! ambitions and desires to a happy distinguished personality; with a Through correspondence, the del­ fruition. brilliant mind; and a more fatherly egates had charged the other to pr ­ These young men wished to unite character never lived. He always gave mote a spirit of good will an in a common bond of devotion to the of his most valuable time to those benevolence that if ever a meetin Arts, particularly that of Architec­ who sought his advice and counsel. between them would take place, tha ture, to which they had dedicated He was then Professor Emeritus of such would redound to the credit their lives. These two organizations Architecture, and a former Dean of the men whom they represented. were the Sigma Upsilon Society of the the College of Engineering, of the Each was instructed by his fellows t University of Michigan with sixteen university. He was a man of very enter into negotiations in the spirit 0 members, and Arcus Club of the Uni­ great achievement and distinction. compromise, so that a national orga­ versity of IUinois with fifteen mem­ After a number of satisfying con­ nization might be formed. The mem­ bers. Sigma Upsilon was formed in ferences with Dean Thomas Arkle bers of each organization agreed that 1910 and Arcus Club was formed in Clark, then Dean of Men of the Uni­ a meeting should take place and so 1911. Arcus Club operated somewhat versity of Illinois, Dr. Ricker secured directed their delegates. Much corre­ secretly during the year 1912 upon formal recognition of Arcus Club spondence ensued, and tentative the advice of one man whose name from the faculty of the university in agenda worked out. It was deter­ became indelibly inscribed in the an­ 1913. Through Dr. Ricker's advice mined that the meetings be held at nals of this chapter, and of the Frater­ and with his urge to press forward, the Hotel Sherman in Chicago, be­ nity. He wished that we at Illinois Arcus began a course of pursuit for ginning on Friday, April 10th, 1914. 2 • January 1989 The Archi It was Good Friday, and what a lieved that no name could be more miserable day it was-fog, rain, and appropriate. The two delegates de­ all sorts, of foul weather, seeming to creed that Alpha Rho Chi should be make the task more difficult, and the name of the Fraternity on April discouraging in any viewpoint. You 11th, 1914. see, neither Cohagen nor myself had Dr. Ricker suggested that if na­ ever met, nor had we seen tional status were attained there "snapshots" of the other. Beforehand would be the matter of names for the we agreed that a proper means of various units or chapters. He be­ identification would be a white car­ lieved that it would be most appropri­ nation that each would wear. We had ate to choose such names from a list registered separately, and been as­ of Master Architects of the Ages with signed to our respective rooms. Prior extant great monuments: such as " e agreed to meet at the registration Anthemios, Architect of Sans Sophia; desk for assignment to a work room. Iktinos as Architect of the Par­ I remember it so well-it was Room t.henon; Demetrios as Architect of o. 834. I cannot picture to you the Temple of Zeus. The new chap­ adequately the first moments of ters would choose a name selected meeting. Here were two college stu­ fronl a master list to be approved dents who suddenly found them- Leo M. Bauer: Co-founder of Alpha with the forming of a national orga­ elves in the role of important men, Rho Chi (Anthemios Chapter), first nization. Thereupon abiding by the at least they thought so, and each WGA, designer of the Fraternity pins wishes of Arcus men, they chose the \'ould perhaps connive to outdo the and arms. name of the chapter as "Anthemios" ther. Alertness was the rule, remind­ and Cohagen chose the "Iktinos" as ing me of the story of the boy who the chapter name to replace Sigma the American Institute of Architects, had kicked his small sister in the Upsilon. tomach, because she turned around The Knights of Columbus, The Fra­ o fast. ternal Order of Elks, and The Frater­ Then came the division of respon­ nal Order of Odd Fellows. The sibilities. Iktinos would select the Each delegate had come with flower, the motto, and song, and the r ther heavily laden briefcases, proposed rough drafts were com­ ritual. After much research and -hich it was supposed contained in­ pleted the following day for submis­ work, these resolved themselves into i estible secrets. Each stated that he sion to the respective chapters. the white rose as the official flower; d come to determine whether or A matter of great importance and interest awai'ted us in the discussions the official song with lyrics by Pro­ t there was a real need for an fessor Arthur Cross of the University chitectural fraternity, whether the on the choice of a name. Dr. Ricker of Michigan, music from the German "pe of men would be desirous, with suggested to me that I should pro­ composition "How Can I Leave eeling of esprit de corps proper in pose at Chicago the name of the Thee," and the ritual by Messrs. Co­ e ensemble of aspiring architects. Fraternity as Alpha Rho Chi, which had already been approved by the hagen, McConkey and D.H. The first item of business on the men of Arcus. The first three letters Williams, Jr. Anthemios would de­ IfJenda was the matter of a constitu­ of Architecture or Architect would be sign all jewelry, the charter, and the . n and by-laws. Each delegate had transposed to the corresponding membership certificate. All such me with a rough draft of ideas of Greek letters "Alpha, Rho, Chi." An were executed. I believe the badge respective organization. They explanation to Cohagen caused him remains intact, but the crest and coat . re in part taken from the rules of to grasp for the name, and he be- of arms have been changed. All were e Archi January 1989 • 3 The Archi completed before the beginning of the Daily Illini on April 16th, 1914. World War I on September 1st, 1914. Through further negotiations be­ We concluded our negotiating and, tween the chapters, the Grand Coun­ discussions on the afternoon of April cil was created, and its initial 12th, Easter Sunday, believing that members were Cohagen as WGS, Mc­ HAVE You MADE our mission had been accomplished.
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