RG 23 - Records of the Office of Emergency Preparedness Records re. to Demonstrations, Civil Disturbances and Special Events, 1965, 1968-78 [74 boxes; 25 cu. ft.] Acc. 9L-014 Box 1 Inauguration of 1965 Civil Disturbances, Apr. 4 - 8, 1968 Black United Front, 1968-70 Students for a Democratic Society, 1968-70 Box 2 Poor Peoples Campaign & "Resurrection City" 1968 [Southern Christian læadership Conference] Box 3 Poor Peoples Campaign - 1968 Box 4 Poor Peoples Campaign - 1968 (including Solidarity Day, June 19, 1968) Box 5 Poor Peoples Campaign - 1968 Box 6 Poor Peoples Campaign - 1968 Assassination of Robert Kennedy - June 5, L968 Puerto Rican Delegation - June 15, 1968 Box 7 D.C. Bus Drivers - Possible Strike July 1968 Government Employees for a Democratic Society July - Aug. 1968 Summer in the Parks - Leaflets passed out by SNCC - 7114168 Black United Front - Jul. - Oct. 1968 Jehovah's 'Witnesses - July l8-2L,1968 Students for a Democratic Society - March on 26 July 1968 Quaker Brethren Action Movement - July 29 - Aug. L968 D.C. Taxicabs - Possible Strike Aug. 4 - 1,6,1968 Biafran Students - Aug. - Oct. 1968 War Resisters Iæague - Aug. 6 - 7, t968 Black Youth Rally of 8/9/68 Washington Mobilization for Peace Aug. 6 - 11, 1968 Committee for Formation of a New Party 11 Aug. 1968 Washington Lay Association 14 Aug. 1968 Black United Front 14 Aug. 1968 Washington Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam Aug. 15 - Nov. 1968 Captive Nations Committee Aug. 22-30,1968 Young Americans for Freedom & American Liturgical Congress B/21,/68 Committee for a True Democracy 30 Aug. 1968 Students for a Democratic Society 31 Aug. - Oct. 25, 1968 Marsalle Convalescent Home Rally 2 Sept. 1968 Citizens Crusade Against Poverty 5 Sept. 1968 American Servicemen's Union Sept. 1968 Rainbow Coalition 7 - 13 Sept. 1968 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Sept 7-15, L968 Box 8 Continental Congress on Evangelism Rally 11 Oct. 1968 Institute for Black Elected Officials 11 Sept. 1968 Black Nationalist Conference 15 Sept. 1968 Youth Organrzation of D.C. 16 Sept. 1968 Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen's Union 17 Sept. 1968 D.C. Board of Education Meetings 18 Sept. 1968 Demonstrators to Picket Presidential Candidates 19 Sept. 1968 Bus Operators Wildcat Strike 20 Sept. 1968 Govt. Printing Office - Alleged Racial Discrimination 23 Sept. 1968 Nigerian Embassy 25 Sept. 1968 Fire, Lorton Complex 25 Sept. 1968 National Student Association Strike & S.D.S. 27 Sept. 1968 Hippies & Yippies - Capitol Hill Investigation of Chicago Democratic Party Convention 27 Sept. - 17 Oct. 1968 Disturbance at D.C. Jail 29 Sept. 1968 Washington Peace Committee 30 Sept. 1968 Movement Groups - George Washington University 2-8 Oct. 1968 Arson, Selective Service Office at 1724 F, NW 4 Oct. 1968 Civil Disturbance at 14th and U Sts., 8 Oct 1968 Sanitation Employees Rally 9 Oct. 1968 Civil Disturbance H St., NE (after D.C. Armory Concert by James Brown) 13 Oct. 1968 Motorcyclist Assc. Rally on 19 Oct. 1968 Howard University 18 Oct. - 14 Nov. 1968 Demonstration by Cubans 18 Oct. 1968 National G.I. Week or International Solidarity Against the War in Vietnam 2t Oct. L968 Civil Problems with Rufus Mayfield 22 Oct. 1968 Prison Problems, Youth Center # 1 at Lorton 22 Oct. 1968 Federal Employees for a Democratic Society 23 Oct. 1968 Southern Christian læadership Confenrece (SCLC) Demonstration at HEW Building 23 Oct. 1968 Nigerian Students 23 Oct. L968 Demonstration, Dept. of Justice, re. Charges of Racism in Baltimore, Md. 23 Oct. t968 Citywide Welfare Alliance - Demonstrations at D.C. Hospital re. Medicaid Program 25 Oct. 1968 Howard University 4-Day Conference on Building a Black University 28 Oct. 1968 Catholic Lay Assc. - Unity Day Observance 29 Oct.1968 [in support of Washington priests disciplined by Archdiocese of Washington] Box 9 Civil Disturbances 30 Oct. 1968 Civil Disturbance - Shooting t4th &. Euclid 2 Nov. 1968 Election Day 5 Nov. 1968 G.\M. Univ. Student Demonstrations 7 Nov. 1968 Emergency Committee on Transportation Boycott 7 Nov. 1968 Civil Disturbance - Looting 1318 G, NW L1 Nov. 1"968 Natl. Welfare Rights Organization, "Spend the Rent" Campaign 13 Nov. 1968 Police Officer Shot 14 Nov. 1968 Lorton Prison Disturbance 19 Nov. 1968 Demonstration at F.T.C. by Consumer's Education & Protective Assc. of Philadelphia 21 Nov. 1968 Bomb Exploded, 15th & Const. 22 Nov. 1968 Shooting - Police Involved 24 Nov. 1968 Police Officer Shot 25 Nov. L968 Community Meeting re. Freeway Hearing ZDec.7968 City Welfare Alliance Demonstration 3 Dec. 1968 Police Shooting 3 Dec. 1968 Bus Drivers Strike - 4 Dec. 1968 Demonstration -'Women Strike for Peace 9 Dec. 1968 Demonstration - Remember the Pueblo Comm. L0 Dec. 1968 HUAC Reopens Hearings on Chicago Democratic Convention t2Dec.1968 Shooting - Police Involved 13 Dec. 1968 National Student Symposium on U.S. Foreign Policy - G.W. Univ 13 Dec. 1968 Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam 26 Dec. 1968 Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam - 1968-1970 Box 10 Coalition of Groups Against the War in Vietnam - 1969 (Folders 1 - 3) Box LL Demonstrations, Disturbances, etc. at Universities (American, Howard, George Washington, and Georgetown) -- 1969-70 Box L2 Demonstrations at Universities and High Schools - 1969 Box L3 Demonstrations at Universities and High Schools - 1.970 Box L4 Apollo 8 Crew - Parade and news conference - t/L/69 Demonstration in support of Adam Clayton Powell - Jan. 3-4, t969 Shooting of two FBI agents - 8 Jan. 1969 Nixon-Agnew Inauguration and Bacþround - 22 Jan. t969 Box L5 Nixon-Agnew Inauguration of 1969 Inauguration of 1969 - National Mobilization Comm. to End the War, SDS and others - Jan.1969 Washington Teachers' Union 2l Jan. L969 Clergy and Laymen Against the War in Vietnam - ?3 Jan. 1969 Assistant principal at Cardozo High School shot and killed - 24 Jan. 1969 Welfare Rights Arganization - 4 Feb. 1969 Taxicab drivers strike - 7 Feb. 1969 SDS Winter/Spring program - 20 Feb. 1969 Cardoza High School takeover - 20 Feb. 1969 Women Strike for Peace 20 Feb. 1969 Box L6 Shooting of four police officers 2l Feb. 1969 African & Afro-American Students Inaugural Gala for Dick Gregory at American Univ. - 25 Feb. 1969 SCLC March on Washíngton L4 Mar. L969 Anniversary of ML King's assassination - L8 Mar. 1969 Box 17 Hippie community - 20 Mar. L969 D.C. Transit Bus Drivers 22 Mar. 1969 Eisenhower's death 22 Mar. L969 Welfare Recipients "shop-in" at Sears 27 Mar. 1969 SANE (Natl. Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy) rally and march 27 Mar. - 7 Apr. 1969 Anti-War protestors - Dow Chemical 1 Apr. 1969 Ukranian Student Organization - 11 Apr. 1969 City Council hearings re. housing problems 1 Apr. 1969 Demonstrations at District Bldg. and Presidential Bldg. - Apr. 14+, 1969 AFL-CIO Mail Handlers Rally 15 Apr. 1969 Nationwide Tenants Rights Program & Am. Friends Service Comm. 15 Apr. 1969 Welfare Rights Organization 15 Apr. 1969 American Arab Union Rally 4 May 1969 Malcolm X Memorial Committee Festival at Meridian Hill Park May, 1969 Washington Area Union Carpenters Strike May 1969 Disorderly crowd, Wheeler Av. & Barnaby Rd. 2L lul. 1969 "Rainbow Coalition" [Black Panthers, Patriots and Lords] Sept. 1969 Welfare Rights Organization Sept. 1969 National Railroad Strike 1 Oct. 1969 Jewish Defense læague 1 Oct. 1969 Box L8 Wash. Web Pressmen's Union Strike t Oct. 1969 Vietnam Moratorium Committee - Demonstration L4-1"5 Oct. 1969 Three Sisters Bridge Protest Demonstration 15 Oct. 1969 Shah of Iran's state visit 20 Oct.1969 New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam - Demonstration 13-15 Nov. 1969 Box 19 New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam - Demonstration 13-15 Nov. 1969 Box 20 Vietnam Moratorium Committee and other anti-war groups Jan. + 1970 [Folders l-41 Box 2L Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Demonstration against Vietnam War Jan. 1970 Martin Luther King's Birthday ceremonies 15 Jan. 1970 Student MOB Committee 12-14 Feb. 1"970 D.C. Welfare Rights Arganization - Apr. 1970 D.C. læague of Women Voters - Apr. 1970 United Farm Workers Organizing Committee - Apr. 1970 Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam - Apr. 1970 2nd Anniversary of M.L. King's Assassination 4 Apr. 1970 March for Victory - Dr. Carl Mclntire 4 Apr. t970 Natl. Concerned Citizens Committee Against Narcotics Smuggling - 10 Apr. 1970 Asian Scholars Against the War - Apr. 1970 Anti-Vietnam War Demonstrations 13-15 April 1970 Earth Day - Apr. 1970 Physics teachers and students demonstration 29 Apr. 1970 Box 22 New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam - Rally - 9 May t970 March for Victory in Vietnam - 11 May - 3 Oct. t970 Box 23 National Welfare Rights Organzation - Demonstrations 13 May - Sept. 1970 National Organization for'Women - Nationwide strike - May L970 Ta¡ricab drivers'strike 13 May 1970 Postal Strike - 15 May 1970 Sanitation'Workers Strike 19 May 1970 D.C. Firemen Protest - t9-21May 1970 L,orton Prison Problems 23 May 1970 Action for Life 24 May 1970 Chemical-Biological Warfare Campaign Support Group June 1970 Demonstration at l¿bor Dept. 19 June 1970 Black Panther Party Rally 19 June 1970 Black United Front Protest of Bus Fare Increast July 1970 Strike by Coalition of Women's Groups - July 1970 Folk Festival on the Mall 1-5 July 1970 Aircraft accident - 2 July 1970 4th of July Activities - 1970 Box Box 24 Yippies "New Nation" Movement - Smoke-in 4-5 July 1970 D.C. Veterans Assc. demonstration at District Bldg. and PEPCO 15 July 1970 D.C. Sanitation Workers' Strike 20 JuLy L970 VISTA demonstration 27-29 July 1970 Black Panther Party - Howard University 7-9 Alug. L970 National Student Assc. 20 Aug. 1970 Black Catholic Laymen and Clergy 21,-22 Aug.
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