DHconstructionRIWKH ([LVWLQJ&KDPSODLQ%ULGJH 7DUJHWHG(QYLURQPHQWDO$QDO\VLV )LQDOUHSRUW Volume 3 $SSHQGLFHV 1RYHPEHU 2019 ContraFt No 62555 Targeted environmental analysis Final Report Volume 3 Appendices November 2019 List of Appendices (Volume 3) Appendix 1 Compilation of existing soil and groundwater surveys Appendix 2 Aquatic Environmental Quality Database (AEQD) - LaSalle Station Appendix 3 Additional sediment survey Appendix 4 List of invasive alien species Appendix 5 Habitat classification grid Appendix 6 Raw habitat characterization data Appendix 7 Fish species Appendix 8 List of species at risk according to the CDPNQ Appendix 9 Reconnaissance of benthic community Appendix 10 Map of birds, herpetofauna, fish and special species observed during 2013-2018 inventories Appendix 11 Map of spring migration inventory Appendix 12 Archaeology Appendix 13 Hydraulic simulation methodology Appendix 14 Mobilization zone E Appendix 15 Toxicological Data Sheets Appendix 16 Noise simulations Appendix 1 Compilation of existing soil and groundwater surveys 1 15F14 ! J-15PO1 H J-15F2 PIDS4 ?@H! PIDS3 AM-F-5 H! ! ! H! J-15F2 μ J-15F1 ?@! 15F16 PIDS2 CIDS2 H! PIDS1H! H! P19 ?@ PIDS2 ! PLZ1 CIDS1 ! 15F19 P18 15F15 15F15 H!! ! ?@ H! H! ?@15F22 ?@! I-15F2 15F17 15F20 P15 ! H! ! P14 ! I-15F1 H! I-15PO1 K-15PO2 ! P13 ?@H! ! ! P12 I-15F3 I-15F3 K-15PO1 ! GC5 H! P10 P7A ! K-15PO1 H! ! P9 ?@ " TR-02 ! ! ! TR-03 GC2 F-05 "" TR-04 F-2 P6 ?@! " TR-05 ! ! ! P5 P4 P3 " TR-06 ! F-9 ! P2 H!H! GC15 GC1 ! H!! ! ! ?@! P1 TF-04-15 ! F-5 ! GC16 GC3 ! "" ?@! ! GC17 !H"" " ?@! ! H!H!"H!H!"! " " " ENLARGED VIEW 1 " " "! " GC4 " " " !"! " ?@! " " ! " " !"" " "" " " " " " " ! " "" ! " """ ENLARGED VIEW 2 ENLARGED VIEW 3 out 2019.mxd out 0 100 200 400 m Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community GC5 ?@! ! P7A μ LEGEND Existing Sample Locations GC2 " ?@! Trench ! Borehole ! P6 P5 ?@ Borehole converted into an nnementales\MDX\MDX 08-2019\CompilationDesForages_Carte1 - EN a EN - 08-2019\CompilationDesForages_Carte1 nnementales\MDX\MDX ! observation well P4 ! H! Borehole with asbestos analysis P3 TF-01-14 ! Enlarged view PU-02-14H!! PU-04-14H! TF-03-14 F-5 F-9 P2 PU-03-14H! ! ! H! ! ?@! TF-02-14 GC15 ! ! P1 ?@! GC16 PU-01-14 PU-02-14 ! " " GC3 PU-03-14 PU-04-14 ! PU-19-14 "" TR-109 ?@ Data source: 14 previous environmental H! " TR-110 TR-111 TR-112 characterization studies provided by PU-06-14H!H!H!" " H!H"!H! F-07 " " the client. PU-05-14!H!H! ! PU-15-14H PU-08-14 TF-01-14 " PU-09-14"! PU-11-14 PU-102-12 " PU-10-14 " PU-12-14 " " PU-03-14 " TF-02-14 PU-13-14 ! GC4 DECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING PU-15-14 TF-05-14 ! " ?@ CHAMPLAIN BRIDGE (2017-2022) Déconstruction du pont champlain\Compilation des forages enviro forages des champlain\Compilation pont du Déconstruction " PU-16-14 PU-19-14 PU-20-14 ! ! PU-17-14 " " " Contract No. 62555 " TF-04-14 PU-21-14 TF-07-14 " PU-18-14 TARGETED ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PU-103-12 " !PU-23-14 " PU-24-14 PU-30-14 " PU-25-14 " " " " PU-26-14 PU-27-14 EXISTING SAMPLE LOCATIONS PU-104-12 "TF-06-14 " " ! PU-28-14 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER PU-32-14 " " PU-29-14 PU-31-14 " "PU-35-14 TF-08-15 " PU-33-14 " PU-37-14 August 2019 ! " PU-36-14 Coordinate system: NAD83 MTM 8 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 120 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User 1 m Community C:\Users\ani.hebert\Documents\_ Projet\2018\TX 18 0045 01.2002 01.2002 0045 18 Projet\2018\TX C:\Users\ani.hebert\Documents\_ MET (.! LEGEND XY Groundwater analysis result that exceeds a criterion (seepage into surface water, SSW or CMM) XY(!Manganese (! Soil analysis result ≤ A criteria PAH (! (! .! MET, PAH Soil analysis result within the A-B range XY(!Manganese (! Soil analysis result within the B-C range (! Soil analysis result within the C-D range .! Borehole with asbestos analysis .! .! PH C10-C50 (! MET, PAH (.! (! (! PAH (! MET, PAH (! PH C10-C50 (! PH C10-C50 (! (! PH C10-C50 ¯ (! 0 25 50 100 m Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Notes : Criterion for seepage into surface water : Quality criteria for groundwater seeping into surface water according to the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites CMM criterion : Criterion for groundwater quality in by-law CMM-2008-47 of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) Criteria A, B and C : Criteria of the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites Criterion D : Criterion of the Regulation Respecting the Burial of Contaminated Soils (RRBCS) Enlarged view 1 Parameters : MET: metals; PAH: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; PH C10-C50: petroleum hydrocarbons C10 to C50 August 2019 MET (! PH C10-C50 MET (! (! PH C10-C50 (! (! .!MET, PAH (! .! MET MET PAH .! (! (! (! .! MET (! MET (! (! MET (! (! .! MET .! .! .! .!.!(! MET .!( .! .! (! .! PH C10-C50 MET, PAH (! MET (! LEGEND MET (! XY Groundwater analysis result that exceeds a criterion (seepage into surface water, SSW or CMM) (! Soil analysis result ≤ A criteria (! Soil analysis result within the A-B range MET (! (! Soil analysis result within the B-C range (! Soil analysis result within the C-D range ¯ .! Borehole with asbestos analysis 0 30 60 120 m Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Notes : Criterion for seepage into surface water : Quality criteria for groundwater seeping into surface water according to the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites CMM criterion : Criterion for groundwater quality in by-law CMM-2008-47 of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) Criteria A, B and C : Criteria of the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites Criterion D : Criterion of the Regulation Respecting the Burial of Contaminated Soils (RRBCS) Enlarged view 2 Parameters : MET: metals; PAH: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; PH C10-C50: petroleum hydrocarbons C10 to C50 August 2019 LEGEND XY Groundwater analysis result that exceeds a criterion (seepage into surface water, SSW or CMM) (! Soil analysis result ≤ A criteria XY(!Manganese (! Soil analysis result within the A-B range (! Soil analysis result within the B-C range (! Soil analysis result within the C-D range .! Borehole with asbestos analysis (! MET XY(! Manganese MET (! MET ! XY( Chlorides MET (! MET XY(! Manganese (! PH C10-C50 (! (! (! PAH MET PAH (! (!(! PH C10-C50 (! PH C10-C50 PAH MET (! (! PAH MET, PAH (! (! XY(!Manganese MET PAH (! MET (! (! PAH MET (! (! PAH (! (! (! MET MET MET (! (! (! MET (! MET (! (! (! (! MET (! (! (! (! (! (! MET MET MET (! (! (! ¯ (! 0 25 50 100 m Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Notes : 05010025 m Criterion for seepage into surface water : Quality criteria for groundwater seeping into surface water according to the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites CMM criterion : Criterion for groundwater quality in by-law CMM-2008-47 of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) Criteria A, B and C : Criteria of the Intervention Guide - Protection of soils and Rehabilitation of contaminated Sites Criterion D : Criterion of the Regulation Respecting the Burial of Contaminated Soils (RRBCS) Enlarged view 3 Parameters : MET: metals; PAH: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; PH C10-C50: petroleum hydrocarbons C10 to C50 August 2019 Appendix 1 Compilation of existing soil and groundwater surveys References - Consulted environmental characterization studies Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Incorporée, Estacade du pont Champlain, Étude géotechnique et caractérisation environnementale sommaire, fait par LVM en novembre 2012, N/Réf. : 024-P- 0000464-0-00-606-01-6-IM-0001-00; Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain inc., Étude de reconnaissance des sédiments, des sols et du roc – Réparation des piles 2E, 2W et 4W du pont Champlain, fait par les Services exp inc. le 12 décembre 2013, N/Réf. : PJCG-00213567-00-60-00; Caractérisation environnementale des sols – Projet de prolongement du quai de l’estacade – Phase III, Quai de l’estacade – Pont Champlain, Montréal (Québec), fait par LVM le 20 mars 2014, N/Réf. : 024-P- 0000464-0-00-528-HG-R-0001-00; Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Incorporée, Pont Champlain, sections 7 et 8 – Aires de mobilisation et d’entreposage prévues dans la bretelle de sortie du pont Champlain pour les travaux 2014-2015, Brossard, Québec, Rapport d’étude géotechnique et de caractérisation environnementale sommaire des sols, fait par LVM en juin 2014, N/Réf. 024-P-0000464-0-00-620-01-4-CH-R-0001-00; Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Incorporée, Estacade du pont Champlain – Réfection et agrandissement du quai, Étude géotechnique et caractérisation environnementale sommaire des sols, fait par LVM en septembre 2014, N/Réf. : 024-P-0006251-0-00-601-01-1-GE-R-0001-00; Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain inc., Étude géotechnique et caractérisation environnementale préliminaire des remblais, Nouvelle piste cyclable sur l’Estacade du Pont Champlain, Estacade du pont Champlain entre Montréal et Brossard (Québec), fait par Labo S.M. inc. en mai 2015, N/Réf. : F1417254-005; Étude géotechnique (reconnaissance des sols) et caractérisation environnementale préliminaire des sols phase II, Projet de modifications des approches de l’estacade du pont Champlain (Québec), fait par GS Consultants en décembre 2015, N/Réf. : ES15009-06; Caractérisation environnementale de Site Phase II, 43 lots du cadastre du Québec, Montréal, Qc., Rapport final, fait par Franz Environnement Inc. le 25 juin 2015, N/Réf.
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