Single Issue: $1.00 Publication Mail Agreement No. 40030139 CATHOLIC JOURNAL Vol. 95 No. 9 July 19, 2017 Summer schedule U.S. Catholics set new course for church The Prairie Messenger pub - lishes every By Carol Zimmermann aspect of the gathering: closely second week examining what the church is in July and ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) — doing and where it can do more. takes a three- From July 1 - 4 the main floor of More than 155 bishops attend - week vaca - the Hyatt Regency Hotel in ed the gathering, sitting with their tion in August. Remaining Orlando was transformed into a delegations for meals and break - summer issues will be dated huge parish hall with places for out sessions. Cardinals and bish - Aug. 2 and Aug. 30. worship, prayer, discussion, and ops who spoke at keynote sessions Shared ministry even coffee and doughnuts during or in mass homilies encouraged the “Convocation of Catholic participants that this was their Saskatoon is a leader when Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in time, their moment, stressing the it comes to America.” urgency to bring God’s message of dialogue At the convocation 3,500 love to a divided world. between church leaders — men and women At the final mass, described as Catholics and religious, bishops and laypeople a “Mass of Sending,” Cardinal Evan geli cals. — gathered to set a new course for Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston- For the past the U.S. Catholic Church. Houston said the church is called Following a retreat format, to achieve great things in the face five years, each day started and ended with of the impossible — to unite peo - conversations have been group prayer. Mass was celebrat - ple together by going to the taking place be tween the two ed each day in the hotel ballroom, peripheries of society and sharing groups, and Pastor Harry and there were plenty of sched - the good news of Jesus through Strauss of Forest Grove uled times for the sacrament of action rooted in faith. Community Church has been reconciliation and private prayer “Sisters and brothers, we are in right in the middle of them. in a large room turned into an a very, very significant time in our “Much is to be gained through adoration chapel. church in this country,” said shared ministry,” he says. Many of the keynote sessions DiNardo, president of the U.S. — page 3 took the form of pep talks encour - Conference of Catholic Bishops, CNS/Bob Roller Ordinations aging delegates to share their faith and he urged the delegates to re - CATHOLIC CONVOCATION IN ORLANDO — Young people lift boldly with the world at large and ceive God’s grace for the work their arms in prayer as Catholic musician Matt Maher performs July 3 Regina Archbishop Donald within their own families and ahead. during the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in Bolen ordained three men to parishes. The numerous breakout America” in Orlando, Fla. Leaders from dioceses and various Catholic the priesthood at the end of sessions provided the working — CHURCH , page 15 organizations gathered for the July 1 - 4 convocation. June: Revs. Edward Gibney and Michael Yaremko for Poll reveals split, but advocates push for apology the Diocese of Saskatoon and Rev. Arpee Sacramento Urquico for the By Michael Swan nous Canadians with the immi - ject of the Cardus think-tank apology would be “very meaning - Archdiocese of Regina. The Catholic Register grant majority. But Aboriginal found half of Canadians are ful” and 21 per cent said “not — page 6 Catholics are certain an apology ambivalent on the subject of a meaningful at all.” TORONTO (CCN) — from the pope on Canadian soil papal apology for residential That kind of result just won’t Church weddings Canadians are sitting firmly on would mark a new beginning schools, saying it would be do for Aboriginal Catholics like on the decline the fence when asked whether a after a long, sad history of colo - “somewhat meaningful — it Deacon Rennie Nahanee, an elder papal apology for the sins of the nization, racism and neglect. would make a difference, but so of the Squamish First Nation in An alarming statistic from residential school era would do An Angus Reid Institute poll would a lot of other things.” British Columbia and head of the Vatican’s statistical year - any good in reconciling indige - for the Faith In Canada 150 pro - Another 29 per cent said an First Nations Ministry for the book of the church showed Archdiocese of Vancouver. a 71 per cent decline in Carters come to Winnipeg to work “Certainly to me as an indige - Canada’s Catholic marriages nous person, it would mean a from 1975 to 2008, more lot,” said Nahanee. than double the decline of By James Buchok those who may have most needed said Carter, who was in Winnipeg Nahanee did not attend a resi - weddings in general. his help. July 13 for the 34th Jimmy and dential school, but his parents and — page 7 WINNIPEG — Even as one of “I dealt with things like peace Rosalynn Carter Habitat for all his older siblings did. Their for - the world’s most powerful people, and human rights but I didn’t have Humanity Work Project. mation inside an institution whose Joan of ‘art’ former U.S. president Jimmy a chance to get directly acquainted After leaving the White House, purpose was to erase native Carter regrets he could not reach with people who were in need,” the Carters became involved with Canadian language, culture and Joan of Arc was young, illit - Habitat for Humanity, building tradition shaped his family life and erate and had power for less affordable homes for low-income his entire community. than two years. History — families. “Habitat gave me the Nahanee is well aware of the seldom interested in women best opportunity that I had as a many apologies offered in Canada and usually written by the tri - human being to break down the over the last 25 years by individual umphant — should have for - barriers between people like religious orders, dioceses, Catholic gotten her. But when she myself, who had almost every - institutions who ran the schools on died on a pyre in 1431, she thing I ever wanted, and those who behalf of the Gov ern ment of achieved an immortality in art were in need of a decent home,” Canada. But Aboriginal Catholics and literature that surpasses Carter said. The Carters have need to hear their church speak all of her contemporaries — worked alongside nearly 100,000 with one voice, Nahanee said. kings, popes, knights, priests volunteers in 14 countries to build, “So all these apologies come and courtiers. renovate and repair more than from separate areas,” said Nahanee. — page 8 4,000 homes. “Something from the Holy Father Summer films The Work Project took place in about that, spoken to the indige - cities across Canada from July 9 to nous people — and if he should Cool theatres have some hot 14 to build 150 homes for Can - come here — it would mean a films for the dog days of ada’s 150th anniversary. At the whole lot to those who have suf - summer. Gerald Schmitz Winnipeg site, in five days, 1,600 fered and died, and to those who volunteers built 15 permanent sin - are still suffering and living.” reviews five worth James Buchok gle-family dwellings, plus five In a 2009 meeting at the paying attention to. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY — Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter more ready-to-move structures. Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI apol- — page 9 (right) and wife Rosalynn were working at the Habitat for Humanity build site in Winnipeg July 13. — OWNERS , page 15 — APOLOGY , page 5 2 Prairie Messenger INTERNATIONAL NEWS July 19, 2017 Reformed churches endorse accord on justification By Tom Heneghan est step would “mark a new stage of fellowship and co-operation in PARIS (RNS) — Amid cere - the service of justice and peace in monies this year marking the 500th our human family.” anniversary of the Reformation, The process of reconciliation one of Protestantism’s leading between the Vatican, representing branches has officially said it now 1.2 billion Catholics around the agrees with the Vatican on the world, and the smaller international main issue at the root of its split federations of the leading Protes - from the Roman Catholic Church tant denominations has been slow. half a millennium ago. Lutheranism and the Reformed The World Communion of movement, based on the writings of Reformed Churches (WCRC), the French theologian John Calvin, holding its once-in-seven-years are two of the main branches of worldwide General Council in Protestant Chris ti anity. Luther Germany, signed a declaration July taught that eternal salvation is 5 endorsing the 1999 Catholic- attained by faith alone, while Calvin Lutheran agreement on how Chris - and other Reformed thinkers put it tians might be worthy of salvation in the wider context of God’s in the eyes of God. covenant with humanity. Lutherans The ceremony took place in WCRC/Anna Siggelkow have bishops while most Reformed Wittenberg, where in 1517 Martin HISTORIC AGREEMENT — Reformed, Catholic, Lutheran and Methodist leaders look on in St. Mary’s churches are less hierarchical. Luther unveiled the 95 Theses that City Church in Wittenberg, Germany, as Rev. Chris Ferguson, World Communion of Reformed Churches Dialogue among Protestant launched the Reformation and general secretary, signs the declaration expressing Reformed churches’ support for the Catholic-Lutheran and Catholic theologians led to a Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. Bishop Brian Farrell, secretary of the Vatican’s with it centuries of dispute about general consensus in the “faith Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (second from left), read a statement from Pope Francis.
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