JANUARYJANUARY 20072007 www.gftunion.comwww.gftunion.com FREEFREE • President’s Report, Pg. 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • GFT E-Updates, Pg. 5 • “Putting Out Fires with Gasoline” • Meet the Staff, Pg. 6 Pg. 12-13 • GFT Benefits/Discounts, Pg. 14 Printed on recycled paper 2 “THE VOICE OF GUAM’S WORKING FAMILIES” GFT NEWS • VOL. 3, NO. 1 • JANUARY 2007 in this issue features Happy President’s Report: 4 “Happy New Year!!!” New Year! E-Updates: 5 “GFD FIREFIGHTERS TO GFT VOTE FOR UNION IN THE NEWS NEW YEAR” Vol. 3, No. 1 Meet the Staff: JANUARY 2007 6 Robert Koss From the Matt Rector GFT NEWS [email protected] Publisher/GFT President Tim Fedenko [email protected] Executive Editor/ GFT Vice President MAIN STORY: Tom Harper “PUTTING OUT FIRES [email protected] GFT News Manager WITH GASOLINE” Kimberly Pitts Graphic Artist Guam’s Firefighters Romeo Carlos Fight Back for Fair Roger Ebert Madam Lichtenstein 12-13 Treatment and Justice Editorial Contributions Tom Harper Photography GFT Calendar Special thanks to: 14 GFT Members Birthdays GFT Members GFT Benefits/Discounts and Supporters GFT COMICS: NEWS 16-17 Calvin & Hobbes, Pardon ON OUR COVER My Planet, Pajama Diaries, Our cover this month celebrates the New Year and brings focus and more... to our main article about Guam’s firefighters. Cover design by is published once a Romeo Carlos. month by the Guam Federation of Teachers AFT Local 1581 DEPARTMENTS PO Box 2301, GFT NEWS Hagåtña, Guam 96932 President’s Report . 4 GFT Benefits/Discounts . 14 GFT GUAM: Tel: 671.735.4390 GFT E-Updates . 5 Editorials & Letters . 15 Fax: 671.734.8085 www.gftnews.com 6 Comics. 16, 17 www.gftunion.com Meet the Staff . 6, 7 19 GFT NMI: Lifestyle/Dining . Old Farmer’s Almanac . Tel: 670.483.4GFT www.nmiteachers.com Movie Reviews/Kid’s Page . 9 Crossword & Horoscope . 20 © 2006 by the Guam Fed- Health Care Guide . 10 Sudoku/KPRG . 21 eration of Teachers Main Story: Firefighters . 12, 13 Business Directory . 22 Printed by the Marianas Variety, Guam, 23 on recycled paper GFT Calendar/Birthdays . 14 Classifieds . “THE VOICE OF GUAM’S WORKING FAMILIES” GFT NEWS • VOL. 3, NO. 1 • JANUARY 2007 4 president’s report Happy New Year!!! GFT President Matt Rector with U.S. Senator John Edwards. Have you all made your New Year’s reso- will be able to meet the challenges ahead. lutions? - Enhancing the benefits of membership. Well so has GFT. Our members have told us repeatedly that they like the great benefits we have now with our There is something about the beginning corporate partners such as double stamps at In 2007 of a New Year that makes us look at things Shell and discounts at restaurants and stores. Out from a new perspective. This is the best time We will be working hard to not only preserve 2006 to assess what we have done right, what we the ones we have now but to add new benefits. can do better, and what we have yet to do. In Alicia Limtiaco - Building stronger partnerships – We have Out “To improve the quality of life for our mem- worked hard to reach out to other progressive Doug Moylan bers and their families,” our core mission, groups and organizations on Guam, the states, never changes. The key is to constantly im- and internationally. All across our island there In The 29th Guam Legislature prove our ability to accomplish our mission. are groups of people with similar missions to Out The 28th Guam Legislature After careful assessment, we have come up ours; and as we help each other win, every- with some new goals in order to help our body on Guam’s life will get better. In the US members and their families win a better life. we have been building relationships with or- In GFD Firefighters becoming an official bar ganizations that will help us in the future. gaining unit of the GFT - Improving our members’ ability to par- Throughout the Pacific Rim we have been Out That it has taken so long ticipate in their union. Our union’s strength building relationships with union brothers and and ability to win comes from our members sisters not only in Japan, Hong Kong, and and their families. Therefore, we are going to Korea; but with the Philippines, Australia and In Justice create Solidarity Teams at every worksite by Indonesia as well. Many of our members have Out Vengeance increasing our number of Stewards to a ratio already participated in campaigns to help of approximately one steward for every ten unionists in these countries; and when we members. Added representation will give our need them, they will be there for us. In Joining the Solidarity Team at your site by members greater access to their union and being trained as a steward improve communications both ways. Soli- - Finding new ways to win. In the coming Our Not participating in your democratic union darity Teams will also build strength at the year we will continue to find new and creative worksite because challenges will be met not ways to win for our members through our legal just by a lone steward. system. Our attorneys and field reps have In GEPB version 3.0 been very creative in the past and have come Out GEPB version 2.0 - Increasing our ability to provide Educa- up with some interesting new approaches for tion and Training to our members. As suc- the coming year. In cessful as our ER&D program has been under The Better Life Team; Rory Respicio, Tina Dana Fig, we promise to do more. This year - Helping Guam with the US House and Muna Barnes, Judi Guthertz and Dave we will begin an intensive training program Senate. The US Congress is now controlled by Shimizu so that all of our new leaders at the worksite the Democrats thanks to our union brothers Out will be better able to serve our membership. and sisters across the country. In the coming Klitzke and Kasperbauer We will start with basic steward and leader- year we will use the connections we have es- ship classes towards the more advanced. tablished to help Congresswoman Bordallo, In Winning with GFT These classes will be available for graduate hand-in-hand with the GFT (the strongest lob- Out Not having union protection for you and level credits, and we would eventually like to bying force on Guam), to win for the Guam’s make it a part of Bachelor’s Degree program. working families in our nation’s capitol. your family This will afford our members another avenue towards gaining college credit. The coming year will be full of challenges In Our Airport getting safer with a new collec for our members, our families, our union and tive bargaining agreement for the Airport - Improving our ability to communicate. our island; and we will overcome them as we We have gotten much better at it over the last always have with the strength, resolve and Rescue Fire Fighters couple of years with the GFT News, our e-up- good will of our membership and the solidarity Out Anything that interferes with the safety of dates, our www.gftunion.com website, and of all of Guam’s working families. our families our new Working Family Radio Show (Tues at noon on KPRG 89.3FM). This year we Together we can move mountains. hope to improve on what we are already In Spending time with friends and family doing and we also plan to develop a TV proj- Happy New Year!!! Out Not being able to spend time with those ect. that love you UNITED WE STAND - Growing our ability to win. Our ability to win comes from growing our membership. In Love In the coming year we will add more Gov- Out Hate Guam units to our family and we will work to strengthen our membership at every site. Matt Rector Through increased strength in numbers, we President, GFT Local 1581 “THE VOICE OF GUAM’S WORKING FAMILIES” GFT NEWS • VOL. 3, NO. 1 • JANUARY 2007 GFT union e-updates 5 GFD FIREFIGHTERS TO VOTE FOR UNION IN THE NEW YEAR GFD Firefighter I, II, GFT Firefighters. Fire Specialists and 911 dis- patchers will have the oppor- no right to represent DOC em- tunity to vote YES to have ployees but fortunately the GFT be their exclusive repre- Judge disagreed with him. sentative for Collective Bar- gaining. When the majority BULLETIN BOARD of each of these classes of fire- CONTEST fighters vote YES for GFT we We need better bul- will be able to negotiate a Col- letin boards! As an incentive lective Bargaining Agreement to our stewards and officers to (CBA) for them. This CBA build better bulletin boards will help to ensure that our we will hold a monthly draw- professional firefighters are ing for $10 worth of Shell gas treated with the dignity and for everyone that emails us a respect that they deserve, picture. have fair leave policies, sched- uled training, proper safety BUILDING MINDS, equipment and staffing levels MINDING BUILDINGS as well as making sure promo- Check out AFT’s new tions are done on a regular report on school buildings basis and are based only on and what we can do to build Merit and seniority. Fire- an environment that is con- fighters that put their life on ducive to learning. There is the line everyday for the peo- one photo from Guam in the members money, GFT will be HELP STRIKING ple of Guam will finally have a Mangilao. It is when we look report.
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