![LETOURPRI Celistbei](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
» CARPENTER, Wyatt. Shop, Tex. 0O8HNEAR. Samuel. Roxbnry. Maaa. IBRINKLEY. John H., Tbomaarille, N. a >nt, and nearly 400 wounded: the I". CROSBY, Luke Went Cheater, Pa. BROWN, Willie B.. Brooltrnle. V». Dp HARQUBVILLK, Ralph O., Chicago, J., Greece. euw Amsterdam, with 79 officers IG-HEARTED LENIENCY n h n i i ifwi'i'm CHAON, Frank M., Antelope, Mont. DENNY. Reynolds. Union City, Ky. BROWNIE. Frank G., Cephalonin, d 1,592 men, including the 301st Aii CORK, Leon Hndaon, Wilmington, Del. FENTON, Lee, Cuahlng. Tex. BURLEIGH, Benjamin. Roanoke. Va. eld | CROXTON, C., Rappahannock, Ya. FIORE. Michaele, Buffalo, N. Y. BtTSCHE, Henry A., St. Louis, Mo. i Artillery and 22fi wounded, and YANK AIM AT COBLENZ Logan San Angelo. Tex. Winter Pa. IMY e Heredia, with 72 officers and 10 Ark. LINDLEY, Jasper Y., 9.0011 D., Philadelphia. MEN DOWDLE. Robert, England, BUTLER. LOCKWOOD, Karl, Dundas. Minn. Frederick Providence. R. I. Ilisted casuals. EDWARDS, Albert W.. Lostine. Ore. CARLSON, G., ' MORGAN, William A.. Decatur. IIIP Pa. a FERGU80N, Wilbur. Murphy, N. C. Pa. CHARLTON. William H.. Philadelphia, rhe Heredia, which has quantity J*;ji HQLL DJ? iJO^J OAT, Roy, Zebnlon, N. C. MURPHY, John F.. Philadelphia. CHU8T. Jack, lake Land. La. munitions on board, and the North Citizena Permitted to Act u if Km GI8TEDT, Victor A., New York, N. Y. OLIVER. John H., Hoavener. Okla. BALLA8, Ous, Vertora. Psahna. Halkitha. irolina for the in S. C. Samuel 8.. Hartford, Conn. anchored night GRIFFIN, Richard, Simpsonville. PALLOTO, N. C Italy. avesend bay. The other vessels Enemy Troops Were I I GRIGGS, George, Stamping Ground. Ky. PATTERSON. Ernest. Durham, BOREMAX. Sherman R., Lewistown. Pa. BACKFROM FRANCE Mich. Ioceeded Port pr throngs Sj&gKEyv. HANKO. George. New Kensington. Pa. SOPHIA. Julius C. Huron, RRADSHAW. Edward W.. Henryaville, Ind. through cheering in Pa. SWANGKR, Lawrence R., Alverton. Ohio. to Hoboken, where the men were City. jr " HIGHTOWKR, Philadelphia, N. Y. Adolpbns. BRANDT. Frank, Brooklyn. 1 * HUGHEY. John A., Seattle. Waab. TAYLOR. Harlan F. Philadelphia, Pa. BRANTLEY. Lonnie. Lost '"reek, Tenn. and transferred to hospitalsderked JOHNSON. Ilelmer H.. Lyons. Ind. THOMAS, Albert. 8., Milan, Tenn. ( Homer Decaturville. Mo. d demobilization camps. Pa. Julio. Arabela. N. M. LAIROKNE. B-, W. G. KEESEY, Alexander 0., Columbia, EIG1L. COCKEKHAM. Charles G. Monroe City. Ind Capt. Smith of Wash-!"" BERLIN". Friday, .Tsn-'try 3 11;o m i LEWIS, Dalvin C., Roberta, Okla. WADE. Royal II.. Rising City. Neb. COOPER. Solinrli A.. Loretts. Pa. Stories of Heroism Told. tby Killed In art Ion PHELAN, John J., North Tonawanda, N. T. McVEY. Willie W., La Harpe, Kan WAUiRON. William, Fall Itiver. Mass. CORRIVF.AU. Joseph G.. St. Johnsbnry. vt. A< sociated Press).-.The rule of t «. ana at aea) 29.0S8 RASPAS. Mtrle W.. North Clymer. N. Y. MAGKAE, Rob, Shaw, Miss. WALKER, John P.. Aiken, S. C. CRCCITTI. Pa. Those Ar- 3 of and of "hard (laeladln«r RONKOW8KI. Louis. Chicago. 111. MAN I'inson, Tenn. Ala. lH-metrio, Susquehanna, ington Among dany tales heroism Atnerlcans in Coblenz haracterfz"it 11J81 ESS. Ray J., WEBII, Homer, Brighton, Fred E.. Follansbee. W. Va. , _ Died of sronnda 111. EDWARDS, Hi'ck" were told the returning sol- SCHKEL, Clarence V., Mosooutah, MARCtTM, Ransom, Crum, W. Va. WEI ANT, Clarence R., Allentosrn, Pa. Va. by r "big-hearted leniency." a spec a I 2 Died af disease 17.491 SHAXEK, Cimrlo# A., Mossy Rock. Wash. Elk Ore N. Y. FREEMAN, IJenry. Richmond. ers. Oapt. Alex W. Gordon of Oak MELODY. Henry F., Oswego. Rock, WEIGERT, Charles H.. Brooklyn. Charles A Pomeroy. Ohio. in «' nz laWcd of accident aad SHKNK. Raymond E., Reynolds. Va. NASR, Erwin. Watertown, Wis. WEISS. Philadelphia. Pa. HILEWICK. rived New York. ^ 111., a company commander inirk.spatch received here from Cobb eaaaea 3,305 SHERWOOD. F.. St. James, X. Y. Benjamin, JOHNSON. John F.. Sunne. Sweden. th e other George NIKJJION, Hans R., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. WF/LLER. Raymond H., Manette, Waah. John N. M. 129th Infantry, had the "hard to Wonnded la action 131.480 SMITH. Isaac (?., Hurricane. W. Va. Edmond J.. Amsterdam, N. Y. JONES. L-. Raton. ck" to be on THOMAS. Joseph. Pittsburgh. Pa. NOLAN, j WHITE, Iaifayette, Lamar. Ark. KACVINSKY. George. Racine. Wis. iu wounded at Fresnes, tcd to move about a* they desire, it Mtaalnir In action THOMAS. Franklin. Tenn. NORMAN. George. Bowman, Ga. ALBACH. Frederick. Cleveland. Ohio. Wash. >vember 11, just three hours before Wesley N.. Wash. vwi KARitA. Kaile, Northport, NEW YORK, S..Five ls and the t\ f prisoners*..(Inetadiag19.779 WKVERTS, Tony. Gurley. Neb. PETERSON. Frank. Wenatchee. IsuKKHALTc.il. waiter ureaencK. I Robert New Bedford. Mass. January fjfe armistice became effective, and declared, is,. the Am- PIONTKOW8K1, Leonard, Winner, S. D. Burkhalter, General Engineer Depot, 143s LAXGLEY, F., transports and the North j WHITE. John II.. Nashville. Tenn j REECK. Myron. Saris. Miss. MATHEWS, Roy D.. Pliiladelphia. Pa. battleship to be captured by the Germans. He ic; commander "that the peo rinlo Total to date 312.124 WHiTKIUBST. William. West Philadelphia. U street n.w., Washington. D. C. MINIUTTI. Natale. N. H. »s as Amer- REGAN, Alb°rJ. K.. Waltliain. Mass. James North Gulch, Tex. Concord. Carolina steamed into New York rescued, however, the m.ight act as if no enemy troops of is the summary of casualties Pa. SALYERS. CASEY, F., MORAN. Thomas A.. Philadelphia. Pa. har1CJins surged forward. I J^bove YATES. Rasil C.. Xeaperee. Idaho. John, Canonsburg. Ky. COLLINS. George T., JJockford, Ala. Louis. Island, N. Y. bor yesterday bringing a total of cupation were here." Is being co,.i-. casualties reported today, YOf NT. Roacoe V.. Iiollis. N. C. SANSING, James G.. Cedar Rlnff. Misa. Pa. RIDDER. Long (lapt. W. D. Torrey of Detroit, a -MBfuding j SCANDORFF. N., Luck. Wis. COSGROVE, Jclin. Philadelphia, ROBERTS. Monsey M.. Ymtors, Okla. nearly 9.000 officers and men of the mi»rnber realized. at sea. ANGKf.o. Frauk, Waterbury. Conn. Holgor FRITCUTMAN. William. New York. N. Y. W. Va. of the 355th Infantry of the P' etely The list includes those lost Frank J , New N. Y. TAYLOR. Harold. Bumsrille. RALDRIDGE. John IL. Keytesville. Mo. SCHAFFER. York, GIDEON. Harold Peder, Davey, Neb. Y. Army and Navy from France. t'ild Cat" Division, returned with a "The soldiers." couth es the d Marine casualties Peter Tonnwandu. N. Y. SHORE, Abram. Rrooklyn, N. Y. Pa. TOLCHINSKY. Ezra. Brooklyn. N. also the total Corps BAIXING, J., McINTIKE. Duncan R., Altoona, F.. Pa. The North ralyzed cheek, resulting a deal BARK LEY, John T.. Cloverdale. Ala. SMITH. Leslie W., Frankport, N. Y. N. Y. TOMPKINS. Joseph Mayfleid. Carolina, which is the runds at from} "do great of buy intch.f, -tO">date, but does not include the Navy j N. Y. SPOONF.K, Artemus Kollin. Modfoni, Ore. MILLER, Elmer, Rensselaer, vinhiAKU, ljutner r,., tvnoxvuie, xenu. suffered Stenay, where, he BKEBE. William H.. Orient. ! MONAS, Cevia, Monteelfona. I tally Ind. first battleship to arrive here with sa id, almost half of the advance especially of jewelry. They also dMualties. BEIZENHEKZ, Kwald L.. Lexington. Mo. STORTERMAN, Lawrence, East McKeesport Kenosha. Wis. ; WATHEN", Joseph. Rockport. , pla-j BERGDOLT. William, jr.. West New York. Pa. MUTO, Francesco, WHALLEY. George E.. Brooklyn. X. T. troops from overseas, had among her ! on of his company was wiped out ea gerly purchase German decoration--, for N C. UKTKO, Jack, Kankakee, 111. W.lliam Okla. lore the .sSrmv casualty lists released j X. J. STRKET. Addie P... Union Hills. Cambria. Wis. 1 WILSON, F... Ijinr, 1.3S9 passengers a detachment of |° Germans were dislodged jle lmets. sabers, etc. BF.ltKEY Peter B Colusa. Cal. THOMAS. Ed.. Nashville. Tenn. RILEY. John W.. Y ELTON, Finnell Alex.. Newport, Kr. Capt. W. G. Smith of Washington .Mtbjic&tion today contain 1.870 names, Mich.j Clarence West Hol*»ken RODIER. Oliver J., Merchantville, N. J.* ZILKA. Mich. marines which had seen at "The Americans gave a Christm.it BIGGS. Charles A Sparta. WALDHERR, Otto. ROSENTHAL. Jacob, ltrookl.vn, X. Y. Otto. Romulus. service o. C., who was in command of the na val divided as follows: BILLINGS. Arthur P.. WiKxlhaven. N. T. N J. LIPSON. Frank A., Chicago. III. Chateau 'a;nd men celebration for the which BOlI ANN John Ark. Edward lenn. SALAZAR, Daniel. Milagro, N. M. Fred A. San Francisco. Cal. Thierry. Belleau Wood and battery returning on the citizens, .-= 123 AX. F... Barnes, WALSH, J., Nashville, ABRAHAM, H.. at tracted a Killed la action BRAXTON. Homer It., IIat horn, Miss. WARF1ELD. Harry B., Peoria. Ill SAMLEK. Walter H.. Richard. Canada. ANDROLLI, Alhert, Iron Mountain, Mich. the Argonne forest, and nineteen of- mderson. said that his battery had great crowd. The ' Died of wounds 186 Arthur Wis da. S< HCLTZ, Louis Brooking. S. D. J.''ed 2:i« shells on the western front, dr received quantities of sweets, BRANBACH, C.. Milwaukee, WEBSTER. Benjamin, Townsend, F., K A RUSH, Samuel, Brockton. Mass. fleers and 994 men of ilse 113th Am- chiien Died of Disease 148 BRENNAN. .John A., Duryea, Fa. WEGKK. John P.. jr.. Flat Rock. 111. WEST. William. I^uraville, Md. LEWIS, Raymond W.. Tliorntou, Tex. ftle shells, weighing 1,400 pounds. Ttte American bands played German Died of aceldent and other BKOWN. Arthur. Salem, N. J. WILLIAMS. Samuel R.. Philadelphia. Pa. BAKER. Stanley C., Okarche. Okla. MARTIN. Thomas M., Fairvievr, Okla. munition Train. w< ire fired at a 40,000-yard range, and CIiristmas songs." eausea 141 CAM I*. William B.f Longview. Tex. WILSON. Carl H.. Eldorado. III. BANNER, Gustavo, New York. N. Y. MIKSIS, Kazimeras, Chicago, 111. The servers reported, he said, that the * 632 CARR, Lloyd J.
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