168 COLCHESTER. ESSEX. (KELL1'8 Mayor's .Auditor, Councillor Robert H. Wallaoo Medical Officel' of Health, C .A. Squire Ling M.B.C.S. Elective .Auditors, Thomas T. Peck & Waiter Thomas Eng. Brigbtlingsea. lJ.ainbird Sanitary Inspector, Police Inspector Thos. Poole, Brigh\­ 'fhe ordinary meetings of the Corporation & of the lingsea Urban District Council are held at the Town hall, on 1st wednesday in every month, except; Nov. when the COLCHESTER LOC~-\L PENSION COMMITTEE. lneeting is on the 9th The committee consists of the memlbers of the council 'l'he Powers of the Commissioners under Colchester for the time being {3a in all) Navigation 'Act were transferred· to the Corporation Meetings .are held at the Town hall when necessar1 under the Colchester Corporation Act, 1892 Chairman, The Mayor Officers of the Corporation. Clerk, Henry Charles Wanklyn, Town -hall Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban District Council, Port Sub-Committees:- Sanitary Authority & Harbour & Navigation Committee No. 1 (North Ward). ' & Registrar of Borough Courts of Record & Clerk to Clerk, E. H. ~ixon, Town hall Colne Fishery Board & to Council acting as Local No. 2 (South Ward). Fisheries Committee & to the local Pension Corn- Clerk, G. H. Mitchell, Town hall J. A. W. Fryer, pensaoa• • mittee, Henry Charles Wanklyn, Town hall No. 3 (East Ward). officer Treasarer of the Borough, Capt. Nevill Artbur Charles Clerk, G. H. Mitchell, Town hall De Hirzel Tufnell J.P. High street No. 4 (West Ward). Clerk of the Peace, Osmond Thompson Smith, N ortb bill Clerk, E. H. Nixon, Town hall • Borough Coroner, Henry Geoffrey Elwes, 3 High street Medical Officer of Health & School Medical Officer & BOROt;GH MAGISTRATES. Public _\nal~·st, W.alter Francis Corfi.. ld M.D., B.Sc. Lond., D.P.H.Oamb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lo11d. Barritt E1·nest Henry, 26 Beaoonsfield avenue 36 Stanwell street Beard Ernest Stanley, Woodlands. Lexden road Police Surgeon, William Augustua Maybury M.D.,M.Cb. Beard Reginald Benjamin, 3 Cambridge road B.U.I., M.R.O.S.Eng. 9 West Stockwell street Benham William Gurney, 9 Lexden road Honorary Surgeon to Fire Brigade, Benjamin Hugb Blaxill Edwin Alec, 156 lialdon road .Nicholson M.B., C.M.Edin. East lodge, High 8treet Bultitude Robert, 5 .Abbey Gate street Assistant School Medical Officer, Miss Agnes Oswald BuntinlJ' William Whorlow, 20 Lexden road Cant Frank, Braiswick M.B.Lond., D.P.H. 2 Trinity st.reet Borough Engineer & Surveyor, (vacant), Town hall Ohallenor Col. George Richards, Queen's road Accountant, Frederick George Mills, Town haD Craske Robert Gerald, Victoria road Hetherington 'l'homas, Berechurch hall Committee Clerk, Edward Bentlev• Potter Clerk to Council acting as Burial 'Board k Registnr Hines James, Lodge farm, LPxden of .Burials, .A.rthur S. B. Sparling, Queen street Holroyd Col. Tyssen Sowley, Donyland lo. East Donylancl Howard William, Guildford, Surrey ~anitary Inspector, Inspector of Dairies, Cowsheds, Milkshops & Common Lodging Houses, Thomas Hunt Edgar Atlee, 107 CrO'Uch street Wells, Stanwell street Hutton William Coats, Manor house, Lexden Chief Constable of Borough Polio", Capt. Hugh Charles Ind Capt. James Algernon, White hall, Old Heath road Stockwell, Town hall Laver Henry F.S.A.• F.L.S. 43 Head street Waterworks Superintendent, Charles Edward Bland, Marriage Wilson, Dilbridge hall Town ball Mumford Arthur George, Achnacone Borough Electrical Engineer, William Frisby A.M.I.E.E. Paxman Jarnes N. Hythe hill Osborne street Phillips George, 9 Old Heath road Prior Asher, 4 Victoria road :Borough Librarian, ·Richword .F.R.H.S G. Tufnell Capt. Nevill .Arthur Oharles De Hirzel, Borough Organist, W. C. Everett A.R.C.O. k M house, High street Harbour Master, (vacant), Wyvenhoe Wallace Robert Whistler, 30 Inglis road Deputy Harbour Master & Collector of Harbour Dues, Ward Alfred Owen, 10 Inglis road .Anhur Carrington, 49 Harsnett road Watts Lent John, All Saints, High street Inspector under the Hackney Carriages Act &:; the Sale Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street of Food & Drug-s Acts, Explosives & Petroleum Acts Clerk, Ghas.Wm.Denton, 8 East Stockwell st.Colchestr & Contag-ious Diseases (Animals) Act, Capt. Hugh Borough P.ett.y Ses~ions every week day at 11 o'clock at Ghartes Stockwell, Town hall the Town hall Inspector of Weights & Measures, Inspector G. H. Ball The Judge of the County Court holden at Colchester Tramways Manager, R. C. Bullough A.M.I.C.E and the Mayor and ex-Mayor for the time being a.rct Veterinary Inspector, Rowland C. Tayler M.R.C.V.S. ex-officio magistrates Queen :;treet • · Veterinarv Surgeon to Council's Horses, J. J. Scott COUXTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE PETTY SES­ M.R.C.V.S. 11 St. John's street Manager of Colne Fishery, George L. Trussell, 58 SIO:X.AL DIVISIO~ OF LEXDE~ & WINSTREE. North bill Kelso Commander Edward Barrington Purvis R.N., D.L. Town Sergeant, William John Lambert, Town hall Horkesley park, Colchester (chairman) Town Crier, John E,·erett, Short Cut road . Collier William Homan, Coley, Marks Tey, Colchesoor Honorary Curator of ){ust>um. Henry- LaYer J.P., F.S . .1 Digb:r Sir Kenelm Edward G.C.B., K.C. King'• Ford, Curator of Museum, Arthnr G. Wright Colchester Conservators of Common Vmds. Herbert Cant, Artbur Farncombe-Tanner William Tanner, Fishers, Wakes Steward Blytb Sparling, Edward Kershaw Francis k Colne, Earls Oolne, Essex James Letcb Fit>ldgate Wm. Walnut Tree bo. Brightlingsea, Colchestl" Collectors of District & Poor RatPs & Assistant Over­ Godlee J. Lister, Wakes Colne, Colchester see>rs, 1 ;;t district. Edmund Henry Nix on; 2nd dis­ Gooch Oharles Edmund, Wivenhoe park, Colchester trict, Georg-e Robert Mitchell, Town ball Grubb 'l'homas Burlingham, Fingringhoe, Colchester Town Toll Collector, William Stowe, 38 Crowburst road H.:>therington Thomas, Berechnrch hall, ColchesteP Collf>ctor nf CattlP Market Toll;; & AllotmPnt Rents. Hurnard Samuel Fennell, Hill house, Lexden, Colches~r William Charles White, '13 St. John's street Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L. White hall, Colches'er Inspector r)f Premises where Out-Worker11 are employed Lay ::\Ia,ior Tudor, Walcotts hall, Great Tey, Kelvedon nnder the Factorv & Worhhon ..~et k .Assistant Sani­ Lefroy Lieut.-Colonel Augustine Hugh, Boxted lodge, tary Inspector, Charles S. Humphreys, 36 Stanwell st Colchester K:t>eper ~f Recreation Ground, Edward Henry Lewis. Luard Rev.Bixby Garnham M.A.Bircb rectory,Colcheatr Recreati'ln ground Marriage Wilson, Alresford grange, Alresford, Colchester Water Bailiff, Thomn11 Poolt>. Stntion rd. Brightling!'ea Nocton William D.L. Langham, Colcooster Jreeper of Castle Parl•, Thomas Munson Pat.tison William Frt>dPrick, Brightlingsea, Colchester· Bathing PlacP .-\ ttPnrl:mt. Albf>rt \~ictor BouttPII, 4 Belle Paxman James :X .. ~LI.C.E. Whitehall club,London SW Vue road Round Rt. Hon. James P.C., D.L. Birch hall, near Colchester w PORT SANITARY .AUTHORITY. Smythies Capt. Palmer Kingsmill R.N. The Turret&p "-eetings held at the Town Hall on • the first wednesday Lexden road, Colchester in evE>ry month at u a.m. except 9 Nov. at 12 noon. Tremlett Jamt><> Dyer, Daletborpe, Dedbam, Colchester The Corporation are the .Authority. Tufnell Capt. Yevill _\rthur Charles De Hirzt>l, The Old Olerk, Henry Charles Wanklyn (town clerk), Town hall bank, Colchester Treasurer, Capt. Nevili Art-bur Cha.rles De Hirz;el Tuf­ Wadley William, .Avenue villas, Wivenhoe, C'okllestM nell J.P. The Bank Walsh Edward John, Birch, Colche-st-er .
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