' t- . TAiiiuwAr; AUQUvr iw i**i * y a k ftll'lUM latlL'a.' IHattfltgater gpnttttg fgratt A^MBf* D«0y y w •a.Manfh a( M y . » « • Ita ahae to VoraalBea. naar Ns»> wleh. Many omidoyed by tha oon^ Groiind Is Broken Fiscal Year Idle Claims pany are anwlag with iha work, PUSTERING INSURE* 9,465 I A bout Town [ Weddinga | but d tlM ^ Included In this new r k r a t a u k a n d For A & P Store Nearing End H ere G o U p layiafr, have deetded to renmhi raw oowitBuen oN M«KlNMBr*ftR0THBR8 a Qatam, M m MbM's ' re and aeak othar weak. Aadenea'Andmea RAYMOND D. MCCARTHY Mtmelimtor^^A CUf of PlUagt Charm Uaktt tM rd d u i. Ground has baaa brokaa at the Beolh lU ia atwd. Mewibwler, ia *t 1 T O (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FO UR C f NTS to pw tidpat* ta a oo- H m baautlful gardan ot tha An- site of the new A and-P wpw Town’s General Finan­ Rise Sharply to S6.8 MANCHESTER, CONN.* FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, IW t market on East Center am rs a a M ) rtso « l darsoii homa on Bolton HUI waa Per Gent Last' W edi; .YOU LXVnL, NO. a t tmAmm m a tha aattfng for tha wadding Mon­ The etructure, with an * *®®t cial Situation Is Seen cr«w fMiBotr oc tn« frontage and ISO toot depth, to •MOt earrtar m « Bodowic day afternoon ai Mlaa Louiaa A. expected to be completed by Into Satisfactory 1,378 Unemployed h m Bodowr Wrolt ^ LEARN TO DRIVE Andaraon. daughter o f Mr. and fall at which time the preeent Flantes Rise From Gas Plant Fire Views Differ MBtIa rotarnod to < W ^ t h Dual Central Batoty Oaf Mrs. Bmaat P. Andaraon. and Oa- Main atreet atore unit IS ekpected Aa tha Saeal year draw s to Tha unam ployrngnt altitatlan HUDSON ^ --- ------ - , Vandenberg Asserts •edSo Floot oftor nndiorfol^ tu to bo cloaed. hare rose shanty M A par eant la st Mtearad Hera M y mVVtB UBVWvVMnra • Businessman Says f iMfi evorhoul at tho_ Pufot car W. Andaraon ot thia town, aon cloM w ith the and of thla weak, IM . 49SI Ot tM SC;: On Filibuster ■ouad Navy WUpyard. Brtmer- of tha late Mr. and Mra. CharlM The Kamson CbnetrueUon com­ week, ngu ras released today ' bp pany, a New York firm, la hand­ tha tow n's genam l Snanelal altua- MANCMBBTEB 0 ton. Waob. ____ J. Anderaon. ling the building Job. whld>, It la tioa ia ahow n to ha aatlafaetory, tha gtata Em ploym ent Sarelee te- OMVINO AOAOBMT To tha atraina ot tha Lohangrln said, win cost Wbout 170.000 plua veala that a total of ISTS ara un­ Qiarge Made rraak McNally ^ d M l acoordlng to a ataneng o t a p p r o - t w t t h 191 H a M g h . bridal march, playad by Anthony flxturea and fumlahinga. A large em ployed, com pared w ith lim for Steel Wage Jump Russia Only Military Bam aat avanua, w a it Naw B rlfh - Obright. tha bridal party antar^ priatlona eom pUad hy Com ptrollar m angtae, IM taeh toe, Btstan laland. N . T „ w aa ar- parking area will surround tha the prevlouB w eek. There dra 4T 4 tha garden through an alale of Louiaa M . JohniMm . MtmchkiUr^i PItmo (LaenI toxaa to be nstad yaatarday for apeadlng m avargreena roped off erith vide building. Unancum barad bdlaneaa axlated fam alea Ineluded In thla figure. a d d e d ) . Republicans Say Dem­ tha' WITbur Croao H lW ^ y *>y Dwellings on tha atora property on tha Ssat of tho m onth In prac­ Unem ploym ent claim s rasa from Distributor, for o Only the aaiaiairtei yen DR. RICHARD C. blue ribbona and dacked w lw recently were moved to new ocrats ' Stallinf Ad- Stata Pollcaman John r . Lombar­ gladioli throughout They took tically an accounts. 797 to lA M , tha largest tnoraasa Could Hurt Nation foundations nearby. do. ____ their placea before an “ vl* Som a of them wace sm all, such noted In ona period here. Inltlnl •SOBMER eO aeh dr Hnw 'jinynw nto ALTdN jonrament After As­ Threat to Security elalm a totale< P 445 and thoas ■ eW tth ar w tthant trato to lira . Martha Btavanaon, aacra- white birch and avargreana, with a a | 7.U on tha M t Mabo a a a U a tf large baakeU of white gladioli on faeUltlas Item. O thsra appaaied w e r e T g 9._ •GULBRANSEN oOead nBawanra tor yenr CHIROPRACTIC Amerienn Mnnngement sertion by Truman tary o f tha Manchaatar Chambar Chinese Reds each aide. large. Uhe the $ 5t , 5ST.T 0 w h i c h o f Oommarca. ia taking a ona-weak Auto Crashes Vatarana claim s drop^ l? from •WURUTZER Dm CDIATB DBUVBRT PHY8ICTAN Aseoeintion Chainyum Air Force Chief Makes conraa in New Haven, dealgnad to Rev. Alan H. Gatea. mlnUUr of waa BtUl unspent, but m oat of Washington, Aug. IS— OH — Goes Back ib England the Second Congregational church w hich w ould be draw n on to pay 201 t o 124, erhich m eans that •HARDMAN ON BOMB MOOBLB ' aid har in har dutiea aa aacratary m any have axhauated their clalm e HAS RESUMED P re d ic ts Incrensee Push Nearer Fresldent Truman's assertion that Seeks to Lift To TJncoil Nervs Ends’ Statement in Testi­ Sha w ill ratum to her offlca Mon. of North Coventry, performed the Reported Here out coeta during tha present Tha initial elalm a enma to 95 McCLURE AUTO laying money blUr in to * Senate day. ____ double-ring ceremony at 2 o'cl^k. p e r i o d . Would Effect Whole brought O.O.P. counter chargee mony Before House The bride, who waa preaantad In Tha town aoeounts cannot be w h i l e 99 w an continued. m Mata Bk Oarnsr Btrm rt • PRACTICE London, Aug. 12 — (^ — Thla report also stated, that a M . f r « 44S To Kanhsien today that to* Democrats ar* Controls Put British-born Novelist Pamela Ciommittee Investiga­ Tan o f tha amployaa of the BUah marriage by her father, waa at- overdrawn undar local charter Economy Lending. to stalling Congress' adjournment. lUrdwara Company apant the tended by Mra. Faith O. S te p h ^ In One Driver It Arrest- box com pany hare laid oft'approx­ KEMP'S HOURS BY Frankau, who now lives in call- p r o v l a l o n . Incorporsttd Disnstrous R e s n 11 s Senator Hors* (R-Ore) told a tion of Big B-36 greater part of the time yeaterday. of Center atreet Mancheater. The Tha ctinrent Sacal yaar anda w ith i m a t e l y 80 persons. F o r aom o tim e APPOINTMENT fornlA said today she has rs- ed -T h e Other In­ now the Folding Box Com pany reporter he thinka there Is a On Assembly % larehanU' Day.” In a crulae on flower girl waa Barbara Elliott of tha opw iing of bualnaoa A uguat IS. V im ltafs tad M arfe Three Armies Qose on turned to England to "uncoil Bombers; Backs Sec­ Bolton Hill, amaU coualn o f the has been In the praeaae of m oving Read Herald Advs. DemocraUc plot to keep-Congress my nerve ends." She explained: L oeg laland Sound. Returning the volved Motor Bike New York, Aug. 12— — In session and thereby keep R*' nten «nJoy«d a hearty dinner at bride. Roland Meloche of Amaton I Gateway to Cantont "Life In California le very retary Symington in tha Tavern. Sayhrook. waa beat man for Mr. Anderaon. The ehaimisn of the Amerl- publican lawmakeri off th* etump New Oiuncil of Eu­ comfortable, very expensive, The bride wore a gown of Ice Ctorence W. Heritage, 22, of cen Msjisgement seeocistion NatfonaUsta Report toU fan. Caiiing Rumors Faise 1089 Main atreet, was arrested on 115 Pemns Rere very hygienic and very tiring.” blue lace, large hat of the a ^ e told presidential fsct-flnden Senator Lucas of lUlaoto, to* rope Body Fighting a charg# of violation of nilM of Los# o f SDudl Town Democratic leader, retorted tost She had some advice for color and corsage of gardenias. British vlsltora to America: Tha matron of honor waa gowned tha road yaatarday by Patrolman Complete Course today that if steelworkers this Is -"only s figment of For Greater Free­ Washington, Aug. 12—<JP) Just a Reminder o f In rose lace and wora a corsage Donald Freer following an accident win their pay demands it Cnnten. Aug. .—<*>—Thrra ssnstor'a tmaglnsUon." "Read to* adverUeements — Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg to­ at the tnteraectlon of TlarQord 13 dom From Curbs Now o f roaea. The flower girt waa , eould idunge the UB. into a CStlnera________ Communlat nrmlee totol- Senator Wherry of NebraakA rather than the news and stay road and Prospect street out of all conversations begin- day said that Russia ia the Another Service 1 dreased In yellow organdy and car­ Approxim ately 115 paopla per- depreaaion. John M. Hancock, Ung 78,ooo men nw Coring th* O.O.P. Boor leader, and Sens' Mrs. Nellie Norman, 35, of 42 sots A UNO Strasbourg, France, Aug. 13— n 1 n g ‘tots government of "only major military thrwt” ried a basket of gladioli. ^ ^ aavei^ through tha hot aum m er KaahaMn.
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