FOI request 486401 Ward Name Permission Address Value of the Purpose of the payment Amount Amount spent / Amount not spent / Amount Reason for Reference payment received committed committed repaid repayment Year 2008/09 Barnsbury P022833 Railway land from Arundel £ 750,000.00 For 'environmental improvements in the vicinity' £ 750,000.00 £ 750,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Place to Westbourne Road, 1-3 Arundel Plan and 2 Westbourne Road, N7 £ 75,000.00 16.1 Highway Works £ 75,000.00 £ 75,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Barnsbury P051404 15-18 White Lion Street, £ 1,000.00 Biodiversity £ 1,000.00 £ 1,000.00 £ - £ - N/A N1 9PD £ 1,000.00 CoCP + fee £ 1,000.00 £ 1,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 124,000.00 Environmental and streetscape improvements £ 124,000.00 £ 124,000.00 £ - £ - N/A targeted but not limited to highways/footways £ 24,000.00 Highway reinstatement £ 24,000.00 £ 24,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Bunhill P010342 2 Clerkenwell Road (Hat £ 75,000.00 Playspace contribution £ 75,000.00 £ 75,000.00 £ - £ - N/A and Feathers) £ 10,000.00 Employment initiatives £ 10,000.00 £ 10,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Bunhill P061450 122-128 Old Street, EC1V £ 60,600.00 Highways reinstatement £ 60,600.00 £ 60,600.00 £ - £ - N/A 9BD Clerkenwell P070272 Clerkenwell Chambers, 82- £ 18,000.00 Environmental Contribution towards £ 18,000.00 £ 18,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 84 Clerkenwell Road, environmental and streetscape improvements EC1M 5RJ in the vicinity of the site in accordance with the St Johns Square Improvement Scheme. Clerkenwell P071390 2 Sans Walk, EC1R 0LT £ 1,000.00 Biodiversity £ 1,000.00 £ 1,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 2,000.00 Code of practice for construction £ 2,000.00 £ 2,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 47,000.00 Environmental, streetscape and community £ 47,000.00 £ 47,000.00 £ - £ - N/A improvements Clerkenwell P072615 Angel Centre, 403 St John £ 598,930.00 £ 598,930.00 £ 598,930.00 £ - £ - N/A The environmental, streetscape and community Street, EC1V 4PL improvements in the vicinity of the Site £ 17,220.00 Employment and Training Contribution £ 17,220.00 £ 17,220.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 5,000.00 Code of practice for construction £ 5,000.00 £ 5,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 1,500.00 Biodiversity £ 1,500.00 £ 1,500.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 424,000.00 TfL Contribution £ 424,000.00 £ 424,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Clerkenwell P070147 SOAS, University of £ 100,000.00 Environmental contribution £ 100,000.00 £ 100,000.00 £ - £ - N/A London, Vernon Square, WC1X £ 10,300.00 Car Club membership £ 10,300.00 £ 10,300.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 500.00 Biodiversity £ 500.00 £ 500.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 2,000.00 Code of Construction monitoring £ 2,000.00 £ 2,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Holloway P061864 376-380 Camden Road, £ 3,075.00 Sustainable transport measures at £75 per £ 3,075.00 £ 3,075.00 £ - £ - N/A N7 0LG habitable room Mildmay P062161 Pims House, 1-20 Mildmay £ 645,000.00 Environmental contribution £ 645,000.00 £ 645,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Avenue and Service House, 3 Mildmay Avenue, N1 4RS £ 59,688.00 Highway Reinstatement £ 59,688.00 £ 59,688.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 24,480.00 Car Club Membership £ 24,480.00 £ 24,480.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 2,000.00 Biodiversity £ 2,000.00 £ 2,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 2,500.00 Code of Construction monitoring £ 2,500.00 £ 2,500.00 £ - £ - N/A St Mary's P051450 St Mary Magdalene £ 30,000.00 Liverpool Road crossing contribution £ 30,000.00 £ 30,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Academy and Early Years Centre, N7 £ 50,000.00 Highbury Fields contribution £ 50,000.00 £ 50,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 34,000.00 Paradise Park contribution £ 34,000.00 £ 34,000.00 £ - £ - N/A St Peter's P072266 Islington Green School, 1 £ 5,000.00 CoCP Monitoring Fee £ 5,000.00 £ 5,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Prebend Street, N1 8PQ £ 11,840.00 Local Employment and Training Oppurtunities £ 11,840.00 £ 11,840.00 £ - £ - N/A 4 placements or 11,840 £ 120,000.00 environmental and streetscape contribution £ 120,000.00 £ 120,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 31,000.00 CCTV contribution £ 31,000.00 £ 31,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Year 2009/10 Barnsbury P051989 Barnsbury Complex, £ 62,500.00 Public Open Space Contribution £ 62,500.00 £ 62,500.00 £ - £ - N/A Offord Road, N1 1LR £ 140,000.00 £140,000 toward highways improvements £ 140,000.00 £ 140,000.00 £ - £ - N/A surrounding the development £ 7,920.00 Car Club membership for each markt unit £ 7,920.00 £ 7,920.00 £ - £ - N/A without a dedicated car space for 1 year (£180 per unit x 44) Bunhill P002805 32 and 33-41 Dallington £ 32,000.00 Contribution for environmental improvements £ 32,000.00 £ 32,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Street, Islington, London, and improvements to the streetscape in the EC1V 0BB immediate vicinity of the Site and after prior consultation with the Owner Bunhill P061450 122-128 Old Street, EC1V £ 66,555.00 Contribution to assist 3 persons in the council's £ 66,555.00 £ 66,555.00 £ - £ - N/A 9BD care with accomodation when attending full time higher education course - £22185 in three tranches over 3 years. Bunhill P062728 Ropemaker Place, 25 £ 1,037,540.00 Affordable Housing Payment - £1,037,540 £ 1,037,540.00 £ 1,037,540.00 £ - £ - N/A Ropemaker Street, Islington, London, EC2Y 9LY £ 50,000.00 Transport Improvements - Improvements to £ 50,000.00 £ 50,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 153 bus stop on Ropemaker Place or other works to the 153 bus route including for the avoidance of doubt improvements to the footways in the vicinity of the 15 Bunhill P081325 43-57 Gee Street, EC1V £ 1,000.00 Biodiversity Contribuition £ 1,000.00 £ 1,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 3RS £ 2,800.00 Code of Construction Practice £ 2,800.00 £ 2,800.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 4,000.00 Accessible Transport Measures - Two disabled £ 4,000.00 £ 4,000.00 £ - £ - N/A car parking bay within the immediate vicinity of the site or alternative accessible transport measures £ 155,863.00 Environmental streetscape and community £ 155,863.00 £ 155,863.00 £ - £ - N/A improvements £ 1,080.00 Sustainable Transport Measures - including but £ 1,080.00 £ 1,080.00 £ - £ - N/A not limited to personalised travel planning, promotion of walking and cycling, car club membership and promotion, and accessibility information Bunhill P081736 29-30 Wakley Street & 312- £ 10,000.00 Code of Construction Monitoring £ 10,000.00 £ 10,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 330 Goswell Road, EC1V 7LT £ 6,000.00 3 on Street Disabled Bays or if not suitable to £ 6,000.00 £ 6,000.00 £ - £ - N/A be spent on other accessible transport measures £ 256,400.00 Environmental Contribution towards the £ 256,400.00 £ 256,400.00 £ - £ - N/A environmental, streetscape, leisure and community improvements in the vicinity of the Site £ 13,680.00 The Owner or Developer shall pay to the £ 13,680.00 £ 13,680.00 £ - £ - N/A Council prior to or on Implementation £180 per Market Dwelling and £90 per Student Dwelling comprising the Development towards Sustainable Transport Measures £ 100,000.00 TfL Contribution £ 100,000.00 £ 100,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Caledonian P022450 Winton Primary School £ 150,000.00 Park ranger salary £ 150,000.00 £ 150,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Site and land bounded by Southern Street, Calshot Street, Collier Street and Killick Street, N1 Caledonian P080281 9 Railway Street, 45 and £ 4,000.00 Code of Construction Practice, including a £ 4,000.00 £ 4,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 55 Balfe Street; 39-51 and £4,000 monitoring fee 53 & 57-63 Wharfdale Road;, Islington, London, N1 9EE Clerkenwell P071116 Hugh Myddelton Primary £ 15,000.00 Bus Facilities £ 15,000.00 £ 15,000.00 £ - £ - N/A School,, Myddelton Street,, EC1R 1YJ £ 3,000.00 code of construction compliance £ 3,000.00 £ 3,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 6,000.00 3 disabled parking bays £ 6,000.00 £ 6,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 83,000.00 The environmental, streetscape, highway and £ 83,000.00 £ 83,000.00 £ - £ - N/A community improvements in the vicinity of the Site £ 5,760.00 sustainable transport measures £ 5,760.00 £ 5,760.00 £ - £ - N/A Clerkenwell P072928 13-15 (now 42, Britton £ 3,000.00 Biodiversity £ 3,000.00 £ 3,000.00 £ - £ - N/A street), Eagle Court,, EC1M 5QD £ 3,000.00 Code of Practice for Construction Sites £ 3,000.00 £ 3,000.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 5,740.00 Employment and Training £ 5,740.00 £ 5,740.00 £ - £ - N/A £ 50,000.00 Environmental, streetscape and community £ 50,000.00 £ 50,000.00 £ - £ - N/A improvements in the vicinity of the Site Clerkenwell P081483 Farringdon Station, 36-43, £ 992,867.00 Environmental Contribution £ 992,867.00 £ 992,867.00 £ - £ - N/A Cowcross Street, EC1M 6BY Highbury East P071659 46-52 Holloway Road, N7 £ 2,000.00 The Owner shall pay the Biodiversity Action £ 2,000.00 £ 2,000.00 £ - £ - N/A 8JL Plan Contribution to the Council for the purpose of implementing Islington's biodiversity plan. £ 5,000.00 Compliance with the Code of Practice for £ 5,000.00 £ 5,000.00 £ - £ - N/A Construction Sites. The Owner shall pay the Code of Construction Practice Monitoring Contribution. £ 6,240.00 The Owner shall use reasonable endeavours to £ 6,240.00 £ 6,240.00 £ - £ - N/A ensure that any contract for the construction of the development shall include 2 work placements for Construction Workers lasting a minimum of 13 weeks. £ 240,800.00 Local environmental improvements contribution £ 240,800.00 £ 240,800.00 £ - £ - N/A and footway improvements including but not limited to improvements to Highbury Fields and/or St Mary Mags Churchyard and or Highbury Cnr.
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