•• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. THE NATIONAL TABERNACLE A-8 sarraPST. serramsaa is hmt New Duties Set Cathedral Set Six Visitors For Pastor's Aide Rally Dor 1/ WM The Rev. James O. Graham For Anniversary Will will assume his poet as assist- HE NATIONAL Preach ant minister at Wesley Metho- r The 50th anniversary of lay- Six guest speakers will de- dist Church on Tuesday, Dr. 1 TABERNACLE <Son-Sectarian) ing the cornerstone of Wash- liver sermons before local K. K. Haddaway. minister, an- ington church congregations tomor- s, will be cele- nounced today. I* wmßßf--'jr*s*?jrjr k <& \ Cathedral row. SCOTT, Ju .gfj&m brated with a service of A retired Congregational REV. PeLOSS M. The Rev. Canon H. I Ministar thanksgiving at 4 p.m. tomor- Frederick Church clergyman. Mr. Gra- Arterton. associate warden of has been serving SUNDAY SERVICES JGpF Jn'ft tw row in’the Cathedral, Wiscon- Washington ham as as- m\iwK'SSf the College of sistant minister for youth work wjtvif V yftij\ 'Vf? sin and Massachusetts avenues Preachers, will preach at St. at Pilgrims Presbyterian Church .:45 am N.W. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, * here. Rally Ooy in the Bible m - Tjßr. m f\ JJwplfpsHW^^BKM[ssf'* v^ /BBL v and F streets School # i4Jr ¦ The Right Rev. Henry Knox Sixteenth N.W. graduate H&# A lUOy jflSk % • The Edgar Mr. Graham la a of ¦ 11 :00 o.m. ond 7:45 p.m. wfrfwmrrr \Er/m Sherill, presiding bishop of the Rev. C. Rakow, McKinley High Technical Speaker J- Episcopal Church; the Right executive director of the South- George Client gPy District School and attended f Rev. Angus Dun, Bishop of eastern Mission Board, k'l' Washington University. He re- MR. GEOROE MILES Washington: the Right Rev. Charlotte, N. C., willpreach at ceived his qf Divinity r * Bachelor President Washington I ¦MMA exM Jor' iffHMfo-JKs % ¦** la Cuthbert Bardsley, bishop of NEW RECTOR-The Rev. the Bethlehem' Church, Six- degree at (SmL Jn \Mr \ ¦Hr # iV PARISH WORKER— Miss Yale Divinity School Bible College Mbkt zmMj&i M %jir!| Coventry, Englsnd, and the B. Bradshaw Mlnturn this teenth and T streets S.E. Serv- and his Master of Saered The- BH ¦ ¦£ ft ices be at Ruth E. Staudenmayer of p.m.—Training Right Rev. Noble C. Powell. week assumed his post will held 8:30 and Pittsburgh ology degree at Hartford Semi- Bishop Maryland, par- 11 a.m. will be in- nary. K6:30 Fellowship of will as rector of Ascension,. stalled as parish ticipate in the service. Episcopal Church, A missionary from Malaya worker 11 7 :(J0 p.m.—Prayer Time Silver and He was a YMCA secretary In Also taking part in the cere- Sumatra, the Rev. J. Wes- of Christ Lutheran several New « Wednesday Eva., 7:45 p.m. jjj Spring, Md. A native of ley Day, preach 11 Church at 11 a.m. York State cities mony will be the Very Rev. will at am. tomor- from 1914-21, except for his w Chicago, Mr. Mlnturn Is In Emory Methodist Church, row In the church, 8011 Proyer, Praise and Bible : |fciJH||fISHH«S9L ¦• # w| 'Jr iktvv&*w&'' Francis B. Sayre, 1r„ Cathedral a graduate of Trinity service in the Army during Study dean, and Dr. John W. Suter, 6100 Georgia avenue N.W. Old Georgetown road, World JWar I. ¦ College Virginia Rev. former Cathedral dean. and the The Ronald Collins, Bethesda, Md. The Rev. Theological Seminary. Vicar of Olney, England, specially pre- He will Otto C. Schuetze, pastor, NON-DENOMINATION The service was from posi- speak Bt. Episcopal pared by of Concord, comes here his at John’s graduate Dr. Suter Church, Olney. Md., and St. will officiate. A N. H„ a member of the de- tion as assistant chaplalh of Capital University, *‘:?> Luke’s, Brighton, Md., . .^*^’>-s. ... ¦ < supervisor at the Topeka tomor- “IS CHRIST COMING AGAIN?” f “’ nomination’s Standing Liturgi- ¦"" row. Is exchange Miss Staudenmayer will cal Committee. (Kans.) State Hospital. He an min- Haor Bible ister for the church’s minister, be in charge of the Noted Teacher, Harold M. Harper series Mr. married < Bishop Bardsley will‘deliver Mlnturn Is the Rev. James Valliant. who church’s youth program. of Illustrated Messages anniversary sermon. and has a daughter. the is carrying on similar duties In Sunday, September 29, 11 :00 am., 7:30 p.m Bishop Powell will preach on England. RAPIO ANP CHAPEL SERVICES j The service at St. Tuesday, October 1 through Friday, October 4, 8;00 p.m. "Our Nation's Life” at the 11 John's will be held at 11:15 service. Many Govern- a.m. THE POWER OF FAITH . a.m. Softball Teams and at St. Luke’a at 9:45 ment officials and members of am. Their faith stronger than the fear of death, four j GOSPEL CHAPEL Congress will attend the wor- Honored The Rev. Clyde Brown of chaplains on a sinking Army transport in World To Be YOUR INVITATION! I3 2252 Minnesota Avenue S.E. ship. St. Andrew’s, Barberton, War II gave away preservers Ohio, their life so that four AtTakoma Park will direct the service of Grace Will appear here next 0 other men might live. Then they .linked arms, these Episcopal Church, Silver ASSEMBLIES OF GOP Boys part in two Protestant, Catholic and Jewish chaplains, and went who took Spring, Md.. at 9:15 and 11 week for an event down with the Dorchester—Howard Brodle, AP softball leaguea for the Tako- am. “Tht> Notional Prayer Canter* Dr, I Newsfeatures. ma Park-Silver Spring areas Mordecal W. Johnson, You won't want to miss.| will be honored at 8 p.m. to- Howard University president, BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE will deliver the sermon at the 1 **•**«* c ».W. REV. J. RBNTOW HUNTER. FmUp morrow in Takoma Park Pres- University It’s Saaday—October 11th 0:30 a.m.—bßuntfij School 630 p m.—Eventide Pimm All Rfcllglous Serv- 1S 11:00 » m.—CHRISTIAN TODAY" byterian Church* Maple and ice in the Andrew Me- 6;30 pm.—Teen Town and Christian Cadets iages 8 throueh 12) Rankin 1 PM. | ? .30 p m —RyenKeHeHc Rally; "TRUTH FOR TODAY" CHURCHES ON THE AIR Tulip avenues, Takoma Park, morial Chapel at the university Md. at 11 am. The following radio and tele- j Road Methodist Church will The Rev. William L. Mont- ! AT CALVARY BAPTIST vision programs will originate speak during morning* worship gomery, minister of education Bible Verses Contest BEGINNING SEPI. ’ from Washington-area stations ‘services. Takoma Park Presbyterian A “Finding Bible Verses” CHURCH SUNOAT 29 tomorrow: at ! 11:30 a.m., WOOK—The Rev. Dr. V. M CMkr Rtf. H. W. Rankla Church, sponsor the leagues, contest will be conducted at Nightly (except Saturday) of pm. 7.45 Television !H. B. Roepe speaks from the boys 6:30 tomorrow in the First Mark Yaiir Trinity said more than 100 took Baptist Church, Calendar wee-s or am., First Lutheran Church. Seventh and I 9 WTOP-TV—Chaplain part In the program. Each will streets S.E. The contest is spon- Raymond T. Matthewson of the 7 45 p.m., WWDC—“Men of Church to Observe lt'» a Data! Faith.” Mary Mar- receive a certificate of recogni- sored by the Baptist Training office of the Chief of Air Force Columnist Union. garet Mcßride Anniversary tion. ' '' Chaplains, will preach on “Our interviews Mrs. 20th EVANGELIST . j Fellowship With God Through W. Murdoch McLeod, general Members of River Road Herb Heft, director of public director of United Church Presbyterian Washington EuoertnteixlMit of New Bncland faiVwS ij£ Prayer” on the Air Force United Church relations for the District Assemblies of Qod >t i V “Chapel of the Air” from the Women (recorded*. will celebrate the church's 20th Baseball Club, will apeak and " Bolling Air Force Base Chapel. 11:30 p.m., WOL Sacred anniversary with special events present plaques to the winning GRACE ASSEMBLY OF COD 9:30, music and news of Washington tomorrow through October 6 at teams. NATIONAL CHURCH OF COD 4»01 North Vrrihlnc Drive f WRC-TV—“The In- 3456 PeMylvftitift Are. S.l, spiration Brings Healing” area churches on the “Sacred the church, Fessenden street Marvin Memorial Methodist Block Off Route ho that FhilHg H. McSwftin, on the program “How Chris- Hour” program. and River road N.W. Church took first place in both Minieter LU. 1-2377, LU. 1-15*1 tian Science Heals." 1 am. (Monday) WRC—The Dr. Virgil M. Cosby, who es- the Junior High League and U l 0, % tablished the church mis- the Junior League. eho^l Ke! ’p-V^tV* ifl 10 am., WRC-TV—The Rev. Rev. Harris speaks on “Inspi- as a The former ration.” sion on October 4,1937, and be- had five teams and the latter SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Welcome: Walter P. Anderson, director of, pastor, speak G. L. FANNIN. Evoruellit Television came its first will four. Other church teams com- the Catholic Guild at 8:30 p.m. family fellowship peting Spring SEFTIMIIk 21th mg 24th of Washington, a were Silver Pres- will celebrate' Wednesday. byterian, Good Shepherd “Mass for Shut-Ins.” dinner Meth- Saturday Evening, 7.30 p.m. CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH the Rites to Open He also will preach at a pre- odist and St. Luke’s Lutheran. P orehip in the Air-Cnnriitinned Sanctuary IBVING 10 am.. WTOP-TV—Cantor! paratory worship service at 8 Sunday Morning, 11:00 a.m. M. MITCHELL. Minister Milton Sondeno. Minister el Mule Norman Gewirts of the Mont- p.m. Friday.
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