geaugaSummer 2014 POWERING Geauga County Businesses PLUS: Western Reserve Farm Cooperative – STRENGTH IN NUMBERS pg 1 CIC’s 44th Annual Salute to Business & Industry pg 9 Don’t Miss GGP HOMEGROWN Event pg 29 1 WESTERN Reserve FARM COOPERATIVE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS PUBLISHER 4 Powering GEAUGA COUNTY BUSINESSES Chris Yuhasz 6 AMISH BUSINESSES ABOUND IN GEAUGA COUNTY Owner, Persistence of Vision, Inc. 9 CIC’S 44TH ANNUAL SALUTE TO BUSINESS & INDUSTry EDITor-in-Chief Margie Wilber 10 PATIENTS COME FIRST AT PRECISION OrthopAEDIC Owner, Write 2 the Point SPECIALTIES, INC. 14 MEET GEAUGA’S PERSONABLE CHIMNEY SWEEP AT CONTRIBUTING WRITERS MERRY POPPINS Margie Wilber Glen Miller 16 ZIRKLE TECH: EXCEPTIONAL CORPORATE & RESIDENTIAL Sheila Roberts COMPUTER Service Kelly Donahue 18 ECONOMIST MILTON EZRATI KEYNOTES GEAUGA Growth PArtnership ANNUAL MEETING DESIGN Ellen Seguin 18 GEAUGA Growth PArtnership EXPANDS TO OFFER Write 2 the Point BUSINESS CONSULTING Service 19 LOCAL DEALER RENOVATES FORD Service AREA USING A special thanks to our partners whose financial ONLY LOCAL MATERIAL contributions make this publication possible. 20 Arthritis FOUNDATION THE BUSINESS OF ARTHRITIS 22 GEAUGA LEARN BRINGING GEAUGA COUNTY’S RICH AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE TO STUDENTS BY BRINGING sTUDENTS TO THE GREAT GEAUGA FAIR 24 JR. FAIR LIVESTOCK SALE AMBASSADORS 25 GREAT LAKES CHEESE WINS 2014 WORLD CHEESE CHAMPIONSHIP GOLD MEDAL Geauga Medical Center 26 UH GEAUGA MEDICAL CENTER IT DOESN’T HAVE TO HURT 28 KENT STATE KNOWLEDGE RISING MUSIC FESTIVAL 29 Homegrown GEAUGA Geauga Business articles are written and selected for their general interest and entertainment value. Authors’ views do not necessarily represent the policies of POV Print Communication, Inc. nor does their publication constitute an endorsement by POV Print Communication or Write 2 the Point. All submissions GEAUGA are subject to space availability and editing. For advertising opportunities or submissions, contact POV Print Communication, Inc. Persistence of Vision, Inc. Write 2 the Point 16715 West Park Circle PO Box 385 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Newbury, OH 44065 www.povcommunications.net www.write2thepoint.com [email protected] [email protected] p. 440.591.5443 x222 p. 216.410.2395 On the cover: John E. Skory, President, The Illuminating Company, A FirstEnergy Company. Western Reserve Farm Cooperative Strength In by Margie Wilber THE IMPORTANCE OF THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTry REACHES THE MOST BASIC Numbers But first, let’s define a cooperative.T hey are businesses LeveL OF HUMAN SUrvivAL. FARMERS owned and controlled by the people who use them. FEED OUR CITIZENS. FARMERS FUEL THE Cooperatives include agriculture as well as child care, credit, health care, housing, insurance, telephone and LOCAL ECONOMY AND REMAIN VIGILANT electric cooperatives, to name a few. TO preserve THE ENVIRONMENT. FARMERS Why are cooperatives organized? They strengthen CONTINUALLY SEEK New METHODS TO bargaining power, maintain access to competitive markets, capitalize on new market opportunities, obtain INCREASE yieLDS ON AN ever-CHANGING needed products and services at more competitive AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE. WESTERN costs, improve income opportunities, reduce costs and manage risk. In agriculture, there are nearly 3,000 farmer Reserve FARM COOPERATIVE PLAys A PIVOTAL cooperatives in the United States whose members include a majority of our nation’s 2 million farmers and ROLE IN HELPING OUR LOCAL FARMERS ranchers. A farm supply cooperative engages in the ACHieve EACH OF THESE MISSIONS. manufacture, sale and/or distribution of farm supplies and inputs, including energy-related products. CONTINUED ON paGE 2 GEAUGA BUSINESS Summer 2014 1 Western Reserve Farm Cooperative Strength In Numbers CONTINUED FROM paGE 1 Western Reserve Farm Cooperative, as a farm supply cooperative, serves as a major force in helping to ensure the growth and prosperity of agriculture in Geauga County. This farmer-owned cooperative includes 680 voting, controlling members, serving The Agronomy division provides a full line He continues, “The same field data is also approximately 20,000 customers every of packaged and bulk seeds, packaged and loaded into a computer onboard the year. Anyone who derives an income from bulk fertilizers, and packaged and bulk crop- cooperative’s custom-application equipment. agriculture – livestock and grain farms, protection products. “It also offers a full line When the operator of the application vineyards, wineries, tree farms, horse stables of services that include delivery, equipment equipment applies the fertilizer and lime, he – can become a member of the Western rental, seed treatment, and custom or she interfaces the application equipment Reserve Farm Cooperative. application, as well as crop scouting and field with the satellites while actually driving across diagnostics,” Eastlake says. the field applying the fertilizer and lime. T he According to Mike Eastlake, President/CEO equipment automatically adjusts the rate of Western Reserve Farm Cooperative, the The Agronomy Division has experienced of application to match what the computer Western Reserve Farm Cooperative has significant growth in product and service and field records show is needed.T his puts grown from its single-county heritage to offerings over the past 10 years. Most notable the exact amount of product where it is an organization with 15 locations serving is their custom application. “What not long programmed to be needed.” members and patrons in 10 counties. Five of ago amounted to 40,000 to 50,000 acres of these counties are located in Ohio: Geauga, work is now nearing 200,000 acres,” describes Lake, Ashtabula, Portage, and Trumbull; Eastlake. “This has been driven by labor Petroleum Division and five are located in Pennsylvania: Erie, resources, government regulations, and the Western Reserve Petroleum Division also Crawford, Mercer, Butler, and Lawrence. need to get crops planted in a timely manner. utilizes technology relying on GPS and Western Reserve is handling this growth as satellite coordinates for routing their delivery The Cooperative’s diverse facilities are we have a staff of Certified Crop Advisors and trucks and identifying the location of their located across Geauga County. The Certified Custom Applicators. In addition, we customers’ tanks. Middlefield facility houses a lumber have equipment that is equipped with the operation, grain silos for handling and latest GPS and VRT (Variable Rate Technology) In addition, Western Reserve Farm drying grain, and a retail store. technology that pays dividends to the local Cooperative also operates a petroleum bulk producers. plant and retail fueling station in Burton. Agronomy Division The facility was acquired in 2006 and was “The cooperative’s personnel soil-sample formerly known as the Burton Lumber & fields using a two-acre grid system,” Eastlake The Western Reserve Farm Cooperative’s Fuel business. This location houses the describes. “Each sample pulled is identified Agronomy facility, located on Rt. 528 in cooperative’s petroleum division office; a with satellite coordinates. When the results MiddlefieldT ownship, was acquired in 1998. bulk plant that supports the cooperative’s of the soil tests are known, they are logged A bulk fertilizer plant and packaged goods tank wagon delivery of fuels throughout into the field records with the same satellite warehouse were built to provide area the area; and a retail fuel station that coordinates. This is very important as the grain producers with their needed seeds, accommodates walk-in customers. fertilizer, and crop protection products. The fertility level in the soil typically varies greatly Agronomy facility is open throughout the throughout each field, with portions being Eastlake says fuel was the first supply product planting and growing season. much better or worse than others.” handled by the cooperative. Their fuel customers today range from farmer members, homeowners, and commercial companies, to a variety of other fuel users. “Western Reserve 2 Mike Eastlake, President/CEO of Western Reserve Farm Cooperative also distributes an extensive line of packaged and bulk lubricants, and we have plans to construct a new warehouse for these products at the Burton facility,” adds Eastlake. Munson Country Store Western Reserve Farm Cooperative also operates a “Country Store,” built and opened in 2007 in Munson Township. “This facility replaced one of the original facilities located on Park Avenue in Chardon. The new location provides more space to display and warehouse its extensive may be local or operating in an area from line of products for horse, dog, cat, and other hundreds of miles away. So, we must first earn the pets,” Eastlake states. “There is also plenty of customer’s business, and then balance the returns merchandise for yard and garden enthusiasts. paid to the members with the reinvestments into A drive-thru enables our employees to actually the cooperative to insure it’s there to meet the load customers’ purchases as an added future needs of the members and patrons.” convenience at this retail store. He continues, “While I do believe our members “Like all businesses, Western Reserve Farm appreciate the patronage dividends they receive, Cooperative’s various business divisions go I also believe they appreciate what Western through cycles that alter our gross sales, Reserve is doing to position itself to serve their changing which are the most profitable year future needs.” Western Reserve routinely issues after
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