The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 and became a national organization through the Board of Directors efforts of the presidents of three state universities. Its Wendell H. McKenzie, PhD primary objective has been from the first the recogni- National President tion and encouragement of superior scholarship in all Dept. of Genetics fields of study. Good character is an essential support- Box 7614 NCSU ing attribute for those elected to membership. The Raleigh, NC 27695 motto of the Society is philosophia krateit¯oph¯ot¯on, Paul J. Ferlazzo, PhD which is freely translated as “Let the love of learning National President-Elect Phi Kappa Phi Forum Staff rule humanity.” Northern Arizona University Dept. of English, Box 6032 Editor: Flagstaff, AZ 86011 JAMES P. KAETZ Donna Clark Schubert Associate Editors: Phi Kappa Phi encourages and recognizes academic National Vice President Troy State University STEPHANIE J. BOND excellence through several national programs. 101-C Wallace Hall Through its awards and grants programs, the Troy, AL 36082 LAURA J. KLOBERG Society each triennium distributes more than Copy Editor: $1,300,000 to deserving students and faculty to Neil R. Luebke, PhD promote academic excellence. These programs Past President JAMES T. BARRS include its flagship National Fellowship program for 616 W. Harned Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-1303 Poetry Editors: students entering their first year of graduate study, Promotion of Excellence grants for faculty-led proj- LOIS ROMA-DEELEY James L. Heflin, PhD ects, Study Abroad grants for undergraduates, and Vice President, South RANDY PHILLIS Literacy Initiative service grants. For more informa- Central Region Issue Consultant: tion about how to contribute to the Phi Kappa Phi Cameron University Foundation and support these programs, please write 2800 West Gore Blvd. ROBERT BURNS Lawton, OK 73505 Perry A. Snyder, PhD, Executive Director, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State Ronald E. Johnson, PhD University, Baton Rouge, LA 70893 or go to the Phi Vice President, Phi Kappa Phi Forum Kappa Phi web page at www.phikappaphi.org. Northeastern Region Old Dominion University Mission Statement Dept. of Ocean, Earth & The purpose of the Phi Kappa Phi Atmos. Sciences Forum is to enhance the image of the Norfolk, VA 23529 Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and A. Wayne Lacy, PhD promote the pursuit of academic excel- Vice President, lence in all fields through a quality, Southeastern Region intellectually stimulating publication Phi Kappa Phi Forum (ISSN 1538-5914) is published 415 N. Moye Drive for its membership. four times a year — winter, spring, summer, and fall Montgomery, AL 36109-4615 — by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Terry Mathias, PhD 70893. Printed at R.R. Donnelley, 1600 N. Main, Vice President, The views expressed in this Pontiac, IL 61764. ©The Honor Society of Phi Kappa North Central Region publication are not necessarily 130 Sasamac Road Phi, 2003. All rights reserved. Nonmember subscrip- Carbondale, Il 62901 those of the staff of Phi Kappa tions $25.00 per year. Single copies $6.25 each. Phi Forum or the Board of Periodicals postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA and Penny L. Wright, PhD Directors of The Honor Society additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send Vice President, of Phi Kappa Phi. address changes to The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Western Region Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State University, Baton 13844 Avenida de la Luna Rouge, LA 70893. Material intended for publication Jamul, CA 91935 Phi Kappa Phi Forum is indexed in PAIS should be addressed to James P. Kaetz, Editor, Phi Nancy H. Blattner, PhD Bulletin, Current Index to Journals in Kappa Phi Forum, 129 Quad Center, Mell Street, Regent Education, Sociological Abstracts, Book Auburn University, AL 36849-5306. Longwood University Review Index, Management Contents, 201 High Street America: History and Life, SIRS, and Graham Building 142 Magazine Index. It is also available on Farmville, VA 23909 microfiche from University Microfilms International and Bell & Howell Micro Marya M. Free, PhD Photo Division and in print from UMI Director of Fellowships The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Mission Statement: 185 Oakland Way Article Clearinghouse, Ann Arbor, MI. Athens, GA 30606 Reprint Permission: Written permission to reprint articles may be obtained Recognizing and Promoting Academic Excellence in All Fields of Higher Education Perry A. Snyder, PhD by mail or FAX to the following: Executive Director Permissions Department, Phi Kappa Phi and Engaging the Community of Scholars The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 129 Quad Center, Mell Street, in Service to Others P.O. Box 16000 — LSU Auburn University, AL 36849-5306; Baton Rouge, LA 70893 FAX: 334/844-5994. Copying for other than personal or internal reference use without permission of Phi Kappa Phi Forum is prohibited. Cover:Thorncrown Chapel by Fay Jones, photographed by Keith McPheeters and digitally enhanced by Laura Kloberg. summer Architecture 2003 PHI KAPPA PHI FORUM, Volume 83, Number 3 Character of and in American Architecture 10 Leland M. Roth Building on Principles 17 Georgia Bizios The Other Tradition of American Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis I. Kahn 24 Robert McCarter When Practice Leads Theory 30 Kim Tanzer Sambo Mockbee (1944–2001) and the Rural Studio 35 Bruce Lindsey Innovations in Architectural Technology 40 Peter McCleary The Sea Ranch: Dwellings in Place 44 Donlyn Lyndon Letters to the Editor Columns: Phi Kappa Phi Forum publishes appro- priately written letters to the editor 2 A Note from the Editor every issue when submitted. Such let- ters should be 150–300 words in length. 3 Forum on Education & Academics (Jennifer M. Stolpa) Send to: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 4 Forum on Business & Economics (Anthony J. Dukes) Phi Kappa Phi Forum 129 Quad Center, Mell Street 6 Forum on Science & Technology (Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni) Auburn University, AL 36849-5306 fax: 334.844.5994 8 Forum on the Arts (Heidi Tolles Motzkus) e-mail: [email protected] Poetry: “Fire Escape” by Elizabeth Sullivan (52), “Twilight” by Mark Moody (56). WINNER Book Reviews: Andrea Oppenheimer Dean and Timothy 2003 Hulsey’s Rural Studio: Samuel Mockbee and an Architecture of Decency. Reviewed by Robert Zwirn (53). J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Reviewed by Emerson Smith (54). Letters to the Editor: 55 nowned program, the late Samuel Mockbee. Lindsey paints an unforget- table portrait of Mockbee as teacher, architect, artist, and human being. Peter McCleary next discusses archi- tectural technology. Using a historical perspective, Professor McCleary tells us how the technologies of architec- ture have evolved in the areas of mate- rials, production, structures, idea of space, environment, and digital design, and how this evolution has affected architectural practice. And finally, Donlyn Lyndon reviews some of the James P.Kaetz work done in the past forty years at The Sea Ranch, an innovative ten-mile stretch of the northern California coast where architects, engineers, builders, and property owners have visual idiot like me, then just think of made sure that homes there are con- IN THIS ISSUE what they have to offer for those of structed to give “prominence to the you who are not quite so design- natural setting, incorporating the exist- am the first to admit that my knowl- impaired. ing ecology of the place.” Iedge of architecture is practically nil. As long as my house has sufficient To lead off, Leland Roth offers an room, does not leak, and is something overview of the history of American APPRECIATIONS that I can afford, I am largely satisfied. architecture. Professor Roth covers It is not that I am a complete Philis- major architectural movements and irst, I want to thank Dr. Neil tine; one cannot earn a PhD in litera- influences from colonial times to the FLuebke for the work he did on our ture and remain ignorant of art and present in a piece that provides con- Spring 2003 issue on “Professional artists and their influence on poetry text for the articles that follow in the Ethics.” His knowledge of the field and fiction. I even vaguely remember issue. Next, Georgia Bizios advocates and, even more important for us, his having read and, at the time, under- that architects and teachers of archi- professional relationships with the stood John Ruskin. No, it is more that tecture build on sound architectural authors whom we invited made for an with my general lack of visual per- principles rather than following the outstanding issue. spicuity (to which I have confessed in whims of the moment or copying the the past in this space), I never really models of the past. She suggests a sys- Second, we also want to thank had the need or even the chance to tematic approach to design that Robert Burns, former Phi Kappa Phi study the field. At least when I was an involves paying attention to design Forum “Arts” columnist, former undergraduate, one did not have the philosophy, principles, guidelines, and Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi opportunity to substitute “Architec- standards. National Artist award winner, and ture 101” for the world history survey current professor of architecture at Robert McCarter then explores or conversational Spanish. So as North Carolina State University for what he sees as an overlooked tradi- Woody Allen says (tongue firmly in acting as our consultant on this issue. tion in American architecture, the cheek) about his own lack of ability to He advised us on topics and provided legacy and relationship of Frank Lloyd understand the art of pantomime, “I us with a list of excellent possibilities Wright and Louis I. Kahn. McCarter possess an Achilles’ heel culturewise for authors, thus allowing us to pre- discusses the achievements of these that runs up my leg to the back of my sent what we think is another special two great American architects of the neck.” issue of the Forum.
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