1U AUTOMOBITJM AUTOMOBILES Thirty-eight SCPTIMBtR 27, 1956 TOKKANCi HHALD AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES AtrroMonnjM 111! AUTOMOBILES Trurkft, ete. Tnit'k*, etc. Truck*. ate. Trncki, ete. ' Tnicki, ete. Traeki, ete. jifATTRKSSES tuid"/^TOMOBliJM1121 AUTOMOBILES BEDDING (I Truck*, etc. Truck), etc. Don't Break Your Budget GARDENA MOTORS Mattresses '55 Ford V8 OOOD. USED" TRADF.-l '54 Chevrolet Twin Pontiac Innenprlng $599 Fairlane Club Sedan Month-End Box Spring! 15 99 Bel-Air Sport Coupe Give Your Budget a Break Coll Spring. Fr«e Moil t rcirilniiMlle. In,Ho, hotel deluxe .whltewalK, (i>r(N>li '''' "'''' SPECIAL-fllmmons new vhHe t. One owner. WITH A GUARANTEED GOOD-WILL 119 BS rltli i,Hip Exceptionally low mllenpe Clearance 60c Guaranteed. etc. lx>w an »25 bank W« rent hed« (or gueiiU. down or 147 a month Vft rent De«erl-Alr lampl ROAD - READY Used Cars Reaaonable Prlcea SALE ' THE BEDDING SHOPPE Used Car till So. Western AM '53 Ford V8 '54 Ford V8 You can have these L.A. 47 PL 4-3187 Custom Convertible '54 FORD '55 HUDSON $25 CASH clean, reconditioned Victoria Overdrive, radl... heater, de­ luxe rilatom Interior, excel, Customline Fordor Sedan. Rambler 2-Door. Here's cars whether you Good Used lent top whllewall tlren. etc. Fully equipped and economy plus. See this INN'ERSI'RING MATTHK88E8 Siren red flnlah, mechanical­ bargain buy now. pay cash or OR JICIX SPRINGS jet black flnlih. ly Perfect fS? n$'fte$ffi. ready to go. Will Deliver Any Used Car $4.95 Truly perfect and f,ut.Wi'.ow"a.'s2Brdown"o'>r"54i Brand New Mattre«»e» ..110.95 a month hank lerml. '53 CHEVROLET '54 FORD (With Secured Credit) HEALTH-0-PEDIC Bel-Air Sport Coupe. Customline Club Coupe. TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE AND MANY MORE Mattress Co.' Radio, heater, Powerglide, Loaded with extras. Very 1877 W .Car.on. Tnrranca many other extras. clean inside and out. KAtrfai 8-1713' - CREIGHTON Select Cars '55 PLYMOUTH '54 DODGE $2195 $1995 MUSICAL Belvedere Club Coupe. Coronet 4-Door Sedan. DOWN [fiHtrumento 339 So. Pacific Coast Highway '56 PONTIAC '55 FORD Beautiful, red and black Clean as a pin inside and 2-DOOR CONVERTIBLE (One block South of Torrance Blvd.) 2ttone finish. Reduced out. Loaded with extras. Radio, heater, turn signals, etc. Radio, heater, Fordomatic, whitewalls '51 Ford ...,..........$595 Baldwin Pianos in price. REDONDO BEACH ' . FR 9-2081 A real buy. Full warranty. A beautiful car. Or $5 Dn. & $33 Per Mo. ALL STYLES AND FINISHES '55 OLDSMOBILE Convertible. Very sharp.' New Used.- Easy Terms '54 PLYMOUTH "88" 2-Door Sedan. RENT TO BUY nsCEM.ANEOUS AUTO REPAIRING 107 Convertible. This is the Hydramatic, radio, plus TtNB P.LPAIR RESTTLE For Sale, 50 Ford ..............$495 TE 3-6001 "PAY AS YOU DRIVE" littlle gem you've been many more accessories. Beautiful car. Or $5 Dn. & $27 Per Mo. FICHT PIANO CO. looking for. Fully $1395 $1295 2-Door .Sedan. Ill-El CiLltty San Pedro equipped. Sharp as a Shopsrmth Motor tack. Priced right. '55 MERCURY '55 PLYMOUTH '54 CHEVROLET , ...ran SALE Custom 2-Door Sedan. CLUB COUPE STATION WAGON 51 Hudson ........$495 Kohlert'» B\Flat Clarinet. 145 $5 Dn. & $27 Per Mo. DAvenpoft 6-1352 §Overhaul Gas-saving overdrive, A real special. You must see. A wagon -to beat all wagons,. Or Regular Fair Trade Price Station Wagon. Buy this priced far below the NO "MONEY DOWN one worth the money. going market. TErmlnal 3-3209 $339.45 LOAN CARS JPRIGTIT piano walnut Now $289.50 '53 PONTIAC '49 Mercury ,.....$445 '52 PONTIAC . '51 FORD 4-DOOR '51 PLYMOUTH Or $5 Dn. & $24.87 Per Mo. NO MONET DOWN 4-Door Sedan. This is a Custom 2-Door Sedan. Club Coupe. Cliyin car. S&H GREEN STAMPS Radio, heater, hydramatic. Excellent Action car you'll be proud to Check this one before Beautiful transportation car. 31 YRS. SERVICE you buy. It can't be beat. second car. Drive it. See this economy special. Gosney's 467 S. Market own and so low in price.. 51 Mercury .,.:..$595 For Sale' ' INGLEWOOD $48 PER MONTH DAvis 4-0026 $25 CASH $21 PER MO. Or $5 Dn. & $33 Per Mo. OR 8-7721 Includes everything Club Coupe. Dee this one. ron SALE .Safe. Herring-Hall. In used TRUCKS . TRUCKS BARGAINS condition. Contact rarlon S. AUTOMOBILES Onlrtwell. nmnager. D-'pl. "f We Have a Fine Selection of Trucks '50 Buick ..........$4*5 ir Vehicles. HI7 Crnvens Trucks, Wanted me. Torrance. rallfornia. 90 Day Twin Pontiac Warranty Or$5Dn. & $24/87 Per Mo. GALORE If FAIrfax 8-1386. '48 thru '55 Models 1/2 & %-Ton 4-Door Sedan. DEAD or On These Cars Any complete car PRICED BELOW MARKET VALUE' 5-Drawer IACHINERV £ TOOLS 09 $32 VERMONT '49 Oldsmobile..$345 Unpointed Chest AUTO WRECKING Or $5 Dn.& $19.30 Per Mo. 22545'So. Vermont COME IN--- LOOK THEM OVER Club Coupe. $10.00 Shopsmith FA 8:6973 Large SelectionSel COMPLETE WITH JIGSAW TRAILERS 111 TOM ROADY OPEN EVERY DAY TILL 10 P.M, FOR YOUR. CONVENIENCE irge For Sale or Trade '48 De Soto, :.......$245 Of Loramps BRAND NEW OPEN SUNDAYS Or$5Dn. & $13.75 Per Mo. Regular Fair Trade Price If Looking 4-Door Sedan. $339.45 For a mobile home In a lovely Big Dodge. & Plymouth CORNER trailer park »e« thl« beauti­ COME IN AND ful 40' trailer, like new. J1600 '48 Pontiac ..:.....$245 Now $289.50 UNDER cost! No children or TWIN PONTIAC . BROWSE AROUND prta. Smog Free. Near high­ "GARDENA" Or$5Dn.-& $13.75 Per Mo. way, storea and buses. Natural 4- Door Sedan. Cas and hot water. Spot 3-A. 25615 Narhonne. Phone 165th Place and So. Vermont Ave. DA 6-0820 505 Pacific Coast Highway Lomita New Cars -, DAvis 4-1108 Used Cars - DAvis 4-7906 Gosney's 16' AVALON Houi! BEACH DAvis 4-0026 shape, will so % HERMOSA '49 Buick .....:......$395 Salvage Call FA 8-6736 Open 8 A.M to 9 P.M. Monday Thru Friday FR 4-8987 - . OR 8-5286 Or $5 Dh. & $22 Per Mo. iaturdays 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Closed Sundays Super a-Door Sedan. COMPANY ETS, POULTRY I '55 OLDSMOBILE Rabbits, Supplies, etc. HOLIDAY HARDTOP ' 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, '51 Dodge ..........$595 ailer, Kastle Krafl hydramatic. whltewalla, black At Harbor Pontiac Black and white malei. and white flnlih. etc. Or $5 Dn. & $33 Per Mo. South Hlnidale Avenue. CUb Coupe. Beautiful car. PRontler '6-8942. CLEAN UP SALE Only $2595 The Beautiful Just overhauled. EASTERN Made. All alumlnun HA"RBOR MOTOR co. .. Repair? hou«e trailer. E WllmlnKton Oldsnioblle Banjos, etc. awnings. 1450. '50 Buick ............$495 special .....S2.98 FAIrfai 8-2187 FRontler 9-9351 230-300 W. Anaheim Terrific Discounts Wilmington TE 4-1166-4-1167 Or $5 Dn. & $28 Per Mo. 1950 PONTIAC 4-Door Chleftal '56 PONTIAG Super 4-Door Sedan. AUTO REPAfRING 101 j AUTO REPAIRING Hydr . ...... On All Remaining heatrt ick-up IlKhli. dlrcc- tlonal gnala. .Very good BIGGEST CAR LOWEST PRJCE VACATION TIME BEST DEAL '47 Chrysler ......$245 Or$5Dn. & $13.75 Per Mo. Coupe. Good transportation.' off '56 PONTIAGS '53 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE Toola, 8 passenger Station wagon. AVAILABLE NOW! Tool Bo».'K, Els' Sell Motor Overhaul ' Power steering. Fordomatic, Drill motore. iineclal. ,. ja.OO/up STATION WAGONS CATALINAS radio, heater. well cared tor, '51 Buick ........".;.$595 Flshln* equipment, all klndn Bird ragea. npcclal ...... ..S2.DB 2-DOORS T- 4-DOORS HARDTOPS ANY MObEL Or $5 Dn. & $33 Per Mo. amles. ..........26 to 501 off GUARANTEED (6.000 'Miles or 90 Days) GUARANTEED BEACH CITfES Special 4-Door Sedan. (gage (let of 31 .......II4.B8 MOTOR CO. .it lorkem. Hjpeelal ...... fn.it De Solo Plymouth Borgw Paint.. Special Gallon.. .....'.. .SLID" 234 8. Pacific Coast Hwy Paint thinner, f»i.. ... .X?t ' ' Down '50 Nosh ........,...$345 Sewlnr Machines ......S24.50 SAVE $1000 Irlc Razor* ........S7.60 up Or$5Dn. & $19.30 Per Mo. m Irona. special ......110.91 '56 OLDSMOBILE 2-Door Sedan. tment Stove, (used) 117.95 .159.50 4-DOOK SEDAN Super "88." Pull power, ra­ 36 MONTHS ON BALANCE ' 56 CATALINA dio, heater, hydramatic, whlte- EASY CREDIT—TERMS 6 Cylinders Most 8 Cylinders $69.50 List Price $3504.63.. ..NOW $2510 walls, bronze & white, low '48 Hudson ..........$95 EXCHANGE' STORE mileage, eierutlvn car. BUY — SELL — TRADE "860" Hardtop. Strato-Flight hydramatic, radid, Big Discount No Mone y Downo Or $5 Dn. & $5.35 Per Mo. NEW, BANKRUPT. USED IF ENGINE CONDITION PERMITS heater, dual exhaust, custom trim, directionals, Sedan. Hurry for this. 162 Gardena Blvd. DA 9-4851 HARBOR MOTOR CO. (On Approved Credit) 2-tone yellow and ivory finish, wnitewalls, etc. Wtlmhutuii Oldamohlle PARTS AND LABOR INCLUDED Motor No. C756H27102. 230-300 W. Anaheim' , .SEWING Wilmington TE 4-I166-4-1H7 '51 Ford ............$495 MACHINES New factory type piston rings, new wrist pins, new rod Or $5 Dn. & $28 Per Mo. bearings, complete valve grind, reface seats, cut cylin­ 56 HARDTOP 4-DOOR Used C'ar Specials der ridges, mike shaft, clean oil line and'pump, adjust List Price $3909.32.........:..NOW $2813 '51 Packard'......$595 tappets, check ignition and plugs, gaskets and oil. Tune GUARANTEED USED "870" Series. Every accessory including power Or $5 Dn. & $33 Per Mo. MACHINES ingine. ,. steering, power brakes, hydramatic, radio, heater, $1495 $1595 "300" Sedan. ' Tour Torranra ' custom interior, power pack, 2-tone' finish, white' Fin.i. PRICK ami '54 Pontiac Star Chief '54 Chevrolet BeNAir Dealer for walls, etc. Motor No. C756H7130. BEACH CITIES Hardtop Coupe. Power- NECCHI , ADLER Hydra-Malic, radio, heater, '54 Mercury ....$1695 ELNA PPAFF BRAKES RELINED $12.50 glide, power brakes, power 284 8.
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