Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-24-1947 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1947). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3799. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3799 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Teachers Collegtl JUNIORS GO DRESSY The Bulloch Herald, Thursday, July 17, 1947 Plans Two cole To Hold Programs (Continued From Poge One) STORES TO fUlMAI.N For 'fhis Weel( Ladies' fish-but conceited." Of'EN DURING TIlE D WQJ'I,- Night C LAS S I FIE '1'1,0 Teachers College Both Ole winner and the run­ TOIIACCO SEASON Chamber of shop of I he Georgfn Teachers Col- The Statesboro ncr-up will be nwnrded nil oven­ hold Its annual Stntesboro's stores and lege SUIllI11CI' school will hold open Commerce will Ing dres. and a bathing suit or • ness houses will continue to close • house todnv from 10:00 o. III to Ladles Night program Tuesday, their choice by the Junior Cham­ on uf'tcrnoons to on an­ at 7:30, In Ihe Wednesduy during FOR SALE: 1939 one-Ion Ford 12::l0 p, 111., according July 29, beginning be,' or Commerce and will be glv­ tobacco an Dr, dining season, according to truck In A-1 eondltion. Sec C. B nouncement mode by Ralph Oeorgla Teachers College en trlps to Columbus August J announcement tl1(' Dlvl­ this will mnde by the mer­ J2 East omrr 01. J Ip M. Lyon, chairman of room. The event year to compete in the coni est for Grlrrlll, ehunt's nssoclntlon this week. sian of Educa lion, The workshop be In honor of Dr. Marvin S. "M iss Gcorgtu." -The winner of Mnthcmutics, The announeemenl said that the HIGH SCHOOL, is helng held III the high school Pittman, president emeritus of the "Miss Georgia" contest will stores will Shorthand all d seck to continue to remain Typewriting, building of UlC Loborntory school. the college, and will rec- go to Mlant.lc City, N. J., to courses closed on Wednesday afternoon Bookkeeping home study Tomorrowf Frtday) the Labor­ ognlzo some of the honors Dr. take part In t.he contest to choose Disl. Rep. until after Thanksgiving at which Write L. E. Culbe,·tsoll, ntory school wll hove its culm In­ Pittman has received In the past "Miss Americo." Ume will Corr. Schools, 1106 E exercises In they remain open until Intemat. nllng program, with few months. Others on the revue Concrete beauty Christmas. Savannah, Gu. Dr. Henry St.., the elementary school building, As part of the prgorarn, program were Patty Parrish and The publlc is cordially Invited Pittman will make the main ad- Paul Waters of who Eor YOII need a Savannah, b.auty, livability DISSATISFIED? . to both these programs. dress of the evening. Prominent did three dance numbers;' •• of diet. Start off with tap and Eir aE.ty at: change the THE educators, including Chancel- Mrs. who rendered BULLOCH Bing Phillips, HERALD oven-fresh Holsum Bread, just low annual co.t lor of the University System, several numbers on the xylo­ DBDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF STATESBORO AND right for toast and sandwiches MOS1' FO\.I<& WOULD BULLOCH COUNTY members of the Board of Regents, phone; and Mrs. Kelly With concrete new hom. The Holsum Bakel'S. Statesboro George your and or en,. AlOHC!a GE'f'1'LR IF' presldenls other colleges who provided plano can be architectural PERSONALS accompant­ any ItyIe, VOLUMEVD Statesboro, Georgia, 1'hursday, July 24, 1947. Number 36 Ihe have been Invited to attend. 00 ---------------------------------------------------- - --- --------------------------- IT COST NO MORE-BlIY ment. Flowers 101' the winners ,ffill('O L!SS CXllor or lla. you want-CXlt· best. No need to off brands Tickets for the Ladles' Night were accept donated by Jones the F1or­ WORRIN' AN' !"\ORE tale or manlIon-adapted to ,,,''''''''''''', ... ,'', .. arc ......'''''''''' .. '''''''''." ........ ""''', •• , ... , ..."'''''''''''''',." ..... ,''''''''', .. ,''''''''', .. ,,, .. ,,"', •• "."", ..... "',"',.,'''''''''''''''''''''''',.,, ... , .. ,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ItI."""""".",,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,"'"..."."."" .. Standard Brnnds will be on sale soon at the ....... " .. "''''''''"I.IIII''''I1'''''''''' ....''''''' "II.".".." ........ " .... any longer. placed 1st and the Statesboro Floral ""."IIII"""III........IIUIIl.....11IUlll..... Mrs. S. H, Sherman returned '1JIINl(IN� ypur 'unlly'l requlrementl. 'P." back nguln at DO)\lALDSON­ of Mem- from where price $1.50 per plate, shop. Statesboro's Oldest Mens Monday Snvannah. Concret.walIlandlubfloon - SM1TH, bers of the Chamber of Commerce _ she a week with her par­ ond Store. trc spent a roof 1..111'1 Boys lind their are 1.0 and ftretafe poel. and Mrs. J. L. Martin. guests urged MRS, D, D. ARDEN ents, MI'. tive FOR RENT: One nice room fur- attend the program. protectIon Iiainat ttorma; Mrs. Sherman's father remoins For thi. junior drell-up cotton POINTS OUT ERROR IN I termlt.. and nished nnd one 1'00111 unfurnish­ In Lonednlc'a chambj-ay by Joan decay. critically ill following a stroke. STRI!lAMLJNER STORY Norton ean rebe ed, with kitchen privileges. Mrs Irwin, you your FORDHAM FAMILY YOU'll blv. Yllr 'round pick in grey. aqua. pink, yellow East Misses Willa Wagner, of Char­ One reader last week called the Lonnie B. Brannen-12 and blue. It i. trimmed in bri,ht I'LANS REUNION comfort, too, In your concreta nnd Hamer, of Herald to out an error In Jones St., Stotesbom. Hp leston, Margaret beauyoi. embroidery. I FOR SUNDAY, JULY 27 point bOUie-cool dry room. III S. Coo returned to their our story 01 the Central of Geor­ Dillon, summer, low heating bills in Metal ta- A reunion of the Fordham fam­ FOR SALE: Glass Top homes Tuesday after visiting gia Rnilroad's streamliner. "Nan­ Clito winter, And eave money chairs. us­ Balltist will be held you'Il ble and four Con be Miss Barbara Franklin. They ily Sunday, Juiy 27, cy Hanks II." In because of the i n d 0 or S and outdoors. Prac­ Church Holds (rourth at Block upkeep, eo were accompanied to Savannah Sundoy) Upper .. She was Mrs. D. D. who way a concrete haUl. new and in condi­ Revival This Creek Church. Members of the Arden, StOlt worrying about the dent In sturdy r tically perfect by Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Franklin Week found we had called Frank Ar­ Ia bills are few. Fordham and their friends the fender of eRr .. • built-repair tion. You may see this table altei and Miss Barbara Franklin. family your Just With the first services an on the being are Invited 10 attend and a den. engineer original It to us lor You'll love the I 6 P. M. Cull the Bulloch Heruld, MI'. and Mrs. Frank Mikell vis­ bring bring expert body, quiet, lal­ held at the a i Sunday night 8:15, basket lunch. "Nancy" back in the 1890's, fender and work. \Vu'ro 421. Hc. lied Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beasley paint proof, dust-tight concrete sub­ C1ito Church will hold a cousin of husband. i Baptist The commll tee in con­ her to maintain the in Biloxi, Miss., several days of charge eager help you lloors-an ideal base for rull, FOR SALE: L. C. Smith type­ series of revival services each day sists of Mrs. Otis Howard, Bur­ good oppea.ranco of your car •.. last week. They were accornpan- Mrs, Arden pointed out that carpets, linoleum or any lloor writer. new and in the week. with PrncUcaly during Services, nee Fordham and Wylle Fordham. may we serve you' ied 10 Biloxi by Barney Beasley, Frank Was a brother to her hus­ covering you like, perfect condition. $50.00 cash. Call preaching by the Rev. Grover Ty­ I who visited his brother and fum- band. rather than a cousin, and Our tested concrete block F. W. Darby Lumber Co" 280 ner, of Meller, will be held at i1y. Mr. and Mrs, Mikell included she told us there were five the ltc 11 a. m. daily and at 8:00 each yf meet quality requirements I New Orleans in their vncntion the Arden brothers. Beginning inr evening, continuing through Frl- ]/''lflh!ill (hrvrO/l't. of all standard specificationa. WANTED-Fryers. We will buy Irip. with Frank, who was the oldest, day. Veterans Corner Sales" Service Ask us for estimate. and In. 011 MI'. and Mrs. Doris Cason and there folowed Don your fryers. We will pay top Toni, Reedy, (.(OR(,J11 A Doily Vacation Bible School SlAlFJ80RO, rormation on a concrete hou•• cash SEA FOOD CENTER, children, Ann and Bobby, M,'. and and Laurie, prices. will be held at 6:00 m. daily p. to fit your requirements, No 60 West Main St. Phone 554. Mrs. Homer Cason and daughter, __ Ior the children. The Rev. Tyner Mr. and Mrs. Wililanl obligation, Telephone cr -.,rite Linda, Can a veteran who lives and I will bc of "Miss Mallie's will in charge the Bible Playhouse" Mikell and Miss Jane Cherry School also. works in the city get � guaran­ CONCRETE 1. Kinder­ open Monday, Sept. spent the week end at Savannah Farm Visitors are cordially invited to teed farm loan? Is a veteran eli­ Loans garten hours: 9 to 12 o'clock. Su­ Beach. PRODUCTS _ for a home loan while he Is 'I 1.0 a t\end or all of these ser- gible pervised play for a small group any vices.
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