KESINAMBUNGAN TEMA LAPORAN TAHUNAN Continuity of Annual Report Theme 2013 CLIMB TO THE HIGHER LEVEL Mendaki ke Tingkat yang Lebih Tinggi Tahun 2013 merupakan tahun dimana Perseroan mencapai pertumbuhan yang ditargetkan dan berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kinerjanya yang selaras dengan tema laporan tahunan di tahun 2013 yaitu “Mendaki ke Tingkat yang Lebih Tinggi”. Year 2013 was a year in which the Company achieved the targeted growth and committed to continuously improving its performance that was inline with the 2013 annual report theme of “Climb to the Higher Level”. 2014 COMMITMENT TO GROWTH AND OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES Berkomitmen Untuk Pertumbuhan dan Mengatasi Tantangan Dengan pencapaian yang diraih di tahun 2013, Perseroan terus “Berkomitmen Untuk Pertumbuhan dan Mengatasi Tantangan” yang dijadikan sebagai tema laporan tahunan mengingat di tahun tersebut Perseroan menghadapi beragam tantangan yang cukup berat. With achievement earned in 2013, the Company was continuously made “Commitment to Growth and Overcoming the Challenges”that was taken as the annual report theme since in that year the Company faced various tough challenges. 2015 OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES FOR SURVIVAL Mengatasi Tantangan Untuk Bertahan Tema “Mengatasi Tantangan Untuk Bertahan” menggambarkan kondisi Perseroan yang melakukan upaya dengan mengintegrasikan seluruh kekuatan dan fokus untuk melakukan efisiensi, assets alignment, dan diversifikasi bisnis (“Program Turn Around”) untuk mengatasi tantangan di tahun 2015. The theme of “Overcoming the Challenges for Survival” represented the Company’s conditions to overcome the challenges in 2015 by integrating the strengths and focusing on implementing efficiency, assets alignment, and business diversification (“Turn Around Program”). TEMA LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2016 Theme of Annual Report 2016 KEEP MOVING FORWARD 2016 Terus Melangkah Maju Di tahun 2016, PT Pelita Air Service (“Perseroan”) melanjutkan “Program Turn Around” dengan mendorong peningkatan efisiensi, assets alignment, dan diversifikasi bisnis. Hal tersebut menjadi terobosan Perseroan dalam menghadapi kondisi industri yang masih kurang kondusif seiring dengan anjloknya harga minyak dunia. Tahun 2015 sudah menjadi pijakan awal bagi Perseroan untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pada tahun 2016, Perseroan terus menggaungkan semangat untuk “Terus Melangkah Maju” yang menjadi tema pada laporan tahunan 2016 ini. Peningkatan kinerja Perseroan di tahun 2016 sudah mulai terlihat dan hal tersebut harus tetap dilanjutkan melalui penciptaan kesempatan dari setiap tantangan yang dihadapi. Dengan demikian, Perseroan percaya dengan semangat tersebut maka Perseroan akan mampu mengatasi tantangan apapun yang menghadang di masa mendatang. In 2016, PT Pelita Air Service (“the Company”) continued the “Turn Around” Program” by boosting the improvement of efficiency, assets alignment, and business diversification. That became the breakthrough created by the Company in facing the unfavorable industry conditions in accordance to the drop in world oil prices. Year 2015 was a starting point for the Company to conduct improvement and in 2016, the Company continued to hailing the spirit to “Keep Moving Forward” that became the theme of this 2016 annual report. The Company’s performance improvement in 2016 had started to be noticed and that has to be continued by creating opportunities from the challenges faced. Therefore, the Company believes that with this spirit, the Company will be able to overcome any challenges in the future. KILAS KINERJA 2016 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUSAHAAN 4 Performance Highlights 2016 Management Report Company Profile KILAS KINERJA 2016 8 Performance Highlights 2016 10 Kilas Kinerja 2016 | Performance Highlights 2016 11 Ikhtisar Keuangan | Financial Highlights 13 Informasi Harga Saham | Stock Price Information 13 Informasi Obligasi | Bonds Information 14 Ikhtisar Operasional | Operational Highlights 16 Peristiwa Penting 2016 | Event Highlights of 2016 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN 18 Management Report 20 Laporan Dewan Komisaris | Report From The Board of Commissioners 24 Laporan Direksi | Report From The Board of Directors 30 Pernyataan Pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi atas Laporan Tahunan 2016 | Responsibility statement of the Board of Commissioners and Directors on 2016 annual report 32 Profil Dewan Komisaris |Board of Commissioners Profile 33 Profil Direksi |Board of Directors Profile PROFIL PERUSAHAAN 36 Company Profile 38 Sekilas Perusahaan | Company in Brief 39 Kegiatan Usaha | Business Activities 40 Visi dan Misi | Vision and Mission 41 Nilai-nilai Inti Perseroan | Corporate Core Values 42 Struktur Organisasi | Organization Structure 44 Entitas Anak dan Asosiasi | Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies 46 SBU (Strategic Business Unit) | SBU (Strategic Business Unit) 46 Pelita Training Center (PTC) | Pelita Training Center (PTC) 49 Pelita Avionic Facility (PAV) | Pelita Avionic Facility (PAV) 51 Pondok Cabe Airport (PCA) | Pondok Cabe Airport (PCA) 53 Komposisi Pemegang Saham | Shareholder Composition 54 Struktur Grup | Group Structure PT Pelita Air Service - Laporan Tahunan 2016 ANALISA PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL Management Analysis and Discussion Good Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibilities 5 55 Wilayah Operasi | Operations Area 56 Jaringan Kantor | Office Network 58 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi |Awards and Certifications 60 Sumber Daya Manusia | Human Resources 62 Pengembangan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia | Competency Development of Human Resources ANALISA PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN 64 Management Analysis and Discussion 66 Tinjauan Segmen Usaha | Business Segment Review 70 Tinjauan Keuangan | Financial Review 71 Laporan Posisi Keuangan | Statement of Financial Position 87 Arus Kas | Cash Flow 88 Rasio Keuangan | Financial Ratio 88 Kemampuan Membayar Hutang | Ability to Pay Debt 89 Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang | Receivable Collectability Ratio 90 Struktur Modal | Capital Structure 91 Ikatan Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal | Material Relations for Capital Goods Investment 92 Dampak Perubahan Harga terhadap Pendapatan Bersih | Impact of Price Changes on Net Revenues 92 Perbandingan Target dan Realisasi 2016 | Comparison of Target and Realization in 2016 93 Target Tahun 2017 | Target in 2017 93 Informasi dan Fakta Material Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan | Material Information and Fact after Reporting Date 93 Informasi Keuangan Luar Biasa dan Jarang Terjadi | Extraordinary and Rare Financial Information 94 Informasi Material mengenai Investasi, Ekspansi, Divestasi, Restrukturisasi Utang/Modal | Material Information on Investment, Expansion, Divestment, Debt/Capital Restructuring 94 Prospek Usaha | Business Prospect 95 Aspek Pemasaran | Marketing Aspects 96 Dividen | Dividend 96 Program Kepemilikan Saham oleh Karyawan dan/atau Manajemen (ESOP/MSOP) | The Program Share Ownership by Employees and/or Management (ESOP/MSOP) 96 Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum | Realization on Fund Utilization of Public Offering 97 Informasi dan Transaksi Material yang Mengandung Benturan Kepentingan dan/atau Transaksi dengan Pihak Afiliasi | Information and Material Transaction that has Conflict of Interest and/or Transaction with Affiliates 98 Informasi Terkait Komitmen dan Kontinjensi | Commitments and contingencies related information 100 Perubahan Perundang-Undangan | Changes on Regulation 100 Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi | Changes on Accounting Policy 101 Kelangsungan Usaha | Business Sustainability PT Pelita Air Service - 2016 Annual Report KILAS KINERJA 2016 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUSAHAAN 6 Performance Highlights 2016 Management Report Company Profile TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN 104 Good Corporate Governance 106 Struktur, Prinsip dan Landasan Tata Kelola | Structure, Principle and Platform for Governance 107 Penerapan Prinsip-Prinsip Tata Kelola | Applying Principles of Governance 110 Implementasi GCG | GCG Implementation 112 Pencapaian dan Kegiatan GCG di Tahun 2016 | Achievements and Activities of GCG in 2016 113 Assesment GCG PELITA | Assessment of GCG PELITA 116 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) | General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) 118 Dewan Komisaris | Board of Commissioners 127 Direksi | Board of Directors 140 Komite Audit | Audit Committee 144 Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko | Investment and Risk Management Committee 146 Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi | Nomination and Remuneration Committee 147 Sekretaris Perusahaan | Corporate Secretary 149 Uraian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan | Task Execution of Corporate Secretary 150 Struktur atau Kedudukan Corporate Secretary Department | Structure or Position of Corporate Secretary Department 151 Kinerja Sekretaris Perusahaan Tahun 2016 | Performance of Corporate Secretary 2016 154 Profil Corporate Secretary Manager |Corporate Secretary Manager Profile 155 Sistem Pengendali Internal | Internal Control System 157 Internal Audit Department | Internal Audit Department 161 Profil Chief Internal Audit |Chief Internal Audit Profile 162 Akuntan Publik | Public Accountant 163 Kode Etik Perusahaan | Company Code Ethics 163 Isi Etika Usaha | Business Ethics Content 164 Etika Usaha | Business Ethics 168 Etika Kerja | Work Ethics 176 Kode Etik Berlaku Bagi Seluruh Level Organisasi | Code Ethics Apply to All Level Organization 176 Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan (Corporate Core Values) | Corporate Values (Corporate Core Values) 177 Bentuk Sosialisasi dan Penegakkan Kode Etik | Socialization and Enforcement form of Code Ethics 178 Sistem
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