The original documents are located in Box 12, folder “Indochina Refugees - President's Advisory Committee: Suggested Members (1)” of the Theodore C. Marrs Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 12 of the Theodore C. Marrs Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library nJ.v REPRESENTATION ON THE BIPARTISAN COMMISSION ~ EDUCATION Kingman Brewster, President of Yale University Malcomb Moos, former president, University of Minnesota David Matthews, President, University of Alabama LABOR ~ Lane Kirkland, AFL/CIO (back-up ••• Ernie Lee) Peter Bomari~ (President Rubber Workers Union) Pearl Bailey Lynette Taylor, Delta Sigma Theta Ernesta Procope, Media Joe Benites, National President of LULAC RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Sterling Carey, President, National Council of Churches (back-up .•. Bishop Matthews) Archbishop Joseph Bernardine Philip Klutznick, former president, B'nai Brith BUSINESS Walter Wriston Edgar Keiser Ken Firestone Al Rockwell ~ohn Harper MEDIA Helen Copley Frank Murphy Frank Stanton, CBS/Red Cross OTHER Eth¥1 Kennedy Cornelia Wallace Danny Thomas John Wayne Ashby Boyle, Youth (801) 582-6444 Elvis St~r, Chairman, uso (212) 644-1553 ~~- Jeannie Holmes, General, USAF ~- -d.hl Ellie Peterson, Voluntary q~ganization t ( ~,vt ~--- John Slezak OX7-5253 - ~- J , / Minor George (prominent Arab-American) ~ S~giant Shriver ~ Eugene McCarthy ~ Peter Fre~linghutme• T Anne Armstro.ng Bess Myerson Kasuma Kasugi, M.D. (Regional Director, IHS} I Richard Meiling, M.D., past president, Ohio State Medical School Tran Van Chuong, benigh elder citizen Douglas Dillon George Romney ;I •A • / fj1 Howard Rusk ./c. ""'- •• vf~ /'/,.,.~' * or.,._ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Sheila Feigley - Baton Rouge, La . Outstanding Rep.Woman Mrs. John Riecker - National Committee- 517/835-8300 woman from Mich. Mrs. William E. (Mary) Crisp - 602/948-7233 National Committee­ woman from Ariz. Mrs. Beryl Milburn - Former state Vice­ Chairman, Texas , Co-Chair Constitu­ tional Assembly · Lorraine Beebe - Dearborn, Mich. Parole Board, Exec.Dir, Michigan Consumers Coun. Psychology Teacher, Mich. State Senator Jean Spencer(Dr.)Assoc. Exec.Director, Bd.of Trustees of State 301/434-7526 Colleges of Md., forrnerl Director, Office of Worne Programs, ·'"' l?et.ar n~arito, ?resident, Rubb..sr Workers Union £rni~ Lc~~ Director, International ~ection, ;~~/CIO Lane ~irkland, Secr~tary-Treasurcrl 1~~/CIO Aing~.a.n Brewste-r, .!?resident of Y.:tle Univeraity -::L1ieeae Eow 1 :.;:rm:az- J.resil.sat, tlnivorsity of Hinnesota "ii~l.i<Uo:. i?riday,. Presida.t'lt, University of :·lorth carolina 1) R " \ b M II\ '1t \'\1:,lf') ._ - ~ <r .a ' U r{ ~ ~Gl:OUS ORG&ii.ZA'r~ Archbishop Jos~ph Bernardil1e, United States Ca~olic Conference . Reverend W. Starling Cary, President, N~tional Cow&cil of Churches Philip Klu~:nick, for:!lar President, .C'nai .:lrith. Llder A. T~leoi!.roe Tuttle, Church. of Jesus Christ of the Latt~r D~y Sain~s Hayor Joseph Alioto (0-San F~an.cisco) Govarnor George R. Ariyoshi to-.Ha;.va.ii) Gov(i.rnor H.eubin Askew (0-Florida) ----~--"-~_.-(r - . ( . N. t' • ~ ... 2 - Gove~nor Daniel Eva:,s (R-Washington) \icvernor J.::..:'!las Longlay (I-~!aine) .Hayo~ Richar<.i Lu.gar {R-Indianapolis) Goveroor ~illiam Hill.iken (il-N.iclligan) Governor David ~ryor (D~~k~4sas) Governor Calvin .R.ampton (.::>-Utah} Cnair.:mn, ~~atio.nal Governor's Conf~cnce ;.-izlyor ~·!.:turice P~ro (D-Miam.i) !-·iayor ~ru:los Romaro-.:Ja.rcelo (R-S.:m Juan) ~sl.aunt,=l~f Cities Niss Muriel Zo!4lwe.r, Prc3ident, Altruaa Interna­ tional, Inc. N..rs . Hary c. Poole, President, As.::;ociation of Junior Leagues Hr. !-!. 11. Richards, Pr~sici.ent, Civitan Int.:.!rna­ tional Dr. 1ldhlon Fairchild, P.residsnt, Com:.o,t?olitan .International !1iss Lilliara il~lbow, ?resident, u:)lta Sig:ua '.I'heta Nr. H.uoren Schram, President, Gyro luternaticn~l Hr. P..oy w.. Oo.vis, ?rasident, ~iaw.:m.is Int..1rn.:1- tio~al :·lrs. Paulina El~ison, P.resid.;!&t, r.. inks Hr. .Jolm Dalbo, President, Lions Illter:lat.ional Hr. acdcey l< .. Smitl1, President, ~ational ~-;r..oucs Hs. Juanita .Orown, ?resident, National Association of Colored Wo~1' s Clubs 1-~rs .. Rosalie !>~cGuire, President, !..i.:ltion~~ 1-l.~sociation of Negro ~PW Clubs lJr. Porter ;, .. Fortune, Preaicle.at, ltatiorull Exchanqe Club }"..s • .t-t.arie i>cwden, President, National ?ederation of n?t1 Clubs Hrs .. Clayton Hel·.::her, President, ~ational. Tri ·~ !-irs. ~lal-tur Thcmtpsen, i?rcsiJest, .:1-aeulework Guild of An:.erica ar. P..alph Glasscock.s I President. I Opti.."Ust Interna­ tior.al. li:rs1. 2uylli3 ?1anning 1 Prcsidon<c, Pilot Cl.ub l!lterna- t.ional .::-!rs.. Lynette Oliva;-, ~rc.sieam::, Quota Inter.uational ~lr. tiiJ.lialll Robbins, Pr~sident, Rotary International !lr .. u. L. ~ee, PI:l2-sil.'.l.ent, n.uritan ~~tiona~ !·lr. ~~o"-o..a:l ~:-uckoan, J?resiuent, .3erl:or.-.a :rn.t<=rnat.ional as sa; a xusxae.zc; oc:opc:znttst ! i!der5€ion of the .ri:Doricaa, Inc. M.,. .-. tzwth. Klc+,_ .,. r.,. .., la. D~vid Hale, President, ·I'he Uniteti. Jay.:;ees !·1s .. Eleanor Jamx~el. ?residant, Zonta. .Intarn;:l.tional VOLUn~il.. lli: u.s. Conference !'-'..igrat4 .! et.'"!d Refugee .i~r1 :tce3, ?resident - Jc~..1n:~ ~.::trt.."ty America Fund for Czechoslo <; ~zugees, Pr~Qraident Dr. J ? apa.ne.k Church ~lo ld. Service !-"' 'tjration & RefuqeQ Prog.raA-n Presiuen - a~v. Jo~-. r1 ~ Schauer .Lutheran :c:r. ~i-jrat.io.n Refugee 3ervica, President - ur. Ovnal~ .:\:'lc.O:.cr n Unitad llias $ _vi e, Inc., Pr~sident - Gaynor Jacobson Tolstoy Founua · 'll, Inc., President- or. T~aa~s~ l}arg.;t.tion .tnterna... icJJ. Conm:ti t tea, l? res.i.den c C~ar l.cs S 4;arLbt3:::\..~ 1\Snericaa ' ...... uncil ~ationalities ser~ice, President ~•ells Trav&l .s .~~-In~~rn~-io~~l Social Servicas, Pre ident - M.l.·. ·-1~ " raylor Red 'roJ ~ , Pres1dent - Gdorge M. Elsey .n.~rican Jewish Coltl.l:dttee, l? es ent - ~~ mer Winter / l. pwt ~~ ~~ ~ •c. ............ (J<-T~) ~1elen Cop.ley, O'Jner, Sau l)iego Union ~~sh~ll Fiold, ?resident, Field Enterprises (C~cago) .Erne ta rocope, 1\.t'>s t.erqam New~ (Black Ne-wspaper, HYC) o'"' A.... c"'f'l ..-b•oa \~\~ ..~ (c.f£-S,.) / oelt..+- A- John Hayne Pearl Bailey Htlrtha Raye 1\u.ya;ond .aurr ::; an:M.:; J aae::el xc:'#ba•e ::. • .-ial!!lii Bc.)h ~ rc.. ~~c.~ j,4~ p~M. \)\A~ - 4 - GeeaeJ:iec Hallacep ·Aiie e£ ttov~znor ~lallace Aahly aoylal' National Yout:.h Chair~ ;t, Harch of Di:les i;ess ayerzon, Ccmmissioner of Co:lsumer Affairs, . ) l.fiC l '"k.-0• ....... Clarke need, Republican U.:~.tio.aal C!1air.uan, His31ssippi Peter Frolingnuysen, forr-er Congress~an fr~' New Jcr3uY ·2:fietse..re I!eEa_ '-' ~ ~ ~ator 8 nge:a... s:Jti-Jcer · - ~ ..St 2 'm, Caail••••fl ei Llfe: uso c~oe Dau~anstA.y,\... ;:-re:n.ce.nt""' . G.1.ant. Fooc.a. John Harper, forll!~ Chairman of tha Board, ALCOA Bagar ~siser, Chair~n of the DOard, Y.ais~r !nuustries iri: Reeius ... 11~ -i:haiman of tr..e l>oard, Rockw~l~ Inuustries Walter \·Jrist.on, Chairman of the Soard, CI:i.!ICO.RP ~'etli s;aa'ctl; jea•aena1 AI%1811'~& ai it •i:•tail•ea aichard L. L~sher, Pr~siaent ~.s. ChaQber of Commerce \o~ w~ .. ~ \' _,., t.g~ .:t:~N\ 1 1 ~.GRICUL"'£vM. ~~"~ \(.\N\\ I President of t.na ft..merican :P:u-~ uureau - ~Iilli~\ J • .L\uh.fU.:lS Master o! t11e Grang~ - Jehu ~-~. Scott l? re.si<le;1t: of th~ Paruers Union - Tony T. Dechant Pr~siuen!: of t...~e Hdtional .F:tr:!~rs ur:;ani.:ation - Oren J..~e ~·t:aley .. .. -- oro: General Scowcroft t,OB FROMz Ambass~dor Bro~ Please deliver attached list immediately to Ted Marrs. He has asked us to provide additional names to consider for the President's Advisory Commission. Thanks, .... ,. ~\·~ ·· ·~' .. "- · 'M:PRESENTATION ON'- THE'· B'IPART't'S'AN COMMISS'I'ON EDUCATION Charles Hitch, retiring Chancellor of University of California1 Kingman Brewster, President of Yale University Malcomb Moos, former president, University of Minnesota David Goheen, former president, Princeton university Labor ~ UJ~~ Lane Kirkland, AFL/CIO 4J(st'sf'~ I, w, Abel~ President Steel Workers Union Peter Bomarito (President Rubber Workers Union Minority Organizations Clifford Alexa.nder, Attorney, ~'1ashington, D, C. Stmon H, Rifkind, Senior Partner, Paul Weiss, Rifkind t~artan & Garrison, New York (President Eisenhower's special representative for displaced person) Phil~p Rlutznick, former president, B'nai Brith Henry Ford II, Walter Robert Abboud, ~~r~e~s~1~e~n~,~~r~st National of Chicago Robert Shapiro, President ~lertheim & Company, New York Clarence Adamy, Food Chains t·!edia Fra~~ Stanton, CBS Charles Collingwood, CBS Eric Severeid, CBS Otis Chandler~ LA Times John Chancellor~ NBC Reg Murphy~ Atlanta Constitution David Tennant Bryan,. President Hedia General~ Punch Sulzberger, New York Times ' Reli9ious/Humani tar ian orsranizat.•ions···-· • 4 ' E~ward E, Swanstrom~ eishop William E. Chamberlain~ Salvation Army I t . - 2 - ,_ Religious/Humanitarian Organizations (cont'd) Henry Beerits,. Chairman41 Amer1can Friends Service Committee Charles Sternbert, Chairman, Migration & Refugee committee, \\ American Council for Voluntary Agencies Cla~"e F,~n~~l.1r ,National Council of Churches Rev, Sterling Carey, National council of Churches George Elsey, American Red Cross John Walker,Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.
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