— 4 : Pages 17—to 26 Pages 17 to 26 « v The SanSAN FRANCISCO,FranciscoSUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1905. Call. WEDDING OF ROYALTY WHEN YOUNG CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY CLAIMS THE DUCHESS CECILIE AS A BRIDE TO BE GALA PAGEANT- CEREMONY IT IS SAID WILL COST FULLY HALF A MILLIONDOLLARS TROUSSEAU WORTH A FORTUNE Notables From All Courts of the World Will Be Present as the Emperor's Guests. GEORGE WEISS Special to Call. — Cable The BERLIN, March 4. It is going to public schools of the little capital, all the exalted orders to which he be- cost Germany over half a million dol- drawn up on the platform. longs. lars to get her future Emperor mar- ARRIVAL AT BERLIN. After the Crown Prlnc* has taken ried, but in return for their money The arrival at Berlin will be a still up his stand in the cathedral in front the folk of the fatherland will have more impressive affair. Or. the plat- of the altar the German Emperor will imperial castle, accompanied a show of pomp and ceremony such as form the German Emperor, the Crown leave the Prince, the five younger sons of the by the Empress, the other members seen in modern Eu- seldom has been Kaiser, the Emperor's brother, Prince of the Prussian royal family and all preparations for rope. In the his eld- Henry, and four other royal princes of the royal guests, who will be present est son's wedding to the Duchess Ce- the Hohenzollern family will be wait- as representatives of the reigning cilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, which ing to greet Duchess Cecilie. The families of Europe. These will in- is now set for Monday, May 22, the moment the train slops the bride-elect clude the King of Spain; the Czar' 3 Kaiser is giving full reign to his love will descend the steps of the saloon car brother. Grand Duke Michael of Rus- of imperial splendor and display. and will be embraced and kissed first sia: the successor to the Austrian On the marriage ceremony itself, by the Emperor and then by the Crown throne. Archduke Francis Ferdi" which will take place in the magnifi- Prince, who probably will secretly re- the Duke of Aosta, representing Italy, cent new cathedral in Berlin in the sent the rigid rules of court etiquette and the Prince of Wales, representing presence of an exalted company which gives this imperial father the England. Including the rulers of the ENTERTAINS PICTURESQUE ELABORATELY SPOT YIELDS IN LONDON TO PROGRESS New Role for the Noted Milk Fair Countess of of London Now Stratford. of the Past LONDON, March 4.—Cora, Countess LOXDOX, March 4.—The plucky ef- afford, as she still is styled in fort made by two old women to retain upper tendom, despite the fact that a right granted their ancestors 300 ago, -ird husband, Martin Kennard, is y-ais though carried out in defi- • ance "progress." has sym- •:. .5- df-monstratins that, of won the London, abundance of wealth, a peeress pathy of all and while itlast- - -ial popularity by ed aroused more interest than even the mission evangelists ing outside the ranks of the of the American t»t husband, Sam- the conversion of the rich in the tmtm. the Mew York banker. Wp=t End. Few American visitors passing rich: her second hus- to London Strafford, conferred have returned home without seeing the :he Earl of antique gnmt title, and with the third stalls in St. James Park, at which two milk, buns, he full all that was old women sold candy and other simple whose like has gathered under right of jlrecedenee on this occasion. smaller German states, there will be • .; : her by his two prede- refreshments. never A pair of sleek Jer?ey cows tethered one roof, $50,000 will be spent. The Duchess Cecilie willthen shake hands twenty reigning monarchs and thirty royal \u25a0 presents be given to the with the other royal princes while the and Princesses, making y attested to the purity of the which will Princes Still handsome and blessed with young couple by municipalities and usual military honors are being paid a total of over fifty royal personages viva- lacteal beverage dispensed. mem- of American wit and The public corporations will amount to a. to her. The royal party will then enter present at wedding. royal- abundance ory of the These qualified for the role man runs not back to the time total at least $250,000, while a simi- open carriages to drive to the Imperial ties, with their suites of gorgeously city, she is well when of just the stalls have not been there lar sum is being spent on the bride's castle situated in the heart of the city uniformed officers, a com- of a great hostess which she has with the will form cakes and lollypopp, two cows trousseau. On her wedding day the of Berlin. The Emperor and the pany of unprecedented brilliancy. assumed. One of the gayest entertain- and women in A picture attendance. Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg- Duchess Cecilie will ride side by side EXPENSIVE WEDDING \u25a0 \u25a0 DRESS. ments of the year was the dance she .k IforUuid and not carriage, . Schwerln will almost 19 years of in the first the Crown Prince daugh- highly be After the members of this party have gave the other evening for her prized shows that the bucks and age, young will sitting opposite to them with his back promenaded while her husband Colgate, at the house in Up- belles who in the Mall a age to the coachman. other royal entered the cathedral and have taJcen ter. Miss years have attained the of 23. The per Grosvenor street which she has hundred ago did not disdain to princes and the various suites will fol- their allotted seats the bride willleave \u25a0• TRAVEL IX STATE. temporarily leased from Princess Dol- iheir patronage on the "Milk TO low in other carriages, of which there the Imperial castle to proceed to the gorouki. Among her guests were the Fair." as the little booths were called. No part of the elaborate ceremonial will be about thirty in the procession. ceremony. She will wear a white Presenting a striking Earl of Portalington, the Countess of contrast to- the In connection with her wedding will The state carriages conveying the dress adorned wtth the costliest lace, Wilton, and Lady luxurious growth of the modern Baby- Lady Brabourne be more impressive than the Duchess Emperor, Crown Prince and Duchess for which her dressmaker will receive Hatch. lon round about, it has served as a will drawn by six white Constance ROYAL. COUPLE WHOSE MARRIAGE IS TO BE CELEBRATED WITH GREAT Cecilie's journey from her home in Cecilie be a check $25,uOQ; a long white veil When she moves into her new man- ;ng reminder of the long ago times POMP IN BERLIN DURING THE MONTH OF MAY AND THE CATHEDRAL. horses and will be preceded and fol- for IN WHICH THE CEREMONY WILL TAKE PLACE. Schwerin to Berlin, which will take and myrtle sion Chandos House in Cavendish when St. James Park and the West lowed by a squadrc-n of cavalry guards a small wreath of on her place a few days before her marriage. head. Square— which she has purchased from belonged to rural London. The as an streets through brother, escort. The ceremony mor« the executors of the late Lord Temple, old-fashioned milk stalls and their From the palace of her the which the procession of carriages The will last rather the than half her entertainments will be still more quaint attendant dames constituted a Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. will pass will with spectators an hour and as soon as it is be lined organ numerous and brilliant. She is spend- jil^asant anachronism in the rather SPECIAL FROCK FOR "BRIDGE," with whom she has lived up to now, who will accord their future Empress concluded the will strike up a wedding march, while the guns ing a mint of money In getting the drab and colorless life of the vast hu- railway a warm popular reception. The of the to the Schwerin station the Ger- around Berlin will a salute of place fixed up. It will be redecorated man beehive. They helped the mind to man Empress will be waiting on the forts flre Duchess willbe escorted by the Grand 101 guns. and refurnished throughout, and it is reflection and they were historical and threshold pt the imperial castle, where ready THE VERY Duke himself, by the Ministers of A magnificent state banquet will be expected that it will be for oc- traditional. But ruthless and auto- LATEST IN LONDON she of the grand duchy, by the high will embrace and kiss her future castle, cupancy by Easter. cratic authority has now swept the state daughter-in-law. given In the imperial at which officers of the garrison at Schwerin covers will be laid for five hundred Chandos House is a relic of the vast whole phow into the dustbin of the Duchess Cecilie will remain in her way and by a deputation of noblemen and guests. The Crown Prince and the scheme projected by the Duke of p«St to clear the for the march of residence at the imperial castle, but modern improvements. Designed to Permit of the Greatest noblewomen representing the leading Crown Princess will sit side by side c'handos In 1815. He intended to build the Crown Prince will to re- years families of Mecklenburg aristocracy.
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