}.' leWf****** 7 Red Bank Area f 26^00 |h la taper Hi. i J WedMeday-s outlook, deody aod Copyrlght-The Red Bank Register. lac. IMS. ( COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 7414)010 { VOL, 89, NO. 69 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Heads for the Bahamas Inez Brushes Florida MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - Hurri- roads. A gust of 100 miles an an uneasy Sunday as Inez sent up toward 100 miles an hour af-i Florida coast out of danger. cane Inez, a brawling killer of hour battered the airport area. occasional squalls whistling into ter a weakening battle with the However, an 81-year-old man, the tropics, brushed harmlessly The 2.5 million people of the the area, whipping the palm mountains of Cuba, Inez veered Stephen J. Kury, collapsed and past the southeast Florida coast southeast Florida Gold Coast fronds. slightly to the east on a new track died, apparently of a heart at- today and roared on with grow- from Palm Beach to Miami spent But, as her winds built back that appeared to take the lower (See INEZ, Page 3) ing new fury into the placid re- sort islands of the British Ba hamas. , . Gale warnings came down in Miami as Inez roared past to eastward, flicking the city with gusty winds and squalls, but U.S. Helicopter Troo tornado snaking out of the storm's leading edge brought death to the Bahamas. The twister lashed a group of CONSERVATION AWARD TO REGISTER— Judge Louis D. McGregor, left, president shacks occupied by field hands of the National Wildlife Federation, presents mountain lion statuette, symbol of the outside the Bahamian capital of Kill 117 Fleeing Red Nassau,, killing a 19-month old NeV Jersey Conservation Communications Award of 1966 won by The Daily Register, child. Three.other persons are SAIGON (AP) - Hellcopter- tains near South Viet Nam's cen- The giant bombers rained «x-| near the "Rockpile" and re- to William F. Sandford, the newspaper's associate editor. Looking on are Philip missing. hopping U.S. air cavalrymen tral coast plosives on North Vietnamese ported killing six of them with The added dead raised to 227 troop concentrations and infiltra- mortar fire and air strikes. , Alampi, second from right, N. J. secretary of agriculture, and Ralph F. Alloccs, Colts Inez was EO miles west of Nas- pounced on a fleeing Conimunist In the two months of fighting Neck, chairman of the awardt program for the N. J. Federation of Sportsmen's Clubse sau, but water already had risen the two-day toll taken by the tion routes 20 miles west of the two feet deep in some streets force toda-.' and reported killing fast-moving units of the 1st Marines forward headquarters at against the rebuilt 324B North the sponsoring group. (See story, Page 2.) and flattened'palm' trees blocked 117 more of the enemy In tnoun- Air Cavalry Division which Dong Ha. Vietnamese Division below the fought a furious battle yester- The Marines reported one new demilitarized zone, the Marines day with the Communists and small action yesterday. A unit have reported killing 955 North Unless County Meets Conditions reported 110 killed. of the 9th Leatherneck Regiment Vietnamese and capturing four Reports from the battle area spotted 20 North Vietnamese (See VIET NAM, Page 3) 30 miles north of the coastal city of Qul Nhon said the number of Communist dead was still cliiribing. Detective Chief Welfare Staff to Press Requests The Communist unit was a mixed force of North Viet- By DORIS KULMAN which it Is affiliated, for guidance —A $1,300 across-the-board {pay those with one .year's work of $7,200 to $9,200 for those with namese regulars and Viet Cong. RED BANK - The Monmouth if its requests are turned down, increase for the secretarial and toward the master's degree t at least three years experience Official U.S. sources said Flying, to Bring County Welfare Board Employees Mrs. Backover said.. bookkeeping staff. This would receive one full increment above with the county agency and a sat- casualties among the ohopper- Association will meet in special At a meeting of the local group raise the minimum from $3,200 their step on the salary scale, isfactory work rating. lifted cavalrymen were light. to $4,500. with two full increments giver Fewer Case Loads aesslon to discuss the action it last Thursday, Martin Morgen- "They've really got them on will take if the county fails to stern, national co-ordinator of -A separate salary structure on attainment of the degree. —A reduction of case loads to he 60 per worker being re- the run," said a cavalry spokes- Coppolino Back meet its wage, working condition, the NFSSE, advised that "mili- for those with a master's —Creation of the post of senioi man. and benefit requests. i tant action" helps improve work- degree. The association wants case worker, with a salary rangi quired by the federal government FREEHOLD - Chief of Mon- Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper ing conditions. He was the only after July I as a condition for The battle began after the : Mrs. Phyllis Backover, associa- mouth County Detectives John said -Chief Gawler probably tion president, In a telephone in- one of four speakers applauded. matching federal welfare funds. enemy shot down three U.S. heli- Caseloads now run from 65. to Copters, prompting the cavalry- M. Gawler flies to Florida today would return with his prisoner terview last night said she will The association's requests, pre- to bring back Dr. Carl A. Cop- Wednesday morning and bring ask the group's executive board' Police Probe Injury 190 and average 100, Mrs. Back- men to charge the force of more sented the last week in June to polino to face the first of two him directly to the Courthouse. to call an emergency meeting for over said. than 300 Viet Cong and North Robert C. Wells, acting director trials for murder. He is scheduled for arraignment the. latter part of this week or of welfare, include: —A "more equitable merit sys- Vietnamese ' troops'. The heli- copters were recovered. Florida Gov. Hayden Burns ap- at 2 p.m. before Superior Court early next week. , —A $1,500 across-the-board pay Of Matawan Dancer tem." The association says that Judge Elvin R. SlmmiH. increments, based on merit rat- The new fighting along the proved extradition of the 34-year Mrs. Backover said the emer- increase for caseworkers and a NEW YORK (AP) - A go-go Shore Club in Sayville, N. Y. ings by supervisors, last y«ar central coast shifted attention old anesthetlst-hypnotist-author F. Lee Bailey, of Boston, de- gency meeting is necessary be-jyearly increment of at least $360. dancer froin Matawan, N.J., Friday night. were $60 annually for those with away from the prolonged fight Friday in the strangling-death of fense attorney, is expected to be cauie the Board of Freeholders is The increase would raise the Brookhaven Memorial Hospl average ratings'; $120 for those by the U:S. Marines just south Coppolino's former Mjddletown present for the arraignment. He- preparing its 1967 budget, which:minimum salary to $6,500 and "'red as a replacement for mur- tal in East Patchoque, where she with above average ratings and of the demilitarized lone sep- Township neighbor, retired Army may make a demand for bail Im- includes Welfare Board funds,{the maximum to $8,500. -Th" e dered blonde Irene Brandt, 20, was treated, reported her wounds for those rated outstanding. arating North arid South Viet Col. William E. Farber. mediately or ask for a hearing Ijetween. now and December. starting salary now is $4,988- bj£ B Long j9Uiid discotheque were "apparently not self-inflicted Gov, Burns acted to i l.„..•>::"-.".,<-. • '-•tSBmwut regular meeting of the which the association says is., in. administration ruling Urn- Nan. has reported being injured at the and could iBothava happened to U.S. B52 bombers, struck a leasing Coppoltao in : fielease association, which claims 65 of thtflj lowest in-New Ji Iterf esth unit of five' workers to M ra little below trie buffer zone to- in connection with the fataf ^TMr. K«up£r MM. : board's 125- employees as the riaxlmum Is $6,400. mere- club and police; areinvestigating » *» «* *•' *^*»*- one above average and one but- Injuries were not. compatible day for the fourth straight day glng of his first' wife, oppose release of Cop- •i« scheduled tor Tues- mento have tanged JrOffl $60 to the incident. 1 standing rating, Mrs. Back- with that type of fall. over said. of raids inside or close to the Copiolmo. in Sarasota, pollno in any amount; of bail. $240 a year. The girl, Catherine Cole, 22, of Won't Say 1 (See WELFARE, P*g».3) gurl , 1955. • (See COPPOHNO, Page 3) —A $1,200 across-the-board pay 19 Edgewater Dr., Matawan, told However, Oray Edwards, chief O-iBtodatlon will look increase for supervisors. This police and hospital attendants of Suffoik County detectives, lonal Federation of So- would raise the minimum from she fell from a five-foot-high plat- when questioned by newsmen May Decide Fate Today Service Employees, with $6,400 to $7,600. form while performing at the about the investigation said: "I'm not going to say that the injuries are suspicious." (TBosky Won't Support Him Edwards heads the Investiga- tion into the slaying of Miss Lynch Case Going to Jury Brandt, who worked at a bank in North Merrick by day and FREEHOLD — Edward A.
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