A Newspaper » WrthA Constructive Policy s stanbaiud <' VOLUME 19, NUMBER 94 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS >■1 X pr.;'Á? '•'À’ ELECTS NEGRO TO CITY COUNCIL . ' i.-’ j-..' At C.M E. Win After 30 Years NASHVILLE — (SNS) — Attorney Z. Alexander Looby, oneLof By C, E. CHAPMAN Dr. Martin Reports delivered response on behalf of the the nation's most prominent lawyers, was olected to the City Ij SHREVEPORT. La.—The General General Board delegation and Council of Nashville. He is the first Negro in 30 years to have gK Board of the Colored Methodist many visitors present. The distin­ K Episcopal Church held its 1961 ses- On Plans For New guished Bishop was vociferously a seat in the council. .' |8 slon here at Williams Institutional applauded for is fine words of wit­ The legal representative of the National Association for'tho S’ CME Church, 808 Butler St., last Hospital Campaign ticism and wisdom in response on Advancement of Colored People in Nashville, he defeated his gg Wednesday and Thursday and the behalf of the General Board and only opponent. Coyness L. Ennix. also a Negro. ® occasion seemed more like a Gen- Its huge delegation. The other H era! Conference than any other Welcoming program. Bishop Ber-. speakers were excellent. Music was Because of a recent Nashville M type of meeting, said one minister tram W. Doyle, presiding Bishop ot furnished by the musical groups of law which provides that Council­ who has been a regular attendant the Seventh Episcopal District, Lane Chapel CME Church and ths men be elected by the voters n «of the high bodies of the C. M. E. Shreveport High School. At the districts rather than wards. Attor­ Police Chief Who Church for the past 28 or 30 years, conclusion of the program, the vast ney Looby and Ennix became the gr The Annual-sermon-to the over- audience repaired to the dining only candidates in their district- ■g flow audience at Williams Insti- populated predominantly by Ne­ room of the high school where s groes. fet tutlonal Church was delivered by Boy Scout eery sumptuous and appetizing re­ KilledZSoldiers S; the scholarly Bishop W. Y. Bell, past was served to the several hun­ Well known in Atlanta, Attorney a presiding bishop of the 'Fourth dred persons who came for the wel­ Looby was presented hen last No­ a Episcopal district, embracing South come program. vember by the Omegn Psi Phi Fra­ | Carolina. North Carolina, Vlr- ition ternity on n Hungry Club program GENERAL OFFICERS ,t the Butler Street YMCA. The Cleared By Jury | glnia Maryland, Pennsylvania. MAKE REPORTS WARNER ROBINS. Ga. —($8) J" Ohio, New York and the New Eng- theme of that meeting was: "Stren­ Thursday's sessions embodied re­ gthening and Safeguarding the A Georgia police chief who shot Uk land section. Bishop Bell’s message May 18,19th ports from the General Officers o( ^■.'stirred the vast audience to a high Human Rights ot All Americans." nnd killed two unarmed, handcuff­ the church. Dr. J. B. Boyd, General Tho Attorney Is again expected ed soldiers for attacking him was 'I point of acclaim as he preached the Some 103 Boy and Cub Scout Secretary of the Board of Super­ sermon. Bishop Bell is also the Units, consisting ot 1935 boys, will lo visit Atlanta during tlie forth­ cleared Saturday by a coroner's annuated Preachers, Widows and coming national convention of the jury that ruled he filed in" sett- chairman of the College of Bish- open the biggest event in the his­ Orphans read his report at Wed­ ■F ops for the time being. Following tory of the Seminole Division on NAACP tn June. defense. ■ . " nesday’s session and, on account ol A nntive ot B Antique. Brltisn Hawkinsville. Ga., Police . chief . the masterly sermon Bishop J. Ar­ Friday, May 18th at 7 p. m., in the the serious illness of his ijfiughtar thur Hamlett,' presiding' bishop of theme of the 2nd Annual Ex­ West Indies, he received his legal James T. Braggs told the Jury the in Memphis, Tenn., and given per­ education in ths United States. He two Fort Bragg, N. C., soldiers the Second Episcopal' District, led theme theme oftheJmi Annual Ex­ mission of the General. Board to the audience In the administra­ position is"Vocational Guidance.” received his A. E degree from How­ were handcuffed together and each , leave to be at her bedside. The re­ TENN. STATE COLLEGE CAM-. tab), a favorite spot for study and 1 nessee State. (New Yoik, Alabama ard University in 1922 and his law had one hand free. tion of the Holy Communion. i port made by Dr. Boyd showed a PUS SCENE — In the above plq- relaxation on the Campus at Ten-1 Mississippi, Tennessee) BIG WELCOME TO J. L. Brinkley, principal of La ture, four states meet at the Foun- I degree irom Columbia Unlvcrs)ty He said the pair attacked him Rose School, is general chairman of large Increase In the sum of money In 1925 \ last night in the front seat.-ot his . TO GENERAL BOARD which had been collected for re­ car as he drove them toward,Ro­ Wednesday night the' members the Exposition. Other committee Receiving his S. J. D. degree, members are: J. W. Clarke, publici­ tired ministers, wj^ows and chil­ from New York’ University in bins Air Force Base at . Warner ■ of the General .Board, together with ty; J. L Nelson, concessions; Odell dren of ministers; 1926, he started into the practice Robins to face charges of beinjr I, the large number of visiting min­ Guy, Cubbing Advisor; H. F. Price, Dr. Grover H. Carter, General of law which he has continued un­ AWOL. ' is isters and laymen from all sections Reception and guests: A. E. Mc­ Publishing Agent, was given thun­ til the present. Ho lias been, how­ Houston County Coroner James ■Z of the nation. were given a huge Intyre, floor layout. J. A. Beau­ derous applause for his staggering ever, Professor of Medical Juris­ Rainey identified the soldiers only * program of Welcome at. the Shreve champ is director of the entire Se­ report, showing that the Publish­ prudence nt Meharry Medical Col­ as Louis L. Passmore of Califor­ port High . School. The Welcome minole Division.. Gordon Morris, ing House had done an overwhelm lege. nia nnd Lon Guy Asman of; Haw­ f, program was' ptaged with Bishop chief scout executive of the Chicka­ ing amount of business during the His legal career has been noted kinsville. F. L. Lewis, resident Bishop of saw Council and Ed Dalstrotn, past 12 months. The total liabilities for brilliant work on behalf of Air Force officials—who are feqh- Shreveport and presiding Bishop ot chairman of the interracial commit­ and net worth reported amounted equalization of teachers' salaries in ducting a military investigatlonr- the Sixth Espicopal district. Rev tee have aided in the arrangement. to $133.095.83. The total operating BY CHESTER M. HAMPTON gest impression) it appeared that stated his main point? as ‘being: the state of’ Tennessee and other witlihcld identities of the men. un­ The opening of "the exposition will expenses of. the Publishing House ATLANTA, Ga.—(SNS) — Dr. Bryan and ills colleague, Dr. 1) Georgia has a right to segrega­ ’civil rights cases. til their next of kin arc notified:. amounted to $19,643.41 and a total Before a large-audience in Em­ Murphy, presented their case more tion in education under the Fed­ He Is n member of the Episcopal Charles Williams ot Warner Rob­ (Continued On Page Four) cash balance of $14,562.95 on hand ory University's Lynn Memorial to the satisfaction of the audience eral Constitution, 2) tlie Suiireme faith and the Omega Psi Phi Fra­ ins, foreman of the Jury,.;'said f C H. Washington, presiding eider after meeting all outstanding obli- Chapel, Friday,’ four members of than did Harris and Pyc. .Tills is Coil#*_. which____ has___ _______made scyeral ____ de- ternity, having been the Grand Ba- Bragg .asserted the men 'sudden!? V of the Shreveport District, was the '' ■*' : gatlon’.' as’certKlcd by R. Bar’.'cy the legal profession ‘discussed ill" not- to say that the Harris pobit-- cisioiis outlawing segregation,! was sileus of that organization. ... shoved lilm under the steering master of ceremonies during the ' I J. Campbell and As.io';' •.les, Certi­ constitutionality of segregation ill of-view was not acceptable to ma­ composcd of a group of political wheel of the car. The officer said t,Tri-StateFairDirectors fied Accountants. higher education. ny of the audience. riders on the Truman band-wag- he managed to bhipty his revolver The General Board ol' Christian This discussion was purely aca­ Attorney Pye spoke first, con-' p.n, 3) the Supreme Court win not Dentist Wins at the soldiers during the sepffie. Education; headed by . Rev B demic .and was not Intended to fining his remarks wholly to the be able to enforce integrated Williams said the Jury agreed Julian Smith, shown "This lias reach a definite decision or be the text of Attorney Harris’ paper. He (Continued On Page Four) School Trustee tlie men were shot at close range Set Oct 4,5,6,7, For 1951 been a very difficult year in tlie basis of any action on the part of and the angle at whfch the bull­ matter of securing funds with the State of Georgia or the school Board Post ets entered tlie ¡bodies supported which to ........finance the. .program _ of itself. the chief’s story.. -. -< the board." A total of $84.000 were One of tlie soldiers was shotioiit | Exhibition At Fairground it was, however, an index of the EAST CHICAGO, Ind.—(SNS)- budgeted for the educational insti­ patterns of thinking of the vaTlous times and the other twice.
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