J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care: first published as 10.1136/jfprhc.2011.0100 on 31 March 2011. Downloaded from Commentary Ushering in a new era: human papillomavirus (HPV) testing comes to the NHS Cervical Screening Programme Anne Szarewski Centre for Cancer Prevention, Background could automatically have an HPV test per- Wolfson Institute for Preventive The National Health Service Cervical formed on their sample, without the need Medicine, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK Screening Programme (NHSCSP) has for the woman to be re-examined. If high- announced that from April 2011, human risk HPV is found they will be referred for Correspondence to papillomavirus (HPV) testing will be colposcopy; if HPV is not found they will Dr Anne Szarewksi, Centre for incorporated into the national screening be returned to routine screening. Cancer Prevention, Wolfson Institute for Preventive Medicine, programme in England. Initially, HPV Why has the NHSCSP chosen to use Queen Mary, University of testing will be used for the triage of bor- triage in the management of women with London, Charterhouse Square, derline and mildly dyskaryotic smears, but mild, as well as borderline, dyskaryosis? London EC1M 6BQ, UK; there are also plans, at a later date, for its The American College of Obstetrics and [email protected] use as a ‘test of cure’ following treatment Gynecology published guidelines on the 1 Received 10 February 2011 for cervical abnormalities (Figure 1). It use of HPV triage in 2009, but only rec- Accepted 17 February 2011 would have been interesting to see the ommended its use in women with atypical data underpinning the proposals, but no squamous cells of unknown significance references were given. (ASCUS) (roughly equivalent to border- The announcement follows 8 years of line) smears, since a very high propor- pilot projects. The first pilots were com- tion of women with low-grade squamous pleted in 20062 and were followed by intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) (equivalent to the Sentinel Site Implementation Project, mild dyskaryosis) would test positive and which was launched in January 2008, to be referred for colposcopy anyway.4 This examine the practical implementation is borne out by the results of the pilots, in of a national roll-out of HPV testing. A which HPV positivity rates were 46% for http://jfprhc.bmj.com/ report from the latter does not appear to women with borderline smears and 83% be publicly available, so it is not possible for those with mild dyskaryosis.2 Similar to tell whether the problems identified figures were shown in the UK ARTISTIC in the pilots have been overcome and, if study, in which HPV positivity rates were so, how. It is thus impossible to judge the 31% for women with borderline smears results of the changes. and 86% for those with mild dyskaryosis.5 HPV positivity is higher in young women, on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. HPV triage reflecting the high incidence of transient The majority of low-grade cytological infections, and indeed, in the pilots, two abnormalities (at least 70%) will regress centres decided not to continue to refer without treatment.3 If it was possible to HPV-positive women under the age of identify those women whose abnormali- 35 years directly for colposcopy, because ties were very likely to regress, they could the number of referrals had more than be spared the anxiety of repeat testing and doubled. In the ARTISTIC trial, HPV pos- colposcopy referral. Testing for high-risk itivity rates in women aged 25–29 years HPV types is currently the most effective were 48% in women with borderline dys- way of doing this: a negative HPV test karyotic smears.5 means there is very little chance of any It would therefore appear that the abnormality being present.3 The intro- majority of women with a single border- duction of liquid-based cytology into the line or mildly abnormal smear will in fact NHSCSP paved the way for ‘reflex’ test- be referred straight to colposcopy. How ing of cytology samples, in which those will the clinics cope if they suddenly have showing borderline or mild dyskaryosis a large increase in the number of referrals? 64 J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2011;37:64–67. doi:10.1136/jfprhc.2011.0100 02_jfprhc-2011-000100.indd 64 6/23/2011 5:17:51 PM J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care: first published as 10.1136/jfprhc.2011.0100 on 31 March 2011. Downloaded from Commentary HPV Triage and Test of Cure Protocol For women aged 25 to 64 years 1BORDERLINE 2MODERATE or or MILD DYSKARYOSIS WORSE with treated CIN HPV -ve HPV +ve COLPOSCOPY No repeat cytology BORDERLINE/ CIN2/3 MILD with CIN1 negative colposcopy, no biopsy or biopsy with no CIN No treatment TREATMENT 4 3Cytology at 12 months Cytology at with or without colposcopy 6 months (local preference) Normal Abnormal http://jfprhc.bmj.com/ HPV -ve HPV +ve 6 Routine 3 or 5 year COLPOSCOPY on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 53 year recall recall (depending Cytology follow up according on age <50 or ? 50) to national guidelines 1 If sample is unreliable/inadequate for the HPV test, refer mild and recall borderline for 6 month repeat cytology. At repeat cytology HPV test if Neg/Bord/Mild. If HPV negative return to routine recall, refer if HPV positive. Refer moderate or worse cytology. 2 Untreated CIN1 should be managed as per untreated CIN1 following borderline/mild. 3 Follow up of 12 month cytology only should follow normal NHSCSP protocols. 4 Women in annual follow up after treatment for CIN are eligible for the HPV test of cure at their next screening test. 5 Women ≥50 who have normal cytology at 3 years will then return to 5 yearly routine recall. 6 Women referred due to borderline/mild cytology or normal cytology/HPV positive, who then have a satisfactory and negative colposcopy can be recalled in three years. N.B Women who reach 65 still require to complete the protocol and otherwise comply with national guidance. HPV Triage and Test of Cure Protocol April 2010 Figure 1 National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) fl ow diagram of ‘HPV Triage and Test of Cure Protocol for Women Aged 25 to 64 Years’.1 Figure available at: http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/cervical/hpv-triage-test-fl owchart-v2.pdf.1 This fl ow diagram is reproduced with the kind permission of the NHSCSP. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2011;37:64–67. doi:10.1136/jfprhc.2011.0100 65 02_jfprhc-2011-000100.indd 65 6/23/2011 5:17:52 PM J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care: first published as 10.1136/jfprhc.2011.0100 on 31 March 2011. Downloaded from Commentary Admittedly, colposcopy clinics have become less busy of residual disease rates after large loop excision of the since the decision to raise the screening age to 25 years, transformation zone (LLETZ) treatment have demon- but many will also have fewer staff as a result. It is likely strated that negative excision margins are associated that there will be an increase in the detection of high- with lower risk and positive excision margins with grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), both due higher risk of residual disease but this does not appear to the higher sensitivity of HPV testing compared to to be taken into account in the new management cytology and to the fact that fewer women are lost to algorithm (Figure 1).1 Meanwhile, most of the HPV follow-up. This is to be welcomed. However, it should ‘test of cure’ studies have only followed up women not be forgotten that, in the pilots, women who were for around 2 years. Can we be sure it is safe to return HPV-positive were significantly more anxious, dis- these women to routine screening when it is known tressed and concerned about their test results, mainly that they continue to be at higher risk of developing because they did not understand what their results cancer for at least 10 years?12 13 meant.2 It could be argued that, since then, the introduc- Funding The author has received honoraria for tion of HPV vaccination should have improved public lecturing, consulting fees and conference sponsorship knowledge around HPV; unfortunately, while aware- from GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Pasteur, Merck, ness is certainly higher, knowledge does not appear to Sharp and Dohme, Bayer Schering and Wyeth. be much greater.6 More education of both the public and health professionals is still needed.7 Competing interests The author is an investigator The triage programme is to start in April 2011, but in the Cervarix trials. She is also Editor- in reality only the current Sentinel Sites (Sheffield, in-Chief of the Journal of Family Planning Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Norwich and Northwick and Reproductive Health Care. Park Hospital in London) are actually ready. There are Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; many issues to be resolved elsewhere; laboratories will externally peer reviewed. need to be reorganised and equipment purchased, staff will need training and administrative practices will References need to be altered. In practice, then, in the rest of the 1 National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme country, the national programme is unlikely to even (NHSCSP). HPV Triage and Test of Cure Protocol for Women start being rolled out before October 2011. Aged 25 to 64 Years. April 2010. http://www.cancerscreening. nhs.uk/cervical/hpv-triage-test-flowchart-v2.pdf [accessed Test of cure 8 February 2011]. In addition to HPV testing in triage, an HPV ‘test of 2 Moss SM, Gray A, Marteau T, et al.
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