GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS REGION, NASHIK AHMEDNAGAR P.W. CIRCLE AHMEDNGAR B-1 E-TENDER PAPERS NAME OF WORK: - Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar AMOUNT PUT TO TENDER :- Rs. 17936942/- EARNEST MONEY :- Rs. 134527/- SECURITY DEPOSIT :- Rs. 717480 /- Head of Account-5054 M&R 03 E tender Notice No 18 for 2015-16 Executive Engineer Public Works Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 2 NAME OF WORK: - Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar INDEX Sr. No. DESCRIPTION PAGES From To 1 General Information of Contract 3 5 2 Brief Tender Notice 6 10 3 Detailed Tender Notice 11 31 4 Scope of Work 32 5 Agreement Form B-1 & Conditions of Contract. 33 68 6 Schedule “A” 69 0 7 Additional Conditions for Material brought by Contractor 71 91 8 Additional General Conditions. 91 91 9 Additional Specifications. 92 99 10 Quality Assurance and Maintenance. 99 11 Bar Chart 100 12 Schedule “B” 101 105 13 Schedule “C” - Itemise Specifications. 106 110 14 Drawings - Issued to _________________________________________________________ AS PER D.R. /T.R. NO. ____________________ Dated: ____________________ Sr.Divisional Accounts Officer to Executive Engineer Public Works Division Ahmednagar Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 3 : B-1/ Orignal Agreement No. Name of Work : Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar Name of Contractor : Date of Receipt of : upto 17.46 hours. Tender No. & Date of Work : Order Amount put to Tender : Rs 17936942/- Percentage quoted : Amount of Contract : Date of Commencement : Time stipulated for : 12(Twelve) Calender Months from the date of completion of work written order to start work, which will include the monsoon period. Date of completion as : per Agreement Acutual Date of : Completion Reference to sanction of : tender Extension of time limit : 1 2 3 Certified that this : Pages 01 to original Agreement Fly leaves No. contains Drawings No. Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 4 DETAILS OF WORK NAME OF WORK: - Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar Estimated Cost put to tender 17936942/- Earnest Money 134527/- The EMD applicable amount shall be paid via Online mode only.In case of EMD exemption, valid E.M.D. Exemption Certificate duly attested shall be uploaded at the time of submission. Total Security Deposit 4% (four percent) Rs. 717480/- (50% in cash at the time of Agreement and 50% from R.A.bills). TENDER SCHEDULE Cost of Tender Form : Rs. 5,000/- Period for DownloadingTender Forms : Refer Online schedule on portal https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Date of Pre-bid meeting : dt 04/09/2015 at 15.00 hours C E P.W. Region Nashik Last date and time for online bid preparation and hash : Refer Online schedule on portal submission (technical and financial) https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Date and time for online bid data decryption and re- : Refer Online schedule on portal encryption (technical and commercial) https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Receipt of online EMD / If EMD exempted then EMD : Document Tender Fee and EMD to be paid via online exemption Certificate, and Tender Document fees, to be mode only. if EMD exempted then EMD exemption paid online only via Payment Gateway Certificate shall be uploaded online. Registration class of Contractor : Class III and above Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 5 TO BE FILLED BY THE CONTRACTOR I/We have quoted my/our offer in percentage rate in words as well as in figures. I/We further undertake to enter into contract in regular “B-1” form in Public Works Department. Name and signature of Contractor/ Power of Attorney holder With complete address. Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 6 Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 7 Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. 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The Electronic tendering system for Public Works Department of Government of Maharashtra will be available on separate Sub Portal with URL https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in as part of the Electronic Tendering System of Government of Maharashtra which is available on the Portal https://maharashtra.etenders.in. ò EòɪÉÇEòÉ®úÒ +ʦɪÉÆiÉÉ, ºÉÉ´ÉÇVÉÊxÉEò ¤ÉÉÆvÉEòÉ¨É Ê´É¦ÉÉMÉ, +½þ¨ÉnùxÉMÉ®ú Contractor Sub Divisional Officer Executive Engineer P.W.Sub Division Parner P.W. Division Ahmednagar PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dy. E. E. 9 GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA INVITATION FOR TENDERS DETAILED TENDER NOTICE NAME OF WORK: - Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar Online percentage rate tenders in 'B-1' Form are invited by the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division Ahmedngar for the following work from Contractors registered in appropriate class of the Public Works Department of Maharashtra State. The name of work, estimated cost, earnest money, security deposit, time limit for completion etc. are as under. Sr. Name of work Estimated Earnest Security Class of Time limit No. Cost Money Deposit Contractor in Tender (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Calendar Months) 1 Improvements 17936942 134527 717480 Class III 12 to Belhe Alkuti Only and Calendar Nighoj Shirur Online Above Months road km 12/800 (including to 16/600 SH 53 monsoon) Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar Tender form, conditions of contract, specifications and contract drawings can Renewal carriagway to Improvements to Belhe Alkuti Nighoj Shirur road km 12/800 to 16/600 SH 53 Tal.Parner Dist Ahmednagar downloaded from the e-Tendering portal of Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e. http//:pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in after entering the details payment of Rs.
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