C.B. (I) No. 226 Vol. V COMMITTEE OF PRIVILEGES (SIXTH 10K SABHA) FIFTH REPORT ( Laid on the Table on 9th July, 1979 ) LOK SABH~)BECRETARIAT NEW DELHI July, 1979/Asadha. ~901 (Saka) Price; Rs. 2.60 CONTENTS PAGE 1. Personnel of tbe Committee of Privileges (iii) 2. Roport 3. Minutes of sittings of Committee 7 4. Minutes of cvidcnce 5. Appcudices 4S (i) S/1 LSS/79-1 PERSONNEL OF THE COMMIITEE OF PRIVILEGES (1977-78) ·Professor Samar Guha-Clulirman ME¥lIERS 2. Shri Halimuddio Ahmed 3. Shri O. V. Alagesan 4. Shri Hitendra Desai· 5. Shri Krishan Kant 6. Professor P. G. Mavalankar 7. Shri R. Mohanarangam 8. Dr. V. A. Seyid Muhammed "9. Shri Narsingh 10. Shri Nareodra P. Nathwani II. Shri Meetha Lal Patel 12. Shri B. Shankaranand ] 3. Shri Madhav Prasad Tripatbi 14. Shri Ravindra Varma IS .... SIlCRETARIAT Shri M. P. Gupta~enior Table Officer. • Appointed Chairman with effect from 5-11-1977 ,Ie. Sbri It.S. Heide rcalpod from the Committee . •• Nominated with effect from 31-11-1977 . ••• Vacant on account of resignation of Shri Ram Jethmalani from membership 01 Committee with effect from 13-12-1978. (iii) FD"IH REPORT OF THE COMMITfEE OF PRIVILEGES (SIXTII LOK SABHA) I. IaarodIIct:hRa and Procedure . J, the Chairman of the Committee of Privileges, having been autho- rised by the Committee to submit the Report on their behalf, present this their Fifth Report to the House on the question of privtlege raisedl by Shri Mani Ram Bagri, M.P., regarding alleged threat to murder Shri Raj Narain, M.P., contained in a letter received by the latter, and referrodA to the Committee by the Speaker on the 1st March. 1979. 2. The Committee held seven sittings. The relevant minutes of the~c sittings form part of the Report and are appeaded hereto. 3. At their first sitting held on the 20th March, 1979, the Committee decided io. the first instance to examine in person Sarvasbri Mani Ram Bagri and Raj Naraio, M.~. The Committee also decided that Sarvashri Mani Ram Bagri and Raj Narain. might also be asked to produce before the committee the original letter dated the 23rd February, 1979, stated to have been received by Shri Raj Narain, M.P., from one Shri Ajay Kumar Mittal, Meerut, on the basis of which Shri Bagri had raised the question of privilege in the House. 4. At their second sitting held on the 27th March, 1979, the Committee examined on oath Shri Raj Narain, M.P. The Committee also decided to examine in person Shri Ajay Kumar Mittal, 97, Khandak, Meerut (V.P.). who was alleged to have written the impugned letter to Shri Raj Narain, M.P. 5. At their third sitting held on the 9th April, 1979, the Committee examined on oath Shri Mani Ram Bagri, M.P. and Shri Ajay Kumar Mittal of Meerut, the alleged author of the impugned letter to Shri Raj Namin, M.P. At the direction of the Committee, Shri Ajay Kumar Mitta) submitted his specimen signatures and a specimen of his handwritiD~ in Hindi, before the Committee. The Committee decided that the spedmen signatures and specimen handwritmg of Sbri Ajay Kumar Mittal might be got examined and com- pared by a handwriting expert, through the Ministry of Home Affairs, with I l.S.Deb.,dt.I-3-1979.cc.215-16. I. Ibid. ..,.. those of the letter dated the 23rd February, 1979, alleged to have been written by him, to Shri Raj Narain, M.P., as weU as the lctter dated thc 4th March, 1979, addressed by him to the Speaker, Lok Sabha. 6. At their fourth sitting held Ol\ the 17th May, 197Q, the Committee persued the report of the handwriting expert furnished >by the Ministry of Home Affairs and decided that the handwriting expert be asked to appear before the Committee for oral examination in person on Friday, the 18th May, 1979, at 16.30 hours. 7. At their ifth sittit\g held aD the 18th May, 1979, the Committee examined on oath the Handwriting Expert, Shri S. L. Mukbi, Senior Scientific Officer (DocumenlS)-cum.-Assistant Olemical Examiner to the Govemment of India. 8. At their sixth sitting held on the 30th May, 1971J, th~ ::ommittcc finalised their findings and recommendation on the matter. 9. At their seventh sitting held on the 31 st May. 1979, the Coinmittee adopted their draft Report. D. Fads of thr Ca~ 10. On the 28th February, 1979, 8hri Mani Ram. Bagri. M.P .• gave noti';c of a question of privilege under Rule 222 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Businoss in Lot Sabha, stat,ing that Shri Raj NaraiB, another Member, had received a letter' containing a threat to murder b.im. 11. Shri Mani Ram Bawi sought to rai:iC' the matter in the House also on the 1st March, 1979. The Speaker, thereupon, obscrved~ as follows :- " .... Mr. Bagri brought to my notice a letter s:tid to have been wriuen by one Mr. Mittal to Mr. Raj Narain saying that, because he was catTying on a campaign against RSS. his mouth would be shut .... That is a very serious matter. l' have found a prima facie case, and I have referred the matter to the Privileges Committee ..•••••• " 3. See A,ppoodjx I (A photostat copy of the impullgeu lotter was submitted to the Speaker). 4 L.S. Dcb., dt. 1-3-1919, ce. 215-16. ~. Ibid. 3 12. The impugned let1er' (original in Hindi) read as follows :- "97, Khan~ Meerut (U.P.) 23-2-1979. Dear Sir, A news item has appeared in yesterday's newspaper that you ar,' going to organise a new front to counter the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak. Sangh. Why are you so much after R.S.S. these days? Is it because you have been expelled from the Union Cabinet? P.:rhaps you may be under the impression that there was the R.S.S. hand behind your expulsion. However, the fact is that the continuance in the Union Cabinet of a Madan (Juggler) like you would only have brought discredit to the leader of the Janata Party on the one hand and to the reputation of the country on the otber. Now I want to warn you through this letter that whatever propugaDda you might have done so far against the R.S.S. let it be there. But if you dare open your mouth against the R.S.S. from now onwards, your voice will be stopped for ever. I am not only an active worker of the R.s.S. but also an office bearer. Oue SaDsh is entirely a non-political organisation. It is purely a cultural and social organisation. We do not have even a remote connection with politics. Our Sar Sangb Chalak, Shri Deoras, had declared this on a number of occasions. There may be one more reason wby you bear a grudge against R.S.S.- that our Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee is going to replace the old man as Prime Minister. Then, a mean person like you will have' to be vanished from the holy soil of India. You are in league with Indira Gandhi. You have no integrity. You are a man without principles and morals. Unfortunately, you have won the election with the help of CIA by adopting dishonest means. You must thank your stars otherwise who woufd care for a worthless person like you. B~ the person whom you elevated as 'Ram' so that you could be his 'HanUlDall', bas disowned you. I doubt whether you are the son of ytiJtlt father or not. I bad come to Delhi. I went to your kothi, but unfortunately you we" not there. I was told tlIat you had gone to Shri Chandra Shekhar's kOlN. I did net baTe much time, otherwise, I could have settled the scores with you there and then. &f/- Ajay Kumar MinaI." 6 See Appendix I 13. Shri Ajay Kumar Mittal addressed a letter' dated the 4th March, 1979,· to the Speaker, in which he bad disowned the authorship of the im- puped Jetter, and stated as follows (ori&inal in Hindi) :- "4 M.arch. 1979 FI'OOl Ajay Kumar Mittal, 97, Khandak, Meervt (U.P.). To Shri K. S. Hegde, Speaker, Lok Sabha•. New Delhi Sir, ~ Mani Ram Bagri presented in Lok Sabha recently a JeUer contain- ing a threat against Shri Raj Narain, M.P., which was later referred to the> Privi.lqes Committee. A news in this regard was broadcast from A.I.R and published in the press. I have come to know that the said letter was written in my name. 1 want to inform you that I have nothing to do with the letter and I did not write this letter. I feel that a person having enmity with me has played this mischief just to harass me. I hum1Sly submit that this matter may be looke.J into and the person found guilty be punished. I am always wittina to co- operate in any process of enquiry. With thanks. 'Yours, Sd/- (Ajay Kumar Mittan ' m. Fi.dings of the CoDUDittee 14. The Committee gave priority to this matter and considered it with great care as it related to an alleged threat to the life of a member of the Houst!. The Committee examined on oath Shri Raj Narain, MP and Shri Mani Ram Bagri, MP. The Committee also examined Shri Ajay Kumar Mittal, who is alleged to have written the impugned letter and Shri S. L. Mukhi, thl,} band-writing expert.
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