Abrar A bi-monthly newsletter published by the Abrar Islamic Foundation 45 CrawfordEdior: Place, DrLondon Saeed W!H Shehabi 4LP A bi-monthly newsletter Tel:Published 020 7724 by the 3033 Abrar 45Fax: Crawford 020 7724 Place, 7219 LondonEmail: W1H 4LP Vol 13, No 17 (305) 1st—15th March 2017 [email protected] Tel: 020Website: 7724 3033 Necessary words at times of hardship Fax:www.abrar.org.uk 020 7724 7219 A religion whose mottos include mercy, passion everyone. Impunity does not exist in divine Email: and love cannot condone blood -letting of inno- legislation. No one is above the law. The rights, Abrarhouse cent people, allow mass murder or induce fear freedoms and rules of law are not relative. Jus- @hotmail.com in the hearts of people. Those who do so are tice, equality, personal freedoms are not rela- Website totally out of line with the spirit of God’s reli- tive. They are absolute rights that must be guar- gion. God-fearing people are keen to promote anteed and safeguarded. Matters of necessity, www.abraronline.net peace, hope, love and respect. Those who do urgency and specificity must not over rule the Charity no. 293802 otherwise are spreading corruption which is a fundamentals’ of God’s legislations. True reli- massive crime. There are several points to con- gion dictates that all are the same in the eyes of sider. The first is that man must act as God’s God and His laws. We stand for: representative on earth. God is the creator of When abnormal phenomena spread that are not people; He loves his creation and provides for in the spirit of God’s justice and laws it must Inter-faith and inter- their subsistence in peace and tranquillity. Thus not take precedence. There is no holiness in any civilisational dialogue the first duty is to behave along the line of God. legislation that denies God-given rights of man- Second; God-fearing believer addresses the kind. While a Muslim is encouraged to under- Respect for the human whole humanity with the same language of re- take volunteer work to help the community, race and rights spect and love regardless of their ethnicity, col- this must not be interpreted as possessing pow- our or cultural background. The whole mankind er over the others or overlooking their natural Cooperation for the are God’s family,; they deserve care and protec- God-given rights. Recent developments in the good of people tion from pain, hunger and fear. These are nec- Western and Islamic world are indications of essary demands that God-fearing must fulfil if the dangers of deviating from God’s path and Moderation they want to remain faithful to their proclaimed allowing personal tastes to take precedence faith. Third; All human beings are equal in the over God’s commands. Terrorism is one of Modernity eye of God. They must be treated equally. most deviated phenomenon in Islam which Whether Muslim, Christian or atheist, people considers killing one innocent life equivalent to High standards of deserve to live in peace to enjoy God’s boun- liquidating the whole community. Western pol- spirituality ties. They have the right to live. This is God- icies of wars, expansionism and arrogance are given right. Faith is personal choice that God equally repugnant. For the human race to sur- had allowed mankind to decide. It is for Him vive in peace, harmony and love, people of alone to judge people’s destiny. religion from all faiths need to acknowledge the In this issue Today’s world needs a culture of real peace, need to promote the religious ideals, pure as love and freedom of choice. This how God God’s messengers had advocated. While it is Local Events 2 wanted His creations to live. Thus a man of true healthy to compete for adherence to this faith religion is that who treats every human being as or that, what is at stakes in these delicate times Muslim Affairs 3 equals, worthly of live and respect. Of course are the essential values of mercy, love and pas- people sin. But it uphold- sion. God’s spirit of love Masha Allah ing the rule of law is nec- for His creations must be ibn Athari 4 essary to maintain public present in mankind. Eve- order and protect people’s ryone must act as a repre- freedoms and rights. De- sentative of God on this The Islamic cisions relating to life and planet in order to save its Enlightenment 5 death of others are not in inhabitants. Catastrophes the hands of the “chosen” will not spare anyone. What Hijab means 6 few. God’s servants act They will claim everyone; out of passion and love to the guilty and the inno- Pious man and guide people to the right cent. This must be averted shopkeeper 8 path of worshipping with good acts of faith God. People have the shared by noble men and right to live as long as women who are faithful to they observe the sanctity their God. After all Reli- of life and rights of oth- gion is a message of mer- ers. Divine rules apply to cy, love and compassion. Page 2 Local Events Imam Ali and Arabic language Turkey’s current concerns opposing him. This silencing of opposi- tion means that 90 percent of economy The role of Imam Ali A Seminar on Turkey was jointly organ- is in hand of regime and its supporters. ibn Abi Talib in the ised by The Open Discussion and The The future of power base of the country construction of the Gulf Cultural Club on Tuesday is at stake. There are challenges; There Arabic language was 14th February 2017. It was chaired by are problems with ISIS, night attacks, the topic of discussion targeting VIPs, media outcry With the Sahabir Razvi. Two speakers delivered at Abrar’s weekly talks on this important topic. Dr Turhan purge (more than 100000 sacked) there meeting on Thursday Ozen said that Turkey has done a lot in is a sense the future is dark. 23rd February. Dr past 15 years with Jaffar Al Tamimi de- regards to minorities Scientific research in Iraq livered a lengthy lec- and women. It wants ture on the subject, to improve economy A seminar to assess the scientific devel- highlighting Imam Ali’s contribution to and become member opment and research in Iraq as held on the language. The speaker introduced the of EU. When econo- Thursday 16th February at Abrar’s topic by defining the language arguing my and infrastructure weekly meeting. It was addressed by Dr that it is the voices with which people ex- improve all will ben- Abbas AlAboudi and press themselves. Other ways of expres- efit. Turkey is per- Dr Karam AlKhazraji. sion like the writing and the signs are not ceived as only coun- Dr AlAboudi said that the language. Language is a social need; it try that has ottoman scientific research had links people together. Prophet Mohammad heritage. Ottoman a bumpy ride in Iraq. advocated learning other people’s lan- spread over 3 continents including the Since the Ba’thists guages in order to understand them and Middle East and North Africa. The prob- came to power in 1968 avoid their mischief. Language also fulfils lems are in every country; Nation build- science lost its central psychological needs. The person needs to ing and narrow identity is apparent also position in Iraqi life. It express his feelings. The third is biologi- in Greece. Armenian suffering must be became a tool in the cal. Each limb of the human body has a viewed within the context at the time. hands of the regimes to kill opponents. function. The tongue also has one; that of You have to look at Bosnia and Crete. In 2003 we inherited rubble and empty speech. The forth is civilisational; it is the There is no Islam in Crete now because universities that had no scientific re- pot that contains the culture of the country. of genocide. There is no definitive proof search. Between 1991 and 2003 the li- After elaborating on several aspects of the of genocide on Armenian. Historical braries became empty of books of sci- language the speaker referred to the Arab events must not be used to corner people ence and the scientists lost interest as language. Abul Aswad Al-Du’ali was liv- into submission. No one of us is sin-free. they strived to survive. In the eighties ing in Basra, Iraq since the time of Omar We must not turn alleged events into the scientists and researchers were ibn AlKhattab. He said: I visited Ali ibn reality. What happened in the past must dumped in jails or grave yards. The few Abi Talib and I saw him in deep thought not be used to commit more crimes. The who remained either migrated or re- and contemplation. He asked him why he movement which is accused of the coup mained silent to avoid death. There is was in that state. Ali said: I am thinking of is not the only movement that is spread- now absence of scientific planning. Uni- laying down rules for the Arabic language ing its ideology. It is much smaller than versities are opened to satisfy desires not to protect it and guarded against people’s other ideologies. The Gulen movement needs. Research is in pure science not intervention. He knew that culture can did not allow other groups to flourish and applications. Research is conducted for only be safeguarded and preserved by lan- this created animosity among the public.
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