Circulation Package __________________________________________________ October 2018 Ministry of Municipal Local Government Infrastructure and Finance Branch CIRCULAR Affairs and Housing PO Box 9838 Stn Prov Govt (4th Floor - 800 Johnson St) Victoria BC V8W 9T1 Circular No. 18:14 ARCS File #: 195-20 October 1, 2018 To: All Chief Administrative Officers Re: Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Community, Culture and Recreation Program and Rural and Northern Communities Program - Open for Application The Province of British Columbia and Canada have partnered on the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to fund Green; Community, Culture and Recreation; Public Transit; and, Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure. The ICIP provides communities across British Columbia a variety of funding opportunities to build sustainable communities, to help create long term economic growth, and to support a low carbon, green economy. On September 12, 2018 Minister Selina Robinson announced the opening of application intakes for the Community, Culture and Recreation Program and the Rural and Northern Communities Program. The Community, Culture and Recreation Program (CCR) will focus on projects that improve citizen’s access to and quality of cultural, recreational and community spaces, including for Indigenous people and vulnerable populations. The CCR Program provides an opportunity for eligible ultimate recipients that are Local Governments, Indigenous applicants, and not-for- profit organizations to seek funding for eligible infrastructure for public use and benefit. The Rural and Northern Communities Program (RNC) will support infrastructure projects for public use and benefit in communities with a population of 25,000 or less and will provide additional funding towards projects in communities with populations of 5,000 or less. The Program is focused on infrastructure that will improve the quality of life in rural communities including food security; reliable road, air or marine infrastructure; broadband connectivity; efficient and reliable energy; Indigenous health and educational facilities; community, culture and recreation; local public transit; improved resilience to natural disaster events; and, environmental quality. Eligible applicants for the RNC Program are Local Governments, Indigenous applicants, Not-for-Profit organizations and For-Profit organizations (when supported by a local government or Indigenous government). Program information, for both new programs, including Program Guides, Applications, and Page 1 of 29 Page 2 Application Instructions are now available on the ICIP website: www.gov.bc.ca/Investing-in- Canada-Infrastructure-Program. The application intake deadline for both programs, CCR and RNC, is January 23, 2019. The Infrastructure Planning Grant Program and the Asset Management Planning Grant Program are available to assist local governments in preparing for future grant programs. The Infrastructure Planning Grant Program provides an opportunity to obtain grant funding up to $10,000 to help local governments plan, design and manage infrastructure. The Program can assist in the development of long term comprehensive plans and feasibility studies that will improve public health and safety, enhance environmental protection and increase infrastructure sustainability. The next deadline is January 16, 2019. Program documents can be downloaded from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s website at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/local-governments/grants- transfers/grants/infrastructure-planning-grant-program. The Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) administers the Asset Management Planning Grant Program. This program is jointly funded by the Ministry and UBCM and assists local governments in advancing asset management planning and practices. Capital project applications that are based on sound asset management decision making processes are assessed as lower risk through the Ministry’s infrastructure funding programs. Program documents can be downloaded UBCM’s website at: http://www.ubcm.ca/EN/main/funding/lgps/asset-management-planning.html Every grant application is assessed in the context of published program eligibility guidelines and consideration is given to compliance with the conditions for a grant. This reinforces the expectation that grant funds are allocated fairly and equitably between competing projects. The Ministry is pleased to provide advice on what is looked for in a successful application. For more information, please contact the Local Government Infrastructure and Finance Branch by telephone at: 250 387-4060, or by email at: [email protected]. Liam Edwards Executive Director Local Government Infrastructure and Finance Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Page 2 of 29 Street Lights UBCM S BCHydro $eptember 2Ol8 Power smart Page 3 of 29 65{@ ooooooo ooooooo N r o Burnaby tp oÉ Coqu¡tlam o o North Shore g. É 5 Powell River J d Sechelt - z o- Squamish o f -l 1 Vancouver o o o- Delta € Ë o Fraser Val East Area o É 9. J f Lan ro t- Èf II ço Richmond Po (9 J s / White Rock I Cam I River g. J Co = É Duncan -¿ o Fl. o Gulf lslands g. o o Nanaimo J 6 Port Alberni o Ø f Port Hardy o o t Qualicum (0 V¡ctoria Jrr o Burns Lake o Chetwynd o - DawsÕn Creek o Fort Nelson o IT Fort St John {l z MacKenzie Fl. o o Tã Prince J o o : Prince Ru f I Quesnel (¡¡ Smithers (Jl Terrece o Vanderhoof o Williams Lake o 100 Mile House o Cache Creek a Cleãrwater FF Cra nbrook o- Fernie (Ð Golden +' Ø ço lnvermere - 5 Ka (o f Lillooet ¿ o:. r+- o Merritt a Revelstoke J o Selmon Arm ID ! Valemount o E o { o Vernon o Westbank -t - Bella Coola În z 3 o. F Queen charlotte o, .l Stikine -t o Page 4 of 29 What we have done BC Hydro continues to explore opportunities to improve street ¡ight services a Customer Engagement . Conducted survey - December 201G . lnterviewed 27 customers - July 2018 a Technology Review . LED street lights . Advanced controllers a Pilot Projects ' LED pilots (Richmond and Haida Gwaii) -April 2016 - present . Controller proof of concept in - August Z01T a Procurement . Request for lnformation (RFl) - June 2018 ' Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSO) - September 2O1B 3 S BC Hydro Power smart Page 5 of 29 Whatts Next BG Hydro continues to move forward with the Street Light Replacement Program Sep RFSQ Prod uct testing Arp RFP Sep Rate design customer engagement Rate design application Sp,ring LED street light deployment 4 0 BCHydro Power smart Page 6 of 29 Street Light Evolution Opportunity for convert to LEDs, while evaluating Mesh-Enabled Gontrollers Current HPS Street Lights New LED Street Lights Advanced Controller Option BASE II{TËGRATED FIXTURE . High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights . LED lights . Advanced controllers offer communications, . Base and lamp are separate . lntegrated base and lamp data and control . Bases last -40 years, Iamps -7 years . Estimated 20 year life . ln addition act as a platform for other connected sensors and equipment. GONTROLLER PORT Advanced Gontroller :j'' r ll ery FtlÞ . photo Basic cells detect light level . Controller Port enables use of LED Street Light and turn on/off the fixture. photocells or Advanced Controllers 5 S BC Hydro Power smart Page 7 of 29 \ C cr'< The 20 19 Budget lnfographic BUDGET BREAKDOWN 201e V,RL Sysrern_Wide YüUR HOW PER ïOUR $t.oo gspgnr CAPITA tlhralHr rNCREASE $l a 4B Q,lfl'-laf: 4.T{yo % ffir"*r*r",*, -q 8iÍroEtza|rt* cCIFrffrt'r€S ¡.6!så 2,6 n!¡,r,ôn 4.743 FUNDING s !ñ LF,,r./ il,l{-fiE¡iÊ fr)l.j50LlDAl-Frr # 1."16,)rl F4iil 1T[i ,,1,1Åi1ån PLAþJ õ.779å þlË !?, gt_rl_-,ÇrT *r']t.jEljTi Page 8 of 29 Faci I¡ tres Updates Saywa rd Work continues on this modular branch prolect. After challenges with a large tree at the proposed site, a second site has been identified and survey, geotechnical and environmental work will be completed shortly. Sooke Schematic design of the building is ongoing. The development permit will be submitted shortly, followed by the building permit, and the selection of a proponent to take on the work. We hope to award the construct¡on contract in early 2019 with shovels in the ground shortly thereafter. Sidney/North Saanich VIRL is currently selecting a contractor to take on this renovation project, which is estimated to start in the fall. A temporary facility opened on September 24. Tcf in o Discussions continue with the municipality and the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust. VIRL awaits the results of a visioning session that occurred in July. Tahsis Work is ongoing with the municipality on the selection of a suitable parcel of land on which a modular facility. Drag Queen Storytime at the Campbell to construct River branch. Woss After a well-attended public consultation in July, VIRL is moving fonryard with plans to build a modular branch on a site identified by the Village of Woss. Page 9 of 29 BUDGET BREAKDOWN fi¡1ou nr Wa dd i nçron 3îiïi; YOUR HOW YOUR S 1 .00 rs sPENr Computer costs (50.03) Wages & benefits Debt principal & interest (50.04) PER (S0.47) CAPITA (S0.05) Admin ¡strative costs NCREASE - Library materials (50.09) í Projects funded reserve .*Èl;l¡, -- by .,.) r..ìi (S0.1 t. *,lij "'J'r'''¿' -¡ 2) 1,1'lr xåfÈa-. $ \t.*.. 3' ., ".Þ ri Í, :i ìl .i$ ,.1._ri\jlr'" ì11 Appropriations (50.1 1 g ,s, it.o..,'il -.':.ì:i,tr1¡ ) .i Branch facility costs ($0.09) Th is Yeor's DEC REASE: -9.01 % TOTAL VISITS* TO YOUR BRANCH (20171... o'rl .: Í,.\-/rì "Þ,t CORE SERVICES -7.620/o :i ' '¡ .,i;, ¡ I. I c'f ¡.j5ct_iilAî;] -1,320h i:ACii_iTi15 lilASTEÊ iri-;\|Ì -0.07o/o *totals may be off by nominal amounts, due to rounding *in-branch & online ,\, STRONG LIBRARIES. STRONG COMMUNITIES Page 10 of 29 .,).;:'-li,-*" /,.,. 2019 BUDGET: "INNOVATION AND HOW 15 MY LEVY CALCULATED? INSPIRATION" Each membert levy is calculated in accordance with the Library Act The allocation is 50o/o based on population, The 2019 Budget reflectsVlRLs push forthe latesttechnologies and 5070 based on assessed value.
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