EVESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING AND ESTATES COMMITTEE Notice is hereby given of the PLANNING AND ESTATES COMMITTEE will be held on 22 JUNE 2020 at 6.30 pm to which you are hereby summoned for the transaction of the business specified below The meeting will be held via Video Conference due to Government Restrictions and in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Admission of the Public and Media Members of the Public and Media are welcome to attend in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1. Public Participation is welcomed and will be in accordance with Standing Order 3(e) to 3(j) on a matter before the Committee. The public are also welcome to observe the meeting. The meeting will be held via video conferencing platform Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/join. For security reasons you will need to contact the Town Clerk via email in advance of the meeting to get the meeting ID and password. Email [email protected]. Recording of Meetings Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 the council’s public meetings may be recorded, which includes filming, audio-recording as well as photography. AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of pecuniary or other interest including requests for dispensation (if any) 3. Minutes of the last meeting To receive and agree the minutes of the last meeting of this committee held 1 June 2020 (attached) 4. Planning Applications – To receive and consider planning applications received from Wychavon District Council (WDC) since the last meeting of the Planning and Estates Committee or Town Council Report attached 5. Planning Decisions – Notification of planning decisions from WDC Report attached 6. Correspondence from Worcestershire County Council on Mineral Site Allocation for information Notice that Worcestershire County Council have published their responses to Mineral Sites Allocations ‘Call for sites’ at http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/minerals 7. Matters of urgency raised, for information only, at the discretion of the Chairman notice of which is to be given prior to the commencement of the meeting Stuart Carter Town Clerk Evesham Town Council Tel: 01386 565700 Unit 6 (Ground Floor) Abbey Lane Court Abbey Road www.eveshamtowncouncil.gov.uk Evesham Worcestershire WR11 4BY Committee Circulation: Cllr Mrs S Amor (South) Ex-officio (Deputy Mayor), Cllr A Booth (Bengeworth), Cllr P Boyd (Twyford), Cllr Miss E Haynes (Great Hampton), Cllr M Goodge (Bengeworth) Ex-officio (Town Mayor), Cllr R Hale (Bengeworth), Cllr Mrs J Johnson (Avon), Cllr Mrs M Sale (South), Cllr Mrs J Sandalls (Twyford), Cllr Mrs S Schaathun (Little Hampton), Cllr Mrs C Smith (South) Also circulated electronically to all other councillors for information Minutes of the Meeting of the PLANNING AND ESTATES COMMITTEE held at 6.30 pm on MONDAY 1 JUNE 2020 via the Zoom video conferencing platform and in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Those present: Chairman: Cllr Mrs S Amor (Deputy Mayor) Councillors: Cllr R Hale, Cllr M Goodge (Town Mayor), Cllr Miss E Haynes, Cllr Mrs M Sale, Cllr Mrs J Sandalls, Cllr Mrs S Schaathun Officers: Mr S D Carter (Town Clerk) Mrs C Chambers (Finance Officer) Mrs K Cullen (Administration Officer) The Town Clerk read out the names of everybody in attendance. 89. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Councillors A P Booth and Mrs J Johnson both of whom could not join because of technical issues, and Cllr Mrs C Smith. 90. Declarations of pecuniary including requests for dispensation (if any) There were no declarations of interest. 91. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2020 The Town Clerk had circulated with the agenda the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2020 via Zoom video conferencing, it was moved, seconded and RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record. 92. Planning Applications a. 20/00862/HP – Mr R Hillman – 36 Evendene Road Erection of rear extension https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102648 It was RESOLVED to recommend that this application be approved subject to it satisfactorily addressing the neighbour’s concerns. b. 20/00861/HP – Mrs R Culwick – 7 Allardene Proposed rear extension https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102647 It was RESOLVED to recommend that this application be approved subject to the proposal not adversely affecting the neighbour’s access. c. 20/00860/FUL – Mr and Mrs M Banister – Beeches Abbotswood Proposed dwelling - as approved under planning permission ref. no. 18/01218 but in non- compliance with condition no. 2 to amend list of approved plans - (Variation of condition 2 Ref: 18/02499/FUL) https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102646 The Clerk advised that in his opinion, this application was in effect an amendment to the proposed layout and design as the conditions related to the application abiding by the designs as detailed in the original application. It was RESOLVED to recommend that this application be refused. The original conditions should be abided by. d. 20/00938/RM – Hallam Land Management – Land Off Boat Lane Highway infrastructure works comprising a primary residential road pursuant to outline planning permission 18/00549/OUT https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102724 It was RESOLVED to ask that this application be deferred. The committee stated that there was insufficient information to make a recommendation on this application. Of particular concern was the fact that Abbot Chryton’s Wall is a scheduled monument and there was no indication of what impact the increase in traffic would have on this. This plan will require heavy vehicles delivering to Hampton Ferry to turn a sharp left into Boat Lane (which runs parallel to part of the wall) and yet there is no swept path analysis that would highlight any potential problems that could be caused by abnormal loads at this point. Therefore, the Council have asked that this application is deferred so that this information can be obtained and a more comprehensive and detailed application can be considered. e. 20/00939/RM – Hallam Land Management – Land Off Boat Lane Drainage works comprising foul and surface water infrastructure pursuant to outline planning permission 18/00549/OUT ` https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102725 This application was NOTED. The committee stated that they did not have sufficient expertise to comment on the drainage arrangements for this development and therefore it could not make an informed comment 93. Matters of urgency raised, for information only, at the discretion of the Chairman Cllr S Schaathun stated that the skate ramp in the park had 2 gates, one was padlocked shut but the other was open and the skate park was being used despite it being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Clerk responded by stating that this was managed by WDC and that he would report it to them. Clerk’s note: WDC informed that they had replaced and secured the gate many times during the lockdown period but that the lock continued to be forced open and therefore they had decided not to replace. The skate ramps were likely to be officially reopened soon as the lockdown eased. Clerk’s note: Provisional date for the next committee meeting is 22 June 2020. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.15 pm COUNCILLOR MRS S AMOR CHAIRMAN Agenda Item No. 4 EVESHAM TOWN COUNCIL COMMITTEE: PLANNING AND ESTATES DATE: 22 JUNE 2020 SUBJECT: PLANNING APPLICATIONS REPORT BY: COMMITTEE CLERK 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To advise Members of the planning applications received from Wychavon District Council for consultation. 1.2 On each application it is detailed whether the decision is delegated to the officer or whether it is likely to go to WDC’s planning committee for a decision. When applications are considered by committee, the Town Council has an opportunity to send a representative to speak on that application should it so wish. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 Members’ recommendations are requested. 3.0 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 3.1 20/00928/FUL – Bengeworth – Committee Mr Michael Loveridge Weir Meadow Holiday Park Lower Leys W/95/01093/PP- Variation of condition no. 2 on planning no. W/95/01093/PP to extend opening dates from 1st March to 31 December to 1st February to 31st December each year - use relates to holiday caravan site. Variation of condition 2. https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102714 3.2 20/00933/HP – Bengeworth – Delegated Mr I Elmagdoub 2 Jupiter Road Single storey side and rear extension https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102719 3.3 20/00965/HP – Great Hampton – Delegated Mr Stuart Jackson 37 Highfield Road Side extensions to both sides of the property https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102751 3.4 20/00961/HP - Little Hampton Ward – Delegated Mrs Sheonagh Swain 10 Cheltenham Road Erection of building to provide ancillary accommodation/ garage/ workshop following demolition of existing garage/workshop (retaining the existing side walls) https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102747 3.5 20/01002/LB - Bengeworth – Delegated RBS / Ulster Bank Group Natwest 2 Bridge Street External repairs to verge timbers https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102788 3.6 20/01042/DD – South – External Worcestershire County Council St Richards C E First School Four Pools Lane Proposed retention of existing double mobile classrooms on site https://plan.wychavon.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=102828 3.7 20/01128/HP – Little Hampton – Delegated Mr.
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