Colby Free Press W ednesday, May 9, 2007 Page 7 Even though it’s green, TV LISTINGS looks can be deceiving sponsored by the From the Natural Resources lands before European settlement. from growing beneath it, or at least Conservation Office In fact, the native grasses need graz- seeds germinating beneath it. COLBY FREE PRESS Spring is here. ing to remain healthy, but coming Some plants you may be familiar After several years of brown out of a drought, grazing needs to be with that are allelopathic include springs, it looks like we might just carefully planned and stocking walnut trees and eastern redcedar have a green one, complete with rates need to be conservative until trees. wildflowers and lush grasses. It those root masses are built back up. In this area, it is seldom prudent WEEKDAYS MAY 8 - MAY 14 even smells green. But looks can be As a general rule, for each year of to fertilize native grasses. Annual deceiving on native rangelands of drought, it will take a year of nor- weeds and grasses will usually use 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 our area. mal precipitation for the native the fertilizer and further damage the KLBY/ABC Good Morning Good Morning America Martha The View Million- News In our part of the world, we have rangelands to recover. A five-year native grasses. Give your native H h Kansas aire KSNK/NBC News Cont’d Today Live With Regis Paid Paid perennial grasses that rely on exten- drought means about five years to grasses time and proper care, and L j and Kelly Program Program sive root systems and the carbohy- get back to full production. Planned they will soon be as productive as KBSL/CBS News Cont’d News The Early Show The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Young and the drates stored within those roots to grazing is a prescription to improve ever. 1< NX Restless K15CG Busi- Body Curious Clifford- Dragon Big Big Beren. Lions Sesame Street Teletub- Barney- grow each year. Roots don’t last the health of a pasture. For assistance in developing a d ness Electric George Red Tales World Bears bies Friends forever. In fact, a healthy grass Cool-season grasses, such as prescribed grazing system, contact ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter Sports- Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter Varied Programs plant replaces about 25 percent of western wheatgrass, need early your local Natural Resources Con- O_ Center USA JAG JAG Walker, Texas Walker, Texas Walker, Texas Varied Programs its root mass each summer. growing season rest to recover. The servation Service. Their range ex- P^ Ranger Ranger Ranger When a plant is undergoing opposite is true for warm-season perts will offer you advice to get on TBS Saved Saved Saved Saved Dawson’s Creek Movie News- Cosby drought stress, this does not happen; grasses such as buffalo grass or blue the right track in restoring your na- P_ by Bell by Bell by Bell by Bell Radio Show tive rangelands. WGN Chang- Believer Hillbil- Hillbil- Matlock Magnum, P.I. Homicide: Life on Da Vinci’s Inquest the old roots still die, so each year grama. Pa ing Voice lies lies the Street of drought results in about a 25 per- These grasses need rest for the The office is located at your local TNT Angel Charmed Charmed ER ER Judging Amy cent loss of root mass and carbohy- last 45 days of the growing season. USDA Service Center (listed in the QW telephone book under United States DSC Paid Paid Joyce Paid How It’s How It’s Deadliest Catch MythBusters How It’s How It’s drate reserves. If the drought con- In a planned grazing system, or ro- QY Program Program Meyer Program Made Made Made Made tinues, the plant can become weaker tational grazing system, it is im- Government or on the internet at A&E The District 24 Crossing Jordan City Confidential American Justice Cold Case Files and weaker until it eventually dies. portant for all pastures to be grazed offices.usda.gov. More informa- Q^ tion is also available on the Kansas HIST Varied Programs This condition is worsened when once before July 1. Livestock can Q_ Web site at www.ks.nrcs.usda.gov. grazing pressure prevents rest for then be rotated through the pastures NICK Danny OddPar- Spon- Spon- Go Dora the Blue’s Backyar- Wonder Dora the Go Blue’s the plant during the growing season, a second time. Failure to do this Rl Phantom ents geBob geBob Diego Explorer Clues digans Pets Explorer Diego Clues results in the increase of invasive DISN The Higgly- Ein- Mickey Handy Doodle- Charlie The The Higgly- Lilo & Little and the ability to maintain adequate R] Wiggles town steins Mouse Manny bops & Lola Koala Wiggles town Stitch Mermaid leaf area. annual grasses, such as downey Public Notice FAM Family Family Boy Mts. Boy Mts. Home Living The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Full Full We are seeing some death loss to brome, six weeks fescue and little R_ Matters Matters World World Videos the Life House House barley. HALL New Morning The Waltons The Waltons Little House on the Little House on the Touched by an native grasses due to the prolonged SW Prairie Prairie Angel By grazing for even a short time, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF drought. This usually shows up as THOMAS COUNTY, KANSAS “thinning” of grass stands, or in livestock make use of these grasses some cases, large patches of bare and lessen their competition with In the Matter of the Estate of native grasses later in the season. MURREL MARIE PANTLIK, ground. Now that we have some Deceased Case moisture, it is time to nurse our na- Also, a grass plant grazed off No. 2007-PR-9 WEEKDAYS MAY 8 - MAY 14 tive grasses back to health with once is more tender the second time good rangeland management prac- around and livestock will make use NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE TO CREDITORS 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 tices. of some grasses that would other- KLBY/ABC All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Million- Judge News Judge News ABC Wld A lot of folks took a hit in the wise loose their palatability and THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL H h aire Judy Judy News PERSONS CONCERNED: pocketbook by reducing cow herds, protein content. KSNK/NBC News Extra Days of our Lives Passions The Ellen Jeop- Jeop- News NBC L j DeGeneres Show ardy! ardy! News purchasing feed, or in some cases Weeds are well adapted to take You are hereby notified that on April 13, 2007 KBSL/CBS News Bold, As the World Turns Guiding Light Dr. Phil Oprah Winfrey News Evening not grazing at all. However, ex- advantage of drought-stressed pas- a Petition was filed in this court by the under- 1< NX Beautiful News signed. penses, such as taxes and land pay- tures. In western Kansas, the weed K15CG Reading Caillou Varied Programs Curious Cyber- Arthur Maya & Post- Cliff Pup Busi- of biggest concern may well be d Rainbow George chase Miguel cards ness ments continue. The Petition states that the undersigned is western ragweed. Western ragweed ESPN Varied Programs Mike and 1st and Outside- NFL Live Rome- Around Interrup- SportsCenter It is tempting to try and recover an heir, devisee and legatee, Executor named O_ Mike 10 Lines Burning the Horn tion in the Last Will and Testament of the dece- some of these expenses as quickly is a perennial weed that is difficult USA Movie Varied Programs Movie Law & Order: to eradicate so chemical control dent dated November 26, 1999 and the Peti- P^ Criminal Intent as possible, but this may actually tion requests that the Will be admitted to pro- hurt you and your rangeland re- measures may need to be used. This TBS Steve Steve Fresh Fresh Home Home Yes, Yes, King of King of Seinfeld Seinfeld bate and record; that Cindy Marie Hake be P_ Harvey Harvey Prince Prince Improve. Improve. Dear Dear Queens Queens weed also has a trick up its appointed as Executor and be granted Let- source in the long haul. WGN WGN News at Noon The Greg Behrendt America’s Funniest Cosby Cosby Moesha Home Home Funniest Native grasses evolved with sleeve…it is allelopathic. Allelo- ters Testamentary without bond. Pa Show Home Videos Show Show Improve. Improve. Pets grazing. Bison, elk, deer, and ante- pathic means this plant puts out a TNT Judging Amy Law & Order Law & Order Charmed Charmed Law & Order You are further advised that the Petitioner in QW lope all made use of native range- chemical that prevents other plants this matter has requested administration pur- DSC A Haunting Varied Programs Deadliest Catch MythBusters Cash Cash How It’s How It’s suant to the Kansas Simplified Estates Act, QY Cab Cab Made Made and if such request is granted the court may A&E Cold Case Files 24 Crossing Jordan City Confidential American Justice Cold Case Files not supervise administration of the estate and Q^ no further notice of any action of the Execu- No sour grapes here tor or other proceedings in the administration HIST Modern Marvels Varied Programs Q_ will be given except for notice of final settle- NAPA, Calif. (AP) — Call it the maintain freshness. Their products ment of the decedent’s estate.
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