Useful information... 73 www.firstgroup.com/bristol Timetables are available in large print Bristol Temple Meads a online, however if you require information in braille or audio please ring to Cribbs Causeway customer services. serving: Timetable enquiries City Centre Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 Gloucester Road ( Calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone Filton Avenue company’s access charge) Bristol Parkway Station a Customer Services Bradley Stoke 0345 602 0121 Patchway firstsouthuk@firstgroup.com First Bus, Enterprise House, Easton Road, Bristol BS5 0DZ Great Western Railway 0345 7000 125 (Daily 0600-2300) Bus times from 15 September 2019 www.gwr.com Lost Property 0117 929 1613 l o t s i r B n o i t a n i t @FirstBSA s e D © : o FirstWestofEngland t o h p r e v FirstWestofEngland o C ©P1 ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndarM5 ©P1ndar ©P1ndarN 73 Bradley Stoke, Newleaze r nda ©P1 oodlands W Lane M B rad Bradley 4 ley d S t Stoke a o o k e d W R lan a s y ow B r e W t s a C 73 B y o e n c r is u o o o t l o k Bradley Stoke, 5 n G M R W Willow Brook o a a y Centre d r d nda ©P1 a o 73 Bradley M R Patchway ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar e Stoke r n l o in t d B s oa R dar i R P1n © d r o n o o a a hw o ig L d H d y C B l sa 73 ra e nd 73 y y er d Road o eway n S Cribbs Caus t A v o k The Mall d L e nu e i y a t e t a o l W R e W y a S a W r k e t y s o o ye t Ha k o s Patchway e r 73 route e Webbs B c W W u o o l a B Direction of travel a o y i 73 G le ys d G i C R ©P1ndar ps Terminus point y P o o at u a ch r d L t an ©P1ndar e R ©P1ndarTimed stop ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndard ©P1ndar interbourn W e R H oa a d t c h 73 e t F R Stoke Gifford il o to a n d A v e n Bristol Parkway u r e nda ©P1 Station S tion ta Roa h d d t Bristol M oa r d R o Parkway 4 ea N m th d 73 Sainsbury’s ©P1ndar ©P1ndarou a ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar S o e R u M r n e e o v t A 2 n s M3 k e c n ’ u s to Filton P lo il ar G F Abbey Fi k lton Ro Wood Road ad Filton Southmead d Hospital a T o or R on to n R o d t il University of F The West of England Bo A nn Frenchay Campus 41 ing 74 to n Filton Avenue, W 2 Lockleaze Road a 3 l M ar k e 1nd nu ©P ©P1ndar ©P1ndarve Lo ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar A e c ay u kle law en az el v e K A Ro n ad lto Fi Horfield d a d o a R o R r A e r t s h e s l l e le c y u u D M lo Bristol o G w n n R w City Centre 73 o s o d e e t k f a s d C g a 7373 o o d n r r r i a t a K S C n P b 2 To M32 r Bristol County S ©P1ndar o 3 t o Motorway M M N2 k Cricket Ground W i ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndarc St Michael’s ©P1ndarN1 ©P1ndar R h o o a Hospital a o e d d Bristol l l ’ a s Royal M ©P1ndar n H u d Infirmary Bristol lle il B7 ©P1ndar l y r R Bus Cabot a N o R Childrens Station o a Circus ©P1ndar W Redland a Hospital d Bristol d University e ©P1ndar d Q Museum & B10 ea l u of Bristol m p Montpelier e Art Gallery ad e Bro m n e s dar n T ©P1 B1 Montpelier, Rd rt The Galleries pe t ket u ee Shopping ar Colston’s Girls’ School R tr M S Centre ld C12 O St s ©P1ndar Castle Park e ©P1ndar k d o d Corn Street t a a o Ro J S E Markets R ty a C9 i a C c Colston Hall s Cabot o t t t S S b n o Tower e Bal wi ’ Hippodrome d g y n s r T a A W o e v e o W Brandon G B m n e Bristol a W S t ©P1ndar p t l ©P1ndar c a l l s Hill G C6 k e B C5 Old Vic y V R R City Q r i S c o o Theatre e t a u t Hall a d o e City of l a d d c T r y i p 73 l a Bristol Bristol i h f o S m Central f College Cathedral m t e S T Library t WatershedWatersheed a Bristol s Queen Media CentreCentntre S Bristol Square t Temple Meads Anchor Road l a T6 r The Gro Station d v ©P1ndar k e R5 City Centre e l h a t Arnolfini ©P1ndar a W 73 ©P1ndar fe C Amphitheatre Redclif l l W ay 73 i W H a S R4 t o p f S R m f r p i t nda ©P1 l t d P e i r e c e r Bristol Temple Meads Cu n w S s d m g e be M Shed t t rland e Rd R C Rd larence C or Rd r onation e t Yor s e k R in d d m ra d a e P Contains Ordnance Survey data B © Crown Copyright 2019 Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative www.pindarcreative.co.uk Bristol Temple Meads a – Cribbs Causeway 73 via City Centre, Gloucester Road, Filton Avenue, Bristol Parkway Station a, Bradley Stoke and Patchway Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays Service Number Bristol Temple Meads Station a (T.) ———(.)( (.+( (.,- (/(- (/*- (/,- (0)( (0+( (0-( (1)( (1+* (1-* )()* )(+* )(-* City Centre, Christmas Steps (C)*) (-(( (-*( (--- (.)/ (.+/ (.-* (/), (/+, (/-, (0)1 (0+1 (0-1 (1)1 (1,) )(() )(*) )(,) ))() Montpelier, Colston Girls’ School (-(. 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Service Number Bristol Temple Meads Station a (T.) )0-- )1*- )1-- *(*- *(-0 *)*0 *)-0 ***0 **-0 *+*0 *+-0 ((-.
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