u Boys and Girls Basketball: Page 9 t the appleton north NOCTILUCA Appleton, Wisconsin December 2011 Vol. XVII Issue III Protestors Occupy Appleton By Killian Kvalvik news, if you have seen any- thing about what is happening Kicking off a continuous in New York, in San Francis- presence in Appleton, the co, Seattle, St. Louis, Boston... Occupy Appleton movement [Occupation is] everywhere. held a twenty-four hour oc- Absolutely everywhere. There cupation of City Park on No- is an Occupy movement in ev- vember 4. Protestors gathered ery major global city. And it and marched downtown the has spread... like wildfire to following day, visiting Chase, the smaller communities. So Wells Fargo, M&I, and US we really have exploded, and Bank. Roughly 70 to 80 peo- we have been in working op- ple participated in the kick-off eration for only about a month occupation, estimated Kegan and a half now. May, organizer for Occupy The movement itself is so Appleton. Protestors gathered in huge that they have just caused “The Appleton Police De- front of Chase Bank on a general strike in Oakland, partment are responding very Nov. 4. Photo by Sean Lyons. where one of the largest ports politely. We’re talking to the in the country was almost deputy chief and the cap- Related story completely shut down. That Occupy tain…Appleton PD is actually OPINION: had an immense effect. For Appleton deserves more a lot nicer than people think,” those who don’t know what attention, . said May. Page 4 striking is and why people May conceded the occupi- strike, it’s basically a form of ers have been “attacked via they own the people that live protest in itself. Things are Internet-threats of violence,” in America. This is obviously not right, so we are shutting and on the night of November not quite true, legally speak- down the city and not letting 4, a firework was shot from ing, but they have made such it function until these things inroads in the past decades so North Street into City Park Protestors march November 4 down College Avenue are addressed. at the occupiers. The culprit as to really entrap us, with al- Obviously not everyone in downtown Appleton. Photo by Sean Lyons. drove away, evading police. most no recourse, as is said in supports the idea of strik- This event has since been interview is excerpted here: and Occupy Appleton were the Constitution, for address- ing, because it is disruptive. followed by a series of daily Q: You are a protester with incepted to stop the actions ing our grievances. People are terrified of being protests at Chase Bank, as the Occupy Appleton move- that have slowly destroyed the Q: How have you at- forced out of the bubbles that well as weekly general assem- ment. Can you tell me basi- personhood of regular people tempted to address those we create for ourselves in this bly meetings. cally what you have been in America – and sought to grievances? country – the safety nets and Before the Occupy Appleton doing so far? control those of us who cannot A: This is a very special the delusions of grandeur and General Assembly November A: So far, we’ve been gain- afford lobbyists to get certain form of peaceful protest; a wealth that we give to our- 4, the Noctiluca interviewed ing public awareness for what agendas through government. very special movement, be- selves. Laura Kohlman, one of the exactly this Occupy movement Corporations own America. cause it deals with the idea of group’s main organizers. The is about. Occupy Wall Street They own it outright. And occupation. If you watch the See Occupy, Page 2 Truancy court makes noticeable progress By Monica Stoeger by addressing it in an effec- for five different days in a se- tive and efficient manner. We mester. Attendance, Drop- According to the most re- want students to attend class,” If a student is found guilty out, and Truancy cent truancy report, Appleton says McGinnis. of the citation there will be a Stats for Appleton North had a total of 1930 un- Associate Principal David disposition. This may include excused absences during the Mueller says truancy court, an order to attend school, Area School District 2008-2009 school year. That which is held in the Lightning cooperate with the Truancy 2009-2010 statistic declined to 1060 un- Room at North, improves the Runaway Assessment Center 95.8% attendance rate excused absences during the collaboration between the (TRAC) program, pay a mon- 1.33% dropout rate 2010-2011 school year due to court system, school person- etary fine plus costs ($200.50), 3.6% truancy rate the development of truancy nel and families. “It deters and an order to perform com- court. habitual truancy significantly munity service. Source: Wisconsin Department The Noctiluca interviewed from past procedures,” he “If the student fails to coop- of Public Instruction. Judge Mark McGinnis, an added. erate, then they may be found Outagamie County Circuit Judge McGinnis discussed in contempt or have sanctions Judge McGinnis presides cessfully has made a positive Court Judge, via email. Ac- the possible consequences imposed. There have been over truancy court at Ap- impact on local high schools. cording to Judge McGinnis, of truancy. He said students several individuals placed on pleton North. Photo by Nate This program has visibly made truancy court was started be- 17 years of age and younger house arrest with an electric Correia. excellent progress on reduc- fore the 2009-2010 school receive a citation at the time monitor,” reports McGinnis. schools. Each school takes ing truancy not only at Apple- year in an effort to call atten- that they are habitually truant. “Truancy court is routinely approximately two hours, and ton North, but other Appleton tion to unexcused absences. Habitual truancy is defined as held every third or fourth Fri- on a typical day we handle high schools as well. Truancy “The main goal [of truancy having an unexcused absence day, starting at East at 7:15 60-100 students [total].” court will hopefully continue court] is to decrease truancy for any part of a school day a.m., and then on to the other Overall, truancy court suc- to do so. NEWS Appleton, Wisconsin December 2011 Vol. XVII Issue III Page 2 Gaddafi’s death ends Libyan revolution A retrospective in a Berlin nightclub, Presi- leader, who sent his military ances when they beat and dent Ronald Reagan labeled to stop the protests. Angered executed him shortly after- on one of the most Gaddafi the “mad dog of the by these heavy-handed ac- wards, but the exact details charismatic dictators Middle East” and ordered the tions, Libyans decided it was of his death are still cloudy. of our time U.S. to bomb sites in Libya time to fight for themselves Gaddafi was 69 when he died, including Gaddafi’s home in and take out their leader. In most of his eight children By Brady Havel Tripoli. Gaddafi retaliated response, Gaddafi sent in ar- were captured or killed dur- by having more attacks in mored units, helicopters and ing the revolution, with his The recent conflict in Lib- numerous other countries. warplanes to quash the revo- eldest captured on Novem- ya featured forces of Colo- Throughout his life, Gad- lution. In response to pleas ber 19. Those who opposed nel Muammar Gaddafi and dafi survived many assassi- from the Libyan rebels, the the Gaddafi regime are now rebels who were attempting nation attempts and several U.S. and NATO authorized known as the National Tran- to dethrone the leader. The attempts to overthrow him. a no-fly zone over Libya and sitional Council, which was Libyan rebels were fight- Gaddafi was not an ex- began military action as well. recognized by the United Na- ing for those who wanted to pert on economics. He spent Even though many nations tions as the legal representa- step up against their long- massive profits he earned across the globe protested tives of Libya, and they now time leader of 42 years, but Gaddafi remained defiant on Libya’s oil reserves on any intervention in Libya, can hold democratic elec- could not. They also fought even as rebels closed in improvements for the citi- President Obama remained tions. After eight months and for freedom, a new start and on him. Photo by the Lon- zenry, but the economy suf- firm in sending aid to the eight days of war as well as a closer connection to the don Evening Standard. fered from low productivity civilians of Libya, cutting 25,000-30,000 casualties, the world. When peaceful pro- and inefficiency. As a result ties with the Libyan govern- civil war in Libya was over. tests in February led to Gad- was only 27 years old when of this, many people were ment, and enacting sanctions Now the Libyan people dafi sending his own troops he was promoted to the rank outraged by Gaddafi’s lead- to end the Gaddafi regime. have freedom after the over- to stop the protests, the na- of colonel, the highest in the ership style and started to After months of fighting throw of Muammar Gad- tion erupted in revolution. Libyan army, and declared have demonstrations calling the rebels, Muammar Gadd- dafi and they hope to lead The only son of an illiter- himself the commander in for the end of his regime. afi was captured on October Libya to a strong, demo- ate tribal leader, Gaddafi as- chief of armed forces. Gad- On February 15, 2011, 16, after he was located in cratic future.
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