T - ‘ '\ r 1 J t'-f'. S v ^ j ' ■ S'X:-V-...\.N., ■ ,•■'> '-.-'s ■ ■: '/ ■ “■ •s s - V . > X. ■ -. 7 ’/, •: it . \ 'k _:s.u \ -4— t X. • xN'. m 4 , 7 -^___I^AGB TWELVE , SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1958 Average Daily Net PrjMa Ron [■• 1 -X Fnr Um Yteek Ended - - The Weather ,7 iKancl]fp£it(]r ning Hf]*alb M ay I. IM S Foreeeat ef O. 8. Weather Sanaa make the second ascent worth his 10,981 .while. ' I Pair, cooler tonight. Tqeeday AboutTown But the mother robin, whose j Duff>Grady Nuptials South Church FRESH GANDY Member ef the Audit eyes are undoubtedly better than 'Burenn„of Clrenlatibna partly cloudy, cooler. ..-.-'Ab' Heard Along Main Street FOR MOTHER’S DAY V X .. Th« Mancheater Soroptimial \ Nauman’a, even without hla eye- Backing ^Day’ SUN., MAY 10 Manchester— A City of Village Charm Club will hold Jta monthly buaineaa glasaea, never did fall for hla' 7 \ ittMUnf Monday at 8 p. m. at the And tin Some of Manchesler*g Side Streetgy Too game of hide and aeek. ao he Aiteur Drug Storet (CRaaeiAM. AdvarUalag ea Page M) X home of the preaid^nt, Mra. Ruth Anally had to give up on her. ParifihionerR to Spear­ VOL. LXXII, NO. 188 MANCHESTERk^ O NN.. MONDAY, m a y 11, 1933 X. (SIXTEEN PAGES) Spencer of 17 Cole street. The The aecond trip up was made PRICE FIVE CENTS ^ Bominatins committee of which Musing posal plant to satisfy the re­ without incident; in fact, in com- General, Manager Richard Mar­ quirement of the State \Vater head May 19 Visit of Mrs. Elizabeth Ubert is pre.aUlent, parl.son to the first. It was made X 'X X N, Mflll present a slate of olTicera for tin made the startling announce­ irommission as to pollution In the. with alacrity, and ait'er taking his Bloodmobile to Town ■X Uw coming year. ment the other day that if hr Hnckanum?" we asked. picuiies, which he practically — X SMALL GARDEN 'X ..wants to he can, encumber the A look came over his face, like climbed into the nest to get, Nau- The membemhlp of the South ‘ Manchester Assembly. No. 1.1. town in the amount of I.IOO.OOO the one you get when you dreanti man climbed back down. Methodist Oturch is sponsoring the Order of Rainbow for Girl.s, will without consulting the. Board of of a two month vacation on the Through ii all. the mother robin next Bloodmobile Day which falls FLOWING elbet officers at its meeting Mon­ Directors about It. Needleas to Riviera with lota of money to- kept her per(h on the limb of the pn Tuesday, May 19. Officers of day ntght at 7:30 In the Masonic say he won’t have to ask the vot­ spend. nearby tree, waiting only for the -the-varitma-church organizations Xee Wolcott la equipped. to Temple and also rehearse in prepa­ ers either. .< chunky man in the tiseed jacket have beelt aigning up donors who plow that small backyard gar­ ration for evemplifying the degree Of course, Martin assured us he Soreenlng Committee to get out of the vicinity ao ah.* will make appointments to go to den that .YOU have-always had for the Eastern Star Chapter in has no intention of borrowing nVo fellowa were di.scii.ssing the could get hark to her houseclean­ Woodruff Hall on that day and to turn over by hand. Don’t X Baddam on Tuesday, May 19. J.100.000 and hooking the taxpay-* recent T o m m y Collina - .limmy ing. make a blood donation in the name break your back. ers for the_bill. Carter boxing massacre and one of thp church. " The first Mother-Daughter ban­ 'M'e didn't have time to go into remarked to the other that he had Cheek and '(4en Although the leading organiza­ CALL LES W OLCOn quet ever held bj' the Manchester that aspect of the matter and be­ seen the bout and was disap­ .Veighhorly yarns . , . Has your tion in the drive for donors has SWvation Armv Corps will lahe Its MAIN STREET 31 sides we were more interested in pointed. next door neighbor asked to bor­ been the W8CS of the church, it is ivith Aboard^ Sinks in ^ r e a t Lakes Storm place at the Citadel this evening knowing how it comes about that The two men talked of the Kill row your lawn roller, rake or pointed out that the sponsorship is at 6 o’clock, and will be followed he can borrow so much money. Gavilan-Chuck Davey bout and the .shovel 7 , , . Has .lohnny'a dog been of the church body as a whole. Mlteh«ll 3-6032 ■ by an entertainment. Husbands The General Manager explained fellow who aaid he had seen the pi actlcirig flips on your newly seed-' Memfaera of the various men's and sons will serve as waiters. it this way. When the town -Collins-Carter bout also .said he, -d lawn? . Have you repaired groups, the choir, and similar bought the .South Maiiche.ster Wa­ took in the Davey fla.sco with the any broken window caused by a church organizations are urged to Rota^ Calls Tune for Young Manch^ter An Italian style stipper will he on ter Compan.v and the ttouth Man- bnseh.sll in a neighborhood garnet leave their namee at the church of­ ,B«rv^ .from. 8 .to ,7.;30. .p...n). a t ’.the Cuban Keed. 'Chester" ehesfer'■ santrarv'SAhitary and./SewsTand/Sew-er ■ Dts-’ 'Tlicy talked flghT.s' Tor ■neafTy'‘3ri -Do-last year's screens -ftt' per-’ fice,, or. to. phone. Red Cross, head­ pjmmunity House in North Cov- ferlly in your windows? . How quarters, S-.llll, and specify, they aPtQ’, under the direction of Mrs. trtet back in 19.33 ^ e y also look minutes ,loe lyniis-.Ioe Walcott. DONT over a 3.100,000 issue of non-ie- l^iiiis-Rocky .Marciano. .Sugar Ra.v many storm windows did you bleak so on May 19 between the hours of Arthur .1. Vinton and her rommit- putting them away until next so on Ma yt9 between the hours of Throw Thom Away tM. and for the benefit of the callable 20 years bonds which Rohln.son-Rand.v Turpin, and Wil­ drew .1 per ceixif interest a year. veai ? . Do ..vour youngsters 12:4,1 and 5:30 p. m. when the StUI Plent.v Of Wear Left In Cancer drive in that section. Ihir- lie Pep vs. .Sandy .Sadfller and one Bloodmobile unit will be in town. When the . legl.slature, by .spe­ of the fellows said he had seen isk for an he rream every time Shoes Repaired Here Ing the supper hour tonight a food An expressed willingness to do- •ale will also be conducted for the cial art, g^Ve the town the a>i- them all, (four diffeient trucks daily) the I nick with the t inging helfa goea . nate is all thaCis required. Staff Grand Marais. Minn.. May?reported sighting a life boat Mme fund; thority it/ needed to operate the "You mu.st spend a lot of moN.ey water the .sewer outfits, It by? . I.sn't it nice to see some , aides of the local Red Cross chsp- SAM YULYES »i\(\ traveling around the eountry to Shoe RepatrinK of the Bet­ 11—(/p)_Thif Great Lakes and a raft bearing people, also gyve the Board of Selectmen of your neighbors who have been I ter will contact the potential Richard R. Howes, son of Mr. watch tliese boxing bouts,’ one I donors and make definite appoint- ter Kind Done While Ton freighter Henry Steinbrenner. survivors were on the London, May 11^—<JP)— Prime Minieter Churchill said and Mrs. Richard W. Howes of l.ia the pbwei' to refund those bonds. hihernaliiig since last fall? laden with ifon ore. went «;in««-whlpp.d water, rescue .hip. chan said. The man who has seen My, hut how the neighborhood I menta as the names are received. Walt. day he ia in favor of a high level conference of the leading Deming street who is stationed at Under the local charter, Maitin all the big bouts answered. "No. I infierils all the d\ities anri powers has grown.- judging by the num­ I Church officials are hopeful that I IS MAPLE STREET down off Isle Royale in Lake coast Guard station at powers Without any great delay. In a House of Commons Ft. Dix, N. .1.. will be graduated onlv .spent $300 foivmy television enough of . the congregation will Opp. First National Store frbm Leaders School in exercises b f the selectmen including per- ber of new babies out. making the Superior eftrly today. At noon Grand Marais reported It had Inter, set." ' * I a.asume responsibility to be donors Pnrkinx Lot speech on foreign policy, Churchill aaid the high level coib- tMay at the camp. His parents, a i ambulating the bounds of the loiinds with their moth-rs . j Did the Coast Guard station h ereicepted radio measages from the ference should not be hampered b y * " —”- volt have anv trouble getting up ' to Insure a successful Bloodmobile Mater, Carol, and his girl friend. town periodically unless tho.se , Day of 110 pints, Manchester's had rescue ship reports that »*-e«mer Clemson and the steamer any long agenda and ahniild be car- ' Miss Sue Keegan of this town. ,W,iH duties are specillcally designated story Behind the Picture voiir clothesline pole not that Sykes In the vicinity of the acci­ Many of you no doubt saw the I monthly quota.
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