Schneider_Schneider-Neurergus.qxd 06.08.2010 13:45 Seite 1 HERPETOZOA 23 (1/2): 59 - 69 59 Wien, 30. Juli 2010 Fieldnotes on the ecology and distribution of Neurergus crocatus COPE, 1862 and Neurergus strauchii strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) in Turkey (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae) Beobachtungen zur Ökologie und Verbreitung von Neurergus crocatus COPE, 1862 und Neurergus strauchii strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) in der Türkei (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae) CHRISTOPH SCHNEIDER & WILLI SCHNEIDER KURZFASSUNG Beobachtungen zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der beiden wenig bekannten Bergbachmolcharten Neurergus strauchii strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) und Neurergus crocatus COPE, 1862, erfolgten während zweier herpeto- logischer Reisen in die Osttürkei im Frühjahr 2008 und 2009. Es werden ökologische Parameter der von N. strau- chii besiedelten Bachläufe erörtert, die Unterschiede in der saisonalen Nutzung durch die Molche verursachen. Die Dauer der aquatilen Phase und die allgemeine Eignung der Bachläufe für N. strauchii scheint wesentlich von der Wassertemperatur abhängig zu sein. Für diese wiederum spielt die umgebende Vegetation, insbesondere deren Beschattungswirkung direkt entlang der Bachufer eine wichtige Rolle. Weiterhin wird ein neuer Fundpunkt für N. crocatus nahe der Stadt Şemdinli, Bezirk Hakkari vorgestellt. Der Lebensraum dieser Molchpopulation und das Aussehen der Tiere werden beschrieben. Für N. crocatus wird zum ersten Mal die unterschiedliche Schwanz- färbung als Merkmal zur Geschlechterdifferenzierung für adulte Molche aufgezeigt. ABSTRACT Observations on the ecology and distribution of the little known mountain brook newts, Neurergus strauchii strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) and Neurergus crocatus COPE, 1862 made during two herpetological trips to east Turkey in spring 2008 and 2009 are presented. The authors discuss ecological parameters of inhabited streams, which cause differences in the seasonal use of brooks by N. strauchii strauchii. The duration of the aquatic peri- od of N. strauchii and the general suitability of brooks for this newt seemed to be dependent on the water temper- ature. The surrounding vegetation, especially its shading effect directly along the brookside played an essential role. Furthermore a new locality for N. crocatus close to the city of Şemdinli, district of Hakkari, is presented. Besides the population’s habitat and the animals appearance, a sexual dimorphism in the tail coloration of adult N. crocatus is described for the first time. KEY WORDS Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae: Neurergus strauchii strauchii, Neurergus crocatus, ecology, habitat requirements, distribution, new records, color-pattern, sexual dimorphism, Hakkari and Bitlis districts, SE Turkey INTRODUCTION The geographic distribution of the four of the River Euphrates, at the Kubbe Moun- mountain brook newt species of the genus tain (PASMANS et al. 2006). The nominate Neurergus extends from the mountains of form N. strauchii strauchii, has a signifi- southeast Turkey and the Turkey-Iraq and cantly larger distribution range, extending Iraq-Iran borders, into the southern Zagros from the Euphrates River in the west, to Mountains of Iran (STEINFARTZ et al. 2002). Lake Van in the east, and is the most studied It includes parts of east Turkey, northern Iraq species of the genus (BOGAERTS et al. 2006). and western Iran. Neurergus strauchii Nevertheless, information about its natural (STEINDACHNER, 1887), comprising two sub- history is limited. Neurergus crocatus COPE, species, is autochthonous to Turkey. The 1862 inhabits parts of Turkey, Iran and Iraq. western subspecies N. strauchii barani ÖZ, It is assumed that N. crocatus has one of the 1994 inhabits a small distribution area west largest distribution ranges among all Neurer- Schneider_Schneider-Neurergus.qxd 06.08.2010 13:45 Seite 2 60 CH. SCHNEIDER & W. SCHNEIDER gus species (PAPENFUSS et al. 2008), though at the Sümbül Mountains south of Hakkari there is almost no data about its biology and (ANONYMOUS 2008; BIRICIK 2009), whereas exact distribution (STEINFARTZ et al. 2002; an article from 2009 deals with animals col- PAPENFUSS et al. 2008). This may be attrib- lected close to Beytüşşebap at the village uted mainly to geographic inaccessibility, Başaran (ÖZDEMIR et al. 2009). permanent ethnic tensions, and decade-long Our aim was to extend the knowledge military conflicts. The little that is known, of both species in the area south east of dates back several decades (SPARREBOOM Bitlis and south of Lake Van. We focused 2009) when N. crocatus was found in a sin- on searching for brooks and small streams gle location in southeastern Turkey, at to find adults, larvae or eggs of Neurergus. Beytüşşebap (BARAN & ÖZ 1986). How- The investigation took place during two ever, in 2008 and 2009 two new localities trips to the southeastern Turkish provinces for N. crocatus in Turkey were published. Hakkari and Bitlis at the end of May, begin- The first source, a local newspaper, men- ning of June in 2008 (05.25. - 06.05.) and tions only vaguely where they were found, 2009 (05.31. - 06.10.). MATERIALS AND METHODS Streams were selected using Google under rocks. Between half an hour to three Earth® and on-site decision based upon size hours were spent searching each stream. and flowing conditions. The presence of Seventeen streams were visited one to three newts was verified by walking along the times each. Local people were asked about brookside during the day and visually de- the presence of newts in these streams. tecting adult animals or by finding spawn Images of Neurergus were shown to the Fig. 1: Map of southeastern Turkey. Numbers 1-4 southwest of Lake Van refer to record localities of Neurergus strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) characterized in Table 1. Abb. 1: Karte der Südosttürkei. Die Ziffern 1-4 südwestlich des Van Sees beziehen sich auf in Tabelle 1 charakterisierte Fundorte von Neurergus strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887). Schneider_Schneider-Neurergus.qxd 06.08.201013:45Seite3 Table 1: Ten streams southwest of Lake Van, east Turkey, were investigated for the presence of Neurergus strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887). Selected character- istics of the streams are detailed. Stream numbers (No.) 1 through 4 refer to corresponding numbers in the map Figure 1. Fieldnotes onecologyanddistributionof Tab. 1: Zehn Bäche südwestlich des Vansees, Osttürkei, die auf das Vorkommen von Neurergus strauchii (STEINDACHNER, 1887) untersucht wurden. Ausgewählte Gewässermerkmale werden angegeben. Die Nummerierung der Bäche (Nr.) 1 bis 4 korrespondiert mit Ziffern in der Karte Abb. 1. Locality (No.) [investigated Altitude Water temperature [°C] Estimated surface of water Average width Further date Observation of Coordinates stream length, km] [m a.s.l.] (date of visit) shaded by vegetation [%] of stream [m] of visit Neurergus Fundort- (Nr.) [untersuchte Seehöhe Wassertemperatur [°C] Durch Vegetation beschatteter Mittlere Bach- Weitere Beobachtung von koordinaten Bachlänge, km] [m ü. M.] (Datum des Besuchs) Anteil der Wasserfläche [%] breite [m] Besuche Neurergus 38°20’N, 42°14’E (1) [1.5] 1695 14.6 (28.05.09) > 50 1.5-2 23.05.08 Adults, fresh spawn, 14.7 (11.06.09) advanced larvae Adulte, frischer Laich, weit entwickelte Larven 38°18’N, 42°12’E (2) [2.0] 1565 19.3 (28.05.09) > 50 lower reaches 2 11.06.09 Spawn and recently < 10 upper flow hatched clutch Laich, und ein frisch geschlüpftes Gelege crocatus Neurergus 38°15’N, 42°06’E (3) [0.5] 1205 18.6 (28.05.09) < 10 1-1.5 Spawn / Laich 38°23’N, 42°04’E (4) [1.0] 1675 9.8-19.0 (28.05.09) < 10 (no shade at all) 1.5 11.06.09 Spawn / Laich 38°20’N, 42°11’E [~0.5] 1670 21.5 (11.06.09) < 10 1-2 No record / kein Nachweis 38°20’N, 42°08’E [~0.5] 1490 20.4 (28.05.09) < 10 2-3 No record / kein Nachweis 38°21’N, 42°05’E [~0.5] 1520 21.9 (11.06.09) < 10 2-2.5 No record / kein Nachweis 38°21’N, 42°41’E [~0.5] 1840 Not measured (11.06.09) < 25 3-3.5 No record / kein Nachweis; and keine Messung strong water current / N. strauchii starke Wasserströmung 38°07’N, 43°07’E [~0.5] 2110 Not measured (04.06.08) <10 2 No record / kein Nachweis; keine Messung probably outside range / wahrscheinlich außerhalb des Verbreitungsgebietes 61 Turkey in 38°06’N, 43°08’E [~0.5] 2020 Not measured (04.06.08) <10 3 No record / kein Nachweis; keine Messung probably outside range wahrscheinlich außerhalb des Verbreitungsgebietes Schneider_Schneider-Neurergus.qxd 06.08.2010 13:45 Seite 4 62 CH. SCHNEIDER & W. SCHNEIDER locals to identify and verify the presence of inhabited by Neurergus was estimated. The newts. Water temperature was measured by length of the streams on the surface is indi- utilizing a digital thermometer (Greisinger® cated in Tables 1 and 2. Digital images of GTH 175/MO, accuracy 0.1 °C). Moreover, newts were taken and the geographical posi- water samples from streams inhabited by N. tions of the streams (in most cases the place crocatus were analyzed for total hardness, where a street crossed or passed by) were carbonate hardness and pH, using standard determined by means of a Global Position test stripes (Sera Quick-test®). The streams Device. The total length (tip of snout to tip and the surrounding land habitat were pho- of tail) of ten randomly selected adult N. cro- tographed and the proportion of the water catus was measured with a caliper in order to surface shaded by vegetation of the streams gain size data of the animals. RESULTS Province of Bitlis were completely devoid of forest. Ex- Neurergus strauchii clusively in the lower reaches, large trees nearby houses provided some shadow. Southwest of Lake Van, ten streams Only one stream (No. 1, Fig. 5) was were investigated (Fig. 1, Table 1). In six of detected in which adult N. strauchii strau- them neither newts nor their spawn were ob- chii were still present. Two adult newts served. were found on 23.05.08 when further In three more brooks (Nos.
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