7 天 享趣台湾西线逛玩 6 晚 台北 / 台中 / 高雄 行程特点 • 五星豪华航空 – 中华航空 当地酒店 • 高美湿地 3 + 4 • 佛陀纪念馆 • 日月潭 • 妮娜巧克力城堡 • 体验凤梨酥 日月谭 特点美食 • 客家料理 • 山地风味 • 三杯鸡 妮娜巧克力城堡 九分老街 体验凤梨酥 DIY -> 旗津海珍珠 – 彩虹教堂和旗津老街 - 以優雅的海貝造型及美妙的金色 第一天 吉隆坡 / 台北 机上用餐 / - / 晚餐自理 蒼穹,在夕照景色。造型設計蘊含「聆聽」寓意,遊客將可細心欣賞來自海洋 聚集于吉隆玻,乘搭客机前往台湾,抵达后 , 前往士林夜市,然后入住酒店 的響樂 休息。 黄金菠萝城堡 - 黄金菠萝城堡由知名凤梨酥生产商「维格饼家」打造而成的 士林夜市 - 士林夜市為臺北市最具規模的夜市之一,以各種傳統小吃聞名國 城堡,深入了解凤梨生产过程以及凤梨酥制程,并提供趣味互动以及免费DIY 內外,許多觀光客皆慕名而來,像是大餅包小餅、石頭火鍋或是士林大香腸 体验。 等,更是已經成為美食地標,無人不曉。 瑞丰夜市 - 瑞豐夜市曾在媒體評鑑為全高雄最具吸引力的觀光夜市。五光十 住宿 : 台北集贤酒店或中和君迪或同级 色的攤位當中,仿佛嘉年華會一樣目不暇給。 住宿 : 高雄国际星辰和香富酒店或同级 第二天 台北 / 台中 早 / - / - 第五天 高雄 / 台中 早 / 午: 山地风味+三杯鸡 / 晚: - 十分车站 - 車站附近景色秀麗,映入眼簾的瀑布、小支流,是憶舊及抒發鄉 愁的最佳地點,也常常有廣告商到此取景。靜安吊橋主要功能是連接十分村 妮娜巧克力城堡 - 是當地指標性觀光工廠,不僅有夢幻歐風建築,更有超級 與南山村,全長128公尺,是目前少見保存良好的人行吊橋,景觀優美浪漫 美味的巧克力能品嚐,無論晴雨,都非常適合親子同遊,拍美照、享美食、體 ,常吸引遊客駐足。 驗DIY,甚至穿上禮服化身為王子與公主,保證您會留下美好回憶。 九分老街 - 保留着日本旧时生活风貌,红灯笼、窄巷道、青石阶、斑驳的木 日月潭风景区 (不含游湖) - 是台湾最大的淡水天然湖泊,又名水连沙,是 质建筑等,风格独特。 著名的台湾八景之一,有“海外别一洞天”之称。 ·因《悲情城市》和《千与千寻》声名远播。 ·景区内有景观、自然、孔雀及蝴蝶、水鸟、宗教等六个区域,还可以泛舟游 高美湿地 - 高美濕地擁有豐富的天然資源,是國內少數幾處雁鴨集體繁殖區 湖、骑行赏景。 之一。可以鳥瞰整片高美溼地外,同時也是賞鳥、看夕陽,是個可以讓遊客 文武庙 – 文武廟的大成殿是全台唯一開中門的孔廟,是全省唯一奉有聖像的 旅遊休憩的好地方。 台中一中商圈 - 为中部高中生聚集处,典型的大型学生商圈。一中街夜市 孔廟,除了孔子聖像外,尚有孟子及子思子,這三尊神像。 大多以小吃为多,不过也加入了许多年轻学子们喜欢的小店,如饰品店、服 台中逢甲夜市 – 逢甲文華夜市位於逢甲大學側門,逐漸成為臺中市夜市集團 饰店等各类配件、还有唱片行、体育用品店与小型精品店等。 的龍頭,更是民眾心目中票選「臺中市十大觀光景點」之一。 住宿 : 台中博奇酒店和双星或同级 住宿 : 台中博奇酒店和双星 或同级 第三天 台中 / 高雄 早 / - / - 第六天 台中 / 台北 早 / - / - 高跟鞋教堂 - 高跟鞋教堂外表共約320餘片玻璃,造型相當亮麗美觀,其設 忠烈祠 - 忠烈祠大門前站崗的衛兵,個個酷似雕像,可見訓練之嚴謹!常令 計與裝設不僅是全臺第一,更是全世界唯一。 聚集觀看的遊客們稱奇讚賞,而每小時衛兵交接換哨儀式,更是蔚為特色, 台南安平老街 - 有著台灣第一街稱號的安平老街,是300多年前荷蘭人在安 值得一看。 平建立的第一條街道,早期街道的設計都僅供人與推車通行,因此街廓並不 台北101 (登顶自费) - 台北西门町商圈 - 西門町在捷運帶動與政府的規 是很寬。許多遊客來到安平也都必然進到這條古老的街道,擁擠熱鬧的人潮 劃下,搖身一變成了臺北市第一條具有指標性意義的徒步區。無論吃的、用 是安平老街的常態。 的、穿的、玩的,這裡應有盡有,是青少年文化與街頭表演的聚集地。 佛陀纪念馆 - 佛館最具特色莫過於全世界最大最高的坐佛–佛光大佛。本館 宁夏夜市 - 宁夏夜市的小吃充满浓浓的台湾味,夜市另一边的摊贩,以新奇 內主要供奉釋迦牟尼佛真身舍利,除殿堂外還有常設館、展覽館,以及可容 好玩的杂货和玩具为主,贩售的商品颇具流行感,价格不贵,在饱嚐美食之 納2000人的大覺堂,定期舉辦藝術表演、國際論壇等。 余,不妨也来走走逛逛。 高雄六合夜市 - 高雄歷史悠久、最具代表性的夜市,让你一網打盡高雄港 西门町商圈 - 西門町不但見證了歷史,還是新一代流行文化的帶領者,許多 都最有特色的招牌美食,創新的異國美食也讓六合夜市增添國際色彩。 懷舊的中老年人在此回味往事,更有打扮新潮的年輕一代在這裡爭奇鬥豔, 住宿 : 高雄国际星辰和香富酒店或同级 兩種完全不同的生活型態在此交流,滿足了不同需要的族群。 住宿: 台北集贤酒店或中和君迪或同级 第四天 高雄 早 / 午: 客家料理 / 晚: - 第七天 台北 / 吉隆坡 机上用餐 大鲁阁草衙道 (游乐设施自费)- 國際級購物中心,還有電影院、籃球場、 早餐后,乘搭客机会家园。 直排輪道、打擊練習場、健身中心等,更有全球唯一日本鈴鹿賽道官方授權, 號稱F1等級的卡丁賽車道,是南台灣最新的複合式購物遊樂中心。-> 购物站 : 原住民特产,天禄馆,珍珠,茶叶 * 倘若原定的景点不对外开放,将由其他景点取代 * 以上的景点先后顺序可根据具体的情况有所调整。 * 在主要节日,商业展览,旅游旺季期间,住宿酒店可能需要安排在另一个城市 . 联络方式 : 价格 : 出发日期 : 7 D HAVE FUN TAIWAN WEST COAST EASY TOUR N 6 Taipei / Taichung / Kaohsiung Highlights : Local Hotel • Five Star Luxury Airlines – China Airlines 3 + 4 • Buddha Memorial • Gaomei Wetlands • Sun Moon Lake • Cona’s Chocolate Castle • Experience DIY Pineapple Tart Sun Moon Lake Meal Highlights : • Hakka – cuisine • Taiwanese style cooked chicken • Aboriginal specialty cuisine Cona's Chocolate Castle Jiufen Old Street Experience DIY Pineapple tart - with elegant seashell Day 1 MOB / - / ->Day Cijin 4 Seaside Park - Rainbow Church and Cijin Old Street KUALA LUMPUR / TAIPEI Dinner own arrangement shapes and wonderful golden sky, in the sunset view.The design contains the meaning of "listening" and visitors will be able to enjoy the sound from the ocean Golden Pineapple Gathered in Kuala Lumpur International Airport and depart to Taiwan . First stop will arrive Castle. at the Shilin Night Market , and then check in to the hotel for a rest . The Golden Pineapple Castle is a castle created by the famous maker Ofta, the Wig Pie Shilin Night Market - Shilin Night Market is one of the largest night markets in Taipei City, House, which provides insight into the production process of anchovies and the process famous for all kinds of traditional snacks at home and abroad, many tourists are adoring, of anchovies, as well as a fun interaction and a free DIY experience. Ruifeng Night Market such as big cakes, stone hot pot or Shilin big sausage, etc. , has become a food landmark. Ruifeng Night Market has been rated by the media as the most attractive sightseeing Hotel: G7 Taipei Or SLV Business Hotel or similar night market in Kaohsiung.In the colorful stalls, as if the carnival was in full of eyes. Hotel: International Citizen Hotel or Golden Pacific Hotel Day 2 TAIPEI / TAICHUNG B / - / - Day 5 KAOHSIUNG / TAICHUNG B / L / - Shifen railway station - the scenery around the station is beautiful, the eye-catching waterfall, small tributaries, is the best place to recall the old nostalgia, there are often Cona's Chocolate Castle - is a local pointer sightseeing factory, not only has the dream advertisers to take the scene.Jing'an suspension bridge main function is to connect the yoranity building, but also the super delicious chocolate can taste, no matter the rain, are village and Nanshan village, a total length of 128 meters, is a rare well-preserved very suitable for family and children to travel together, take beautiful photos, enjoy food, pedestrian suspension bridge, beautiful and romantic landscape, often attract tourists to experience DIY, and even put on a dress into the prince and princess, to ensure that you stop. will leave a good memory. Jiufen Old Street - retains the japanese old life style, red lanterns, narrow roadways, Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area (excluding lake tour) - Is Taiwan's largest natural freshwater green stone steps, mottled wooden buildings, etc. , unique style. lake, also known as water and sand, is one of the famous eight scenes in Taiwan, known Because of the "Sad City" and "Thousands and Thousands of Seeks" fame. as "overseas one hole day." Gaomei Wetlands - Gaomei Wetlands is rich in natural resources and is one of the few Scenic area has landscape, nature, peacocks and butterflies, water birds, religion and mass breeding areas of ducks in China.Can be a bird's eye view of the whole beautiful other six areas, but also boating tour of the lake, cycling to enjoy the scenery. wetlands, but also bird watching, watching the sunset, is a good place for tourists to travel and relax. Wenwu Temple - The Temple of The Temple of Wenwu is the only temple opened in North District - A business district for high school students. A night market is mostly Taiwan, is the only temple in the province with the statue of the temple, in addition to the selling snacks, but also joined many young entrepreneur operate small boutique, such as Confucius statue, there are Mencius and Son, these three statues. jewelry stores, clothing stores and other accessories, as well as record shops, sporting Taichung Fengjia Night Market - Fengjia Wenhua Night Market is located at the side goods stores and small boutiques. gate of Fengjia University, gradually becoming the leader of the Taichung Night Market Hotel: VIP Hotel TaiChung OR TwinStar Hotel or similar Group, but also in the public's mind to vote for "The Top Ten Sightseeing Spots in Taichung City". Hotel : VIP Hotel TaiChung OR TwinStar Hotel or similar Day 3 TAICHUNG / KAOHSIUNG B / - / - Day 6 TAICHUNG / TAIPEI B / - / - High-Heel Wedding Church - high-heeled church appearance of a total of about 320 pieces of glass, the shape is quite beautiful, its design and installation is not only the first, National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine - Zhong Liyi's guard standing guard in front of but also the world's only. the gate, a statue, can be seen the rigor of training!Visitors who often gather to watch are Tainan Anping Old Street - Anping Old Street, with the title of Taiwan's First Street, was the first street built by the Dutch in Anping more than 300 years ago, and the early streets amazingly appreciated, and the hourly guard handover ceremony is more characteristic were designed for people and carts only, so the street was not very wide.Many tourists and worth a look. come to Anping are bound to enter this ancient street, crowded and lively crowds are the Taipei 101 (Top Of Itself) - Taipei's West Gate Business Circle - Ximenyu, driven by MRT norm in Anping Old Street. and the government, has transformed itself into Taipei's first pointer-by-the-road hiking Buddha Memorial - The most distinctive of the Buddha Museum is the world's largest area.Whether it's eaten, used, worn, and played, it's a gathering place for youth culture and tallest sitting Buddha - Buddha light Buddha.The museum is mainly dedicated to the and street performances. true body of Sukumaran, in addition to the temple there is a permanent museum, Ningxia Night Market - Ningxia Night Market snacks are full of strong Taiwanese flavor, exhibition hall, as well as a capacity of 2000 people, the hall, regularly held art the night market on the other side of the vendors, mainly novel and fun groceries and toys. performances, international forums and so on. The goods sold are quite popular, the price is not expensive, in the full of food, you may Kaohsiung Liuhe Night Market - Kaohsiung has a long history and the most representa- wish to also come and visit. tive night market, so that you can play a network of Kaohsiung Port are the most Ximending - West Gate not only witnessed history, or a new generation of pop culture distinctive signature cuisine, innovative exotic cuisine also let the six-way night market leader, many nostalgic middle-aged and old people here reminiscing about the past, more add international color. dress up the trendy young generation here to compete, two completely different life Hotel : International Citizen Hotel or Golden Pacific Hotel patterns in this exchange, to meet the different needs of the ethnic groups. Hotel: G7 Taipei Or SLV Business Hotel or similar Day 4 KAOHSIUNG B / L / - Day 7 TAIPEI / KUALA LUMPUR MOB Taroko Park (Own expenses) - International-class shopping center, as well as cinemas, basketball courts, straight-row lanes, hit practice field, fitness center, and more, the After breakfast, take a passenger plane will be home world's only Japan Suzuka track official authorization, known as the F1-class Kartin Raceway, is south Taiwan's newest complex shopping and amusement center. -> Shopping Stop : Aboriginal Speciality, Tianlu Art, Jewellery, Tea * If a place of visit is closed to visitors, it will be replaced with an alternative. * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the local land operator. * During major events / trade shows / peak season, accommodation may not be in the city mentioned .
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