Funded by the EU Delegation to South Africa ANNA TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Angola Volume III - Environmental and Social Management Plan Annexure A: Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) March 2020 This page is intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i ABBREVIATIONS iii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Project overview 1 1.2 Aims and objectives of Stakeholder Engagement 4 1.3 Stakeholders 5 1.4 Scope of work 5 2 Legal framework and requirements 7 2.1 Angolan legal framework 7 2.2 IFC and DBSA requirements 9 3 Stakeholder engagement in the ESIA process 11 3.1 ESIA stakeholder engagement activities 11 3.1.1 Pre-application meeting 11 3.1.2 Stakeholder identification 11 3.1.3 Notification of project and ESIA disclosure 14 3.1.4 Comment periods and meetings 16 3.1.5 Reporting of stakeholder engagement issues and concerns 16 3.1.6 Summary of issues and concerns identified so far 17 3.1.7 Records of Stakeholder Engagement to date 17 4 Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement 23 4.1 Potential interventions and considerations 23 4.2 Vulnerable Groups 25 4.2.1 Indigenous Peoples 26 4.2.2 Gender considerations 30 4.3 Engagement after the ESIA process 30 5 Grievance Redress Mechanism 37 5.1 Terminology and definitions 38 5.2 Disclosure and raising awareness of the GRM 38 5.3 Grievance management process 39 6 Monitoring and Evaluation 43 6.1 Monitoring objectives 43 6.2 Performance indicators 45 7 Conclusion 46 8 References 47 Appendix A: Notes from the pre-application meeting 49 Appendix B: Non-technical pamphlet and participation form for the Scoping Phase 52 Proposed ANNA 400 kV Transmission Line: SEP - Angola Page | i List of Figures Figure 1.1: Preferred transmission interconnection route from the proposed Kunene substation (Namibia) to Lubango (Angola) ......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 1.2: Guiding principles for effective stakeholder engagement ........................................................... 5 Figure 1.3: Stakeholder engagement components ....................................................................................... 6 Figure 3.1: Hierarchy of information channels in Angola ............................................................................. 19 Figure 3.2: Social zones along the corridorAccording to initial stakeholder engagement, considerations for future engagements include: .......................................................................................................... 20 Figure 3.3: “Emanha ocusso” – Pedra Vermelha Sagrada (red stone) ....................................................... 21 Figure 3.4: Some of the ethnolinguistic groups present in the project area ................................................ 21 Figure 4.1: Approach to Vulnerable Group engagements ........................................................................... 25 Figure 4.2: Baseline information to be gathered ......................................................................................... 27 Figure 4.3: Gender considerations during stakeholder engagement .......................................................... 31 List of Tables Table 2.1: List of relevant regulations at national level ................................................................................. 8 Table 2.2: IFC and DBSA Standards ............................................................................................................. 9 Table 3.1: Preliminary stakeholder/I&AP list ............................................................................................... 12 Table 3.2: List of entities contacted in Angola during the initial stakeholder engagement .......................... 18 Table 4.1: Stakeholder engagement considerations ................................................................................... 23 Table 4.2: Engagement proposed for the project after ESIA....................................................................... 32 Table 5.1: Project Grievance Form .............................................................................................................. 40 Table 6.1: Stakeholder Engagement Tracking Register .............................................................................. 44 Table 6.2: SEP monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 45 Proposed ANNA 400 kV Transmission Line: SEP - Angola Page | ii ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Definition AAAC All-Aluminium Alloy Conductor AC Alternating Current ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AML Lubango Municipal Administration (Administração Municipal do Lubango) ANNA Angola-Namibia Interconnector Project ANR National Waste Agency - Agência Nacional de Resíduos BAU Business as Usual BCE Before the Common Era BESS Battery Energy Storage System °C Celsius CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCS Carbon Capture and Storage CE Common Era CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide COP Conferences of the Parties DAI Direct Area of Influence DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa DoD Depth of Discharge Direcção Nacional de Prevenção e Avaliação de Impactes Ambientais - National DNPAIA Direction for Prevention and Assessment of Environmental Impacts DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECB Electricity Control Board ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate ECO Environmental Control Officer EHS Environmental, Health, and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EL Environmental Licence EMF Electromagnetic Field ENDE National Electricity Distribution Company ENSO El Niño–Southern Oscillation EO Environmental Officer EPC Engineering, Procurement, Construction EPFI Equator Principles Financial Institution ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESMS Environmental and Social Management System ESSS Environmental and Social Safeguard Standard EU European Union Ex Extinct Species FACTS Flexible AC transmission systems FI Financial Intermediary FNLA National Front for the Liberation of Angola FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consultation GCM Global Climate Models GEF Global Environment Fund GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographic Information System GM Grievance Mechanism GRAE Angola’s Revolutionary Government in Exile GWP Global Warming Potential ha Hectare HDPE High-density polyethylene HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning HVDC High Voltage Direct Current Proposed ANNA 400 kV Transmission Line: SEP - Angola Page | iii Abbreviation Definition IAI Indirect Area of Influence I&AP Interested and Affected Party IBA Important Bird Area ICP Informed Consultation and Participation IFC International Finance Corporation INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution INRH National Institute of Water Resources of Angola IP Indigenous People IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPP Independent Power Producer IRP Integrated Resource Plan ISO International Standards Organization IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature km Kilometre kT Kilo Tonnes kV Kilovolt LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging LLSU Large Livestock Stock Units L&FS Life and Fire Safety LSA Later Stone Age LVIA Landscape and Visual Assessment masl Metres above sea level MANco Management Committee MAV Maximum Allowed Values m Metre m2 Square Metre MCDM Multi-Criteria Decision Making MFA Armed Forces Movement MINAMB Angolan Ministry of Environment MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index MPLA People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola MSA Middle Stone Age MVA Mega Volt Amp MW Megawatt MWh Megawatt Hour MWp Megawatt Peak NamPower Namibia Power Corporation (Proprietary) Limited MRV Maximum Recommended Values NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action NOx Nitrous Oxide NTS Non-Technical Summary OCGTs Open Cycle Gas Turbines OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OHS Operational Health and Safety OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPGW Optical Ground Wire OPHI Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative PAC Project Affected Community PAP Project Affected Person PM Particulate Matter PNAAC National Climate Change Adaptation Plan PNE National Emissions Plan PPE Personal Protective Equipment PRODEL “Empresa Pública de Produção de Electricidade” PS Performance Standard PV Photovoltaic RAI Regional Area of Influence RAP Resettlement Action Plan RCP Representative Concentration Pathways REPTUR General Regulation on the Territorial, Urbanistic and Rural Plans RNT Rede Nacional de Transporte de Electricidade RPF Resettlement Policy Framework Proposed ANNA 400 kV Transmission Line: SEP - Angola Page | iv Abbreviation Definition RTE Round Trip Efficiencies RTT Resettlement Task Team SADC South African Development Community SAPP CC Southern African Power Pool Co-ordination Centre SCC Social Cost of Carbon SDG Sustainable Development Goal SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SFDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction SFP Strategy to Fight Poverty SMHI Swedish Meteorological Hydrological Institute SPI Standardised Precipitation Index STD Sexually-Transmitted Disease SR Scoping Report SWAPO South-West Africa People’s Organization SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats TB Tuberculosis ToR Terms of Reference TSS Total Suspended Solids TURH Titles of Use of Water Resources
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