Harding University Scholar Works at Harding The iB son Archives and Special Collections 3-11-1955 The iB son, March 11, 1955 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison Recommended Citation The iB son, March 11, 1955. (1955). Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/thebison/601 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Scholar Works at Harding. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iB son by an authorized administrator of Scholar Works at Harding. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • LlBER1Y IS FOUND u VOLUME XXIX, NO. 15 THE HARDING BISON, SEARCY, ARKANSAS MARCH 11, 1955 Bison All-Star Sports Attraction ' Set For 6:30 Tomorrow Night ----I By DEWEY BROWN The annual Bison All-Star Basketball game, tagged as Harding College's stellar sports attraction of the year, will Arkansas State hold forth tomorrow night from 6:30 on at Rhodes Memorial Field House. The game, growing each year in color and enthu­ siasm, has reached its apogee this season since being born six Speech Festival years ago. Three gaples will l;>e on 'tap ~tarti~ with tlle gids all-star melee at G:30 p.m.. the minor league tilt at 7:30 p.m., and the Underway Here cir~us attraction at 8:30 p.m. Pre:game and halt-'time enter­ The Arkansas State Speech Fes­ tainment will be provided by a local men's qu'artet, the Hungry tival got underway yesterday morn­ Five and the Four Cheers. The games will be called over a ing as high school and college speech students from all over the publ;ic addl.'ess · systexn. Some 300 persons are expected to state registered in the Administra­ -------------1 attend this annual ,event. tion building foyer for the two-day This year's teams, one from the event. minors and two from the majors, Nine colleges and 17 high schools Honor Society were selected by the Bison sports have representatives here to enter staff and Intramural Director Cecil the various events. First on the Beck on the basis of their ability, Standing, (I. to r.) Winfred Wright, FTA president; Edsel Hughes, agenda' yesterday was the general character, sportsmanship, hustle candidate for FTA state reporter; and Ralph Hartman, FTA vice-president. Accepts ,Twelve session at which time introductions and overall valuability to the team. Seated, (I. to r.) Margaret Buchanan, FTA secretary; and Jennie Majors, were made by the festival director, Twelve new members were ac­ Each participant in intramural play voting delegate at state convention. Prof. Evan Ulrey, head of the Har­ cepted into the Alpha Honor Society was considered on a personal basis, ding speech department. The wel­ at a banquet given in their honor the players then being narrowed coming address was given by Dr. Mar. 8. Those accepted by the so-; down until the top 10 in each league Harding FTA 'Chapter Sends Delegotes Bower Aly, University of Missouri. ciety are J. D. Ewing, Jack McNutt, were chosen. Those chosen represent Harding students receiving ratings Wilma Faye Paxson and Neale Pry­ the 1954-55 All-Stars. The girls' yesterday in the prose and poetry or, juniors; Ronald Bever, Don teams were selected by a vote To State ,FTA Sixth ' Annual Convention events are: Brown, Joe Hacker, Paul Magee, staged by themselves. By BETTY HELM College poetry' - Della Stokes, Joan Nance, Jewell Ozbrin, Tommy Ad~itional Attraction Eighteen Harding students and their sponsor are in Little Rock excellent; and Lawrence Barclay, Parrish and Dean Roper, seniors. An.. additional attraction has been today attending the Sixth Annual Convention of the Arkansas Future superior. College prose - Dick Rich­ The Alpha Honor Society has been added to the contest this year. An Teachers of America and energetically campaigning for their candidate, ardson, superior; and David Darrah, a Harding organization for 18 years. 11 inch trophy, to be known as Edsel Hughes, for state reporter. superior. In. 1936, Dr. R. R. Coons, then the the Bison Trophy, will be presented chairman of the chemistry depart­ Hughes, who has been nominated by the Florence Cathcart chapt~r High school poetry - Edward to the All-Star's most valuable for the state office, is a sophomore from Niceville, Fla. This is his second Ritchie, superior; and Peggy Robert­ ment, took the leading steps to pro­ player. A selection committee made mote the organization. With the year of active membership in the o:r1r8mza~tion. son, good; High school prose, 'Peggy up of faculty members will select After a general session where 1'--.-:..------------­ Robertson, good. addition of the new members this the winner on the basis of the five present officers will be introduced Those students receiving superior spring, the total membership reach­ criteria previously mentioned. The and campaign speeches made, the rating in the poetry and prose divi­ es 122. award will be presented immediately group will be dividied into clinic Six Steel Carrels sion presented their selections at the The requirements to be eligible after the game by the Bison sports sessions. For high school clinics, banquet for the speech group last for membership in the Alpha Honor editor. "The FTA and How It Function,S" night. The evening was climaxed by Society are, for a junior, the com­ The girls all-star teams will be will be the topic discussed. College Added To Library the presentation of a number of pletion of 80 semester hours and a hooking up for the first time on clinics will be discussing "Making Six new steel <rarrels were placed one-act plays. scholastic standing of 3.70. Senior All-Star night. The minor league requirements are the completion of the College FTA a Professional Or­ in the Beaumont Memorial Library stellar performers, following the ganization." The topic chosen for 112 semester hours with a scholas­ amazons and preceeding their big recently m a kin g accomodations the sponsors' clinic is "The Role Room Reservations tic level of 3.50. brothers, are on tap to lock horns of the Sponsor in Building a Strong available for 16 students engaged with the minor league champions. FTA Program." in individual study, Mrs. Paralee The feature game, Big Seven all­ Glass, librarian, has revealed. In Now Being Made CALENDAR stars versus Big Ten all-stars, will Banquet Entertainment represent Harding's most versatile addition to the carrels, new study Instructions for reserving women's Mar. 12 The annual' banquet featuring a basketball talent, starting with four­ desks were placed in the "nook" in dormitory rooms for next fall have Bison All-Star game, 6:30 p.m., smorgasbord arrangement will be­ been announced by Mrs. Inez Pick­ Rhodes Memorial Field House year veterans down to blushing gin at 7 p.m. with Amy Jean Green, the stacks making facilities for five ens, Dean of Women. Reservations A Tempo meeting rookies. sponsor of the Henderson' FTA chap­ more students. are now being made in Mrs. Pickens' Mar. 14 Vet Performers ter, as guest speaker. Musical The carrels are placed in the office. Monday night meeting. Vets performing in this elite loop entertainment will be provided, and stacks near the windows, each Girls wishing to reserve their pre­ I. R. C., 8:15 are four-year man Ken Perrin; Paul the announcement of the Delta Kap­ being assigned to a graduate stu­ sent rooms should see Mrs. Pickens Mar. 15 McCullough, senior making his sec­ pa Gamma Scholarship awards will dent doing individual study. Li­ today or tomorrow. Seniors-to-be Glee Clubs ond appearance as a Bison all-star; will be made. brary resources may be checked should make their reservations Mar. Harding Chorale Junior Pete Ward taking the court Immediately following this feast out by the carrel number so that 14-16; juniors-to-be, Mar. 17-19; Camera club for his third time; and Jim Tuttle­ is the traditional "Fun Night" under the students may leave their work and sophomores-tQ-be, Mar. 21-23. Sign Language club ton, a repeater from last year. David the direction of the Harding Col­ on these tables. In this way the Academy students who will be Health Council Richards, outstanding performer of lege chapter. The theme chosen is men can use books for research, freshmen next fall should reserve Mar. 17 last year of the Badgers, Big Ten "Recess" where various clubs or and at the same time these re­ their rooms Mar. 24-26. After Mar. Campus Players champions; and Jim Smith, a ver­ chapters will provide entertainment sources may still be available for 28, new student reservations will Glee Clubs satile guard of the fifth annual such as musical numbers, skits or circulation if they are needed. be filled. Harding Chorale fray. readings. Outstanding rookie performers, Last Minute Campaigning making up the bulk of the teams, Tomorrow will find' candidates are upper-classmen Bob Nossaman, busily doing their last minute cam­ Atkinson Begins Second Trip Toda.lWith Academy Chorus Winfred Wright, Rex Davis, Edsel paigning before delegates vote. By Dennie Hall whom they had had many years Hughes and Jerry Perrin. Under­ Harding is represented by twelve ago. 'We answered their questions classmen are Calvin Downs, Harold James Atkinson's students were Norwood, Pete Stone, Boyd Garner, voting delegates. quite disappointed last semester the best we could, although we had The second clinic sessions begin­ C. V, Combs, Jack Gathright, Joe when they learned that their favo­ to explain that we had only spent Gardner, Bill Stafford and Rayburn ning at 9 a. m. will continue until rite English prof was leaving them.
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