TUESDAY • TUESDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LIX LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, OCfOBER 7, 1958 Number 6 Deferred Rush Starts Soonl American Bar Assn. President With Stiffer IF C Penalties To Speak Here at ODK Assembly 8)1 LARRY BOMIAN Charlie Hurt, lFC president, announced at the IFC meeting last night that deferred rush, originally scheduled to begin yesterday, bad been set ahead lo October 20. This coincides with Article Five or the rules Ior rushing Executive Committee Sets Ross Malone, 1936 W&L Grad, which sets the beginning of deferred rush four weeks after official rush Elections for October 20 week closes. Also clarified was the fact that alter depledglng two weeks To Keynote Dec. 11 Ceremony must elapse before dates may be had*-- Student Body President Royce wlth other fralernJtles. D dl• s Hough announced at last night's Ross L. Malone Jr., President of the American Bar The first step to change the power ea me et regular session of the Executive of the IFC judicial committee was Committee that elections for ex.ecu­ Association, will visit this campus in Decernber to deliver also taken. The step taken was to F r Fulbrt.ghts tlve committeemen from the Fresh­ the principal address at the annual Omicron Delta Kappa raise the fine Umit for illegal rush- 0 man Academic and Freshman Law Tap Day Ceremonies, Dick Anderson, ODK president an· ing to $250 and/or suspend deferred classes will be held Monday, Oct. 20, rushing privileges. Gene Girard, who Competitions for 900 Fulbright and at 7 p.m. nounced today. headed the committee which made Latin-American scholarships for grad­ Committeemen Tom Branch and Mr. Malone is a 1932 graduate of W&L law school, and was the suggestion said, ''This will give uate study abroad will close November George Ward were appointed to the -------------""*president of Alpha Circle of ODK in the judicial committee more of a 1, it was announced by the Institute law school elections, and Hough will his senior year. After practicing law leeway in accessing 8 just fine." of International Education. The scho­ Ross Malone supervise the freshman elections. Religious Week in New Mex.ico and holding num­ Previously the only penalty possible larships offer Americans international ABA President The election o.f these two represen­ erous governmental positions, he was a fine or $50 to $100 or suspen- travel expenses in most cases and ------------­ tatives will complete the member­ was elected President of the ABA sion of the rushing privileges for an partial or complete tuition and main­ ship ol the EC. In August of this year. enUre year. The one-year SWJ>CO- tenanee for study in S9 foreign coun­ E. C. Notice Begins Nov. 10 Dick Gwathmey, Beta senior from His visit to W&L for Tap Day slon clause is still Included In the tries during 1959-60. The Institute The University Religious Confer­ Baltimore, was sworn in as senior will be his second to t.hia campus final of International Education is admin- The Unlversity requires u.rbere ence, an annual event sponsored by IFC by-laws, however.. A vote lstering the awards for the Depart- Executive Committeeman at last within a year. He was here in June be no public drinking at any ath­ the University Christian Association, on this amendment Will be taken ment of State under the Fulbright Act letic event held on the Washlnr­ night's session. He was selected last to receive nn honorary Doctor ol next Monday. d th Am · Cultural C week to replace Buddy Mower. will be held this ye.v from Monday, Laws degree from the University. The blood drive will be held the an . e Inter- erlcan on- ton and Lee campus." Nov. 10, through Thursday, Nov. 13. 14th and 15th of October. Fraterni- vention. The cooperation of all students President Hough reminded the The December event will be W&L's ln this matter is sincerely asked committee that Virginia laws and Three nationally promlnenL speak­ 44th annual Tap Day. In the cere­ ties are asked to have their cards Fulbright awards for study and by the Executive Committee. 'l'bis ers have already been selected for ready tomorrow night as members of research in Europe, Latin America, University regulations prohibit monies, to be held on Thursday, Dec. rule will be enforced-y vio­ drinklng at athletic contests. He the four-day meeting. They will the blood drive committee will be and the Asia-Pacific area cover in­ 11, outstanding leaders among stu­ lators will be asked to withdraw urged the student body to cooperate speak to members of the student in the houses to pick them up. temational travel, tuition, books, and body on various phases or a gen­ dents, alumni, faculty, and ad.min­ Tom Gowenlock was named to maintenance for one academic year. Crom tbe University for a specific in the enforcement of these regula­ istraUon will be tapped (or mem­ period of time. tions. eral theme, which will be announced head head the annual IFC Song Fest The Inter-American Cultural Con­ in the near future. bership into ODK. Anderson, Presi­ dent of the Alpha Circle this year, which will be he1d early in Decem- vention grants provide for trans­ Art Grove, chairman and direc­ her. Fraternities are asked to par- portation from the U.S. Govem­ in making the announcement today, tor of the oonCerence, said that the said that the assembly will be com­ t.icipate and prizes will be awarded. ment and tuition and maintenance Moot Court Squad Will Compete theme selected is ''broad enough to Fraternities were also reminded f.rom the government o( the host pulsory, and that classes will be cover virtually every phase of stu­ shortened to provide time for the t.o sign up for their official house country. In November Meet at Chapel Hill dent interest." noon ceremonies. The assembly will parties with the IFC. The next big General eligibility requirements for During that week the speakers wiU be held in the gymnasium. weekend for house parties to be the awards are U.s. citizenship, a Washington and Lee's four-man, Delta Phi, is on the Law Review, is talk at three university assemblies Besides being president ol the signed up for is December 13. Bachelor's degree or Its equivalent three-alternate moot court team will a member of the Sazerac:s, was a and will hold discussions in the leadership society while he was at The IFC also went on record in before departure, language abnlty sur­ definitely defend its championship member of the IFC, and was on the classrooms and at various iraternity W&L, Mr. Malone was a member favor of the idea of having a class- ficlent to carry on the proposed study, in the regional meet. goU team. houses. In addition, seminar discus- of SiRma Nu social fraternity and room for each individual fraternity and good health. A good academic sions will be held in the afternoons. The general opinion of moot court If the team wins at regional, as The purpose or the conCerence, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. In­ to use as a study hall. record and demonstrated capacity for members is that the meet will be It did last year, it will go to New cluded among his numerous posi­ Hurt closed the meeting with the independent study are also necessary. held during the first part of No- York for the national final!. Grove said, is to "help open the way tions in campus activities were a post reminder for fraternities to be hos- PreCerence is given to applicants un­ for discussion of problems with vember, probably at Chapel Hill, The men started at the beginning which students at Washington and on the Executive Committee and the pitable toward all W&L exchange der ss years of age. vice-presidency of the Student Body. students. N. C., probably on a weekend, and of school preparing briefs of both Lee feel themselves conCronted and Persons interested in these awards definitely against Norlh Carolina, s.ides of the case, working together to make them aware of the function­ Si.nce graduating, he has served on may write to the Institute of Inter­ Duke, the University of Virginia, and onee or twice a week and separately ing of the University Christian Asso- the Alumni Association ond the Law national. Education or to any of the Wake Forest. whenever there was time. They will ciation." Association, and wrote the lead ar­ Concerts Begin Institute's regional offices for ''U.S. The top men in the law school work until the meet begins. He added that the "whole school ticle in the latest issue of the W&L (JQvemment Grants," a brochure ex­ were chosen last spring to the team. The moot question this year in- is invited to participate in each and Law Review. 3 plaining the Fulbright and IACC Chairman Bob Stroud, Pi Kappa Phi volves a cue paralleling one now any of the activities that are slated The 82nd President of the ABA, On November Pl:ograms. Students now enrolled in and Phi Delta Phi, is editor of the on appeal to the Supreme Court. for the week." Mr. Malone at 48 is one or the A concert on Nov. 3 by the Nation­ colleges or unjverslties should con­ Law Review and on the Board of It concerns the constitutionality of "Last year," Grove went on, "the youngest men ever to hold this post. al Symphony Orchestra will open a sult with their campus Fulbright ad­ Governors of the Law School.
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