Stock hau sen Aufführungen / Per for manc es 2016 Friday, Jan. 8th, 8 pm Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan’t Ij (Information: https://www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/?datum=2016-01-08) KLAVIERSTÜCKE (PIANO PIECES ) IX, XI Saturday, Jan. 16th, 12:30 pm Den Bosch, Azijnfabriek (Information: http://podiumazijnfabriek.nl/programma/lunchconcert-4/) LAUB UND REGEN (LEAVES AND RAIN) for clarinet and basset-horn Saturday, Jan. 16th, 8 pm Berlin, Konzerthaus Berlin (Information: http://www.konzerthaus.de/programm/musik-am-draht-teil-i/3107) KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) electronic music with piano and percussion Thursday, Jan. 21st, 7:30 pm London, the Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great (Information: http://www.dreamswisdominnocence.com/) TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for soprano and harpsichord Saturday, Jan. 23rd Hamburg, Christianskirche (Information: <Friedrich.Gauwerky(at)t-online.de>) VIOLONCELLO for violoncello and electronic music Friday, January 29th, 8:30 pm Paris, Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique - Philharmonie 2 (Information: http://philharmoniedeparis.fr/fr/activite/concert/15218-mantra) MANTRA for 2 pianists Saturday, Jan. 30th, 8:30 pm Paris, Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique - Philharmonie 2 (Information: http://philharmoniedeparis.fr/fr/activite/concert/15219-gruppen) GROUPEN (GROUPS) for 3 orchestras Sunday, Jan. 31st, 3 pm Paris, Salle de répétition - Philharmonie 1 (Information: http://philharmoniedepa- ris.fr/fr/activite/musique-de-chambre/15480-tokyo-1966) SOLO for flute with feedback TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) Electronic Music SOLO for trombone with feedback ADIEU for woodwind quintet Sunday, Jan. 31st, 4:30 pm Paris, Amphithéâtre - Cité de la musique - Philharmonie 2 (Information: http://philharmoniedeparis.fr/fr/activite/recital-piano/15221-klavierstucke-stockhausen) PIANO PIECES Sunday, Jan. 31st, 6 pm Paris, Espaces éducatifs - Philharmonie 1 (Information:http://philharmoniedepa- ris.fr/fr/activite/seance-participative/15661-la-tribune) PIANO PIECES Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 8 pm München, Hubert-Burda-Saal, Jüdisches Zentrum Jakobsplatz (Information: Information: http://www.orchester-jakobsplatz.org/page23/)) TIERKREIS (ZODIAC ) for orchestra Sunday, Febr. 7th, 3:30 pm Reykjavik, Nordic House (Information: http://nordichouse.is) GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE (SONG OF THE YOUTHS) electronic music Sunday, Febr. 7th, 4 pm Lüttich, Salle Philharmonique (Information: www.michele-noiret.be) TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for clarinet, piano and dancert Thursday, Feb. 11th Frankfurt, Alte Oper (Information: http://www.hr- online.de/website/rubriken/kultur/index.jsp?rubrik=90885&key=standard_docu- ment_55102809) PIANO PIECE IX 1 Friday, Feb. 12th Frankfurt, Alte Oper (Information: http://www.hr-online.de/website/ rubriken/kultur/index.jsp?rubrik=90885&key=standard_document_55102809) PIANO PIECE IX Saturday, March 5th, 9 pm Den Haag, zaal 2, Theater aan het Spui (Information: www.dagindebranding.nl) KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) electronic music with piano and percussion Tuesday, March 8th, 7:30 pm Fort Collings, CO, Organ Recital Hall (Information: http://music.colostate.edu/events/guest-artists-e-mex-ensemble/) VIBRA-ELUFA Wednesd., March 9th, 8:30 pm Grenoble, MC2, Auditorium (Information: http://www.mc2grenoble.fr/specta- cle/musique-et-architecture/) KONTRA-PUNKTE (COUNTER-POINTS) for 10 instruments Friday, March 11th, 8 pm Berlin, Haus der Berliner Festspiele (Information:http://www.berlinerfestspiele.de/de/aktuell/festivals/maerzmusik) PIANO PIECE IX Saturday, March 12th, 8 pm Philadelphia, Christ Church Sanctuary (Information: http://www.bowerbird.org/newsite/events/160312/) VIBRA-ELUFA Tuesday, March 15th, 10 pm Ljubljana, Slovenia, Linhart Hall at Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana (Information:www.cd-cc.si) COSMIC PULSES electronic music Friday, March 18th Genève, Bâtiment des forces motrices (Information: http://www.dissonance.ch/de/kalender/vorschau/2928) TRANS for orchestra Tuesday, March 22nd, 7 pm Gävle, Sweden, Gävle Teater (lilla scen) (Information:http://www.electronfesti- val.ch/2016/fr/programmation/artiste/horizons-electroniques-ii) GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE (SONG OF THE YOUTHS) electronic music Thursday, March 24th Genève, Palladium (Information:http://www.electronfestival.ch/2016/fr/program- mation/artiste/horizons-electroniques-ii) SOLO for melody instrument with feedback Friday, March 25th New York, the Met Fifth Avenue, the Met Breuer, The Met Cloisters (Information: hhttp://www.gavleteater.se/evenemang/96-idka-presenterar-duo-ego-framfor-stock- hausen-cage-hettne-och-blomdahl) KLANG the 24 Hours of the Day Saturday, March 26th New York, the Met Fifth Avenue, the Met Breuer, The Met Cloisters (Information: http://www.metmuseum.org/events/programs/met-live-arts/klang) KLANG the 24 Hours of the Day Sunday, April 3rd, 5 pm Landsberg, Rathaus (Information: http://www.stadttheater-landsberg.de/pro- gramm/) IN FREUNDSCHAFT (IN FRIENDSHIP) for oboe Sunday, April 3rd Montbéliard, Espace Gantner (Information: http://www.nadiaratsimandresy.com) SOLO for melody instrument with feedback Friday, April 8th Warschau, Chopin-Konservatorium (Information: http://www.musik.uni-sie- gen.de/mitarbeiter/professoren/herchenroeder/vier.html?lang=de) TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for violoncello and organ 2 Saturday, April 9th, 8 pm Traunstein, Kunstraum Klosterkirche Traunstein TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for clarinet and piano Sunday, April 17th, 6 pm Franche-Comté, Salle culturelle (Information: http://www.lsdmusique.com/concert.php?concert_id=245) ROTARY WOODWIND QUINTET Monday, April 18th Alicante, Auditorium Adda ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN (ORCHES TRA FINAL ISTS) for orches tra and elec- tron ic music Friday, April 22nd Paris, Festival Péril@Confluences (Information: http://www.nadiaratsimandre- sy.com) SOLO for melody instrument with feedback Sunday, April 24th Dublin, Grand Chapter Room, Freemasons' Hall (Information: Free entrance) AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH (IN THE SKY I AM WALKING) for 2 singers Sunday, May 1st Genève, Studio Ernest-Ansermet (Information: http://www.dissonance.ch/de/kalender/vorschau/2932) KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) electronic music with piano and percussion Friday, May 6th, 12:30 pm Cologne, Kunst-Staton Sankt Peter (Information: http://www.achtbruecken.de/de/programm/karlheinz-stockhausen-inori-nr-38-aus- zuge/117020) INORI for two dancer-mimes and tape Friday, May 6th, 6 pm Cologne, Kunst-Staton Sankt Peter (Information: http://www.achtbruecken.de/de/programm/karlheinz-stockhausen-inori-nr-38- 197374/117004) INORI for two dancer-mimes and tape Saturday, May 7th, 8 pm Brighton, St. Nicholas Church, Dyke Road (Information: https://www.brightonf- ringe.org/box-office/shows/search?query=inori) INORI for a dancer mime and tape Sunday, May 8th, 6 pm Cologne, Kunst-Staton Sankt Peter (Information: http://www.achtbruecken.de/de/programm/karlheinz-stockhausen-freude/116880) FREUDE (JOY) – second hour of KLANG for 2 harps Sunday, May 8th, 8 pm Brighton, St. Nicholas Church, Dyke Road (Information: https://www.brightonf- ringe.org/box-office/shows/search?query=inori) INORI for a dancer mime and tape Saturday, May 21st Frankfurt, Alte Oper (Information:www.alteoper.de) GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE (SONG OF THE YOUTHS) electronic music Sunday, June 12th Copenhagen, (Information: http://klang.dk/) SOLO for melody instrument with feedback Tuesday, June 14th Madrid, Auditorio Nacional de Madrid (Information: http://www.orquestafilarmo- nia.com/programacion/conciertos/conciertos-del-2016/el-concierto-aleman/) ARIES from FIVE MORE STAR SIGNS for Orchestra Friday, Juni 17th Paris, Basilique de St Denis (Information: http://www.festival-saint- denis.com/concert/stockhausen) LUZIFERs ABSCHIED (LUCIFER’S FAREWELL)for men’s chorus, organ, 7 trombones (live or tape) Monday, June 20th, 8 pm Berlin, Kammermusiksaal (Information: http://www.berliner- philharmoniker.de/konzerte/kalender/details/22469/) ZEITMASZE (TIME MEASURES) for woodwind quintet DONNERSTAG aus LICHT staged in Basel Karlheinz Stockhausen is one of the most influential composers of the post-war period. His mam- moth work LIGHT is a seven-day cycle about the human race and religions of the world, which Stockhausen weaves into the music. THURSDAY is the first work of the cycle and was world pre- mièred in 1981. For this momentous undertaking, of which the first rehearsals are already schedu- led for this July, Opera Director Laura Berman was able to engage the internationally renowned opera stage director Lydia Steier. The conductor is Titus Engel and Kathinka Pasveer is musical supervisor. Saturday, June 25th, 4 pm Basel, Theater Basel, Grosse Bühne (Information: http://www.theater- basel.ch/Spielplan/Donnerstag-aus-Licht/oHAOot4B/Pv4Ya/) DONNERSTAG aus LICHT (THURSDAY from LIGHT) Sunday, June 26th, 4 pm Basel, Theater Basel, Grosse Bühne (Information: http://www.theater- basel.ch/Spielplan/Donnerstag-aus-Licht/oHAOot4B/Pv4Ya/) DONNERSTAG aus LICHT (THURSDAY from LIGHT) Three more performances will take place September 29th, October 1st and 2nd 2016. Wednesday, July 13th, 9 pm Berlin, STAATSOPER IM SCHILLER THEATER (Information: http://www.staats- oper-berlin.de) PIANO PIECES I–V, VII–XI Friday, July 15th, 9 pm Berlin, STAATSOPER IM SCHILLER THEATER (Information: http://www.staats- oper-berlin.de) PIANO PIECES I–V, VII–XI Friday, July 15th, 9 pm Seoul, Kumho Art Hall (Information: <[email protected]>) PIANO PIECES VII, VIII, XI Wednesd., July 20th, 9 pm Cosenza, Conservatory of Music Stanislao Giacomantonio GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE (SONG OF THE YOUTHS) electronic Music Thursday, Aug. 18th, 8 pm Bochum, Jahrhunderthalle (Information:
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