Ministry (for Public Sector Co-financing Rate [European Regional Development Priority Axis Year of Allocation Operation End Date Amounts Committed*** Project Ref. No. Name of Beneficiaries Organisations) Name of Operation Project Description Postcode Category of Intervention Operation Start Date Total Amounts Paid at the End of the Operation € Fund] ** € Ass Sena tal- Data tat-Tmiem tal- Nru ta' Referenza tal-Proġett Isem il-Benefiċjarji Ministeru (għal Organizzazzjonijiet tas- Isem tal-Operazzjoni Deskrizzjoni tal-Proġett Kodiċi Postali Kategorija tal-Intervenzjoni Data tal-Bidu tal-Operazzjoni Ammonti Totali Mħallsa fi Tmiem l-Operazzjoni € Rata ta' Ko-finanzjament [Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Prijoritarju Allokazzjoni Operazzjoni Ammonti impenjati*** € Settur Pubbliku) Reġjonali] ** The Sustainable Living Complex comprises of research laboratories, design workshops and studios, academic and research staff offices, seminar and conference rooms, and lecture halls, with three targets. The primary objective is a model resource-efficient building, itself a "live laboratory" for monitoring a range of resource-efficient technologies in a real-life context, to provide a basis for policy-making on sustainable development issues, create an infrastructure for 058. Research and innovation infrastructure ERDF.01.122 PA1 The University of Malta Ministry for Education and Employment Sustainable Living Complex indigenous innovation in the construction industry, and provide a demonstration best-practice MSD 2080 2018 01/10/2017 31/12/2020 €30,000,000.00 n/a 80% (public) model. The second objective is state-of-the art research facilities for smart specialization areas, including resource-efficient building, aviation and aerospace technologies, and maritime studies. The third objective is to create a high-quality environment for inter-disciplinary research, exploiting potential synergies between the different disciplines present, creating a unique research eco- system of regional relevance. The University of Malta is proposing to set up a Transdisciplinary Research and Knowledge Transdisciplinary Research Exchange (TRAKE) Complex. This involves the construction, finishing, furnishing and equipping of & Knowledge Exchange state-of-the-art buildings on the Msida Campus composed primarily of laboratory facilities, seminar 058. Research and innovation infrastructure ERDF.01.124 PA1 The University of Malta Ministry for Education and Employment MSD 2080 2018 01/10/2017 30/09/2020 €22,066,375.00 n/a 80% (TRAKE) Complex at the and conference rooms, researchers study space and all the additional amenities required to (public) University of Malta provide an adequate, safe and a comfortable environment for academics, technical staff, researchers and students. This project aims to develop and implement a national spatial data infrastructure and enhance the 048. ICT: Other types of ICT infrastructure large- capacity of geo-spatial/GIS technology expertise for Malta. The project constitutes the creation of a scale computer resources/equipment (including e- SIntegraM - Developing strategic approach to spatial data, creation of critical base datasets, as well as enabling a Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and infrastructure, data centres and sensors; also ERDF.02.030 PA 2 Planning Authority Spatial Data Integration for legislative and mentality shift in terms of exchange and access to data. The project ensures that the FRN 1230 2017 05/01/2015 30/06/2020 €5,000,000.00 n/a 80% Capital Projects where embedded in other infrastructure such as the Maltese Islands underlying aerial, terrestrial and bathymetric infrastructure and knowledge gain is made available to research facilities, environmental and social all government entities in order to deliver the relevent analytical framework as per national, EU and infrastructure). other international obligations and requirements. 078. e-Government services and applications (including e-Procurement, ICT measures supporting the reform of public administration, cyber-security, trust and privacy measures, e- The Connected eGovernment (CONvErGE) proposal aims to create a number of eService Justice and e-Democracy). applications in the areas of Government to Business (G2B), Government to Customers (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G). These ministry-specific eServices (referred to as 'vertical' 048. ICT: Other types of ICT infrastructure large- Parliamentary Secreteriat for components) will be enabled by a number of underlying shared enabling layers (referred to as scale computer resources/equipment (including e- Connected eGovernment ERDF.02.035 PA 2 Financial Services, Digital Office of the Prime Minister 'horizontal' services) that will also lay the foundations for other eService applications that may be VLT 2000 infrastructure, data centres and sensors; also 2017 01/07/2015 31/03/2021 €28,500,000.00 n/a 80% (CONvErGE) Economy and Innovation warranted at a future date by other Ministries/departments. These eServices will also be beneficial where embedded in other infrastructure such as to businesses and to citizens in general. This project will contribute directly towards the attainment research facilities, environmental and social of Digital Malta, and the concept of one-Government will be further implemented, while at the same infrastructure). time capitalising on economies of scale. 081. ICT solutions addressing the healthy active ageing challenge and e-Heath services and aplications (including e-Care and ambient assisted living). Trade Malta proposes to assist SMEs be better prepared to internationalize by investing in a knowledge infrastructure. This internationalisation knowledge hub will include both a content-rich 066. Advanced support services for SMEs and Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Internationalization ERDF.03.007 PA3 Trade Malta digital platform which SMEs will be able to use, and input for a series of training and advisory TP 01 groups of SMEs (including management, marketing 2016 01/08/2015 31/12/2019 €809,002.65 n/a 80% Small Businesses Knowledge Platform interventions aimed at capacity building amongst SMEs based in Malta and interested in and design services). internationalisation. The Ta’ Qali Crafts Village, spread over a footprint of 63,000 sq. m, is an area owned and administered by Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. and is made up of a number of traditional Maltese crafts operators. The proposed project aims to redevelop the village and to create a centre of excellence for traditional Maltese artisans operating in the manufacturing of traditional Maltese goods and Ministry for the Economy, Investment and The Redevelopment of Ta' 072. Business infrastructure for SMEs (including ERDF.03.011 PA3 Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. crafts. Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. will be investing to upgrade and embellish the infrastructure of the MEC 0001 2016 01/12/2015 31/03/2020 €7,814,478.05 n/a 80% Small Businesses Qali Crafts Village industrial parks and sites). common areas to improve the environment for the operators and visitors. It aims at increasing the attractiveness of the location as a traditional Maltese crafts village to enable operators to showcase their artisanship and increase visitor numbers to ensure long term sustainability of the crafts village. The objective of the project is to extend the Xewkija industrial park which is an area owned and administered by Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. in Gozo. The intention is to develop the vacant space known as tal-Hofra into 15 new business workshops having a total of 5,355 sq. m for industrial activity. Moreover, at the MDP site, Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. intends to demolish the existing buildings and construct an indoor multipurpose facility comprising a 1,950 sq.m high-bay industrial Ministry for the Economy, Investment and The Extension of Xewkija 072. Business infrastructure for SMEs (including ERDF.03.014 PA3 Malta Industrial Parks Ltd. space at level -1 together with a total of 4,060 sq. m of lettable business space at levels 1 and 2 to MEC 0001 2016 01/01/2016 31/07/2019 €10,000,000.00 n/a 80% Small Businesses Industrial Park industrial parks and sites). accommodate Research & Development, innovation, back office, filming and gaming operations, financial services and software development among other type of operations. The underlying intentions are the transfer of business activities away from the village core, enabling further economic growth through better diversification in the economy, and to provide further job opportunities for people living in Gozo. Promotion of RES in the The RES support scheme provides financial support to cover part of the costs of PV systems Regulator for Energy and Water ERDF.04.008 PA4 Ministry for Energy and Water Management Domestic Sector (2016- installed in domestic use. The scheme will be open to all energy consumers in the domestic sector MRS 9065 010. Renewable Energy Solar 2016 01/10/2015 31/12/2019 €15,524,474.00 n/a 80% Services (REWS) 2018) and available funds will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Further to the ex-ante assessment and based on the market testing conducted by the EIF, a First Loss Portfolio Guarantee instrument will be made available to the market. The EIF shall select Financial Intermediaries that shall build up a portfolio of loans to private individuals and Corporates under the instrument. The First Loss Portfolio Guarantee (FLPG or Guarantee) is a capped guarantee financial instrument providing better access to finance to Private individuals and Corporates
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