Barry Davies LL.B (Hons) Solicitor/Cyfreithiwr Head of Legal and Democratic Services Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol a Democrataidd TO: Councillor: Arnold Woolley Your Ref / Eich Cyf (Chairman) Our Ref / Ein NG Councillors: Carol Ellis, Patrick Heesom, Mel Higham, Cyf Dennis Hutchinson, Nancy Matthews, Neville Phillips Date / Dyddiad 13/02/2009 OBE, Tony Sharps, Nigel Steele-Mortimer, Helen Yale Ask for / Graham Connah Gofynner am Direct Dial / 01352 702336 Rhif Union Fax / Ffacs Dear Sir / Madam, A meeting of the EXECUTIVE will be held in the CLWYD COMMITTEE ROOM, COUNTY HALL, MOLD on TUESDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2009 at 09:30 to consider the following items. Yours faithfully Assistant Director (Democratic Services) A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES 2. MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27/01/2009 (copy enclosed). 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING REPORTS STRATEGIC REPORTS 4. GENERAL FUND 2009/10 Report of the Head of Finance and Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Asset Management (with the agreement of the Executive, this report will follow to ensure issues raised at County Hall, Mold. CH7 6NA Tel. 01352 702400 DX 708591 Mold 4 www.flintshire.gov.uk Neuadd y Sir, Yr Wyddgrug. CH7 6NR Ffôn 01352 702400 DX 708591 Mold 4 www.siryfflint.gov.uk The Council welcomes correspondence in Welsh or English Mae'r Cyngor yn croesawau gohebiaeth yn y Cymraeg neu'r Saesneg Flintshire County Council the round of Overview and Scrutiny Committees which concluded on 30 January can be addressed within the report) 5. HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT 2009/10 Report of the Head of Finance and Director of Community Services - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Housing Strategy and Planning 6. TREASURY MANAGEMENT POLICY & STRATEGY STATEMENT INCORPORATING THE PRUDENTIAL CODE FOR CAPITAL FINANCE & ANNUAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2009/10 Report of the Head of Finance - Portfolio of the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Asset Management 7. STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT OF RISKS AND CHALLENGES REVIEW Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 8. DRAFT COMMUNITY STRATEGY AND LOCAL SERVICE BOARD MID YEAR REVIEW Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 9. PEOPLE STRATEGY 2006-2009 UPDATE ON PROGRESS Report of the Interim Assistant Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 10. DELIVERING THE NEW NHS FOR WALES, CONSULTATION PAPER II Report of the Director of Community Services - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Social Services OPERATIONAL REPORTS 11. REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING 2008/09 (MONTH 8) Report of the Head of Finance - Portfolio of the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Asset Management 12. MINIMUM REVENUE PROVISION 2009/10 Report of the County Finance Officer - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Finance and Asset Management 13. REGULATORY PLAN Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 14. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - PROGRESS Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 15. SUPPORTING PEOPLE OPERATIONAL PLAN 2009-10 Report of the Director of Community Services - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Social Services Date: 13/02/2009 Flintshire County Council 16. DEESIDE NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL AREA STUDY UPDATE Report of the Director of Community Services - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Housing Strategy and Planning 17. CONTAMINATED LAND STRATEGY Report of the Director of Environment - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Leisure and Public Protection 18. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - COMMUNITY (PERIPATETIC) SKIP SERVICE Report of Director of Environment enclosed 19. COUNTY COUNCIL DIARY OF MEETINGS 2009/10 Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy 20. EXERCISE OF DELEGATED POWERS Report of the Chief Executive enclosed 21. FOR INFORMATION A copy of the Executive Forward Work Programme (Months 12/08 to 04/09) together with an update are enclosed for information LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT 1985 - TO CONSIDER THE EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC The following item is considered to be exempt by virtue of the Paragraph(s) listed, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). STRATEGIC REPORTS The following item is considered to be exempt by virtue of Paragraph(s) 14 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). 22. ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT (VOLUNTARY SECTOR) Report of the Chief Executive - Portfolio of the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Asset Management and Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Strategy Date: 13/02/2009 Flintshire County Council Date: 13/02/2009 Flintshire County Council Date: 13/02/2009 EXECUTIVE 27TH JANUARY 2009 Minutes of the meeting of the Executive of Flintshire County Council held at County Hall, Mold on Tuesday, 27th January 2009. PRESENT: Councillor A Woolley (Chairman) Councillors: C. Ellis, P.G Heesom, M. Higham, H.D.Hutchinson, N. Matthews, N. Phillips, L.A Sharps, N.R Steele-Mortimer and H. Yale. ALSO PRESENT: Councillors: J.B Attridge, K. Armstrong-Braun, R.C. Bithell, R. Baker, A. Davies-Cooke, R.G. Hampson, Mrs C.M.Jones, Mrs D. Mackie, A.P Shotton and D. Wisinger. IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive, Director of Community Services, Director of Environment, Director of Lifelong Learning, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Finance, Assistant Director ICT and Customer Services and Head of Committee, Member and Electoral Services. The Assistant Director (Financial Management), Head of Financial Planning and Principal Accountant were present for Agenda items 4 and 5. APOLOGY Councillor H.D. Hutchinson informed the Chairman that he would be leaving the meeting early in order to attend the Public Inquiry to be held in Buckley. 227. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2009 were confirmed as a correct record. 228. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors A. Woolley, C. Ellis, P.G. Heesom, M. Higham, H.D.Hutchinson, N. Matthews, N. Phillips, N.R.Steele-Mortimer and H.Yale all declared personal non-prejudicial interests in Agenda item no 10 – School Admission Arrangements 2010, as School Governors. 229. GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2009/10 The Head of Finance provided copies of slides that were to be part of a presentation plus appendices on the previous year’s growth/items dropping out, inflation, summary of pressures, local service pressures, pressures from demographic change, details in the reduction of income one off pressures, a summary of savings including efficiency savings for staff related and non staff related, savings from demographic change and increases in income. Additional papers were tabled on the General Fund Budget pressures which had been withdrawn and those pressures that were not recommended for inclusion. The Chief Executive explained that all Members of the Council would receive copies of the presentation and supplementary papers and further presentations would be made at Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings to be held during the rest of the week. A full audit trail of all the budget considerations was available and the County Council at its meeting on 3rd March, 2009 would approve the budget proposals and set the Council Tax. The Chief Executive outlined the purpose of the presentation which was to collectively propose the 2009/10 General Fund Revenue Budget. In view of the current economic climate the budget had been prepared prudently having regard to the Council’s responsibility in the management of performance and transitional stage of the organisation. The Council was continuing to sustain its organisational priorities including Education and was aiming to be resilient under current market forces. The Council would protect public services by reducing overhead and increasing costs and overtime. There were a number of critical pressures and prioritisation which would take into account the strategic assessment of risks and challenges. The Chief Executive then referred to the 3% increase in the Welsh Assembly Government funding for 2009/10. Indications were that the Revenue Support Grant funding would not match pressures on services in future years. An over spend was being projected for 2008/09 as an additional factor. The current economic climate was having an impact of approximately £1.8m and there were also service pressures such as Out of County Placements and waste. There was also a partial withdrawal or ending of several Welsh Assembly Government specific grants. The budget approach and principles were being set within the context of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and a corporate and strategic approach had been taken. The budget proposals were considered to be realistic and prudent, incorporating items which were already committed. Funding was aligned with organisational needs and risks and there was a recognition that the Council was in a period of organisational redesign. There was a protection of public services and a control of fees and charges within the principles of affordability and comparability. It was emphasised that there was a full audit trail of the pressures and efficiencies within the budget consideration. The Chief Executive referred to further budget considerations which had included the identification of pressures and efficiencies by the Mid Year Business Reviews at service level and it was proposed to include a £1m In Year efficiencies. Reference was made to cashable and non cashable items and to a £25k de-minimus level which would be applied to all directorates and would be managed within the directorates without having to be referred to Members for consideration. No new posts would be considered unless service critical and fees and charges would be considered against comparable market levels and with affordability and sensitivity.
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