SOUTH SUDAN CCCM Cluster | South Sudan | Malakal PoC Service Mapping | July 2020 SUDAN POPULATION DEMOGRAPHY Malakal ¯ CCCM ETHIOPIA CAR 27,930 !\Juba DRC Total IDPs living inside KENYA UGANDA Malakal PoC Protection 8,519 46% Total IDPs Households living 54% Food security inside Malakal PoC DISAGGREGATED DATA YR=óÉ~êë Boys Girls WASH (< 5) (< 5) 51% 16% 49% 1 5 Years Men and Women and Education boys (>5) girls (>5) 45% 55% 84% Health MONTHLY POPULATION TREND Services available in Malakal PoC 29,892 29,370 29,370 29,370 29,396 29,239 29,190 Nutrition 27,927 27,928 27,930 27,927 27,930 Security Legend Roads Fence MilitaryBases PoC Facilities PoC Blocks Jul 19 Jul 20 Jan 20 Jun 20 Oct 19 Apr 20 Sep 19 Feb 20 Dec 19 Copyright: DigitalGlobe. Source: US Department of State, Humanitarian Information Unit, NextView License”. Produced by UNITAR-UNOSAT Aug 19 Nov 19 Mar 20 S/NFI Data source: Service mapping-ACTED, Population: IOM/DTM as of July 2020. SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION POSITION FOCAL POINT CONTACT • Camp Management • CCCM Cluster co-lead for Upper Nile state Camp Manager Name: Elizabeth Apiyo Akello • Coordinating services (delivered by NGOs and other service providers) Email: [email protected] • Establishing governance and community participation /mobilization mechanism- Tel: +211916313105 sEnsuring the maintenance of camp infrastructure Skype: apiyoakello_1 DRC • Information management (data and maps) Camp Manage- • Advocating for, or providing, key services in gap areas ment Coordina- Name: Milla Julius Henry • Monitoring the service delivery of other providers in accordance with agreed tor Email: [email protected] standards Tel: +211922002092 • Building host community relationships to ensure peaceful co-existence of pop- Skype: milla.julius ulations Name: RASHID Shehryar Email: [email protected] • The daily gate count at Hotel and Juliet gate. Name: THABO Nyago IOM - DTM • Following scoping mission to set up flow monitoring point in Paloich.L22 Email: [email protected] • Bio-metric Verification Camp Name: GAANIKO William Management E-mail: [email protected] Name: MAKHATSA Eric E-mail: [email protected] 2 IOM - CCCM • Site development and planning for Malakal PoC Name: BELLIU AWUE Bianca John E-mail: [email protected] Name: OMOIRI CEASER Jacob E-mail: [email protected] • Daily follow up with stories from the humanitarians and IDPS Name: Nimaya Manasseh • Information collection from meetings, conferences and trainings Email: nmanasseh@internews. INTERNEWS • PSA- Public Service Announcements. org • Community feedback Tel: +211914797407 • Listening groups once a month.Radio distribution Name: Gatwech Tuach Bany, email: uppernile.field_coordina- • Data collection and analysis on CCCM, WASH, Protection, Education, FSL, tor@reach_initiative.org phone: Health, Shelter/NFIs and general migration patterns across Upper Nile, but with Tel: +211 922001752 REACH particular emphasis on the West Bank. • Create products like factsheets and situation overviews for partners assessing Name: Aletta Buchler major trends, gaps and acheivements in the region Email: aletta.buchler@reach_ini- tiative.org. Tel: +211 921109669 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION POSITION FOCAL POINT CONTACT Head of Fied Name: Marsiiana Matkerimova Office E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +211912349734 Name: Serhii Chumakov| Upper UNHCR • Protection Cluster Lead and Upper Nile State Focal point Upper Nile Nile SFP Email: [email protected] Mobile: +211912349736 +211922 122 416 • Protection monitoring – Through outreach activities and risk assessments Name: Marzia Ayubi | Protection • Referral – Of persons with specific needs (PSNs) to proper agencies Manager DRC • Information sharing - Provision of information about the services available. Malakal PoC/Town Email: [email protected] • Protective accompaniment (to IDPs, /women, children, Tel: +211916347216 • Service referral (food, medical supplies, NFI’s, psycho-social support etc.) Name: Hellen Samoei Email: [email protected] • Protection monitoring – Through outreach activities and risk assessments, HLP Tel: +211914968421. Protection • Information sharing - Provision of information about the services available HDC through protection desks, house-to-house visits. Name: Igor Iatluk • Protective accompaniment (to IDPs, /women, children, etc.) and provision of Malakal PoC/Town Email: [email protected] Individual Protection Assistance (IPA) in-kind (assistive devices, basic commod- Tel: +211929926611 3 ities) • Service referral (food, medical supplies, NFI’s, psycho-social support etc.) Name: Joseph Mangu • Peaceful coexistence sessions with IDPs, host communities Emal: joseph.mangu@hdcafrica. org Tel: +211922444487 Name: Ibrahim George ICRC • Protection: Restoring Familylink, Receiving complaints, monitorng or intention Field Team Email: visit in Both Malakal PoC and Malakal town. Malakal Leader Tel: +211 912 360 028 +211 923 050 532 Urmila Upadhyay Email:program1.uns.ross@ intersos INTERSOS • Child protection (Family Tracing and Reunification, registration of abducted, Tel: +211917602104 unaccompanied and separated children etc.) • Management of Child Friendly Space Name: Ngang Along • Child Psycho Social Support Eduofficer.malakal.ross@intersos. org Tel: +211981218887 +211927999907 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION POSITION FOCAL POINT CONTACT • Provide CFS based psychosocial support to children through recreational, early learning and life skill activities including the distribution of clothes, shoes and educational materials for most vulnerable children • Provide case mangement support to children with protection concerns including Name: Cosmos.Lomoro clothes, educational materials and unconditional cash, legal aid, PSS, FTR etc) Email: Cosmos.Lomoro@ WAR CHILD • Training and awarness raising sessions with parents, caregivers, community lead- Malakal/Aburoc warchild.nl HOLAND ers, teachers and children on different CP-PSS themes Tel: 0925600601 • Livelihoods development support for HHs caring for vulnerable children through saving groups/VSLA groups, cash transfer, bussiness training, fishing kit and seeds distribution • Create access to quality healthcare services for appropriate clinical manage of rape (CMR) • Create access to compassionate case management services for survivors to meet their service needs and goals for recovery Name: Getrude Garway • Create safe access to psychosocial services and community- based support and Email: ggarway@international- networks medicalcorps.org • Inform communities to know which GBV-related services are available and how Tel: 0927000614 IMC to access GBV services • Coordinate GBV service provision among services providers to improve GBV Name: Rhoda Adior Protection interventions raben@internationalmedical- • Identify causes and factors that increase risks to women and girls, and engage corps.org relevant actors to develop strategies to mitigate incidents of GBV Tel: 0917234423 4 • Mobilize communities to mitigate risks and prevent incidents of GBV Lead advo- cacy for increased and improved interventions to protect women and girls • Dignity kit distribution to reproductive age women and girls Name: Thor Chot Riek • Facilitate community level awareness raising campaigns Email: [email protected] • Coordinate state level and national level round tables Tel: 0928000479/0917601327 SAFERWORLD • Establishing and strengthening Civil society platforms Malakal • Delivering trainings to authorities,partners and the community on peacebuilding Name: Emmanuel Changun and community security Email: techangun@saferworld. • Facilitate inter and intra communal dialogues. org.uk Tel: 0927724141 SECTOR ORGANIZATION SERVICES/ACTIVITIES SERVICE LOCATION POSITION FOCAL POINT CONTACT • Primary Health Care Clinic services outpatient treatment • Routine EPI activities • Supplementary Immunization campaigns OCV, OPV, Measles • Maternal Health services- ANC, PNC, PMTCT, FP and Assisted Deliveries • HIV counselling/testing/treatment Health Officer Nmae: Dr. Benson Otien • Nutrition Action Program. Email: [email protected] • Outreach activities and awareness raising • Health Promotion Senior Medical Name: Dominic Samson Leku • MPHSS Assistant Email: [email protected] • Focused mental health and psychosocial support activities i.e. counseling, PFA, IOM group discussion, other therapeutic activities. All Blocks Name: LAMBERT Augustine, • Community and family support services i.e. recreational activities(sports), dra- Email: [email protected] ma, religious/cultural healing activities, learning non-formal education, income Tel: +211912379603 generating activities and awareness creation. • MHPSS mainstreaming and capacity building; Name: ATIM Rose, • Training on emergency life skills and psychosocial support of teachers, health Email: [email protected] worker, social workers, community/religious leaders and community stake- Tel: +211912379607 Health holders • Capacity building on PFA and general MHPSS guidelines for humanitarian actors • Coordination of MHPSS working group • Secondary Health Care / emergency room Field Coordi- Name: Abdullahi Mohamed 5 • Adult and Paediatric inpatient nator Email: msfe-malakal-fieldco@ • HIV/AIDS, TB, Kala Azar testing and treatment barcelona.msf.org • Supplementary Immunization campaigns OCV, OPV, Measles Tel: +211914901381 • Inpatient Therapeuthic Feeding Program (severe malnutrition) Upper Nile -South +211925685574 MSF • Outreach activities: Community-based health care and awareness raising
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