·". ., 1 .. THE SOUTHEA.STE OFFICIAL ~ROAN OUTREASTE~N' ST.ATB - COLLB~~ ' ·VOLUME THIRTY-THREE DURANT, ~KLAHOMA , WEPNESDAY, NOVEM,#tHR 18,1953 NUMfJER EIGHT • e omtn A.l traC.;. t• ~ ·~ .__ -Man -AiuDtni A _qcippella .Choir Float Wins First·. ·Place In Annual Parade Ideal weather brought out an n- 1ed ·education's progress in the state thusiastic crowd to watch he and Southeastern's role in the Southeastern homecoming parade training of superior teachers. Saturday when the processio~of Mur1 Price, Ardmore principal floats and bands opida da of and president of t he alumni associ­ celebration for colleg stud ts ation, was mast er or ceremonies. and visiting alumni. An tim ed Special music w~s provided by 2000 .old grads wer on e three college. freshmen , Ann R ich­ campus' fot: the Home mmg fe ti- ar d and FraDkie vocal so- vities. · loist, and Patsy PHenf.m, , . a ccomp anist Witli musical comedies provi for both . · the theme of the homecoming a- Respoitds To Welcome rade, the a cappella choir's r e re- Dr.· A . L !-P ool, chairman of the sentation of "Blossomtime" was college's homecoming cofll.Jilittee, the sweepstakes wmner in the col- spoke brfefly to the alumni. who lege division and was exhibit e at were a lso addressed b y Jimmy F ox the fooball game Saturday a f er- Indianola ,who respqnded to Price's noon·. welcome. · . The cho i ~s float was named fi st-Dr . A. E. Shearer, lsouthPastern P.lace winner -in the "beautiful" di- pn•sident ;welco'(lled the guests as vision ~ of college floats. The fr h- the college's representative and'in­ ·man 'class won second with " ne traduced special guests. · Touch of Venus," and the art lub 1 F aculty Da mes entertained ~ . · placed Uiird with "Carousel." homecoming visitors at a tea 11\ OPC'!!', "Annie Get Your G " H allie McKinney halll f ollowing the was first-p}ace. winner in the h m- gam e, and other teas, coke parties orous" ..aiv'ision of college fl ~~.ts sm okers. a n d _dinners honored and SigtTia Tau· Gamma's "~ys alumni Sa turday evening . and Dolls" WJI-8 second. A dance in the student union, In the ·commercial division the with Carl castle's · orchestra fur· Durant Rotary club was first, L ons nishing the music, was the final club second and Business and o- event of homecoming day. fesSional' Women's club third. · :Among . othe ' rschools' enres ~ PI KAPPAS WIN MONDAY, TUESDAY ARE _, Wa.Shin~on Irving was first, b l p · Kappa. Sigma's "football History Professors ·Inter-Fraternity Scout_ Pack No. 618 second, . d game" won first place at the home- P ICTURE DAYS Robert E : Lee third. - ~oming pep rally lj'riday night. "Be &lll'e to look your best!" .• ~ Davia Speaks 1 Hellhounds sponsored th.e pep Meet l)e(ember 4-5 says .Ann Cotton ,editor of The Coundl ~porisori At the alumni luncheon at on rally and sttint program and Will Savage. u sbe remiDds studeDta in the. college dining room CJ.ar- entertain the winning Pi Kappas, that next Monday lllld Tuesday ence Dayis,. su~rintendent of yet- their ~ate s, the foot\)all boys, and I.Gil (ollege CamPus are tbe datea for clU8 pictures City Food DriYe rna-Alma consolidated schoo:l,as their aates at a dance in the near to.be ....... guest speaker. future. ~ ~ Davia, a Southeastern a1 us The Wlnning "football game" ~ plaotopapber wm be here The Association of Oklahoma The inter-fraternity council . Is and former presjdent Of the Okla- was staged in pantomime and nar­ College History Professors will tbroapoat the - Moaclay lllld sponsoring a food drive ~ovember homa )!:ducatlon association, pnus- rated by Jo.Ann Street. hold its annual meeting at South­ Toeaday' aDd will also be here 24 to make up Thanksgiving eastern State college on December Mollday evealaJ· baskets for needy families in Du- • 4 and 5. All college history teach­ The staff Ia aaxloua to have rant. ers in the state are invited to at­ every etudeat'a pleture ln the Durant will be divided. into sec­ tend the annual meetings, as well yearbook, tbe editor uld. tions and · students will begin the door-to-door campaign for food at : I as husbands or Wives of members. 1.._----- -------!---' Registration will begin at '-:80 p. 7 p. m. after meeting in the lounge m .. Friday, December 4, In the lob- of Hallie McKinney hall. .,by of Hallie McKinney hall. The Miss Effie Montgomery, dean annual dinner is scheduled for Fri­ r of women, and'. J~hnKrattiger; day evening in the, college dining Shields Is Eledid .. dean of stu~ents , e compiling a .hall. After ~e dinner an evening list of the familites t will re­ session will be held in the union ceive a. basket of food. ballroom. Seaetary Of Press Organizations participating in the drive are Alpha Phi . Omega, • Some of the highlights of the service fraternitY; Boule, secret meeting will be a panel discussion Group lt A& MM~et organiation for the betterment of on certification· of teachers In the Southeastern; Pi Kappa Sigma, ... Oklahoma secondary schools and a Gloria Shields was elected. secre!. Alpha Sigma Tau, Phi Sigma Epsi­ group visit to· the historical sites tary of the Oklahoma College lon, and Sigma Tau Gamma; Greek ~te ; of Fort McCUlloch, Fort Washita. Press association at the Stillwater social groups. ~ul­ and Boggy Depot. meeting No¥ember 6 and 7. The project was started last y~r ~e . Dr. James D. Morrison, head of Jim Posey, Bethany-Peniel col­ with the four Greek social clubs leir the history department at South­ lege, was elected president and El­ participating in the drive. eastern, will serve as president of len Hurt, Central State college, It was their p~ then to gathet: the meeting. Dr. John Hunziker is vice-president. enough food for four b!lSkets, and will serve as secretary. Fifty-eight representatives from they would add a hen to each ~~ I 'fifteen colleges attended the meet­ basket. · , • llty . '. ings held on the campus of Okla­ However, throUW1 the generosity I no homa A and M college. of the people in Durant. enough ~e Gordon Hatcher, Oklahoma Bap­ food was gathered to fill 50 baskets ~ts. SSC Library Marks tist university, presided due to the which were delivered the -day be,­ !lJl: resignation of Jo Ann Howard. fore Thanksgivlng. The Friday session was spent in OU Press Birthday iliscussing means of improving the college publications. A special Spencer :Speaks . Twenty-five years of distinguish­ m eeting for y~book representa­ m tives was added to the agenda for ed se~ce are recogniud in the At SSC Assem'bly · c• Southeastern library's exhibit of the first time this year. Richard • Vniversity of Oklahoma press pub­ Struck, representative oft a year­ Dr. Charles Spencer, •president lications. Dr. .John Willlngham, col­ book publishing house, xnet with of East Central State College, • wge librarian, has invited the pub­ the students giving them ideas for spoke in Montgomery hall Novem -:. lic to view the display. improving their publications. Joe McBride ,owner and pub­ ber 11 when th~ Durant post or the The Univel,'Sity press, which has lisher of The Anadarko Daily American Legion presented' an brought many honors to the state, Armistice day program. · . News, spoke to the group at the The visiting college president. is celebrating its twenty-fifth an­ banquet Friday night in the 'Stu­ ,,niv'ersary. Savoie Lottinville has dent union building. who was introduced by Dr. A. E. • been directot~ of the press since Shearer , Sou~eastem president, ,paid homage to the dead of World 1932. Willard Lo_pkwood and Will ~R. I1UNZI.KEB 18 ·Ratisom supervise the design of AAU-W SPEAKER . wars I and n and stated that "liv­ the books. · ing for one's country" was also . The press has r eceived recogni- . .Dr . .John Hunziker, history pro- a significant responsiblllty. tion not only.tor the literary merit fessor, spoke to the Atoka branch The Southeastern band pliyed ahldeatlat Southeastern State college and Okla­ of the American Association of patriotic music at the opening of crowned football q~n at balf-tbDe of its publications but also for their Univesrity· Women at a MODday played East ~trai Saturday after,. design and- make-up. One of the night m eeting. ~ the assembly. press' awards was from the Ameri- Dr. Hunziker chose "Molding -------- Choetaw Indian. .. • &an Institute of Graphic Arts for Russian Education for the Cold 11TH tN NATION on•~h:IW tot»\.o..;~re ~ ~llupertor · des~gn and typographY: · W ar" as the topic for his talk. During the summer session of elemet~=l=-,~~f~~~;· . Her ~e fs at Daley~ 1D Atob Soutl'leastem as practically all . 192,1, Southeastern was the- 13th I' from Strtngto~ hlgb&clwol, where she the books published, by the Upj- "" ~ · v~stty of Oklahoma · Press; iii.' ~r re~ewed acquaintance with the,n ~ lotle!ll also by i;be football squad, were WUUngham said. Many students since the exhibit ·was put up, he IR:IIUUJ[,I·liiiDQ Annie Aatoa, Onmae, calif, sopbo- bsYe tii!ScOvered the OU press books ..aid. IIAGE TWO 'flae SOUTHEASTERN, Durant, Oklohoma SSC Students Choose "Ten Pretty Girls'' s I . ' ~~ ml of le I \\'h •n , chool began 'erne ter, all e clas ~ fre ·hman to senior had c meeting . A these meetings foJ you 'aw fit to lcct your r wil for the coE.ing year. Will f&J you pl a8 ' ~top for a mo amid the g eat rush of the .ti~ i' ial ~easo11, and gi\·c a I thought a t why you· elect- • l •d ·the.:e officers? Lol TJwge officer~ ar to and serve y , ur class to the COl da b st f th jr ability.
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