ukraine eiti REPORT THE ABBREVIATED VERSION UKRAINE EITI REPORT The abbreviated version This report is abbreviated version of National EITI Report of Ukraine 2017 and intended solely for presentation purpose. For detailed information use National EITI Report of Ukraine 2017. Photo: Envato Elements EITI Report of Ukraine 2017 September Parliament passed the Law of Ukraine No. 2545-VIII EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES TRANSPARENCY “On providing transparency in the extractive industries” THE 2018 INITIATIVE (EITI): INFORMATION ON THE May DEVELOPMENT Publication of Ukraine’s third national EITI Report 2018 INITIATIVE AND HISTORY OF ITS DEVELOPMENT OF EITI IN July IN UKRAINE UKRAINE 2017 The first validation of Ukraine by the EITI International Secretariat February Publication of Ukraine’s second national EITI Report, which cover two calendar Information on the Initiative 2017 years and additional extractive industries Parliament passed the Law of Ukraine No. 1793-VIII «On Amendments to the Budget Code of The Extractive Industries Transparency The governance and control over the EITI December Ukraine regarding Assignment of the Rental Fee for the Use of Minerals for development of Oil, Initiative (EITI) is a global Standard that has the implementation in a given country are executed by a 2016 Natural Gas, and Gas Condensate»: 5% of revenues from royalties for the use of minerals for the main purpose of promoting the transparency Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG), which should include extraction of hydrocarbons will be allocated to the local budgets starting from 1 January 2018 of revenues of a state from natural resources. the representatives of the government, business The countries implementing the EITI Standard and civil society. Ukraine also has the EITI National December Publication of Ukraine’s first national EITI Report should disclose the information on tax and other Secretariat, which provides administrative support and 2015 payments received by the state from natural coordinates the activities of the EITI implementation resources extractive companies, the procedures in Ukraine. 16 June Parliament passed the Law of Ukraine No. 521-VIII “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine for granting permits (licenses) for the use of natural on Ensuring the Transparency in the Extractive Industries” resources and other information related to the use More information on EITI in Ukraine can be found on 2015 of natural resources. the website www.eiti.org.ua 17 October 2013 Ukraine was accepted as an EITI Candidate Country 10 October The EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group in Ukraine was created, which includes representatives of the government, business 2012 and civil society, on an equal basis FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF EITI IN UKRAINE 30 September Ukraine committed to implement the EITI, having approved the Resolution No. 1098 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On 2009 Ukraine’s Accession to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative” World Bank THE SCOPE OF 2017 EITI REPORT OF UKRAINE mining of coal mining of fire clays1 extraction of crude oil mining of high-melting clays1 International Renaissance Foundation extraction of natural gas mining of quartz sand (for the purposes of production of glass)1 mining of iron ores extraction of building stones1 German Goverment through the mining of titanium ores transportation of oil and natural gas «Good Financial Governance» Project mining of manganese ores implemented by the federal enterprise Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH In 2017, based on the results of scoping study and analysis of the information received from the state2, the scope of the EITI Report covered 53 extractive companies, which paid more than 99% of tax revenues from the extractive industries for the benefit of the state. USAID 1 In accordance with the decision of the MSG, no reconciliation of payments were made for companies operating in the four mining industries such as mining of fire clays, high-melting clays, quartz sand and building stones. 2 The state bodies included the STS, the Ministry of Economy and the Derzhgeonadra. 2 3 EITI Report of Ukraine 2017 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF UKRAINE’S EXTRACTIVE According to Geoinform of Ukraine SRPE, as of the beginning of 2018, more than 20 thousand ore deposits and manifestations containing 117 types of minerals have been identified in Ukrainian territory, of which INDUSTRIES approximately half are of commercial value and are registered in the State Registry of Mineral Reserves. CLAYSCLAYS AND SAND AND SAND QUARTZ SANDQUARTZ SAND large largemiddle sizedmiddle sizedsmall small deposits depositsdeposits depositsdeposits deposits FIRE CLAYSFIRE CLAYS LV LV large largemiddle sizedmiddle sizedsmall small deposits depositsdeposits depositsdeposits deposits 1 1 HIGH MELTINGHIGH MELTING CLAYS CLAYS large largemiddle sizedmiddle sizedsmall small deposits depositsdeposits depositsdeposits deposits КM КM 2 2 FOSSILFOSSIL FUELS FUELS DN DN DN DN natural gasnatural gasoil oil oil and oil and natural gasnatural gas КR КR NK NK METALMETAL ORES ORES COALCOAL iron ironmarganesemarganesetitanium titanium hard hard ores ores ores ores ores ores coal coal OIL ANDOIL GAS AND REGIONS GAS REGIONS COAL COALBASINS BASINS 1 East 1oil andEast gas oil region and gas region DN DonetskDN basinDonetsk basin 2 West2 oil andWest gas oil region and gas region LV Lviv-VolynLV Lviv-Volyn basin basin 3 South3 oil andSouth gas oil region and gas region 3 3 KCH KCH IRON IRONORES ORESBASINS BASINS MARGANESEMARGANESE BASINS BASINS KM KremenchuhKM Kremenchuh basin basin NK NikopolNK basinNikopol basin KR KryvyiKR Rih Kryvyibasin Rih basin KCH KerchenskyKCH Kerchensky basin basin 4 5 EITI Report of Ukraine 2017 Volumes of coal mining in Ukraine, COAL by regions in 2017, thousand tonnes6 Volyn region 1,188 years3 101.4 (0.3%) Reserves for extraction Lviv region Luhansk region 1,545.3 (4.4%) Dnipropetrovsk 1,689.2 (4.8%) Balance reserves of coal, region by categories as of 01.01.2018, mln tonnes4 20,142.1 (57.7%) Donetsk region Coal type 34,916.2 11,438.2 (32.8%) Volumes of coal mining 12,976.0 7,846.7 6,530.1 6,089.3 2,593.7 2,564.8 2,564.6 1,916.5 1,010.9 0.005 in Ukraine, thousand tonnes «Д»-type «Г»-type «ДГ»-type «А»-type «Б»-type «Ж»-type «П»-type «К»-type «ПС»-type «ОВ»-type Coal extraction volumes by companies in Ukraine in 2017, thousand tonnes7 DTEK Pavlogradvugillia PJSC 20,142.1 Shakhtoupravlinnia Pokrovske PJSC 4,345.6 Balance reserves of coal, DTEK Dobropolyeugol LLC 2,128.7 by the regions of Ukraine as of 01.01.2018, mln tonnes5 Lvivvuhillia SE 1,342.8 Krasnolymanska LLC 899.3 Selydivvuhillia SE 810.0 Volyn region 4,839.7 DTEK Rovenkyantracite LLC 699.3 69 (0.2%) Bilozerska Mine DLC 644.0 Public sector Lviv region Kharkiv 1,987 DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbassa PrJSC 614.9 region (4.8%) 14,309 Luhansk Myrnohradvuhillia SE 608.6 region 1,028 (2.5%) (34.5%) DTEK Sverdlovanthracite LLC 595.2 30,076.5 Dnipropetrovsk 10,620 Shakhtoupravlinnia Pivdennodonbaske No 1 SE 447.6 region (25.6%) 13,477 Donetsk Vuhilna kompaniia Krasnolymanska SE 378.4 Private sector region (32.5%) Mine named after M. S. Surgai SE 288.7 41,490 Toretskvuhillia SE 265.0 Lysychanskvuhillia PJSC 234.1 Overall balance Nadiya Mine PJSC 202.5 reserves, mln tonnes 34,916.2 Pervomaiskvuhillia SE 160.5 Volynvuhillia SE 101.4 LE Saint Matrona of Moscow Mine LLC 7.3 Total 6 The Minekoenergo, Coal extraction in Ukraine by mines in December 2017, 3 Balance reserves of coal will cover extraction for 1,188 years, if the volumes of extraction are on the same level as in 2017 http://mpe.kmu.gov.ua/minugol/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=245266889&cat_id=245183238 4 The Geoinform of Ukrain SRPE, State balance sheet of mineral resources of Ukraine, Coal (issue 22), 2018 7 The Minekoenergo, Coal extraction in Ukraine by mines in December 2017, 5 The Geoinform of Ukraine SRPE, Yearbook of Mineral Resources of Ukraine 2018, http://geoinf.kiev.ua/M_R_2018_1.pdf http://mpe.kmu.gov.ua/minugol/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=245266889&cat_id=245183238 6 7 EITI Report of Ukraine 2017 Export of coal Import of coal by country in 2017 8 by country in 2017 9 NATURAL GAS Volume of exported Coast of exported Volume of imported Coast of imported products, thousand tonnes products, mln USD products, thousand tonnes products, mln USD Total 635.8 105.5 Total 19,777.7 2,743.8 40 years10 Russia 312.6 57.5 Russia 13,256.7 1,552.0 Reserves for extraction Slovakia 234.4 41.5 USA 3,408.2 681.9 Other 88.8 6.5 Canada 908.5 182.2 Balance reserves of the natural gas, by the regions of Ukraine as of 01.01.2018, mcm11 Republic of 714.1 65.8 South Africa Sumy region Australia 542.5 116.4 41,334 29,443 Other regions (5.0%) (3.5%) Poland 443.6 56.6 Kharkiv region Kazakhstan 408.6 270,868 74.5 Poltava region Lviv region 72,272 (32.7%) 317,630 (8.7%) 30,556 (38.3%) Other 95.6 14.3 Ivano-Frankivsk (3.7%) region Dnipropetrovsk 13,079 region (1.6%) Black Sea Crimea 829,449 shelf 16,761 Overall balance 37,506 (2.0%) reserves, mcm (4.5%) Volumes of natural gas extraction, by the regions of Ukraine in 2017, mcm12 Sumy region Other regions 83 (0.4%) 291 (1.4%) Kharkiv region Luhansk Lviv region 667 (3.3%) 9,616 region Poltava region 8,648 (42.2%) (46.9%) Ivano-Frankivsk region 433 (2.1%) 220 (1.1%) Dnipropetrovsk region 551 (2.7%) 20,509 Volumes of natural gas extraction in Ukraine, mcm Photo: DTEK 10 Balance reserves of natural gas will cover extraction for 40 years, if the volumes of extraction are on the same level as in 2017 8 The SSSU, Foreign trade of certain
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