B~ An All.SUlr Thunder,hower, IOWA - 8caUered thundersbow­ Selected In National PoD For e.... not 110 warm extl'eme wee' AU-Star Football Oame portion today; tomorrow fenerally (See Story. Paae t> lair and wanner extreme weel Inca. - Iowa Ciey'_ lVe.,,_paper There I M or"l", which nldden FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. JULY 25, 1939 TbeA-.a..I P.- VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 157 lulable ev ery , Ab4 : ~;: I' sl the 10 an. mulalt I has done ~ he • China Fails To Vote -eogra. Britain Gives Japanese Army Free Hand III ,Wis. As Democrats lpl In IlexlC1l la% But Plans Not LONG CALLS Communism United States Expects No A.greement Judge Frees AT 93 DEGREES! Join Opposers To 'Special Requirements' of Japan Kentuc;ky Town Reports ::::::: I ' Two.Days·Per.Patient May Also Seek To ..... To 'Buy Peace' With Bullets, Iowa Doctor In 'Weather' Disgusts Wife WASHINGTON, July 24 (AP) But at about the same time, Defeat Roosevelt - A tee ling that there would be the navy received a full report HOPKINSVILLE, Ky., July Lending Proposal With Germanv LOS ANGELES, Ju~ 24 Not Ballots "no far eastern Munich" as far on the attack upon Robert A. 'Petunia' Case 24 (AP)-The official weather . (AP) - Ena Gregory, actress, as the United States is con­ Baker, warrant oUicer 01. the observer said the temperature .! testified in winning a divorce was 93 degrees when City Com­ WASHINGTON, July 24 (AP)­ .... cerned was apparent in high cir­ United Stales gunboat Guam. at State Prosecutes "- 'Sweeping Victory' today that her husband, Dr. Policeman Testifies cles tonight, after word was re­ Hankow by a Japanese sentry missioner C~de Vinson called A republican-democratic coalition Frank G. Nolan, "would say he ceived that Great Britain had Saturday, 8lter which Baker was up rather excitedly and said it within the house rules committee Claimed by Tokyo was going out on a professional At Harry Bridges' AJleged PuJJer Of recognized Japan's "special re­ detained for three hours by the was snowing. blocked the Roosevelt administra· ~ New Agreement call, and maybe I wouldn't see Deportation Hearing Glenwood Posies A sudden electric and hail tion's $800,000,000 housing bill at ~ r In him for two days." quirements" in China. J apanese. Secretary Hull expressed this Secretary Hull, apropos of the storm was deluging the city least temporarily today, and there , "He told me," she continued, SAN FRANCISCO, July 24 GLENWOOD, July 24 (AP)- when Vinson-two city em­ were reports tonight that it would "- LONDON, July 24 (AP)- Brit- "if I didn't get a divorce he government's concern over the in­ Anglo-Japanese agreement, fell ain promised today to stay out of would leave for the South Seas, (AP)-Communists were told "the creasing number ot assaults on back upon his statement of last Dr. F. M. McCluskey, Glenwood ployes and a third party swore seek to do the same with the S2'i Americans by Japanese police and June that the United Stales was dentist and civic leader, today his statement was true-said be 490,000,000 general lending bill. the way of the Japanese army in and I could just try and find revolution will be fought with bul­ and his witnesses caught snow­ I China and disavowed any plans him." lets, not ballots," Policeman Mer­ military. He announced the set­ concerned with the "broader as­ Under house procedure, the was freed ot chlr."ges of pulling flake after snowflake and committee has the right to give or to "buy peace" by charting a new Miss Gregory is the former riel R. Bacon ot Portland. Ore., tlement of two such incidents pects" of the controversy at up petunias from the Mills county watcbed them melt in their through the punishment of the Tientsin between Japan and deny a privileged status to legis­ appeasement course through a wife of Al Rogel!, film director. testitied at Harry Bridges' de- courthouse lawn by Justice ot the hands. lation. Despite testimony that the' loan to Germany. portation hearing today. Japanese responsible for them. Great Britain. I not ' Peace J . McPherron, who dismis- ------------- house leadership wanted quick Prime Minister Chamberlain Bacon was summoned by gov- action, the committee adjourned! I no made the two statements in the Donkey Trader ernment attorneys as an "expert" :~~te.the complai nt filed by the IF. D _It, Farley today without passing on the bill, house of commons amid openly- . witness in its effort to prove the ISUr· Restrict Use of Confidential and Representative Cox (D-Ga), voiced fears of opposition mem- communist party advocated the A packed courtroom heard the E· A h R A b justice ruled that no testim~ny an opponenf of the measure, said 'ight bers that he was swinging again eports ra s violent overthrow ot the United was presented by the prosecution nJoy not er "we may never vote." to the appeasement policy he pur- States government, an essential Records of State Department Majority Opposed lade. to show that the petunias had sued until the German army Free MI-m-ster link in the government's efforts 'Efr t- 'T lk ,Committee sources said a ma­ tin· marched into Prague March 15. to deport the west coast labor any value. lee Ive a As an outgrowth of the bitter leader. Mlsehlevowr Injury jority ot the group was opposed The complaint charged Dr. to the bill, and that an eltort anti·British campaign in J apan Rev. Goldner Still Joined Party I.n '3' McCluskey with "maliciously and would be made to stymie the largo and Japanese-occupied sections of The patrolman testified he But Conference Fails ~eS8. mischievously i nj uring, destroying er lending measure also. The hous­ China, the prime minister an- Missing as Ransom joined the communist party In and severing from the grounds of To Answer Political ing bill would add anotber $800,- nounced terms of a preliminary . 1930 undel' instructions of Leo the courthouse certain flowers Ilgreement under which Britain Negotiations Continue Questions About 000,000 to the $800,000,000 lendinli 111 recognized that "Japanese forces V. Jenkins, then Portland police commonly known as petunias." It 1940 powers of the United States hous­ re in China have special require- JERUSALEM, July 24 (AP) - Chief, to look for violation ot the PARIS, July 24 (AP)--5panish - While J. Edgar Hoover moved was signed by cbairman F, J . HYDE PARK, N. Y.• July 24 ing authority, set up to provide ments for the purpose of safe· A donkey trader declared tonight I Oregon ~riminal syndicallsm law., sources in Paris tonight e)(~ressed Plumb ot the county board. low·rent housing. to combat a "marked in<!tease" It was alleged that several (AP) - A conference between guarding their own security and that the Rev. G. R. Goldner of He said he was a member of the belief thaI the demotions 01 President Roosevelt and national In tbe testimony today Repre­ maintaining public order in the Ohio had been released by his the party a year. Generals Juan Yague and Gon· In international espionage by sett­ weeks ago the petunias were up­ sentative McCormack (D-Mass) Ing up three field ofCices in rooted by Dr. McCluskey, who democratic chairmlln James A. rs. regions under their control. Arab abductors while efforts were . The labor depa~tment is seek-I zalo Queipo de Llano .by General- Farley ended today in an atmos­ said the house leadership wished Remove Causes being 'Pade to pay a partial ran- lllg. to deport Bridges, an ~us- , issimo Franco was bnnglDg about Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, contended they spoiled the beauty the bill to come up at this ses­ of the costly landscapi ng of the phere of secrecy, leaving unan­ "They have to supprcss or rc- som through a Bedouin tribesman. trahan, on the grounds he IS a a long-delayed showdown between It was disclosed today that the swered ticklish poUtical questions sion of congress and asked that move any acts or causes as will Late tonight, however, the min- communist and thus a member two forces that have contended lawn. He took an aclive leader­ tne committee not pass upon the Co, state department has thrown a ship in the lawn beautification about a third term, the 1940 cam­ obstruct them or benefit their ister had not been located. An of an organization advocating de- 'since 1937 for control of the na- paign, and the personal relation­ merits ot the legislation itseU. enemy." all night vigil was being main- struction of the present govern- tiona list movement. further cloak 01 secrecy around project. completed several years Those who expressed opposition its files. ago before the present county ship of the heads of the democratic Foreign Secrdary Lord )\alliax tamed at the Y. M. C. A. ment. General Franco was said by party. to the legislation Included both In the house of lords declared that While the Bedouin messenger Quotes Cllne these sourccs to have taken extra· An order just issued by the de- board took offl.ce and was said to One signiCicant but puzzUng the ranking democrat and the a~ .. l'esuJt of ~ ~c agreemeni, it jj~pped , out or tne old ci~y Ilt Bacon oted Paul Cline, ot ordmary measures to strengthen pa.t tment says that "in view of have ~e i; en~d ~i when courth?use pronounr.ement came from the ranking republican on the banking >tJ tKe - contemporary ernatiOnaT C.U1<W.diaPIi pla ed, the g,et mas. Willi expected ,Tapanese anti-Brit- Bethlehem with the money for Los Ange s, wbom he Oescl'ibe(f lind il?'.Ic:e..co t~re preslden ~that he thought his committ~e, which recently ap­ Ish agitation would cease.
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