Yeast Yeast 2018; 35: 157–171. Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/yea.3295 Yeast Interspecies Hybrids Saccharomyces cerevisiae × Saccharomyces uvarum hybrids generated under different conditions share similar winemaking features Andrea Cecilia Origone1, María Eugenia Rodríguez1,2, Juan Martín Oteiza3, Amparo Querol4 and Christian Ariel Lopes1,5* 1Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas (PROBIEN, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina – Universidad Nacional del Comahue), Buenos Aires 1400CP 8300Neuquén, Argentina 2Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, (8324) CipollettiRío Negro Argentina 3Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica a la Industria–CONICET, Argentina 4Departamento de Biotecnología, Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos, CSIC, PO Box 73E-46100Burjassot, Valencia Spain 5Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, (8303) Cinco SaltosRío Negro Argentina *Correspondence to: Christian Abstract Ariel Lopes, Instituto de fi Investigación y Desarrollo en Interspeci c hybrids among species in the Saccharomyces genus are frequently detected Ingeniería de Procesos, in anthropic habitats and can also be obtained easily in the laboratory. This occurs be- Biotecnología y Energías cause the most important genetic barriers among Saccharomyces species are post- Alternativas (PROBIEN, Consejo zygotic. Depending on several factors, including the involved strains, the hybridization Nacional de Investigaciones mechanism and stabilization conditions, hybrids that bear differential genomic consti- Científicas y Técnicas de la tutions, and hence phenotypic variability, can be obtained. In the present study, Saccha- República Argentina – romyces cerevisiae × Saccharomyces uvarum hybrids were constructed using genetically Universidad Nacional del and physiologically different S. uvarum parents at distinct temperatures (13 and 20°C). Comahue), Buenos Aires 1400, The effect of those variables on the main oenological features of the wines obtained with CP 8300 Neuquén, Argentina. these hybrids was evaluated. Hybrids were successfully obtained in all cases. However, E-mail: [email protected] genetic stabilization based on successive fermentations in white wine at 13°C was signif- icantly longer than that at 20°C. Our results demonstrated that, irrespective of the S. uvarum parent and temperature used for hybrid generation and stabilization, similar physicochemical and aromatic features were found in wines. The hybrids generated herein were characterized by low ethanol production, high glycerol synthesis and the capacity to grow at low temperature and to produce malic acid with particular aroma profiles. These features make these hybrids useful for the new winemaking industry within the climate change era frame. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received: 15 June 2017 Keywords: cryotolerance; hybrid; Saccharomyces uvarum; wine; yeast Accepted: 20 October 2017 Introduction hybridization, a phenomenon that is possible through the presence of weak pre-zygotic barriers Numerous Saccharomyces strains that possess chi- among species that allow the generation of viable merical genomes composed of portions from differ- hybrid cells (Sipiczki, 2008). Although some ge- ent species in the genus have been isolated from netic mechanisms (differences in genome architec- diverse fermented beverages, including wine, cider tures, incompatibility genes, mismatch repair) and beer (Morales and Dujon, 2012; Sipiczki, generally avoid sporulation or significantly reduce 2008). It is believed that most have arisen by natural the spore viability of these chimeric strains, they Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 158 A.C. Origone et al. can persist in nature by means of asexual mitotic di- recent work, Nguyen and Boeckhout (2017) have visions (Karanyicz et al., 2017; Naumov, 1996). proposed the invalidation of the varietal designation The interesting physiological features frequently for S. bayanus and S. uvarum based on the hybrid observed in chimerical strains, which are generally nature (Saccharomyces eubayanus × S. uvarum)of intermediate among their parental phenotypes S. bayanus type strain. (Belloch et al., 2008; Bellon et al., 2011; Bizaj The success of S. cerevisiae × S. uvarum hybrids et al., 2012), have attracted the interest of both is particularly due to the fact that the two species the scientific community and industry. Indeed dif- are largely syntenic, e.g. they differ in five recipro- ferent methodologies have appeared to mimic the cal translocations (Kellis et al., 2003), and they natural hybridization phenomena under controlled possess interesting complementary characteristics laboratory conditions to obtain ‘à la carte’ yeast of relevance in this industry. Besides the well- strains. These include sexual, i.e. crosses of indi- known fermentative performance of S. cerevisiae, vidual spores (or direct mating), mass mating, rare S. uvarum is also known for its capacity to ferment mating, and asexual, i.e. cytoduction and proto- at low temperature and to produce particular aro- plast fusion-hybridizations (Pérez-Través et al., matic profiles that come about in the special com- 2012; Steensels et al., 2014) methodologies. The bination of secondary metabolites. S. uvarum has choice of one methodology or another to generate a particular fermentation profile characterized by hybrids is related directly to the study aim. As a the production of low levels of acetic acid and eth- general rule for the food industry, and more specif- anol, and high concentrations of glycerol and both ically for winemaking, it is important to select malic and succinic acids as regards S. cerevisiae non-GMO generation strategies for yeast strain (Bertolini et al., 1996; Giudici et al., 1995; development. These non-GMO-generating methods Kishimoto, 1994). Among volatile compounds, are associated mainly with sexual hybridization. this species has been associated with the produc- As a direct result of the selected hybridization tion of high concentrations of higher alcohol 2- methodology, genome stabilization of recently phenylethanol and its acetate (Masneuf-Pomarède generated hybrids could be required to guarantee et al., 2010), and also with the production of vola- yeast culture soundness (Pérez-Través et al., tile thiols. 2014). Regarding the hybridization of haploid S. uvarum has been isolated from both natural strains, a generally stable diploid hybrid is formed habitats (Almeida et al., 2014; Libkind et al., and the stabilization process is quite simple. How- 2011; Masneuf-Pomarede et al., 2016; Naumov ever, some interesting features present in generally et al., 2011; Rodríguez et al., 2014; Sampaio and diploid original parental strains could be lost dur- Goncalves, 2008) and alcoholic beverages ing the sporulation mechanism, which could lead fermented at low temperature (Coton et al., 2006; to haploid strains. Methods that involve diploid Demuyter et al., 2004; Masneuf-Pomarede et al., strains, like rare mating, have been demonstrated 2016; Masneuf-Pomarede et al., 2016; Rodríguez to be advantageous. Nevertheless, this methodol- et al., 2017; Sipiczki, 2002; Suárez Valles et al., ogy requires the generated hybrids to be subjected 2007). The existence of at least three different to a genetic stabilization process, which is gener- clades has been recently proposed for S. uvarum: ally associated with a reduction in their DNA con- clade ‘C’ from Autralasia; clade ‘B’ corresponding tent until stable values around diploidy are to South American natural strains (South American achieved (Pérez-Través et al., 2012, 2014). population B or SA-B); and clade ‘A’ including In particular, the hybrids between Saccharomyces both South American natural strains (South Amer- cerevisiae and cryotolerant species Saccharomyces ican population A or SA-A) and all S. uvarum uvarum for winemaking have been generated in Holartic strains (Almeida et al., 2014). The recent different laboratories (most have been recently discovery of S. uvarum strains in fermented bever- summarized by Morales and Dujon, 2012; Pérez- ages (apple chichas) in Patagonia (Rodríguez Través et al., 2012). Owing to the fact that S. et al., 2017) introduced a new factor not discussed uvarum was mis-synonymized with Saccharomyces by Almeida et al. (2014). In the work by bayanus in the past, hybrids between S. cerevisiae Rodríguez et al. (2017), phylogenetic and popula- and S. bayanus var. uvarum, with similar character- tion structure analyses based on multilocus se- istics, could be also found in the literature. In a quences demonstrated that the S. uvarum strains Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Yeast 2018; 35: 157–171. DOI: 10.1002/yea Cryotolerant hybrids for winemaking in Patagonia 159 from chichas were included in the clade A. That re- (the S. uvarum strainswereunabletogrowat sult suggested that S. uvarum strains from chichas 37°C) for 4–5 days. The colonies that grew under from Patagonia could be originated from Holartic these conditions were repitched in the same medium strains, introduced in South America together with and were immediately conserved in 20% v/v glycerol the domestication of apple trees by Mapuche at À80°C. Hybrid nature was confirmed by the PCR communities. Besides their genetic differences, we amplification of the CBT2 and GSY1 nuclear genes, demonstrated that the strains
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