Salem Lutheran Church Non - Profit 1145 DeKalb Avenue Sycamore, Illinois 60178 Organization U.S. Postage Return Service Requested PAID Permit No. 53 Sycamore, IL Vol. LXII No. 2 (815) 895-9171 www.SLCSycamore.org Worship Services Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Educational Hour: 9:15-10:15 FEBRUARY 2019 Epiphahy Sunday Choir on Bapsm of the Lord Sunday Brandon Johnson at the Budget Forum prior to the Annual Meeng Choir Epiphany Party Youth Quake 2019 2 February is Black History month, a month that encourages us to pay closer aenon to the voices of non‐white individuals in our public discourse and to seek out the stories of African Americans who have contributed to our society. Stascally, the ELCA is one of the whitest denominaons in the country. But it is important to note that there have been black Lutherans in this country for over 350 years, much longer than many of our European ancestors who immigrated. Although there are many unknown saints whose stories are lost to us, there are some giants of the Lutheran movement in North America that we celebrate. We remember Jehu Jones who, before the Civil War and the end of slavery, organized Lutheran congregaons around Pennsylvania, and worked to unite freed black cizens to peon for civil rights. Rev. Jones is celebrated on the Lutheran Calendar of Saints every year on November 24. Then there is Daniel Payne who was educated at Geysburg Seminary and became an influenal Bishop of the African American Episcopal Church and founder of Wilberforce University. And Rosa Young who is considered the mother of black Lutheranism in Alabama. Aer wring Booker T. Washington for monetary support for her schools, he suggested she write the “Lutherans of St. Louis” for help. With the help of the LCMS church, she founded the Alabama Lutheran Academy, now the Concordia College of Selma. These are but three brief examples. At LSTC, I have had the privilege of being educated by brilliant African American Lutheran professors. Among these are Dr. Richard Perry, Dr. Pete Pero, and Dr. Cheryl Pero; all influenal Lutheran theologians of our me worth reading. So, this month, I encourage you to seek out African American perspecves, make them regular parts of your theological and general reading all year around. The Body of Christ is beauful in its diversity and we are more for engaging that diversity in all its splendor. Pastor Preston Introducing . Salem 2019 Children’s Musical: The Star Factor Many Gifts, One Voice To be Presented Saturday April 27 - 5:00 pm Sunday April 28 - 10:30 am Books/CDs available soon from Carla Vanatta [email protected] 815-895-8521 Auditions Wednesday, February 13 - 5:30 - 6:30 pm Sunday Rehearsals - February 17 - April 14 Noon - 1:15 pm *BYO Lunches - 11:40 after worship Wednesday Rehearsals - 6:00-6:30 pm [ 2nd half of Children’s Choir rehearsals 2/20 - 4-24 and full hour 5:30-6:30 April 17 & 24] The setting is Camp Heart & Soul, a summer arts camp featuring a talent showcase with an exciting twist: the showcase winner earns the opportunity to compete on a national TV show! Competition sets in til the would-be stars learn the value of being a part of the Body of Christ where each person has a special and unique role to play. Praying Our Way thru Lent: Genoa Prayer Bead Workshops A Bead and a Prayer workshop helps and Salem you assemble your prayer beads within a gathering of Christians and introduces the history and practice of praying with beads using our God-given senses of touch and sight. You can then sign up for an optional 4-week Bible study at either location introducing prayer beads as a tool for connecting with God. Each study session includes a scripture passage, weekly reading, prayer bead experience, and reflection questions. Please register at the Salem display, at the Genoa Intersections or Salem websites: www.genoaintersections.org or www.slcsycamore.org or look for the event soon on the Genoa Intersections Facebook page to reserve your book and materials. Prayer Bead Workshops Offered at TWO times and Locations: (come to either one) Saturday, February 23 10:00 am – Noon 599 Pearson Dr. Genoa, IL Sunday, February 24 2:00-4:00 pm Chapel Lounge Salem Lutheran Church 1145 DeKalb Ave. Sycamore, IL Book Cost: $9.00 Prayer Bead Kits available from $12-$20 or you may bring your Carla Vanatta, Deacon own beads – see website [email protected] for sizes and materials [email protected] needed. Become a STAR and help sponsor Salem Spring Children’s Musical as a Music Patron! 20 donors sought @ $20 Watch for our Display soon in the Narthex. Gifts may be given in honor or in memory of someone. Kids Grades K-5 and up invited. Books and rehearsal CDs available. Auditions for Speaking Parts/Solos are Wednesday, February 13 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Sunday rehearsals begin February 17 - Noon - 1:15 p.m. with a BYO lunch at 11:40 a.m. in Chapel Lounge/Sanctuary. Wednesday rehearsals 6:00-6:30 p.m. begin February 20 in the Choir Room. Musical presented 5:00 Saturday, April 27 and 10:30 Sunday, April 28. Contact Carla Vanatta 815-895-8521 or [email protected] ESL (English as a Second Language) will be offered at Salem on Wednesdays from 6:30‐7:30 p.m. There is no cost and it is open to anyone hoping to learn how to speak, understand, and/or write English. Speakers of all languages welcome. The teacher speaks Spanish and Portuguese. Please come for Salem GRACE FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday, February 17 - 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall [Please bring fruit, baked goods, juice or milk to share] Family Worship led by Salem Beginner/Pre K Students And Families Make or Buy or Both?? We hope you’ll join us no matter what! Confirmation’s Annual Shrove Tuesday Dinner & Cake Auction Tuesday, March 5 Dinner at 6:00 pm Auction begins at 7:00 pm Cake Categories: God’s Creations Literary Wonders Games/Sports Salem’s Favorites TV/Movies Delicious-ness (aka Food) All are welcome and encouraged to join us for an evening of fellowship and fun. Suggested dinner donation of $5/person, $20/family maximum. Simply Giving Consider moving to an electronic means of sharing your offering. Simply Giving forms are available on the credenza in the Narthex. Please return the completed form to the office in the envelope July 8 — 12th provided. Like / Follow us on Facebook Salem's “Food Basket” Challenge 2019 January 12/13 - March 2/3, 2019 One family each week in each worship service donates a bushel Challenge basket full of food and challenges another family to do the same the following week at that same worship service — raising awareness and engagement both with the Food Pantry and Salem’s core value of hospitality. Each weekend six families will be involved. This is a “Food Raiser” to help DeKalb County families that need Salem’s Food Pantry. Thank You Dear Salem Members, Dear Salem, Thank you so much for the Thank you for the beautiful beautiful red poinsettia poinsettia I received after delivered to me by Julie Christmas. Also, thanks to Sue Cutshaw. It’s a cheerful, Pfund of the Altar Guild for bright spot in my family room, delivering it to me. and I’m enjoying it everyday. Blessings, Special thanks to all who Kahla Jo Gilliland contributed the holiday flowers and to those who delivered March them. God’s blessings to each and everyone as “we seek to live Christ’s love together.” Sincerely, Verna Ehlers February 15 Youth Lock In The youth have begged and begged and finally we have given in, we will be having a lock in Friday, March 1 ‐ 7:00 pm to Saturday, March 2 ‐ 7:00 am. This event is for middle and high school youth. Any youth interested in aending, or any adult interested in chaperoning part of the night, should contact Nicole: [email protected] 3rd through 5th Grade Retreat Salem youth (and chaperones) will be aending the BYG retreat at LOMC. BYG or Building Youth Groups is a retreat for third through fih graders designed to build and strengthen youth groups. Acvies include Bible study, worship, games, campfire, hiking, teambuilding, and so much more! The group will leave Salem at 6:00 pm Friday, March 22 and return at 5:00 pm Saturday, March 23. The cost of the trip is $35. Anyone who is interested should contact Nicole: [email protected] Personal Hygiene Collection Drive Donations accepted until February 15. Look for the donaon box in the Narthex. All items collected will be distributed countywide to local Food Pantries. Recommended Items: Shampoo/Condioner Chapsck Soap / Shower Gel Combs / Brushes Tampons / Pads Loon Deodorant Baby Wipes Hand Sanizer This is part of a bigger Emergency Preparedness exercise to simulate receiving in of supplies from the Strategic Naonal Stockpile. When this is iniated for a Disaster, the Health Department has to be prepared to receive the supplies, sort, inventory, and then push out to set locaons. These locaons (called Point of Distribuon or POD) would then distribute the materials (usually would be talking medicaons) to their populaon (i.e., Nursing Home residents) and the Health Department would be distribung to the public. The supplies will be the DeKalb County food pantries. We are focusing on collecng mostly regular sized items, although travel sized items will not be turned away.
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