E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2012 No. 99 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was other than the majority and minority heard this term, ‘‘Benedict Arnold called to order by the Speaker pro tem- leaders and the minority whip limited CEOs’’ who were sending good U.S. jobs pore (Mr. HARPER). to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall overseas. f debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. The McKinsey Global Institute did an f in-depth analysis of the effect of out- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO sourcing to see what impact it was ac- TEMPORE GLOBALLY ENGAGED tually having on our economy. What The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The they found was very interesting. They fore the House the following commu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from found that companies that utilize out- nication from the Speaker: California (Mr. DREIER) for 5 minutes. sourcing as a component of their busi- WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I know ness plans enjoy new export opportuni- June 28, 2012. that what I’m about to say may be seen ties, increased productivity, and sig- I hereby appoint the Honorable GREGG as heresy by many—or at least nificant cost savings, all of which sup- HARPER to act as Speaker pro tempore on counterintuitive—but, Mr. Speaker, port new investment in the United this day. this statement is based in fact: out- States and greater job creation right JOHN A. BOEHNER, sourcing is not decimating our econ- here at home. Furthermore, the jobs Speaker of the House of Representatives. omy. If we take a step back and look at that are created by globally engaged f the big picture, setting aside dema- companies tend to be higher-skill, COMMUNICATION FROM THE goguery and knee-jerk reactions, we higher-waged jobs than those created CLERK OF THE HOUSE see that engagement with the world- by their nonglobally engaged counter- wide marketplace is a positive thing The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- parts. for our economy and our shared quest Mr. Speaker, the findings of the fore the House the following commu- to create good American jobs. McKinsey report are only buttressed by nication from the Clerk of the House of Being globally engaged takes many my own firsthand experience. I’ll never Representatives: forms. It includes exporting our goods forget, several years ago I was in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, overseas. It includes imports. It in- Kathmandu visiting one of those call Washington, DC, June 27, 2012. cludes complex supply chains that centers. Now, many would have viewed Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The Speaker, U.S. Capitol, House of Representa- allow us to maximize comparative ad- that call center as a symbol of tives, Washington, DC. vantage and productivity on a global outsourced jobs, and yet when I looked DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- scale. It demands innovation, cre- around, I found U.S. companies right mission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of ativity, and adaptability. This is all there. I’m not claiming that all of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- part of the dynamic worldwide market- these products were manufactured tives, the Clerk received the following mes- place, and it does not constitute a zero right here in the United States, but sage from the Secretary of the Senate on sum game. many were manufactured here in this June 27, 2012 at 9:12 a.m.: If a U.S. manufacturer can lower That the Senate concur in the House hemisphere. They had names on them amendment to the bill S. 3187. costs by importing some of their raw like Carrier air conditioners. There was With best wishes, I am materials, increasing their competi- a Westinghouse refrigerator there, Dell Sincerely, tiveness and hiring more U.S. workers computers, and AT&T telephones. KAREN L. HAAS. as a result, our job market improves. Rather than stealing jobs from Ameri- f American workers benefit. By the same cans and this hemisphere, this call cen- token, if a company can tap into other ter epitomized the very way that glob- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE labor markets, becoming more com- al engagement benefits us all. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- petitive in the process and then hiring It is simply inaccurate to claim that ant to the order of the House of Janu- more U.S. workers as a result, we can every job created overseas destroys a ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- all benefit. job here in the United States, and it nize Members from lists submitted by This is not a hypothetical scenario. completely misses the point. Rather the majority and minority leaders for We have the data that demonstrates than demonizing those who are trying morning-hour debate. the clear benefits of engaging in the to build competitive companies that The Chair will alternate recognition worldwide marketplace. The last time grow our economy and create oppor- between the parties, with each party the issue of outsourcing became a po- tunity for Americans, we should be limited to 1 hour and each Member litical flash point was in 2004. We often looking at what we can do to attract b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4159 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:00 Jul 03, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\H28JN2.REC H28JN2 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 28, 2012 investment here to the United States. the word of the accuser and the ac- I called for a hearing into the We should be looking at what we can cused, the instructor against the train- Lackland scandal because we need to do to empower entrepreneurs to revi- ee. In the military, this usually means know once and for all why instructors talize our economy and restore our job the perpetrator gets off or receives a have been permitted to abuse power so market. disproportionately small punishment, freely. And we need to know from top Mr. Speaker, attacking private enter- and the victim endures an arduous and brass that the phrase ‘‘zero tolerance prise won’t create a single job here or humiliating legal process with little for sexual assault in the military’’ is a elsewhere. In fact, the danger of isola- sense of justice at the end. fact, not a talking point. Every day more disgusting news is tionist, mercantilist rhetoric is that it f can spawn bad policy that further sti- unearthed about Lackland. Everyone fles innovation and economic growth. wants to know: What is being done RECESS about it? If we want to have a constructive de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- bate that leads to policies that will en- This scandal is remarkably similar to the Aberdeen scandal that rocked the ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair courage growth and job creation, we declares the House in recess until noon need to look at the facts, and the facts Army in the 1990s. Fifteen years ago, a Republican-led Senate held a hearing today. are very simple. Engaging globally Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 12 through exports, imports, outsourcing, on a sex scandal at the Aberdeen Prov- ing Ground in Maryland. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- in-sourcing, and all the many ways of cess. tapping into the dynamic, competitive b 1010 f worldwide marketplace is the best way The Army brought charges against 12 to get Americans back to work. instructors for sexual assault on fe- b 1200 Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues male trainees under their command. not to succumb to the politically expe- Nearly 50 women made sexual abuse AFTER RECESS dient but economically damaging rhet- charges, including 26 rape accusations. The recess having expired, the House oric of isolationism. One instructor was cleared. The re- was called to order by the Speaker at f maining 11 were either convicted at noon. STOP MILITARY RAPE court martial or punished administra- f tively. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The In an interview about the scandal, PRAYER Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from then-Assistant Secretary of Defense Reverend Greg Lafferty, Willowdale California (Ms. SPEIER) for 5 minutes. Kenneth Bacon said: Chapel, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to The issue here is the relationship between implore this body to finally take mean- offered the following prayer: a trainer and a trainee. The Army regula- Lord God, we bless You this day for ingful action to end the epidemic of tions bar intimate relationships between rape and sexual assault in the military. trainers and trainees, between drill ser- You are good. You make Your Sun rise For 25 years, Congress has held dra- geants and trainees, because they are on the evil and the good; You let Your matic hearings on this issue. It has fraught with misuse of power, with misuse of rain fall on the just and the unjust. influence, or the possibilities of misuse of You give all people everywhere life rocked the military branches. Com- power and influence. mittee members have beat their chests and breath and everything.
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