6004 NOTICES Done at Washington, D.C., this 10th the Title VI complaints of any person Dated at Washington, D.C., April 7, arising out of the conducting by any insti­ 1967. day of April 1967. tution of higher education of a State CHARLES G. CLEVELAND, Technical Services program or project. We [SEAL] JOSEPH L. FITZMAURICE, Chief, Registrations, Bonds and will notify you of the specific institutions in­ Hearing Examiner. Reports Branch, Packers and volved in this program, and Commerce will [F.R. Doc. £7-4103; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; Stockyards Division, Con­ cover the other aspects of the program 8:48 a.m.) under Title VI. sumer and Marketing Service. I shall appreciate your reply regarding [F.R. Doc. 67-4118; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; acceptance of this assignment. [Docket. No. 17875 etc.) 8:49 a.m.) ~incerely yours, A. E. TROWBRIDGE, SERVICE TO TUCSON CASE Acting Secretary oj Commerce. Notice of Hearing DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Dated: April 7, 1967. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Office of the Secretary DAVID R. BALDWIN, the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act Assistant Secretary of 1958, as amended, that hearing in the SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATrON, for Administration. above-entitled proceeding is assigned to AND WELFARE [F.R. Doc. 67-4080; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; be held on May 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. <Iocal 8:45 a:.m.) time) in the Montezuma Room, Aztec Assignment of Functions Regarding Inn, 102 North Alvernon Way, Tucson, Civil Rights Ariz., before the undersigned examiner. Notice is hereby given that the as­ Dated at Washington, D.C., April 7, signment of certain enforcement re­ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND 1967. sponsibilities of tIie Department of Commerce under Title VI of the Civil URBAN DEVELOPMENT [SEAL] JOSEPH L. FITZlIrAURICE, Hearing Examiner. Rights Act of 1964 to the Secretary of ACTING REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, Health, Education, and Welfare has been [F.R. Doc. 67-4104; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; amended to include responsibility for REGION IV (CHICAGO) 8:48 a.m.] institutions of higher education partici­ Designation pating in the federally assisted pro­ grams authorized under the State Tech­ The officers appointed to the follow­ [Docket No. 18283) nical Services Act of 1965. The follow­ ing listed positions in Region IV (Chi­ TACA INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES, ing is the text of the letter, dated Feb­ cago) are hereby designated to serve as S.A. ruary 17, 1967, assigning these additional Acting Regional Administrator, Region responsibilities to the Secretary of IV (Chicago), during the absence of the Notice of Prehearing Conference Health, Education, and Welfare, which Regional Administrator, with all the powers, functions, and duties redelegated Notice is hereby given that a prehear­ he formally accepted by letter of March ing conference on the above-entitled 10,1967. or assigned to the Regional Adminis­ trator, provided that no officer is author­ applic,ation is assigned to be held on Hon. JOHN W. GARDNER, May 2, 1967, at 10 a.m., e.d.s.t., in Room Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, ized to serve as Acting Regional Admin­ 211, Univer,sal Building, 1825 Connecti­ Washington, D.C. 20201 istrator unless all other officers whose cut Avenue NW., Washington, D.C., be­ DBAR MR. SBCRETARY: By letter of May 27, titles precede his in this designation are fore Examiner Herbert K. Bryan. 1966, Secretary Connor assigned to you cer­ unable to act by reason of absence: tain enforcement responsibilities under Title 1. Deputy Regional Administrator. Dated at Washington, D.C., April 10, VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for Feder­ 2. Assistant to the Regional Admin­ 1967. ally assisted programs of the Department of Commerce involving hospitals, other health istrator. [SEAL] FRANCIS W. BROWN, facilities, and institutions of higher educa­ 3. Regional Counsel. Chief Examiner. tion. These responsiblllties were formally This designation supersedes the desig­ accepted by Acting Secretary Cohen on nation effective .April 20, 1965 (30 FoR. [F.R. Doc. 67-4105; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; . November 3, 1966. 5610, Apr. 20, 1965) . 8:48 a.m.] The aforesaid assignment specifically ex­ cepted a program of financial assistance (Delegation May 4, 1962, 27 F.R. 4319; Dept. administered by the Department of Com­ Interim Order n, 31 F.R. 815, Jan. 21, 1966) merce which in part involved institutions of Effective as of the 14th day of April higher education, namely, grants and other FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS assistance under the State Technical Services 1966. Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-182, 79 Stat. 579). JOHN P. MCCOLLUM, COMMISSION Regional Administrator, Recently, our staffs have discussed, and [Docket Nos. 17357-17359; FCC 67-422) found feasible and appropriate, the amend­ Region IV. ment of the aforesaid assignment of respon­ [F.R. Doc. 67-4120; Filed, Apr. 13, 1967; AKRON TELERAMA, INC., ET AL. sibilities to include therein institutions of 8:50 a.m.] higher education participating in the State Memorandum Opinion and Order Technical Services program, insofar as you Instituting Consolidated Hearing exercise -responsibilities in accord with the Coordinated Enforcement Procedures. In re petitions by Akron Telerama, Inc., Accordingly, and conditioned upon your CIVil .AERONAUTICS BOARD Akron, Ohio, Docket No. 17357, File No. acceptance, Secretary Connor's letter to you [Docket No. 18093] CATV 100-16; Armstrong Utilities, Inc., of May 27, 1966, is hereby amended to delete Orrville .and Rittman, Ohio, File No. from the "Exceptlons" provision item "2. PACIFIC AIR LINES, INC., SERVICE Grants and other assistance under the State CATV 100-52; Lorain Cable TV, Inc., Technical Services Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-182, TO MEDFORD, OREG. Lorain, Ohio, Docket No. 17358, File No. 79 Stat. 579) ", and to include said program Notice of Hearing CATV 100-128; Telerama, Inc., Cleveland as program numbered "B." Which I hereby Heights, Richmond Heights,. Sou t h assign to you, subject to the terms of the Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Euclid, Beachwood, Oakwood, East Cleve­ assignment of responsibilities contained in the provisions of the Federal Aviation land, Garfield Heights, Euclid, Highland said letter. Act of 1958, as amended, that hearing in Heights, University Heights, Bedford It is understood that you will thereunder assume responsibll1ty in accord with the the above-entitled proceeding is assigned Heights, Maple Heights, Lyndhurst, Bed­ Coordinated Enforcement Procedures over to be held on April 27, 1967, at 10 a.m., ford and North Randall; also Shaker the practiCes of those institutions of higher e.s.t., in Room 211, Universal Building, Heights, Warrensville Heights and War­ education which solely receive assistance Connecticut and Florida Avenues NW., rensville Town.ship, Ohio, Docket No. under or otherwise participate in the State Washington, D.C., before the undersigned 17359, File No. CATV 100-146; Clear Technical Services program, and also handle examiner. Pictures, Inc., Wooster, Ohio, File No. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 32, NO. 72-FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1967 .
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