D a t a F I e X Version 2.0 Appllcatfon Development Software System Copyright ,c) 1983. 1984 Data Access Corporation DATA ACCESS CORPORATION 8525 SW 129 1"ermce Miamb Florida 33156 USA Manual Revision Date; 07/18/84 COPYRIGHT NOTICE DataF1ex is copyrighted (C) 1981. l982p and 1983 by Data Access Corporation. All rights under this copyright are reserved worldwide. DataF1ex, including this manuañ which is an integral part of DataFlex, may not be reproduced, transmjttedg stored in any manner in a retrieval system in any form or through any means, e1ectrica17 mechanica'L opticab manual or otherwise without the express written permission of Data Access Corporatiom 8525 SW 129 Terraceg MiamL FL 33156, USA. DISCLAIMER Data Access Corporation makes no representations or warrantiesn express or implied, With respect to DataFlex, this manuab or any Data Access Corporation productg including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Data Access Corporation reserves unto itself the right to make periodic changes, enhancements, revisions and alteration of any kind to DataFlex and/or its manual without obligation to notify any person, institution or organization of such changes, enhancements, revisions and alterations to the product. TRADEMARKS DataFlex and Flex-keys are trademarks of Data Access Corporation. The trademarks and registered trademarks of other companies are referred to at various points throughout this manual, annotated with an asterfsk (*). The owners of the trademarks are listed below: MBASIC Microsoft CBASIC Digital Research CP/M Digital Research MP/M Digital Research WordStar MicroPro International MailMerge MicroPro International Pasca1/MT+ Digital Research dBASE II Ashton-Tate, Inc. PC-DOS International Business Machines IBM International Business Machines MS-DOS Microsoft A COMPLETE, UPDATED MANUAL WILL BE YOURS . If we use a correction or Improvement to this manual which you submit to us. We're continually improving our manual to make the power of DataF1ex easier to get to for the new user. User feedback is the chief source of corrections and improvements to the manual. The Disclaimer on the preceding page says that we aren't obligated to provide you with updates to DataF1ex or its manual. but if we use a correction or improvement you send us, we'll send you a copy of the edition of the manual which contains your update(sL subject to the following: (a) If we receive the same suggestion from several sources. only the first person submitting the correction/improvement gets a new manual; and (b) If we use two or more of your suggestions in one new edition of our manual, you still only get one manual (multiple suggestions still increase your chances of being first on at least one of the sugges- tions). Data Access Corporation's decision in these matters is final. A new manual does not include a new binder (the old one is re-usable). Herds How: Just fill out the form on the opposite side of this page indicating what your suggestion is. If you have multiple suggestions. please make copies of the form. Please make your namep address, and phone clear so that we can get back to you you win a new manuaK Send the suggestion(s) to: if DOCUMENTATION Data Access Corporation 8525 SW 129 Terrace Miami, Florida 33156 ...and we'll get back to you if yours is a winner! Either wayy thanks for helping us help others to get more of the power of DataFlex. SUGGESTION For Improvement of the Dataf1ex Version 2.0 User's Manual From: Submitted: Name Date Address Phone (A/C) Address City State/Prov. Zip Country Page Height: in. x Width: inches Revision Date of Manual: Page Number(s): TYPE OF SUGGESTION: Correction of wrong information Addition of missing information _ C1aFification/Improvement of existing example Addition of new example DETAILS: I submit the above suggestion to Data Access Corporation with full permission to make any use of it may wish tO9 wIth the understanding that compensation to me for ito if any9 will be completely at the discretion of Data Acce9s Corporation. I assume no liability for its completeness or accuracy. Signature DataF1ex Serial Number — —— ————— ~"=""""""'"""" TABLE OF CONTENTS =,..'===... ==== ———-— — ======———"="="—="=====""""""""""" ~ ~ — 'u'" SECTION A: OPERATION AND ORIENTATION m'* . ORGANIZATION OF THIS MANUAL . A-l Sequence of Presentation. A-l A-2 Notational Conventions. OPERATIONAL ORIENTATION A-5 . A-5 Installation. Runtime System. A-6 . Development A-7 Application . System Diagram. A-lO . DataFlex Diagram. A-13 Facilities of . OPERATOR'S GUIDE. A-15 . Terms A-16 Definition of Operator. How - A-17 to Begin. , . Summary. A-18 Flex-key . Keyboard Command A-19 Explanations . INSTALLING DATAFLEX A-25 . OPERATING TUTORIAL. A-33 . QUERYING THE DATABASE A-41 . Program A-41 Start-ljp. Program A-43 Operation . Making A-44 Selections . Choosing Output Sequence A-44 an . Using QUERY Generate Report A-45 to a Configuration. *** SECTION B: STARTING WITH DATAFLEX 'h'* PROGRAMMING TUTORÍAL. B-l FORMATTING WITH IMAGES. B-15 . Image "Pages" B-15 . , . Images DataFlex B-19 in Configuration Files. DESIGNING DATABASES B-21 . Data. B-21 Organization of . Data Types. B-22 . B-23 Indexing in Applications. AUTODEF Program B-25 . HOW TO WRITE A CONFIGURATION. B-29 . Source B-29 Creating the File. How Compile B-31 to a Configuration. How Run B-33 to a Configuration. DATAFLEX UTILITIES. B-35 . B-35 Editor. , . Reindex B-39 . Free (FREL). B-43 List . Read. B-44 . Convert dBASE DataFlex B-44 How to II Files to . DataFlex 1.6X 2.0 Conversion B-51 to . Menu and Maintenance (MENUDEF) B-53 Creation . — Copyright (C) 1984 Data Access Corporation 05/16/84 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DataF1ex 2.0 User's Manual *H SECTION C: PRE-PROGRAMMED FACILITIES *** ELEMENTS OF CONFIGURATIONS. C-l C-2 String Constants. C-2 String Variables. O . Numeric Constants C"3 . Q . Numeric C-3 Variables . q . $ 0 . C~4 Expressions . P . Q . e . « . Date C~5 Variables. O . e ¢ O . Date C-6 Constants. O . O O Q . Filenames C~6 . P . Q . C—7 Indicators. 0 . 0 . , * O O . O 0 . DECLARING DATA ELEMENTS C-9 . STRING Command. C-9 . 0 J . Q . e . NUMBER Command. C-lO . DATE Command, C-lO . , , O . O . Q e . INTEGER Command . Q . , C-ll INDICATOR Command C-12 . MANIPULATING DATA ELEMENTS. C-13 . MOVE Command. C-13 . 3 . INCREMENT Comnand C-14 . , O . O g . CALCULATE Command C-14 . , . DATA ENTRY. C-15 . 0 . ENTER Command Macro C-15 . a . ENTER C-17 Structure of an Configuration O . Images ENTER C-18 in . e , , U . ENTRY Command C-19 . Q . 3 D . P . H . ENTRY Format C-19 Options. ,, . O . 0 ENTRY and AUTOPAGE. C-21 . P 9 e . g U . Procedures ENTER. C-24 User-Oefined of . ENTDISPLAY Command. C-26 . O . ENTER Sequence C-27 of Operation . U . ENT$PERMISSIVE C-28 Indicator. REPORTING AND OUTPUT. C-31 . Q . 0 . The REPORT Command Macro. C-31 . O O . REPORT. C-31 Sections of . 0 . and C-34 Subtota11ing Tota11ing. Q O . C"38 Selective Reporting . O 0 e 3 . O . Page C"41 Control. , . Q , , O O @ . Things Remember About the REPORT Macro C-45 to . Copyright (c) 1984 Data Access,~ Corporation 05/16/84 DataF1ex 2.0 User's Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS ———————————————————— ——— iii SECTION C (continued) FILE DEFINITION (FILEDEF) C-47 . Step One Plan Among C-48 - the Relationships the Files . How Create C-50 to Related Fields. Step Two C-53 - List the Fields. C-54 Overlapping Fields. Step Three Determine Key C-55 - the Fields . Step Four Use FILEDEF Put C-56 to Ali Together. - It C-60 Creating/Edlting Fields . C-63 Creating/Edlting Indexes. C-65 Print File Definition . Set Parameters/Names C-66 Fi7e . Erase Data C-66 File . Set C-66 File Inactive . Create from Screen Image. C-66 File Definition . Create from .DEF : C-67 File Definition File . Save FILEDEF. C-67 Definition/Exit . FILEDEF C-67 Abort . SAMPLE APPLICATIONS C-69 . P *** SECTION D: PROGRAMMING DATAFLEX 'H'* DIRECT CONTROL OF DATA ENTRY. D-l PAGE Command. D-l ACCEPT Command. D-l DISPLAY Command D-2 . AUTOPAGE Command. D-3 . CLEARFORM and BLANKFORM Commands. D-3 . OUTFILE Command D-4 . OUTCLOSE Command. D-4 . OUTPUT Command. D-5 . NAME Command. D-5 . FORMAT Command. D-6 . PRINT Command D-7 . ENTERGROUP. D-8 . MANIPULATING STRINGS. D-ll LEFT Command. D-ll RIGHT Command D-12 . MID Command D-13 . ASCII Command D-13 . CHARACTER Command D-14 . .'. POS Command D-14 . LENGTH Command. D-15 . PAD Command D-15 . TRIM Comnand. D-16 . APPEND Command. D-16 . UPPERCASE Command D-17 . CMDLINE Command D-17 . D-18 String Operations . CONDITIONAL EXEQ/TION D-19 . D-20 Setting Indicator Status. D-24 Predefined Indicators . ..
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