COLONIAL REPORTS—ANN UAL. No. 619. EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. REPORT FOR 1905-6. (For Report for 1904-5, see No. 475.) JJresmteb to both %&omz* of $arliftnunt bg (Eommanb of Jttajeatg. March, 1907. LONDON; PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BT DARLING & SON, I/n>., 8440/ BACON STBEE*, E. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LID., FETTER LANE, E.O., and 82, ABINGDON STWU>T, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or OLIVER & BOYD, EDI.VTMBGH ; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1907. [Od. 3285-6.] Price U CONTENTS. I. FINANCIAL ••• ••• ••• »•> ••• ••• II. TRADE, AGRICULTURE, AND INDUSTRIES HI. LEGISLATION ... IV. ECCLESIASTICAL STATISTICS AND EDUCATION ... V. GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS VL JUDICIAL STATISTICS VII. VITAL STATISTICS .. VIII. POST AND TELEGRAPHS . IX. MILITARY FORCE AND EXPENDITORE X, GENERAL OBSERVATION* APPENDICES. I. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OP IMPORTS DURING: 1904-5 AND 1905—6 ... ... ••• ... ... ••• ... n. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OP EXPORTS DURING 1904-5 AND 1905—6 ••• »»• ••« ... .... ••• III, REPORT ON THE GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT NAIROBI FOR 1905 IV. REPORT ON THE GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTAL STATION, MERITINI (MAZERAS) FOR 1905 ... V. REPORT ON THE GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT MAKINDU FOR 1905 ... ... ... .., VL REPORT ON MALINDI COTTON FARM ... VII. REPORT ON TOE GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT MORENDAT (NAIVASHA) ••t ... ... .4. VLB. REPORT OF THE VETERINARY DEPARTMENT ... IX. REPORTS ON THE WORKING OF THE UGANDA RAILWAY FOR 1905—6 ... •.. 4*. ... ... ... ... ... X. RETURN OF LAND, INDUSTRIAL, AND MINING CONCESSIONS FOR HALP-YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1900 ... •*• BAST AFRICA PBOTBOTOBATB, 19056. 3 NO. 619. EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. (For Report for 1904-6, see No. 475.) THE (COMMISSIONER TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Commissioner's Office* Mombasa, 6th December, 1906. MY LORD, I HAVE the honour to transmit to Your Lordship here­ with the annual report on the East Africa Protectorate for 1905-6. I have, &c, J. HAYES SADLER. The Right Honourable The Earl of Elgin, E.G., &c, - &c, &c mimf 8/07 PfcS 6 06298 COLONIAL REPOBT8—ANNUAL. ANNUAL REPORT ON THE EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE FOR 1905-6. I.-FINANCIAL. (A.) GENERAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Revenue. 1. The estimated revenue for the year ending March 31st, 1906, was ,£168,000: the actual revenue collected, exclusive of a Parliamentary Grant of £214,000, was £270,362 3i, bd.t showing an increase of £115,606 2$ \&. over the revenue for the year 1904-5, which, exclusive of a Parliamentary Grant of £251,133, was £154,756 Is. Id. 2. The following is the comparative statement showing the actual revenue collected in 1904-5 and 1905-6; — Amount Amount collected in ooUeoted in Increase. Decrease. the year the year 1904-6. 1906-6. £ #. d. £ #. d. £ #. d. £ f. d. 1. Customs Duties ... 61,620 17 2 76,800 7 8* 14,279 10 6 2. Harbour Dues and. 6,088 9 4 4,674 18 1 408 16 8 s.s."Juba." 8. Judioial Fees and 6,429 18 11 7,009 16 0 1,680 1 1 Fines, &o. 4. Licences and Taxes... 64,493 16 6 72,883 2 6 18,889 7 0 6. Miscellaneous Re­ 9,873 0 1 17,298 8 8 7,926 8 2 venue. 6. Post and Telegraphs 12,629 17 1 16,267 7 4 2,787 10 8 7. Receipts from Govern­ 4,666 19 4 6,437 7 6 1,870 8 1 ment Property. 8; Uganda Railway Pro* 68,886 9 6 68,836 9 6 fit, 9. Sale of Lands and 1,768» 8 8 2,166 12 8 897 4 0 MM Houses. Total exclusive of 164,766 1 1 270,362 8 6 116,014 18 7 408 16 8 Grant-in-A id. Parliamentary Grant .. 261,183 0 0 214,000 0 0 87,188 0 0 Total 406,889 1 1 484,862 8 6 116,014 18 7 87,641 16 8 BAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE, 1905-6. 8. All the various heads of revenue show increases with the exception of Harbour Dues and s.s. "Tuba." The small decrease of £408 16*. 3d. under that item is due to the increased trade of the coasi, which has attracted the attention of the private shipping companies, and induced them to run their, own vessels in competiiion with the Government steamer. The most striking advance is that made by the Railway, which now shows a surplus of earnings over working expenses of £68,835 9^. M. The general increase of trade and the con­ tinued immigration of European settlers are responsible for this, and the same causes have swelled the revenue from Judicial Fees, Post and Telegraphs, and Sale of Lands, though the last item did not realize the sum estimated, owing to unavoidable delays in the Land and Survey Office, which prevented the completion of a numter of transactions in which areas had been applied for. The amount derived from Hat Tax continues to increase, and Game Licences (£7,000) also contribute even more than during 1904-5, large numbers of sportsmen having visited the country, particularly during the last half of the year. The total revenue from these and other sources included under the head of Licences and Taxes exceeds that collected in the previous year by no less a sum than £18,389 7$. A particularly gratifying circumstance is the advance in the proceeds of Government property, due, as it largely is, to the development of the important mangrove bark industry. Expenditure. 4. The following is the comparative statement of expendi­ ture for 1904-5 and 1905-6: — Expenditure. Increase. Decrease. 1904-6. 1905-6. £ #. d. £ i. d. £ $. d. £ it d. Administration 32,896 11 2 34,886 9 11 2,489 18 9 Agriculture 9,169 8 0 6,698 10 5 2,470~17 1 Audit 1,841 4 9 1,551 14 10 210 10 1 Bombay Agent 839 2 9 885 0 4 46 17 7 Customs and Shipping... 17,821 17 11 16,943 1 10 378 16 1 Forestry and Scientific 3,366 9 10 8,021 17 4 333 12 6 Judicial and Legal ... 6,269 14 6 6,281 11 6 68 8 0 Marine ... ... ... 1,287 13 6 1,600 2 9 212 9 8 Medical ... «*» ... 10,781 8 6 18,236 6 0 2,468 18 6 Military 61.646 10 2 104,980 16 7 68.334 6 6 Miscellaneous Expendi­ 2,461 19 8 1.067 11 6 1,394" 8 a ture. 6 OOLOtflAL BfiPOftTS—ANNtJAt; Expenditure. Increase. Decrease. 1904-6. 1905-6. £ *. d. £ I. d. £ *. d. £ #. d. Native Civil Adminis­ 4,636 9 6 4,689 9 7 64 0 1 tration. Nou-effeotive Services... 836 12 0 620 9 4 184 17 4 Police and Prisons 35,794 14 3 37,836 17 7 2,041 8 4 Port Office ... ... 1,641 13 2 1,931 7 10 289 14 8 Postal and Telegraph 15,605 16 7 16,184 15 2 678 18 7 Service. Printing and Stationery 2,900 16 7 8,646 7 4 646 11 9 Public Work* and 36.648 16 0 100,027 9 0 68,478 14 0 Survey. Rent and Interest to the 17,000 0 0 .17,000 0 0 Sultan of Zanzibar. Transport ... ... 29,211 14 10 37,405 12 1 8,193 17 8 Treasury 4,542 6 6 tf,174 0 7 631 14 1 Uganda Railway ... 11,866 5 11 11,866 5 11 Veterinary 2,466 1 0 2,822 7 0 366 0 0 Masai Reserves... 2,174 7 7 072 4 0 1,502 8 7 Diseases of Animals ,,, 446 7 6 88 8 4 407 4 1 Ogaden Punitive Force, 680 14 8 680 14 8 1900. Total 302,659 12 9 418,889 3 10 i35,3U 16 8 19,032 5 7 5. The expenditure for 1905-6 shows an increase of £116,279 lis. Id. over that incurred in the year 1904-5. This is mainly due to large amounts being spent on the Military and Public Works Departments (increaae of £53,334 5$. 6d. and £63,478 14s. respectively). Under the former head must be included arrears from the previous year in connection with the 2nd Battalion, King's African Rifles, and the erection of lines and provision of passages from British Central Africa for the 1st Battalion, as well as heavy expenses due to rearmament ; while the increase under Public Works is due to the extensive building pro­ gramme laid down, and to additions to the staff. This latter item, rendered necessary by the rapid development of the Pro­ tectorate and its greatly improved revenue-earning capacity, is mainly responsible also for increases under Administration (£2,489 18s. 9d.), Audit (£210 10s. Id.), Medical (£2,453 l«s. 6d.), Police and Prisons (£2,041 3s. 4d.), Port Office (£289 14s. 84>, mainly for Water Police), Posts and Telegraphs (£678 18s. 7d.), and Treasury (£631 14s. Id.). The Printing and Stationery Vote is greater by £645 Us. 9d. than in 1904-5. A new machine to replace the small obsolete presses previously used was purchased, and the staff vas increased. The Department is now able to meet the require­ ments of almost all Government Departments, with the exception of the Railway, which has its own press, A saving tfiAS* AFfctOA PfcOtBCtORAtfc, l905~d. 1 is thereby effected of a considerable sum previously expended in having forms printed in India or locally. The Transport Department cost £8,193 17s. 3d. more than in 1904-6. This schedule is always found to grow in propor­ tion to the general advance of the country, entailing as it docs an increased staff in almost every department, more efficient control of hut tax collection, and heavy expenditure in con­ nection with public works.
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