Notice of Meeting CABINET Tuesday, 18 September 2018 - 7:00 pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking Members: Cllr Darren Rodwell (Chair); Cllr Saima Ashraf (Deputy Chair) and Cllr Dominic Twomey (Deputy Chair); Cllr Sade Bright, Cllr Evelyn Carpenter, Cllr Cameron Geddes, Cllr Syed Ghani, Cllr Margaret Mullane, Cllr Lynda Rice and Cllr Maureen Worby Date of publication: 10 September 2018 Chris Naylor Chief Executive Contact Officer: Alan Dawson Tel. 020 8227 2348 E-mail: [email protected] Please note that this meeting will be webcast, which is a transmission of audio and video over the internet. Members of the public who attend the meeting and who do not wish to appear in the webcast will be able to sit in the public gallery on the second floor of the Town Hall, which is not in camera range. Webcast meetings can be viewed at https://www.lbbd.gov.uk/council/councillors- and-committees/meetings-agendas-and-minutes/overview/. AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declaration of Members' Interests In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. 3. Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2018 (Pages 3 - 11) 4. Budget Monitoring 2018/19 - April to July (Month 4) (Pages 13 - 50) 5. Controlled Parking Zones - Consultation and Decision-Making Process (Pages 51 - 61) 6. Green Garden Waste Subscription Service Review 2018 (Pages 63 - 80) 7. Corporate Plan 2018-2022 - Quarter 1 Performance Reporting (Pages 81 - 158) 8. Contract for Mental Health and Learning Disability Supported Living Services (Pages 159 - 170) 9. Term Contract for Mechanical Servicing and Maintenance within Public Buildings, Schools, Leisure Buildings and Communal Housing Properties (Pages 171 - 178) 10. Procurement of Electricity and Gas Supply Contract (Pages 179 - 185) 11. Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2018/19 (Quarter 1) (Pages 187 - 198) 12. Vicarage Field - New Lease Arrangements (Pages 199 - 204) Appendix 1 to the report is in the private business section of the agenda at Item 17. 13. Development of Site at London Road / North Street, Barking (Pages 205 - 215) Appendix 2 to the report is in the private business section of the agenda at Item 18. 14. Sale of Council-Owned Land (Pages 217 - 225) Appendices 3 and 4 to the report are in the private business section of the agenda at Item 19. 15. Any other public items which the Chair decides are urgent 16. To consider whether it would be appropriate to pass a resolution to exclude the public and press from the remainder of the meeting due to the nature of the business to be transacted. Private Business The public and press have a legal right to attend Council meetings such as the Cabinet, except where business is confidential or certain other sensitive information is to be discussed. The items below are in the private part of the agenda as they contain commercially confidential information which is exempt from publication under paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. 17. Appendix 1: Vicarage Field - New Lease Arrangements (Pages 227 - 229) 18. Appendix 2: Development of Site at London Road / North Street, Barking (Pages 231 - 232) 19. Appendices 3 and 4: Sale of Council-Owned Land (Pages 233 - 236) 20. Any other confidential or exempt items which the Chair decides are urgent This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Annex Our Vision for Barking and Dagenham One borough; one community; London’s growth opportunity Our Priorities Encouraging civic pride Build pride, respect and cohesion across our borough Promote a welcoming, safe, and resilient community Build civic responsibility and help residents shape their quality of life Promote and protect our green and public open spaces Narrow the gap in attainment and realise high aspirations for every child Enabling social responsibility Support residents to take responsibility for themselves, their homes and their community Protect the most vulnerable, keeping adults and children healthy and safe Ensure everyone can access good quality healthcare when they need it Ensure children and young people are well-educated and realise their potential Fully integrate services for vulnerable children, young people and families Growing the borough Build high quality homes and a sustainable community Develop a local, skilled workforce and improve employment opportunities Support investment in housing, leisure, the creative industries and public spaces to enhance our environment Work with London partners to deliver homes and jobs across our growth hubs Enhance the borough's image to attract investment and business growth Well run organisation A digital Council, with appropriate services delivered online Promote equalities in the workforce and community Implement a smarter working programme, making best use of accommodation and IT Allow Members and staff to work flexibly to support the community Continue to manage finances efficiently, looking for ways to make savings and generate income Be innovative in service delivery Page 1 This page is intentionally left blank AGENDA ITEM 3 MINUTES OF CABINET Tuesday, 17 July 2018 (7:00 - 8:36 pm) Present: Cllr Darren Rodwell (Chair), Cllr Saima Ashraf (Deputy Chair), Cllr Dominic Twomey (Deputy Chair), Cllr Sade Bright, Cllr Evelyn Carpenter, Cllr Cameron Geddes, Cllr Syed Ghani, Cllr Margaret Mullane and Cllr Maureen Worby Apologies: Cllr Lynda Rice 14. Declaration of Members' Interests There were no declarations of interest. 15. Minutes (19 June 2018) The minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2018 were confirmed as correct. 16. Vicarage Field Development Proposals - Use of CPO Powers Further to Minute 111 (20 March 2018), the Cabinet received a progress report on the potential use of the Council’s statutory compulsory purchase order (CPO) powers to support and facilitate the redevelopment of the Vicarage Field site in Barking Town Centre. Prior to the presentation of the report, the Cabinet received questions from four members of the local community who had registered to speak on the item. The questions covered the following issues: a) The Council’s consideration of the long-term effect that a CPO would have on traders within the shopping centre as the proposals would reduce retail space in the Town Centre at a time when more shopping facilities were needed, rather than high density and often unaffordable housing; b) The negative impact that the Vicarage Field redevelopment proposals were already having on existing businesses and the support to be offered to those businesses to ensure that they were no worse off as a result of the Council’s plans; c) Concerns that the negative impact and suffering caused by previous CPO plans relating to Vicarage Field in 1982 would again the felt by long-standing, committed business people in the area; and d) Whether existing businesses that had their own plans to expand / redevelop could be allowed to do so separately from the main project. In response to the questions, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing commented that: The Vicarage Field redevelopment was aimed at securing the long-term future of the Town Centre area; Extensive public consultation had been undertaken as part of the planning Page 3 approval process for the redevelopment and the overwhelming majority of almost 1,300 respondents were in favour of a ‘modern retail, restaurant and leisure offer with more choice and variety’ which the plans would deliver together with a new school and improvements to the local environment; There would be a short-term loss of retail space while the redevelopment took place but the final scheme would still provide 25,000 sq.ft. of space which would hopefully offer a much wider choice to customers; High-density housing in Town Centre areas was the way forward and while the current plans for the redevelopment only included 10% ‘affordable’ homes, the Council would monitor the situation and may press for a greater percentage as the project progressed; The Council was committed to negotiations with affected businesses and residents and the CPO powers would only be used as a last resort should those negotiations fail to achieve a satisfactory outcome. To that end, the Cabinet Member invited the speakers to contact David Harley, Head of Regeneration at Be First, to discuss their specific cases; The CPO process was based on the principle of ‘equivalence’ to ensure that affected businesses and residents were no worse off in financial terms after an acquisition than they would have been before, which would ultimately be determined by the independent Lands Tribunal; The Council would meet the reasonable costs of professional independent advice sought by the affected parties during the negotiation / CPO processes; There was no mechanism for properties within the redevelopment area to be dealt with on a piecemeal basis. The Cabinet Member added that to attempt to do so would very likely be counterproductive to the delivery of the comprehensive scheme to transform the area, which had been an aspiration within the Council’s Town Centre Area Action Plan since 2011. In line with the public participation procedures, the four speakers were invited to ask a supplementary question stemming from their original question and the Cabinet Member’s reply. The points made and the response from the Cabinet Member included the following: A requirement for only 10% of affordable properties as part of the redevelopment would mean many local people would be forced to move out of the area. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that some local residents would be displaced as a result of the redevelopment but he alluded to the Council’s new social housing programme across the Borough which meant that more new homes were now being built than were being lost through the Right To Buy scheme; A phased approach to the redevelopment would enable existing businesses to stay within the Town Centre.
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