PAGE IWENTY-TWO THUBSDAY, SEFTEMBEB 25, 1969 flianrliT0tTr Ettraing . ^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avmage Daily Net P n m Ron Guard Club of North Ameri­ Couples Club of Community Other films will also be w n e Weak The Wenthep A bout Town can Benefit Association will Baptist Church will meet Satur­ Gothberg Lecture shown, and there will be a re­ Septambar aA laaa meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at day at 6:45 p.m. at the. church commended text book.- A nomi­ Mostly cloudy with chance of Boy Scout Pack 91 will hold the home of Mrs. Maude White, to leave for the first, course of a Openg Series Of nal registration fee will be scattered showers through Sa­ 69 Pine St. progressive dinner. 1 5 ,7 5 0 reglstratioi) and an open meet- charged and la payable at the i ' turday. Low tonight In the Sas. Ing tonight at 6:45 at Manches­ Faith and Life first class session. ’Those wish­ / High tomorrow In the eta. Utmehmtter— A CUy o f ViOage Chmrm ter Green School. Boys should Manchester Writer’s Ciub wiii TTio Rerv. Eric Gothberg of ing to register or to obtain mot^ hold a get acquainted meeting A service will be conducted at Emanuel Lutheran Church will " t ' ■ ' ■ / be accompanied by at least one Green Lodge Sunday at 2 p.m. Information may contact Mrs. VOL. LXXJLVIU, NO. 304 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS) parent. tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Mott's lecture on "Oontemponairy Short OarroU Nelson, 24 Sunset St. M A N C R B ^ R , c o n n ., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1969 ( fUaaaHled A dvertU N f en FiacA ’$6) PRICii TEN CENTS Community Hall, E. Middle by the Rev. Walter H. Loomis Flima” at the Academy <rf ’Tpke. Mrs. Beatrice Sheftel of of Community Baptist Church, Faith and Life. The Academy, Jehovaih’s Witnesses Theocra­ assisted by Charles Woodbury. tic Ministry School will meet to­ 40 Olcott St. will speak on minor sponsored by five Manchester morrow at 7:30 p.m. at King­ magazine markets. ’The meet­ churchee, ^ 1 , be held on con­ dom Hall. A service meeting ing is open to persons interest­ secutive 'Tuesdays beginning Six Lives Lost in Blaze will be held tomorrow at 8:38 ed in writing. Nun Will Speak Oct. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Illing Bicycles p.m. in the hall. Junior High School end is open l_AROEST SEUECTIOM OE WHAflNGTON. Itaas. (AP) — U n . Nancy Landan, 8S, to the public. NEW BICYCLES IN THE Nixon Says He Plans ’The 1934 Manchester High ^ To Fellowship and five of her-elght children died in « Ora early today when VBRNON AHEA ‘ Parents of boys who signed School Class reunion commit­ The course 'Will introduce the nan back into her flaming home In a viatn attempt to aa.ve up for Cub Pack 53 at Waddell tee has scheduled meetings for Sister Elizabeth O’Hare, aca­ adults to the fact that many Professionally Assembled her cfaUdren. School are reminded to attend Sept. 29, Oct. 6 and Oct. 18, ali demic dean at St. Joseph's Col­ of today’s films are not mere ’Ihe Uase destroyed the Interior of Ite 3H story wooden a reorganizational meeting to­ at 7:30 p.m., at the Army and lege, West Hartford, will be entertainment, but are a pecu­ house. liar 20th Century art form. It morrow at 7 p.m. in the school Navy Club, Main and Forest guest .speaker at a meeting of The dead youngatere were Identtfled aa: DavM JT., U, WU- For Peace by 1970 will feature five themee: "Com- cafeteria. Sts. The committee is still seek­ ham, 12, Kevin, 10, Tilaa, 7, and Kathleen, 4. the Young Adult Fellowship of m u n i c a t ion,” ’’Freedom,” ing Informaton concerning Mna. Landera* husband, David, 88, Joaeiih Gassy, 21, cou­ Items are being collected for Elizabeth Shelton Wooten. Any­ the Church of the Nazarene on "Love,” "Pehce and Hap^- WASHINGTON (AP)— ness,” and ‘"The Undergrround.” sin, and three of the children—Mtohael, 16, Ruaan, 15 and Har­ a rummage sale, sponsored by one knowing her addre"ss may Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the home ry, 17, survived. President Nixon said r a - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church contact committee chairman of Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Swank After each film, there will be a class discussion. Wttneasee said Landwa and Oasey were burned badly. day he is tr;nng to settle Guild, scheduled to open at 9 Mrs. Dorothy Kenny at 58 Jr., 44 Sterling PI. Her topic: Films include ‘"Time Ple^e,” Horry aold he was alerting In Ihe basement whan ha the war in Vietnam before a.m. Thursday, Oct. 2, in Neill Chestnut St. "A Nun Views the Changes “woke iq> to acroama." the end of 1970, and de­ Within the Roman Catholic (1965) commenting on the traps Hall of the church. Those wish­ clared that p rop ose to set ing to donate may call Mrs. Church.” There will be a dis­ which enclose a person in an "The smoke was so thlok, I Just had to get out,” he said. Mrs. Jean Bates, nursing su­ ordinary life; ’’Night and Fog,” He said he aaw his mother ’’taking some of the kida cut Then Arthur Burnap of 95 McKee St. cussion period, and refresh­ POST ROAD SHOPF<INC PLAZA a deadline for U.S. troop pervisor of Manchester Public (1955) a French film about she went bade In aial didn't come out." or Mrs. Claude Porter of 29 ments will be served. MAIN STREET, ROUTE 30 withdrawal destroy and Health Nurses Association, will German prison life during World Hyde St. partl(^ate in a workshop for The guest .speaker received VERNON, CONN. 872-31S9 A neighbor, John Russo, said he tried to get tnto the house Undercut his effort. her BA degree from the Col­ War n, demonstrating what adiUe his wife called firemen, but the flames "were Just too He appealed to toe nation for publlo health nursing super­ man, at his worst, can do to EXPERT REPAIRS m udL " ' Ba.st Central Council of visors next week, Monday lege of New Rochelle, N.Y., and “even more euppori” In pur- her Ph.D. in clinical psychology man. ON BICYCLES He said flames were lielohfng out of the front windows.” ■uing Ms goal of peace. Garden Clubs will meet Mon­ through Friday, at Lake Wara- Also, ” A time Out of War,” from Fordham University, New MON. THRU .SAT. Fire offlctals said the Uase started on the firat fk>or and At a WMte Houw news day at 7 p.m. in Woodruff Hall maug. New Preston. (1954) which tells the story of York City. She has served as 9:30 in 6:30 P.M. muehroomed i > through the reat of the buttding. They said conference. Nixon twice talked of Center Congregational two Yankee soldiers and a 4 Church. Miss Mllllcent Jones of Members of the Manchester director of psychological serv­ Cloted Thur. AM.-Open Fri. Eve. aluminum skBug on ihe bouse held the heat inatde. the of a aetUement before the end of ices at Gengras Center for Ex­ Confederate soldier during the next year, or by toe mtthfle of Bolton will show slides of gar­ Midpet and Pony football teams ALL BICYCLES AND fire difficult to fight ceptional Children In West Hart­ Civil War; and ‘"The Detached i« n . dens taken on her recent visit need football shoes. ’Those wish­ American,” a 1966 film recount­ R E P A I R S g u a r a n t e e d The vlctfatvi arena dead on arrival at Owaito Memorial Hoa- to England and Wales. Garden ford and as a staff psychologist plital in Wobixn. Nixon said efforts to Impoae a ing to donate shoees may con­ at the Kennedy Child Study Cen­ ing the murder o< Now York club members may bring cutoff on U.S. Involvement de- tact Mrs. Allen Krob, 119 Maple ter, New York City. City woman with 88 on-lookers guests. Mroy toe North Vietnam tnean- St. who do nothing to help. ttvi to MgfoUate hy tolling the enwngr In odvance tost ’ Tt he Arms and face burned in vain effort to save his wife and five children David Just walla tor 18 months we’ll be Landers, 86, is led away from house blaze this morning with son Harry, 17, Thorp Writes 30 out anjroay.” one of three surviving children. (AP Photofax) Nixon also doolared that ad­ I V I a g n a v o x ANNOUNCES ministration efforts to curb in­ flation "have begun to work.” He said budget outs and otoer To Herald Career eocnomte eteps are taWng ef­ fect. ’Tm not Jawboning,” said By JOHN JOHNSTON Stamford Demoi^rats Reject toe Preatduit. ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH! After today, a familiar face will be missing from Nixon dsolarod anew Ms oco- The Herald, as well as “along Main St. and some side fldenoe in Judge CaenMOt F. Haynsworih. Me choice Sar the Their Mayor in Primary streets,” as another Herald employe, the late Archie tovreme Oouri, who has en- NOW . the first aVd only fabulously convenient Kilpatrick, used to write. One month short of 49 years’ The Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, watches oountsrod some riiarp oritiokm service at the present Bisseli ------------------------------- --- President Nixon. The two leaders went into dis­ in flMiate hearings. TOTAL AUTOMATIC COI,OR TV . a new and New Haven Democrats came for the Nov. 4 election, with tion, was knocked off the ticket St.
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